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.晨读素材A sb be about to do某人正要做 have the ability to do sth 有能力做sth go abroad 出国 abandon his wife and children/ his hope抛妻弃子/希望 abandon oneself to 放纵于 be absent from 缺席 sb be absent from school/work 某人不上课/班 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 have/ get the access to 有得到sth的机会/享用sth 的权利 academicacademic achievement 学术上的成就 by accident 无意的 meet with an accident某人遇到事故 sb abandon doing sth 放弃做 according to 根据 accomplish doing 完成做 accuse sb of sth= charge sb with sth 控告sb sth, 指责sb sth sth account for sth 某事解释了某事 achieve success/nothing 取得成功/ 一事无成 make achievements 取得成就 be accustomed to = be used to 习惯于 acid rain 酸雨 act as 起着.的作用 take action to do采取行动做 take an active part in;积极参加 adapt (sb) to 适应sth adaptfrom改编自 add up to 合计达add to 添加,增添 in addition to 除了.之外 admit to sb 向sb承认admit (to) doing 承认做sthadmit sb to/ into sth 使sb进入sth be admitted to/ into college adopt a child/ policy 收养一个孩子/采用政策 adjust sth to sth 调整到状态 in advance 提前,事先 advanced technology先进的技术 take advantate of 利用have an advantage (of sth) over sb 有超越sb的sth的优点give sb an advantage over sb 给sb超越sb的优势 advise sb to do 建议sb去做sth;advise doing 建议做sth take ones advice采纳某人的意见 a piece advice一条建议 advise sb to do/doing that sb (should)do 建议某人做/建议做 can/ could (not) afford sth / to do 供应(不)起sth/做sth be afraid to do/ of 不敢做sth/害怕sth in the afternoon 在下午 after all 毕竟;be after 追逐; soon after 在之后不久 again and again 再三 be against; 反对;lean against spl 斜靠在上 at the age of 在.岁的时候 travel / news agency 旅行社/新闻社 travel agent 旅行代理人 agree onsth 就sth达成一致意见;agree with sb同意sb; not agree with 不适应;sbagree to sth (plan, suggestion) 同意计划/建议agree to do/ that 同意去做sth agree with sb同意/适合某人 agree on sth在某事上达成一致(主语通常是复数) I cant agree with you any more. 非常同意。 go ahead 去吧,去做吧ahead of 在.的前面 three days ahead提前3天 first aid 急救 aid sb with sth 用帮助某人 come/go to ones aid 来/去帮助某人 first aid 急救 aim at doing/ sb/ sth 以.为目标aim sth at sb 把sth瞄准sbaim to do 目标去做with the aim of doing 有sth的目标 at the airport 在机场 on the air 在电台广播中 air-conditioner bus 空调车 alarm clock 闹钟 A & B look alike in C A 和B在C方面看上去很像 a person alive 活着的人 fire alarm 火警set the alarm foroclock 把闹钟调在点钟 on alert 警觉的 all over the world/ country 全世界/全国first of all 首先in all 总共not at all/ notat all 别客气/根本不 all the same 依然 all the time 一直 not all 不是所有的 all over 到处 allow sb to do sth允许sb去做sth; allow doingsth 允许做sth allow for 考虑到 almost no 几乎不 let alone sth 更不要说 leave sb alone 把独自留下 get along well with sb 和友好相处 go straight along 笔直向前走 sb have no alternative but to do sth 除了做以外别无选择 be amazed at/ by 对sth惊喜be amazed to do 惊喜的做sth To ones amazement, sb do sth 让某人震惊的是, achieve/ fulfill/ realize ones ambition 实现sb的志向an ambition to do/ of doing sth 做sth的志向 a large/ considerable amount of 大量的 amuse sb with sth 用某事逗笑某人 to sbs amusement 使sb感到开心的是amusement park 游乐场 from the above analysis 从以上的分析来看 ancient buildings / people 古代建筑/ 古人 in ancient times 在古代 in anger 发怒地 and so on/forth 等等 sb be always doing sth 某人总是做 from a ( different/ unusual/ strange) angle 从.的角度 be angry with sb 生sb的气be angry about/ over/ at sth 生sth的气 sb be angry at sb / about sth 某人对某人 / 某事生气 living / wild animals 生物 / 野生动物 the answer to(the question).的回答answer the phone/ the door接电话/应门answer for对负责 be annoyed at/ with sb 对sb感到恼怒be annoyed about/ by 对sth恼怒 one another 相互 one after another 一个接一个 another 6 questions 再回答六个问题 be anxious about 对sth焦虑be anxious to do 急切的去做sth;be anxious for sb to do 热切希望sb去做5meters apart 相隔5米fall apart 瓦解/崩溃tear sth apart 把sth撕碎tell sth apart 区分sthapart from 除了sth之外 anything but A 除了A以外的任何东西(就是没有A) apologize to sb for sth/ doing 因为sth向sb道歉 make an apology to sb for;因为sth向sb道歉owe sb an apology 应该向sb道歉 It is apparent (to sb) that 很明显. appeal to sb to do 呼吁sb去做sth Sth appeal to sb = sth attract sb 某事吸引某人 appear to do 似乎/好象去做sth;It appears that似乎/好象 Never judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人.Never judge a person by his appearance. judging from ones appearance 从某人的外表来判断 lose appetite 失去胃口spoil/ ruin sbs appetite for 破坏对sth的胃口/欲望have an appetite for sth 对sth有胃口 applaud sb for sth 因为sth为sb鼓掌 a round of applause 一阵掌声 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,保持身体健康.the apple of sbs eye 是sb的掌上明珠 electrical appliance电器 apply to sb for sth 向sb申请sthapply A to B 把a应用与b;apply to 适用于 Apply A to B 把A 应用(涂抹)到B 上 appoint sb to sth 指定sb去sth;appoint sb to do 指定sb去做sth;appoint sb as 指定sb为 application form 申请表 have/ make an appointment with sb 和sb有预约have/ make an appointment to do 预约去做sth;keep an appointment 赴约 appreciate sth (music, wine) 欣赏sth;appreciate doing 感激做sth Id appreciate it if you could do 假如你能做我将不胜感激 the approach to sth/ sp sth/sp的方法/通道the approach of sth sth的靠近/临近 with the approach of sth 随着的临近 approve of sth 同意sth argue with sb about/ over sth 和sb争论sth arm in arm 手挽手take/ catch sb by the arm 抓住sb的手臂 arm chair 扶手椅 join the army 参军 show sb around spl 带领某人参观 arouse interest/ anger/ hostility 激起兴趣 arrange for sb to do 安排sb去做sth;arranged marriage 包办婚姻 make arrangements for/ to do 为sth做安排/安排去做sth arrange the wedding ceremony 筹备结婚典礼 Arrange for sb / sth to do sth 安排某人/某物去做 sb make arrangements for sth 安排某事 arrest sb for sth 因为sth而逮捕sb;under arrest 在拘留中 arrive at/ in 到达 the arrival of sth sth的来临on arrival 一到达 on ones arrival 当某人到达时 works of art 艺术品 artificial leg flower 假肢 / 仿真花 asas 和sth一样not as/ soas 不如sth一样as soon as possible 尽可能快such as 例如as if/ though 似乎,好象 as long as 只要 As far as I know / As far as I am concerned 据我所知 As soon as 一就 A as well as B 除了B以外A也(谓语动词单复数看A) sb set aside time / money to do sth 某人腾出时间/钱去做 put sth aside 把放到一边 be ashamed of/ at/ to do 对sth/做sth很惭愧 ask sb sth 问sb sth;ask (sb) to do 叫sb去做sth;ask (sb) for 请求得到ask (sb) about 询问ask for leave/ trouble 请假/自寻烦恼fall asleep 睡着了 ask for help / leave 寻求帮助 / 请假 sb fall asleep 某人睡着 assign sb sth ( a task/ a room) 布置sb sth;assign sb to sth/ sp 派sb 去sp;assign sb to do 布置sb去做sth assist sb with/ in sth 帮助sb做sth shop / lab assistant 售货员 / 实验员 associate A with B 把a和b联系起来;associate with sb 和sb结交 assure sb that 向sb保证assure sb of sth 向sb保证sth assure sb with sth / that 使某人确信某事 sb be astonished at sth / to do sth / that 某人对感到震惊 To ones astonishment , sb do sth 让某人震惊的是, attach A to B 把a附在b上 the attack on Pearl Harbor 对珍珠港的袭击 heart attacks 心脏病突发 attempt to do 企图做sth;make an attempt to do attend school/ college 上学 attend a meeting 参加会议 attend sb 陪伴sb; attend to 照料,关照 at the meeting / conference 在会议上 pay attention to 注意sth sb pay close attention to(doing)sth 某人密切注意做sth attitude toward sth 对待的态度 attract sb to sth 把sb吸引到sth an audience of200;200名观众 A large/ small audience 观众多/少 have the authority to do 有权威力量去做sth; under the authority of sb 在sb的权威之下 people in authority 当权的人 sb is available to sb有空 sth be available to sb可以得到sth on average 平均地 avoid doing 避免做sth award sb sth 授予sb sth; award sth to sb be aware that/ of 意识到,了解 (far) away from 远离 keep sb away from spl 使某人远离 aboveabove all 最重要的是B back and forth 来回 look back to sth 回顾 social/ educational/ family/ cultural background 社会/教育/家庭/文化背景 go from bad to worse 越来越坏 lose balance 失去平衡 keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡 a ban on advertisement 对于广告的禁止;ban sb from doing base A on B 把a建立在b上be based on 以sth为基础 play basketball/ football 打篮球/踢足球 bear the responsibility 承担责任;bear/ keep sth in mind 记住sth;bear to do/ doing 忍受做sth be born in 出生于 in bed 卧病在床go to bed 去睡觉 beg (sb) to do 乞求sb去做sth;beg (sb) for sth 向sb乞求得到sth;beg sth from sb从sb那里乞求sth in the beginning 首先at the beginning of sth 在sth的开端 good/ bad behavior 好坏行为 It is believed (that) 据相信/人们相信sb be believed to do sb据相信去做sth;believe it or not 信不信由你Seeing is believing.= To see is to believe. 眼见为实 believe in 信奉,信赖 belong to 属于 be beneficial to 对sth有益get/ gain benefit from 从sth那里获益 try ones best to do 尽sb所能去做sth bet sth on sth 把sth赌在sth上 had better (not) do 最好(不)做sth give birth to 生出birth control 人口控制 be to blame for sth 因为sth应该受到指责blame sb for sth 因为sth指责sb;blame sth on sb 把sth归咎于sb be blind to sth 对sth视而不见turn a blind eye to sth out of the blue 突然 notice board 布告栏on board 在船上/在飞机上 boast about 吹嘘sth boiled water 开水boiling water 沸水 booking office 售票处 bore sb with sth 用sth来使sb厌烦be bored with sth 对sth厌烦 borrow sth from sb 向sb借sth bother to do 费力去做sth from the bottom of your heart 从你心底at the bottom of 在sth的底部 brand name 品牌 break out 爆发break into 强行闯入break up with sb 和sb分手have/ take a break 休息一下 take a breath 呼吸out of breath 上气不接下气 bribe sb with sth 用sth来贿赂sb;bribe sth to do 贿赂sb做sth in brief 简单地说 browse through 浏览 bump into 撞上 burst into + n( laughter, tears) 突然笑起来/哭起来burst out +doing bus stop 车站 business hours 营业时间 be busy with 忙于做sth;be busy (in) doingC cable TV 有线电视 a piece of cake 小菜一碟 pocket calculator 袖珍计算器 call a doctor/ the police/ a cab 叫医生/报警/叫出租车 call on sb 顺便拜访sb;call at sp 顺便拜访sp;call for 需要call on sb to do 号召sb去做sth;call sb up 打电话给sb;make a call打电话get/receive a call 接到电话long-distance call 长途电话 calm down 冷静下来stay/keep/remain calm 保持冷静 digital cameral 数码相机 go camping 去野营camping trip on campus在校园里 a campaign for/ against sth 支持/反对sth的运动 lung/ stomach cancer 肺癌/胃癌 burn the candle at both ends 日夜操劳 be capable of 能够做sth take care of 照顾care about 关心/在乎care for 照顾/喜欢 carry on (doing) sth 继续做sth in case 以防万一in this/ that case 在那种情况下in case of (fire) 万一发生火灾 in cash 用现金 casual clothes 休闲装 catch hold of 抓住 catch sb red-handed 当场抓住sb;catch sb doing 抓住sb做sth;catch sight of 看见;catch fire 着火;catch sbs eye 吸引sb的目光catch up with 赶上be caught in the rain 被雨淋 the cause of sth的起因 cause sb to do 引起sb做sth cease doing 停止做sth;cease to do;cease fire 停火 in the center of 在sth的中心;financial center 金融中心 the st century 世纪 It is certain that 肯定;Sb be certain to do sb肯定去做sth;Sb be certain of (doing) sth sb肯定sth birth/ death /marriage certificate 出生/死亡/结婚证 the chain of events 一系列的事件;a bicycle chain 自行车链条;mountain chain 山脉chain stores 连锁店 challenge sb to sth 挑战sb去参加sth;challenge sb to do 挑战sb去做sth Chances are that可能miss/ have/ get a chance to do sth 错过/有/得到机会去做sth change from A to B 从a到b的转变change ones mind 改变主意for a change 改变一下 charge sb some money for sth 就sth向sb开价some moneyin charge of 负责in the charge of 由sb负责 lucky charm 幸运符 chat with sb about sth 和sb聊sth cheat sb (out) of sth 骗走sb的sth;cheat on sb 欺骗sb(感情,婚姻) check in (at the hotel) 入住酒店check out of the hotel 退房 cheer sb up 使sb振奋起来 play chess 下棋 chew the fat 闲聊 Childrens Day 儿童节 have/ make a choice 有选择have no choice but to do除了做sth别无选择a wide choice of品种丰富,选择范围广 choose to do 选择去做sth;choose from 可供选择 go to church去做礼拜go to the church 去教堂 go to the cinema 去看电影 claim to do 宣称去做claim sb as 宣称sb为claim responsibility for 宣称对sth负责 clear a of b 清除a处的b;clear a from b 把a从b清除 clear up 天气放晴/澄清clear sbs throat 清清嗓子 political climate 政治气候 be close to 临近 close your eyes/ the door 闭眼/关门 a piece of clothing 一件衣服 the clue to sth sth的线索 collect money 筹钱 go to college 上大学 combine A with B 把a和b联系起来 come on 来吧,用以鼓励come to (oneself) 苏醒 under sbs command 在sb的命令下have a good command of 精通,掌握command sb to do 命令sb去做 comment on 对sth进行评论no comment 无可奉告have/make comments on commit suicide 自杀commit a crime 犯罪commit oneself to 致力于 common sense 常识It is common for sb to do 对于sb来说做sth是常见的have sth in common 有共同之处 communicate sth to sb 把sth传达给sb;communicate with sb 和sb交流 compare A with B 把a和b做比较compare A to B 把a比作b compete for sth 竞争sth;compete to do 竞争去做sth complain to sb about sth 向sb抱怨sth; complain to sb that make/ have a complaint about sth compliment sb on sth 赞扬sb的sth; pay sb compliments on sth be composed of 由.组成 concentrate (sth) on 集中注意力于 conceal sth from sb 向sb隐藏sth concentration camp 集中营 be concerned with/ about/ for 关心as far as I am concerned 就我而言 to conclude 总而言之 come to/ draw/ reach/ arrive at a conclusion 得出结论 in conclusion 总而言之 conduct a survey/ an experiment 做研究/实验 confess to (doing) sth 坦白做sth gain/ lose/ have confidence in 对sth/sb失去/有信心 be confident of 对sth/sb有信心 confuse sb with sth 用sth来迷惑sb congratulate sb on 恭喜sb sth connect sth to/ with sth 把sth和sth联系起来 have a clear/ guilty conscience 问心无愧/问心有愧 be conscious of/ that 意识到 consider doing 考虑做sth;consider sb as/to be 认为sb 是 It is considerate of sb to do sb做sth考虑周到 take sth into consideration 把sth加以考虑 consist of 由.组成 eye contact 眼神交流have/make /lose/ come into contact with sb 和sb有 /进行/失去/取得联系 on the contrary 相反 contribute to 把sth贡献于 make contributions to 对.做出贡献 have/ lose control over/of 控制sth;be under control 在控制下keep/bring sth under control 把sth控制住 convenience store 便利店 convey sth to sb 把sth传达给sb cook a meal/ dinner 烧饭Too many cooks spoil the broth. 人多坏事 cooperate with sb 和sb合作 cope with 对付/处理 on the corner 在角落at the corner; around/round the corner 就在眼前,就要临近了 at the cost of 以.的代价sth cost sb some money sth花了sb some money count on 依靠 drive sb crazy;使sb疯狂go crazy;发疯be crazy about;对sth痴迷 credit card;信用卡 financial crisis;金融危机 cross talk;相声 the Red Cross 红十字会 criticize sb for;因为sth而批评sb at the crossroads 在十字路口 be crowded with;挤满了 be cruel to sb 对sb残酷 be curious about/ to do;对sth好奇,好奇去做sth out of curiosity;出于好奇心Curiosity killed the cat. current events;时事 cure sb of sth;治愈sb的sthD do damage to;对sth造成伤害Damage sbs health;伤害身体 dance to the music;随音乐跳舞 in danger (of);处于sth的危险中There is no danger of;.没有危险 be dangerous to;对sth有危险 in the (pitch) dark 在漆黑一片中 decide on (a date);决定日期fix a date;定下日期closing date;截止日期have a date with sb;和sb约会date back to 追溯到 at dawn 在黎明时 the other day;过去的某一天to this day至今 in broad daylight 在光天化日下 in/ during the daytime;在白天 be shot/ found dead;被杀死 meet/ miss a deadline 在截止日期前/错过截止日期 turn a deaf ear (to sth) 对sth充耳不闻be deaf to sth;fall on deaf ears deal with;对付/处理 a good/ great deal of;大量/许多make/ do a deal 定协议/成交 death rate;死亡率death sentence;死刑 heated/ fierce/ intense debate;激烈的辩论 in debt ( to sb);欠sb tooth decay;蛀牙 deceive sb into doing 欺骗sb去做sth;deceive sb about sth 欺骗sb sth decide to do;决定去做sthdecide on/ upon sth;决定sth make/ reach/ come to a decision;做出决定 declare war (on sb/sth) 对sb/sth宣战 rapid/ sharp/ dramatic decline 急剧下降in decline;在下降中decline an invitation;谢绝邀请 decorate sth with sth;用sth来装饰sth good deeds;好事 defend sth against/ for sth 保卫sth免受sth的伤害 defineas;把sth定义为 to a/ some degree;在某种程度上 delay doing;延误做sth;without delay;毫无耽搁 delight sb with sth;用sth来使sb高兴take delight in (doing) sth以sth为乐to sbs delight 使sb高兴的是 deliver sth to sb;把sth 传递给sbdeliver a speech/ lecture 发表演说 the demand for sth 对于sth的需求in demand;有需求demand to do;要求去做demand sth of sb;向sb要求sth a demanding job 高要求的工作 deny doing sth;否认做sthTheres no denying that 不能否认的是 department store;百货店 depend on/ upon sb for sth;依靠sb得到sth;depend on/ upon sb to do sth 依靠sb去做sth be dependent on/ upon sb describe sb as;把sb形容为describe sb/ sth to sb;向sb形容sthdescribe doing sth;形容做sth give a description of sth;形容sthbeyond description;难以形容 deserve to do值得/应该去做deserve sth;应该得到sth; deserve doing=deserve to be done;应该被做 be designed for 为sth而设计 desire to do;渴望去做sth;desire for sth;对于sth的渴望burning desire 强烈的欲望 in despair 处于绝望中 be desperate for;急于得到sth;be desperate to do 急于去做sth holiday/ tourist destination;度假胜地 destroy sbs hope/ confidence 破坏sb的希望/信心 weapons of mass destruction;大规模杀伤性武器environmental destruction;环境破坏 in detail;详细地 a detective story 侦探故事 be determined to do;下定决心去做;determine to do professional development;专业发展 devoteto 把sth贡献于 look up a new word in the dictionary 查字典 die of/ from 死于die a natural death 自然死亡be dying to do/ for 急于去做sth/急于得到sth go/ be on a diet 节食 differ fromin 在sth方面不同于sth small difference 微小的差异make a difference 造成不同/差异 be different from 不同于 have difficulty/ trouble (in) doing 做sth有困难in difficulty 处于困境 with dignity 有尊严的 in the direction of;朝.的方面in the opposite direction;朝相反的方向 to sbs disappointment 使sb失望的是 disapprove of sth;不同意sth natural disaster;自然灾害 discourage sb from doing 使sb灰心丧气不去做sth discuss sth with sb 和sb谈论sth under discussion;在讨论中 suffer from a disease 患病 dismiss sb from sth;从sth职位开除sb;dismiss sb for sth;因为sth而开除sb mental disorder;精神错乱;in disorder;没有秩序 on display;在展示中 in the distance 在远处;at some/ a distance 在一定的距离within walking distance;在步行距离内 divideinto;把sth分成 have something/ nothing to do with;和sth有关/无关do with;处理 domestic animals;家畜 donate sth to sb;把sth捐赠给sb No doubt 毫无疑问There is no doubt that; without doubt be down with 由于sth而病倒了 by the dozen以打; 3 dozen 三打;dozens of好几打;six of one and half a dozen of another 半斤八两 realize a dream 实现梦想A dream came true.;dream of;梦想着 dress sb in sth;使sb穿sth;be dressed in;穿着dress up;盛装 drop in on sb;顺便拜访sb;drop in at sp;顺便拜访sp due to 由于 at dusk 在黄昏时 a sense of duty 责任感;Its sbs duty to do 做sth是sb的责任 the Qing Dynasty 清朝E each other 互相 be eager to do 渴望去做sth;be eager for 渴望得到sth in ones eagerness to do sb渴望去做sth be all ears 洗耳恭听keep your ears open 倾听go in (at) one ear and out (at) the other 一只耳朵进一只耳朵出 in the early s 在二十世纪二十年代的早期early morning 清早The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟有食吃 earn money 赚钱earn a living 维持生计 an earnest desire 热切的欲望in earnest 热切地 on earth 究竟 put sb at ease;使sb轻松自在 take it easy 放松Easy come, easy go. 来得容易,去得快 economy class 经济仓 on the edge of sth 在sth的边缘 get/ receive an education 接受教育higher education 高等教育university education 大学教育 have an effect on;对sth有效果be in effect 有效 make efforts to do 努力去做sth;a joint effort 齐心协力 elder brother 哥哥 run for election 参加竞选 electric light 电灯 an electrical engineer 电机工程师 elementary school 小学 eliminatefrom 把sth从sth消除 in case of emergency 以防发生紧急情况 full of emotion 充满激情 mixed emotion 复杂的感情 emotional support/ problems 感情支持/问题 put/ lay/ place emphasis on 强调 employ sb as 雇佣sb为;employ sb to do 雇佣sb去做sth;be employed in (doing) sth 被雇佣去做sth be empty of 缺乏/没有sth enable sb to do 使sb能够做sth encourage sb to do 鼓励sb去做sth words of encouragement 鼓励的话 at the end of;在sth的结尾;in the end 最后 mental/ physical endurance 心理/身体承受力a test of endurance 测试忍耐力beyond ones endurance 难忍受 endure doing;忍受做sth engage in doing 从事做sth;engage sb as 雇佣sb为 English evening 英语晚会 enjoy doing 喜欢做sth;enjoy yourself 好好享受enjoy every minute of 非常喜欢 enlarge sbs understanding / knowledge 扩大知识面 adj/ adv enough to do enrol in;报名参加 enter the room 进入房间enter for;报名参加 entertain sb with sth 用sth来使sb开心 with enthusiasm 热情地full of enthusiasm 充满热情lose enthusiasm 失去热情 be enthusiastic about 对sth有激情 entitle sb to sth 使sb有资格/权利去做sth;be entitled to (do) sth 有资格/权利去做sth the entrance to;sth的入口 working environment 工作环境 envy sb sth 羡慕sb的sth be equal to;和sth平等 equip with 用sth来装备sth;equip sb to do 装备sth去做;equip sb for;为了sth而装备sb be equivalent to 和sth相等 make/ commit an error 犯错误 escape from 从sth逃脱escape doing;避免做sth be essential for/ to sth 对于sth是必需的 establish a school 建立一所学校establish oneself as;使sb成为 even if/ though 即使 There is no evidence that;有证据说明 the exact number 精确的数字


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