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租赁合同Lease Contract合同范本出租方(甲方):Landlord (Party A):出租方委托代理人:Entrusted agent:承租方(乙方):Tenant (Party B):租赁合同Lease Contract 甲、乙双方在自愿、平等、互利的基础上,经协商一致,就乙方承租甲方物业事宜,订立本合同。Havingreachedunanimitythroughconsultations,PartyAandPartyB,voluntarily,and on thebasis of equality and mutual benefit, have entered into this Contract inrespect of Party A leasing the Premises to Party B.一、租赁物业Leased Premises1.1甲方将坐落于 路 号的 号楼 (以下简称该物业)出租给乙方使用,该物业面积为 平方米,产权证编号:沪房地普字( )第 号Party A lets Unit 1801, Block 9, The Waterfront (hereinafter referred to the Premises),located atRd,District, toPartyB,andthesizeof thePremises is156.73 square meters. The Property Title Certificate No. is:沪房地 字( )第 号.1.2甲乙双方确定该物业用途为住宅。Both Party A and Party B have confirmed that the Premises shall be for the purposeof Residence.1.3该物业的家具、家电配置,见本合同附件。The furniture & appliances of the Premises, please see Appendix.1.4 本合同签订前,甲方已告知乙方该房屋未设定抵押。Priortosigningthiscontract, partyAhas informedpartyBtheapartmentisnomortgaged.二、租赁期Leasing Term2.1 甲乙双方约定,甲方于 2012 年 04月 01日向乙方交付该房屋;本合同租赁期2012 年04月 01 日起至 2013 年 03 月 31 日止。BothpartiesagreethatPartyAshallhandoverthePremisestoPartyBbefore20120401. The lease term shall commence from 20120401 to 20130331.2.2租赁期满,甲方有权收回该物业,乙方应如期归还;乙方如要求续租,须在本合同期满前两个月向甲方提出书面申请,经甲方同意后重新签订租赁合同。On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the Premises, and Party Bshall return the Premises on time. If Party B wishes to extend the lease, Party B isrequired to give written notice to Party A two months prior to the expiry of the leaseand subject to Party A and Party Bs consent, a new lease contract shall be signed.三、租金及保证金Rental and Deposit3.1租金为每月 RMB 元人民币(大写: 元整),租金含物业管理费、正式房屋租赁发票,宽带开通及使用费,卫星电视费,有线电视费。The monthly rental is RMB per month, inclusive of the usage of the leaseproperty, management fee, official property lease invoice, Internet installation anduse fee, Satellite TV, cable TV .3.2乙方应在 2012 年 04 月 01 日前支付 2012 年 04 月 01 日至 2012 年04月30日租金RMB ,若乙方未按前述约定按时支付,每逾期一天,则乙方应按月租金的 0.3% 支付滞纳金。累计超过三十天未付,则视乙方自动退租并构成违约,甲方有权收回该物业,没收保证金并收取居住期间的租金。Party B shall pay the rental RMB16,000.00 for the leasing period from April 01st,2012to April 30th,2012 before April 01st,2012 , Party B shall be required to pay a latepenalty fee equal to 0.3% of the monthly rental for each day of delay. If the rental hasnot been paid more than 30 days after the due date, Party b will be deemed to haveautomatically terminated the leasing resulting in a breach of the Contract, Party Awill be entitled to take back the Premises, retain deposit and charge the rental forthe occupied period.3.3乙方应于2012年4月1日前向甲方支付相当于两个月租金的金额,即 元人民币,(大写: 元整)作为保证金,甲方应出具收据给乙方。Before April 1st2012, Party B shall pay RMB to Party A as deposit, which isequivalent to two months rental, and Party A shall issue a receipt for the said value.3.4 租金每月预付,乙方应于每月 26 日前向甲方支付次月租金。逾期支付的,每逾期一日,则乙方需按日租金的 5% 支付违约金。The rental should be prepaid by monthly. Party B shall pay the monthly rent of thenext month on or before the 26th day of each month. Late payment by Party B shallbe subject to a penalty of5%of the monthly rent per day.3.5 甲方的银行账户资料:户名: 账号: 银行: Name:A/C No. Bank:四、出租人的责任Landlords Responsibilities4.1甲方须按时将该物业及家具电器(见附件)以良好的状态交付给乙方使用。甲方应保证房屋内家具和家电处于良好状态,如为自然损坏,甲方应负责修复;如是乙方的原因导致家具、家电损坏,由乙方负责修复。PartyAshoulddeliveronscheduletheleasedpropertyandthefurnitureandappliances (see appendix) in good condition to Party B. Party A should guarantee thefurniture and appliances are in good condition and repair them if they break. Party Bshould pay for repairs for breakage caused by Party B.4.2甲方应确保或责成物业管理公司对该物业及其公共设施进行定期维修保养,包括但不限于该物业内的空调、上下水管、电线电缆、煤气管道、通讯及有线电视等设施,使之处于正常的使用状态。Party A should guarantee or order the property management company to carry outmaintenance and repair of the said premises and the facilities in good and properoperationregularly, including butnot restricted toairconditions, waterpipelines,wires and cables, gas pipelines, communication and cable TV, etc.4.3该物业基本设施和结构损坏时(不包括因乙方原因造成的家具电器损坏),甲方必须在 72 小时内提供维修服务或给予乙方答复,并承担相关的费用。甲方逾期不修理的,乙方可代为维修,费用由甲方承担。In caseof the basic facilities and structure of thepremises beingdamaged (notincludingfurnitureandappliancesdamagedbyPartyB),PartyAshallrepairorrespond to Party Bs complaints within 72 hours, and bear all costs related thereto. IfParty A doesnt repair the damage, it can be repaired by Party B on Party As behalfand the expenses incurred shall be borne by Party A.4.4甲方在此声明及保证甲方为该物业的合法拥有人并有合法地位出租该物业给乙方。就本合同及出租该物业于乙方之事,甲方已取得所有有关机构的批准,包括政府批准及抵押权人的同意。甲方于本合同所做出的声明与保证,如有错误或违反者,甲方须就因此而对乙方引起的任何损失、损害、支出及费用对乙方做出全额补偿。Party A hereby represents and warrants that Party A is the legal owner of the leasedproperty and has the necessary capacity to lease the property to Party B.Party Ahas alsoobtained allthe necessary authorizationsfrom all relevantauthorities inrespectofthisContractandtheleasingofthepropertytoPartyB,includinggovernment approval and/or mortgagee consent. Party A shall fully indemnify PartyB against any costs, expenses, losses and damages incurred and suffered by Party Bas a result of any breach of Party As representations or warranties herein.4.5 租赁期间,甲方出售该房屋的,应当事前书面告知乙方房屋出售情况及告知新买受人该房屋的承租情况。乙方特此明确地放弃其购买该房屋的优先权。During the leasing period , Party A should inform Party B with written notice if PartyA sells the apartment ,and inform the buyer the leasing contract situation . Party Bagree to give up the priority of buying the apartment .4.6甲方应承担根据中国法律法规所定因该物业租赁而产生的一切税务(包括但不限于房产税,所得税和营业税)和法定费用(包括但不限于土地使用费),并必须将该些税务和法定费用直接向有关税局缴付。The Landlord shall be responsible for and pay directly to the relevant tax authoritiesall applicabletaxes(including butnot limited toRealEstate Tax, IncomeTax andBusiness Tax) and other government charges (including but not limited to Land UseFee) required by Chinese law or any relevant regulations arising from the leasing ofthe Premises.4.7 在乙方遵守本合同的条款及交付租金的前提下,乙方有权于租赁期内拒绝甲方或其他人骚扰,按合同约定之用途使用该物业。Provided that Party B pays the rental and performs and observes party Bs terms andconditions herein contain shall peaceably hold and enjoy the Premises throughoutthe term of this Contract without any interruption by Party A or other persons.4.8在租赁期间,由于一般内部装修问题引起的正常居住问题,甲方在接到乙方通知后3天内进行维修,并应于 14 天内予以修复;若 14 日内未能及时修复,甲方应免除乙方在相应期限中该物业的租金,并于下一期应付租金中予以扣除,若导致乙方确实无法使用该物业而选择暂时搬出居住的,甲方还应承担乙方相同租金水平的临时居住费用。During the tenancy period, if the premise deemed uninhabitable for use due to thenormal decoration defect, Party A shall start repair within 3 days and restore within14 days and upon receiving the Party Bs notice; if it cannot be restored in 14 days,Party A shall free the rent of the period of disable date, and it should be deducted inthenextrent.IfitleadstoPartyBmovetothePremises,PartyBshouldberesponsible for Party Bs temporary outside residence cost at the same rental level.五、承租人的责任Tenants Responsibilities5.1乙方应按时支付合同中规定的保证金和租金。Party B should promptly pay rental and the deposit.5.2未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得将该物业转租或分租给第三方。Party B shall not transfer or sublease the said premises to any third party withoutParty As written consent.5.3乙方应爱护使用租赁的该物业,如因乙方的过失或过错致使该物业及其设施受到损坏(正常损耗除外),乙方应负赔偿责任。Party B shall treat the leased property with care. If, as a result of Party Bs negligenceor misconduct, the leased property and the related facilities suffer any damage (fairwear and tear excepted), Party B shall compensate Party A for such damages.5.4除该物业内已有的装饰和设施外,乙方如要增加设备或装修,须征得甲方的同意,并由乙方自行承担费用,甲方应在三个工作日内答复;租赁期满必须恢复原状(正常损耗、磨损除外),并承担其费用,经甲方验收认可后归还甲方。Inadditiontothedecorationandequipmentalreadyin theproperty,ifPartyBwishes to make any alterations or improvements to the property, Party B must getParty As consent, and Party A should reply within 3 working days. On expiry of thetenancy, Party B must hand over the property to Party A in its original condition (fairwear and tear excepted). All fees arising from such work to do so are to be borne byParty B.5.5若乙方、乙方雇员或任何其他经乙方许可的人员进入该物业,对甲方或其他住户造成损失,不论故意或过失,乙方皆应对造成的所有损失予以赔偿。In case of Party B, employees of Party B or any other person permitted by Party B toenterthepropertycausingdamagestoPartyAorothertenants,whetherintentionally or negligently, Party B shall compensate for all the losses caused by suchdamages.5.6乙方不得携带任何违禁危险物品进入该物业,严禁从事任何违反中华人民共和国法律法规的活动;如因此发生损害,乙方应承担全部责任。Party B shall not bring anything dangerous or forbidden in the leased property, andnot behave against thelaws or regulations of thePeoples Republic of China, andshall be fully responsible for any damages or losses as a result thereof.5.7在本合同期满前两个月内,乙方应允许甲方或其指定的代理人经与乙方预约后,在合理的时间内陪同其他有兴趣租住该物业的人士参观。The Tenant shall permit the Landlord or its designated agent to enter the Premiseswith other potential tenants to see the Premises, at reasonable time and upon priorappointment withthe Tenantwithin two (2) months before the expiration of thisContract.六、违约处理Breach of Contract6.1甲、乙任何一方如未按本合同的条款履行,构成违约,应承担相应的违约责任,双方同意违约方应赔偿受害方之直接损失(间接和结果性损失除外)。若甲方有违约并在七日内未予补救,乙方则有权在下一期应付租金中扣除相应期限的租金。若乙方有违约需赔偿部分,甲方有权在保证金中直接扣除,不足部分由乙方向甲方另行支付。If either Party A or Party B fails to perform its obligations hereunder, it shall constitutea breach of this Contract and the defaulting party shall undertake the liabilities for suchbreach. The parties agree that the party in breach shall pay the other party the directlosses and damage (excluding indirect and consequential loss and damages). If Party Ais in breach of this Contract and does not rectify within 7 days, then Party B is entitledto deduct the rental in the next rent. If Party B is in breach, Party A can deduct thedeposit and get related damage fee.6.2甲方有下列行为之一的,乙方有权终止本合同,甲方除应退还乙方保证金和已支付但未居住的租金外,还应支付乙方两个月的租金的金额作为赔偿。Party B shall have the right to terminate the Contract and have recourse to a refund ofthetwo(2)monthssecuritydepositandrentalalreadypaidtogetherwithacompensation sum equivalent to two (2) months rental if party A commits one of thefollowing:(a)在租赁期间收回该物业。During the lease term, takes possession of the Premises.(b)本合同生效三十天后,仍未向乙方移交该物业。Fail to hand over the Premises to Party B within 30 days after the signing the Contract.6.3乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权终止本合同并收回该房屋,保证金作为违约金支付甲方,不予退还。Party A shall have the right to terminate this Contract, repossess the leased propertyand forfeit the security deposit if Party B commits one of the following:(a)将承租的房屋擅自转租。Sublets the leased property to another person without Party As consent.(b)未得甲方同意,将承租的房屋擅自拆改结构或改变用途的。Alters the structure of the premises without authorization or uses the premises otherthan the purpose stated herein.(c)无故拖欠租金累计超过三十天。Fails to pay rental without any reason for more than 30 days after the due date.(d)未经甲方同意,在租赁期间提前终止本合同。除支付两个月租金的违约金外乙方只需支付已住期间的房租和公共事业费。During the lease term, terminate the lease contract without Partys A consent. Party Bonly need to pay the rental has lived in this house and the utility fee except 2monthsrental as penalty.七、不可抗力Force Majeure若由于不可抗拒的自然灾害(包括但不限于火灾、洪水、地震、施工、战争、暴动、敌队等行为等)或其它非甲乙双方原因所造成的对该物业居住状况的影响(包括供水、供电、供气、水质、房屋装修、房屋社区内整修/装修等)致使该房屋不适宜居住且乙方也认为严重影响其正常生活,双方有权终止本合同,甲方必须退还乙方所有保证金和已支付但未居住的租金。If the leased property is destroyed, damaged and rendered uninhabitable and unusabledue to force majeure (including but not limited to fires, floods, earthquake, accidents,strikes,wars,insurrections,publicenemyetc.)oruninhabitablesituationseriouslyaffecting Party Bs normal living, which is not acceptable by Party B and not the resultof Party Aor Party Bs fault (including but not limited to water supply, power supply,gas supply, water quality, decoration of the property, renovation/decoration inside ofthe property compound, etc.), either party has the right to terminate the Contract andprorated balance of all rental prepaid, as well as the deposit, shall be returned to PartyB.八、争议的解决Dispute Resolution凡因本合同条款、翻译、任何合同相关事宜所引起的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成,应提交上海仲裁委员会,按其仲裁原则和中华人民共和国仲裁法在上海进行仲裁,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。Any dispute or difference that arise between Party A and Party B relating to any clause,interpretation,matterorthingswhatsoeverhereinconnectedwiththisagreementshallbesettledamicablybetween bothpartieshereof.Ifsuch negotiationfails,theparties shall submit thedispute to arbitration by Shanghai Arbitration Commission inShanghai according to its arbitration rules. The decision of the arbitrage bodyis finaland shall binding on the parties hereto.九、其它Other9.1 本合同自双方签字后即时生效。This Agreement shall come into effect upon its execution.9.2 本合同未尽事宜,经甲、乙双方协商一致,可订立补充条款。 本合同补充条款及附件均为本合同不可分割的一部分,本合同及其补充条款和附件内空格部分填写的文字与铅印文字具有同等效力。Matters not covered in this Agreement may be set forth in Supplementary Provisionssubject to a consensus reached between Party A and Party B following consultations.The Supplementary Provisions and annexes of this agreement form an inseparable partof this Agreement. This contract, and any Appendixes and Supplements, constitute theentireagreementbetweenPartyAandPartyB,or oralor handwrittenagreementsshall have any effect.9.3 本合同连同附件一式叁份。其中:甲、乙双方各执一份,一份用于合同登记备案使用,均具有同等效力。Thereshallbefour(3)originalcopiesofthisAgreementandtheSupplementaryProvisions. Party A and Party B shall each hold one copy; and the government shallhold one copy.9.4本合同由中英文写成,英文作为中文的解释参照;如果中英文本发生差异,以中文为准。The Contract is written in Chinese and English, but in case of the discrepancy of thetranslation, the Chinese version shall prevail.出租方(甲方): Landlord (Party A):甲方委托代理人: Entrusted agent:地址(Address):邮编(Zip Code):电话(Tel):传真(Fax):签署(盖章):Sign (Chop):日期(Date):年月日承租方(乙方): Tenant (Party B) 地址(Address):邮编(Zip Code):电话(Tel):传真(Fax):签署(盖章):Sign (Chop):日期(Date):年月日


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