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_ 七年级英语下册英语作文Module 1根据要求完成写作。(一) 根据所给的要求,写一则寻物启事。寻物对象:一件紫色的T恤衫寻物人:Amy招领电话:2265712Lost_根据所给的要求,制作一张俱乐部的海报名称:乒乓球俱乐部内容:练习乒乓球,结交新朋友时间:星期日下午3点至5点地点:体育馆(The Sports Team)Table tennis Club_Module 2假如你是Nicolai的朋友Betty,来自美国,你想竞选你们班的班长,请根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇短文介绍自己,为自己“拉票”。姓名;Betty来自;美国年龄;14岁爱好;唱歌、跳舞、弹钢琴、打网球、性格;善良、乐于助人、与人相处融洽。竞选口号;选我,我承诺会作你们最好的朋友! Hello, everyone! My name is Betty. Im from America and Im 14 years old. Id like to be the class monitor. I can sing, dance and play the piano. And I do well in tennis. Im kind and Im always ready to help others. I can get on well with everyone. Please choose me and I will be your best friend.Module 3 Xu Na的庇佑Mike是格林中学出名的大忙人在周末即将来临之际,他的计划出炉了。 下面表格中的内容,写一篇短文介绍Mike周末计划做的事情 Time ThingsSaturday morningHelp my mum clean the houseSaturday afternoonGo shopping (buy some food)Sunday morningHave a piano lessonSunday afternoonStay with my family and read a book Mike is a busy student at Green School. At the weekend, he has got many things to do. On Saturday morning, hes going to help his mum clean the house. On Saturday afternoon, hes going shopping for nice food. On Sunday morning, hes going to have a piano lesson. On Sunday afternoon, hes going to stay with his family and read a book.Module 4随着科技的发展,越来越多的机器人被制造出来,除了大量应用于工业外,机器人也走进人们的生活。请以Robots at home in the future为题,写一篇短文,谈谈机器人在未来家庭中的应用情况(比如:打扫卫生、洗衣、做饭、照顾老人和小孩等)。 要求:1、条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。 2、50-60词。提示词汇:in a word 总之Robots in the futureIn the future, there will be a robot in everyones home. Robots will do a lot of things for people. They will help people do the housework like cleaning houses, washing clothes, cooking dinner and looking after children and old people. They will also tell children stories before they go to bed. In a word, robots will be very important in the future.Module 5根据要求完成短文写作现在越来越多的人热衷于晚上购物,小到书,大到家电都在网上购买。你是如何看待网上购物的呢?你觉得它的优点是什么?根据下面的提示,简单说说你的想法。提示:1. 你几乎可以很容易地在网上购买一切东西;2. 你不必(dont need to)去商店,可以在家选择要买的,很方便的(convenient);3. 网上的很多东西比商店和超市里的更便宜(cheap)。要求:1. 条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。 2. 50-60词。 I think online shopping has three advantages. First, you can almost buy everything on the Internet and its very easy. Second, you dont need to go to shops to choose things. It is convenient to buy things at home. Third, many things are cheaper than those in shops or supermarkets. So I like online shopping.Module 6假如你是李伟,金田你在邮局寄信时遇见一个名叫Jenny的外国人。他想去公园,请你根据上面所给图片提示,告诉他去公园的路线。要求:对话的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。(50-60词)提示单词:crossing十字路口Jenny:Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the park?Li wei: Certainly.Module 7I was born on. I was born in. My first school was. My first teacher was.He/She was. My first friends were.They were.Module 8假如你是程博,请你给你的朋友程利文写一封e-mail ,告诉你上周末所做的事情,并询问他周末过得怎么样?Dear _,How was your weekend? Did you enjoy your weekend?I had a nice weekend. It snowed here. After I did my homework, I went out to make a snowman with my friends. We used a carrot as a nose. There were a lot people in the snow. They were fighting each other with the snow. Everything was white. We played with our snowman happily.Could you please write to me and tell me about yourself?Yours,Module 9根据所给汉语提示写一篇不少于60词的短文,介绍一下郭晶晶。姓名出生日期爱好出生地身高体重郭晶晶1981年10月15日音乐保定1.63米49kg跳水经历1. 1988年河北保定跳水训练基地开始跳水训练2. 1993年入选国家跳水队3. 2004年获雅典奥运会金牌4. 2008年获北京奥运会2枚金牌Guo Jingjing is a famous driver. She was born on the 15th of October, 1981 in Baoding. She is 1.63 meters tall. She weights 49 kg. She likes music very much. She begin to dive in Baoding Training Base in 1988 and joined the National Diving Team five years later. She won the gold medal in 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Module 10假如你和妈妈在云南丽江度过了美妙的三天, 请根据下面的内容提示, 简单介绍一下你们的旅行。第一天:参观有名的景点,与当地人(local people)聊天(chat);第二天:品尝当地各种各样的食物,去酒吧(bar)听歌;第三天:去逛街市(出售很多好玩的东西), 给朋友买礼物。要求:1. 条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。 2. 50-60词。 I have a three- day holiday in Lijiang, Yunnan with my mother. On the first day, we visited o some famous places and chatted with local people. On the second day, we ate different kinds of local foods and listened to music in the bar. On the third day, we went to the street markets. They sold many interesting things. We bought some presents for our friends.Module 11假如你是一名导游,你将带团去泰国观光。根据下面所给的提示,写一篇短文,告诉游客泰国的一些风俗。1. 不要触摸他人的头部;2. 与别人谈话时,不要用手指指着对方说话;3. 参观寺院时,男士要穿衬衫和鞋子;4. 不能手指僧侣,女性不能与僧侣握手。提示词汇:泰国 Thailand 风俗custom 寺院temple 僧侣duck要求:1. 条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。 2. 50-60词。 Before going to Thailand , you should know these customs there. First, dont touch others heads. Thats because its not polite at all. Second, dont point at others with your finger when you talk to them. Third, men should wear shirts and shoes when visiting temples. Fourth, dont point at monks with your finger and women cant shake hands with them.Module 12根据下面所给的提示,按照时间顺序写一篇关于中国古典钢琴家李云迪的简介。1. born on October 7, 1982 in Chongqing2. began studying piano at the age of 73. won the 1998 Missouri Southern International Piano Competition4. won the Childrens Piano Competition in Beijing in19945. studied with his teacher Dan Zhaoyi, one of the most famous piano teachers in China, at the age of 9要求:1. 条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。 2. 50-60词。 Li Yundi was born on October 7, 1982 in Chongqing. He is a Chinese classic pianist. He began studying piano at the age of 7. He studied with his teacher Dan Zhaoyi, one of the most famous piano teachers in China at the age of 9. In1994, he won the Childrens Piano Competition in Beijing. He won the 1998 Missouri Southern International Piano Competition. Now hes famous all over the world.THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-


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