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Unit 1 Pronunciation1【单选题】根据发音规则,找出以下单词中划线部分发音不同的1个单词。A A、sofa B、sit C、kick D、lip2【单选题】根据发音规则,找出下列每组词中发音的1个单词。A A、rat B、bed C、face D、sport3【单选题】根据发音规则,找出下列每组词中不发音的1个单词。D A、teacher B、doctor C、driver D、hair4【单选题】根据发音规则,找出下列每组词中发:音的1个单词。B A、aloud B、arm C、cloud D、gate5【单选题】根据发音规则,找出以下单词中与其它元音发音不同的1个单词。A A、mouth B、book C、look D、pull6【单选题】根据发音规则,找出下列每组词中发:的1个单词。D A、bird B、bread C、poor D、tall7【单选题】根据发音规则,找出以下单词中划线部分发音不同的1个单词。A A、time B、tape C、train D、wave8【单选题】根据发音规则,找出下列每组词中不发的1个单词。C A、nose B、goat C、hen D、poem9【单选题】根据发音规则,找出下列每组词中发音的1个单词。B A、bear B、beer C、fair D、tower10【单选题】根据发音规则,圈出下列每组词中发e音的1个单词。B A、noodles B、pair C、climb D、comeUnit 1 Pronunciation (小节测试)1【单选题】根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词A A、cat B、well C、leg D、pen2【单选题】根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词D A、cup B、but C、duck D、car3【单选题】根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词A A、mouth B、book C、look D、pull4【单选题】根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词B A、doctor B、clothes C、box D、dog5【单选题】根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词C A、poor B、tour C、beer D、sure6【单选题】根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词B A、ship B、phone C、sleep D、pear7【单选题】根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词A A、father B、three C、maths D、thirsty8【单选题】根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词C A、photo B、laugh C、range D、leaf9【单选题】根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词B A、bed B、clothes C、hand D、seed10【单选题】根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词D A、violin B、move C、vote D、widow2章 Unit 2 Greeting (教师出镜部分小节测试)1【判断题】In Thailand, people greet each other by putting their palms together. 正确2【判断题】In Holland, the normal way of greeting on formal occasions is an Eskimo kiss.错误3【判断题】Its unnecessary to use formal expressions and you can say “hi” or “hello” to greet each other in a business meeting. 错误4【判断题】Addressing each other by his or her title is necessary because titles represent peoples social status and achievements.答案:正确5【判断题】Although people from different cultures may have very different customs and beliefs, you dont have to respect these differences when welcoming a business partner. 答案:错误Unit 2 Greeting1【单选题】Which of the following describes the way children greeted elders in ancient China? A A、Kowtowing to their grandparents. B、Putting their palms together. C、Shaking hands. D、Waving hands.2【单选题】Which of the following belongs to the ancient greeting way in China?B A、Bowing to others. B、Doing fist and palm salute. C、Kissing cheeks. D、Kissingforehead.3【单选题】Which of the following is not a modern way of greeting? D A、Eskimo kiss. B、Shaking hands. C、Putting palms together. D、Kowtowing to others.4【单选题】What is not advised when greeting each other in a business meeting? B A、Using formal expressions. B、Addressing each other by his or her nickname. C、Proper body language. D、Dressing appropriately.5【单选题】Which ofthefollowing sentences is not a formal expression? D A、How do you do! B、Nice to meet you. C、It is a great pleasure to meet you. D、Whats up?6【单选题】What does title represent in business meeting? A A、Social status. B、Hobby. C、Main idea. D、Nickname.7【单选题】What may not leave a good impression on your interviewer? D A、Dressing appropriately. B、Using proper body language. C、Addressing the interviewer by his or her title. D、Speaking loudly.8【单选题】Which of thefollowingis not advisedwhenwelcoming a business partner? C A、Using proper body language. B、Being polite. C、Behaving rudely. D、Dressing appropriately.9【单选题】If your business partner is a woman, what should not be done? A A、Asking her age. B、Preparing a bunch of flowers. C、Being polite. D、Using proper body language.10【单选题】What is the most common way of greeting in China now? B A、Smiling. B、Shaking hands. C、Kissing cheeks. D、Bowing.2.2无题目2章 Extended Reading (小节测试)1【判断题】In Britain, they usually kiss on the cheek between men and women when they first meet.答案:错误2【判断题】The Spanish greeting is “hola” and the Zulu say “sawubona” when greeting friends.答案:正确3【判断题】The common greeting for men and women is to bow to each other in both Philippines and Japan.答案:错误4【判断题】In Russia, a typical greeting is a very firm handshake without direct eye contact.答案:错误5【判断题】In Armenia, a woman needs to wait for the man to offer his hand for the handshake.答案:正确3章 Food(教师出镜部分小节测试)1【判断题】Table Manners are very important in China.答案:正确2【判断题】Tables in China are usually round, and the seat facing the door is normally for the host.答案:正确3【判断题】In China, people usually help others to get food with their own chopsticks.答案:错误4【判断题】In the west, round tables are the standard.答案:错误5【判断题】In the west, you need to use your fork with your right hand and the knife with your left hand.答案:错误Unit 3 Food1【单选题】Which of the following is the traditional food during Chinese New Year? A A、Jiaozi. B、Fried Rice. C、Hot Pot. D、Peking Roast Duck.2【单选题】Which of the following specialtiesbelongs to Japan? B A、Curry Crab. B、Sushi. C、Pizza. D、Bibimbap.3【单选题】Which of the following tablewarearenot often used by Chinese? D A、Bowls. B、Chopsticks. C、Spoons. D、Forks.4【单选题】Which of the followingfoodbelongs to America? B A、Jiaozi. B、Hamburger. C、Sushi. D、Hotpot.5【单选题】What do people usually use for eating in India? D A、Using Chopsticks. B、Using spoons. C、Using bowls. D、Using their right hand.6【单选题】Which of the follwing food is healthy food? A A、Fruit. B、Hamburger. C、Ice cream. D、Pizza.7【单选题】Which of the follwing foodisjunk food? D A、Vegetable. B、Fruit. C、Fish. D、Hamburger.8【单选题】Which of the following questionsis not asked by the waiter? C A、May I help you? B、How many people in your party? C、May I have the mushroom pizza, please? D、What time would you like the reservation for?9【单选题】Which of the following sentencesis not said by the customer? A A、What would you like to drink? B、Can I make a reservation at your restaurant in advance? C、There will be two, my wife and I. D、I would like to come at six10【单选题】In western countires, where do the hosts often sitwhen they serve guests a meal? C A、On the right side of the table. B、On the left side of the table. C、At the end of the table. D、Facing the door.3.2无题目3.3 Extended Reading (小节测试)1【判断题】French people take great pride in their nations culinary reputation.答案:正确2【判断题】The French tend to buy fresh meat from the supermarket, where they can inspect the piece before purchasing it.答案:错误3【判断题】In France, vegetables do play a starring role in a meal.答案:错误4【判断题】Cheese is always served after dessert.答案:错误5【判断题】On an ordinary night, the French are most likely to eat fruit for dessert.答案:正确Unit 4 Shopping(教师出镜部分小节测试)1【判断题】In a bazzar, there are many big supermarkets and shopping malls.答案:错误2【判断题】A shopping mall usually contains stores, movies theatres, restaurants, and even clinics.答案:正确3【判断题】To buy food or daily necessities, large grocery stores or supermarkets are good choices.答案:正确4【判断题】One of the great advantages of going in-store shopping is we can try the clothes on.答案:正确5【判断题】There are many things we should consider when buying a mobile phone, such as its function, brand, price and phone chains.答案:错误Unit 4 Shopping1【单选题】A _may contains stores,movie theaters,restaurantsor even clinics. C A、grocery store B、supermarket C、shopping mall D、bazaar2【单选题】Why do people prefer to buy food or daily necessities in grocery stores or supermarkets?A A、Because things there are in great variety. B、Becausethe prices there arehigher. C、Because of the after-sale service. D、Because they are often nearer.3【单选题】If we want to buy furniture or electric appliances, which one is the reasonable choice? C A、A grocery store B、A supermarket C、A department store D、A boutique4【单选题】If the original price of a sweater is $200 and today it is sold with a sign“60% off”, how much should the buyer pay?C A、$140 B、$ 120 C、$80 D、$ 605【单选题】“No refund no exchange”means:B A、存货不卖 B、不退不换 C、不开发票 D、无购物税6【单选题】Which one is not one of the advantages of shopping online? C A、Convenient. B、A lower price. C、Quality guarantee. D、Quick.7【单选题】When we go shopping in stores, shop assistants often want to help us and ask _.A A、Whatdo you need? B、How do you do? C、Have you had your meal? D、How much money do you have?8【单选题】These days,lotsof people can do their shopping in the comfort of their own home with the help of the_.B A、nearby grocery stores B、Internet C、Wal-Mart D、sellers9【单选题】One of the great advantages of going in-store shopping is_.A A、we can try the clothes on B、all colors of clothes are available C、all sizes of clothes areavailable D、things are often less expensive.10【单选题】If we want to go shopping at Taobao, what is the first step we should do?A A、Create a Taobao account. B、Get a bank card. C、Bargain withthecustomer service. D、Pay withpay treasure carton.

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