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常用元素及化合物 Hydrogen H 氢 Li thi um Li 锂 Sodi um Na 钠 Potassi um K 钾 Magnesi um Mg 镁 Cal ci um Ca 钙 Al umi num Al 铝 Carbon C 碳 Si l i con Si 硅 Ti n Sn 锡 Lead Pb 铅 Copper Cu 铜 Zi nc Zn 锌 Mercury Hg 汞 Ni trogen N 氮 Phosphorus P 磷 Oxygen O 氧 Sul f ur S 硫 Fl uori ne F 氟 Chl ori ne Cl 氯 Neon Ne 氖 Argon Ar 氩 I ron Fe 铁 Manganese Mn 锰 Bromi ne Br 溴 Si l ver Ag 银 Gol d Au 金 常见二元化合物 常见的二元化合物有卤化物,氧化物,硫化物,氮化物,磷化物,碳化物,金属 氢化物等,命名时需要使用后缀-i de,如:f l uori de,chl ori de,bromi de,i odi de, oxi de,sul f i de,ni tri de ,phosphi de,carbi de ,hydri de;OH- 的名称也是 用后缀-i de:hydroxi de。 非最低价的二元化合物还要加前缀,如O22- :peroxi de ,O2- :superoxi de。 举例: NaF:sodi um f l uori de,Al Cl 3 :al umi ni um chl ori de,Mg2 N3 :magnesi um ni tri de ,Ag2 S:si l ver sul f i de ,CaC2 :cal ci um carbi de ,Fe(OH) 2 :i ron(I I ) hydroxi de。 基本的盐 正盐:根据化学式从左往右分别读出阳离子和阴离子的名称。 如 FeSO4 :i ron(I I ) sul f ate,KMnO4 :potass i um permanganate。 酸式盐:同正盐的读法,酸根中的读做hydrogen,氢原子的个数用前缀表示。 如 NaHCO3 : sodi um hydrogen carbonate, NaH2 PO3 : sodi um di hydrogen phosphate。 实验室常用仪器 烧杯beaker 烧瓶f l ask 圆颈烧瓶round-bottom f l ask 冷凝器condenser 锥形瓶Erl enmeyer/coni cal f l ask 滴管dri p tube/dropper 漏斗f unnel 药匙medi ci ne spoon 酸式滴定管aci d burette 电炉el ectri c f urnace 游标卡尺verni er cal i per 蒸发皿evaporati ng di sh 量筒graduated cyl i nder 洗瓶wash bottl e 磁子magneti c sti rrer 洗耳球rubber sucti on bul b 试管test tube 试剂瓶reagent bottl e 试管夹test tube cl amp/hol der 碱式滴定管al kal i burette 真空泵vacuum pump 显微镜mi croscope 天平bal ance 移液管pi pette 容量瓶vol umetri c f l ask 搅拌棒sti rri ng rod 温度计thermometer 水浴water bath 刻度吸管One-mask pi ppet 玻璃活塞stopcoc k 铁支架i ron suppor t 广口瓶wi de-mouth bottl e 旋转蒸发仪rotary vacuum evaporator 英语写作中的时态和语态 Uni t 1 I ntroducti on to materi als sci ence and engi neeri ng what ar e mat er ial s sci ence and mat er ial s engi neer i ng? “Materi al s sci ence ” i nvol ves i nvesti gati ng the rel ati onshi ps that exi st between the structures and proper ti es of materi al s. “ materi al s engi neeri ng ” i s, on the basi s of these structure-proper ty correl ati ons, desi gni ng or engi neeri ng the structure of a materi al that produce a predetermi ned set of proper ti es. t he 6 basic pr oper t i es of sol ids mat er i al s. Mechani cal , el ectri cal , thermal , magneti c, opti cal , and deteri orati ve. Uni t 2 cl assi f i cati on of materi al s Cl assi fi cat i on of mat er i al s based on chemi cal make-up. Metal s, cerami cs and pol ymers. Uni t 3 Atomi c Structur e of Materi al s El emental peri odi c tabl e 元素周期表 Atoms 原子 Bond 成键 Atomi c structure 原子结构 Mi crostructure 微观结构 Macrostructure 宏观结构 El ementary chemi str y 元素化学 Nucl eus 原子核 Posi ti vel y charged 带正电荷的 Proton 质子 Neutron 中子 El ectri cal charge 电荷 Negati vel y charged 带负电荷的 Metal l i c bond 金属键 Coval ent bond 共价键 I oni c bond 离子键 Van der Waal s bondi ng 范德华力 H bond 氢键 What ar e t he 3 most common maj or cl assi fi cat i ons of mat er ial s st r uct ur e? Pl s gi ve a br ief expl anat i on Atomi c structure, whi ch i ncl udes f eatures that cannot be seen, such as the types of bondi ng between the atoms, and the way the atoms are arranged. Mi crostructure, whi ch i ncl udes f eatures that cannot be seen wi th the naked eye, but usi ng a mi croscope. Macrostructure i ncl udes f eatures that can be seen wi th the naked eye. What wil l 12 el ect r ons di str i but e i n t he shel l of magnesi um at om?( 必 考) Magnesi um has two el ectrons i n the i nner shel l , ei ght i n the second shel l and two i n the outer shel l . Uni t 4 Physi cal and chemi cal proper ti es of materi als Densi ty 密度 Hardness 硬度 Fl ammabi l i ty 可燃性 Corrosi on/oxi dati on resi stance 耐腐蚀/氧化性 Mel t 融化 Sol i di f y 固化 Vapori ze 蒸发 Condense/ subl i me 升华 Transi ti on 相变 Crys tal 结晶/晶体 Mel ti ng poi nt 熔点 Boi l i ng poi nt 沸点 Vol ume 体积 Cubi c centi meter 平方厘米 Wei ght 重量 Accel erati on of gravi ty 重力加速度 Mass 质量 Gl ass transi ti on temperature 玻璃化转变温度 Uni t 5 Mechani cal propert i es of Materi al s Strength 强度 Ducti l i ty 延展性 I sotropi c 各向同性 I mpact resi s tance 耐冲击 Toughness 韧性 Fracture toughness 断裂韧性 Ani sotropi c 各向异性的 Tensi on 拉伸/张力 Compressi on 压缩 Bendi ng 弯曲 Shear 剪切 Torsi on 扭转/扭力 Texture 织构 Col d worki ng operati on 冷加工 Fi ber rei nf orcement 纤维增强 Extrusi on 挤出 Casti ng 铸件 Forgi ng 锻件 El ongati on 伸长率 Ori entati on 取向度 Uni t 7 I ntroduct i on to metal s and al l oys Cati on/posi ti ve i on 阳/正离子 Latti ce 晶格 Metal l oi d 类金属 Conducti on band 导带 Val ence band 价带 Al kal i metal 碱金属 Al kal i ne earth metal 碱土金属 Group 族 Transi ti on metal 过渡金属 El ectrochemi cal 电化学 Mal l eabi l i ty 可锻性、延展性、韧性的 Cl eavage 裂缝 Sol i d sol uti on 固溶体 What physi cal and chemi cal pr oper t i es do met al s have? Metal s i n general have superi or el ectri c and thermal conducti vi ty, hi gh l uster and densi ty, and the abi l i ty to be def ormed under stress wi thout cl eavi ng. Metal s are usual l y i ncl uded to f orm cati ons through el ectron l oss, reacti ng wi th oxygen i n the ai r to f orm oxi des over changi ng ti mescal es . What i s an al l oy? Gi ve some exampl es An al l oy consi s ts of a mi xture of pure metal and one or more other el ements. Steel (i ron and carbon) , bronze(copper and zi nc), brass( copper and zi nc), dural umi n(al umi ni um and copper) . Uni t10 I ntroduct i on to cerami c materi als Cl ay 粘土 Pottery 陶器 Ref ractory 耐火材料 Di amond 金刚石 Graphi te 石墨 Bri ttl enes s 脆性 Vi scousi ty 粘度 El ectri cal conducti on 导电性 Thermal conducti on 导热性 Compressi ve strength 压缩强度 Tensi on 拉伸 Preci pi tati on 沉积/沉降 Spray dry 喷雾干燥 Freeze dr y 冷冻干燥 Sol -gel 溶胶-凝胶相转变 Sl i p casti ng 注浆成型 I nj ecti on mol di ng 注模成型 Hot pressi ng 热压成型 Rapi d prototypi ng RP 快速原位成型 El ectri c f urnace 电炉 Vapor deposi ti on 气相沉积 Pl asma spray 等离子喷涂 Mi crovave f urnace 微波炉 Pl ease descr i be t he basi c pr oper t i es of cer ami c mat er i al s( whi ch pr oper t i es ar e di ffer ent fr om met al s?) Cerami cs are bri ttl enes s, poor el ectri cal and thermal conducti on whi l e metal s are not. Cerami cs are stronger i n compress i on than i n tensi on, whereas metal s have comparabl e tensi l e and compress i on strengths. Many cerami cs are transparent, but metal s are transparent to vi s i bl e l i ght onl y when they are ver y thi n. A l arge number of cerami cs are stabl e i n both harsh chemi cal and thermal envi ronment. Uni t12 Bi ocerami cs Bi ocerami cs 生物陶瓷 I nert 惰性的 HA/Hydroxyapati te 羟基磷灰石 Load-beari ng 承重的 TCP/tri cal ci um phosphate 磷酸三钙 Toxi c 毒性的 Physi ol ogi cal 生理的 Rei nf orcement phase 增强相 Cancel l ous bone 松质骨 Corti cal bone 密质骨 Bi oacti ve gl ass es 生物活性玻璃/生物玻璃 What ar e t he mai n advant age and di sadvant ages of cer ami cs as i mplant mat er i al s? The mai n advantage of cerami cs over other i mpl ant materi al s i s thei r bi ocompati bi l i ty: some are i nert i n the physi ol ogi cal envi ronment whi l e others have a control l ed reacti on i n the body. The mai n di sadvantage of most bi ocerami cs are l ow toughness( whi ch can af fect rel i abi l i ty) , and hi gh E(whi ch can l ead to stress shi el di ng). Uni t13 I ntroduc ti on to pol ymer Cel l ul ose 纤维素 Monomer 单体 Condensati on pol ymeri zati on 缩合聚合 Repeat uni t 重复单元 Addi ti on pol ymeri zati on 加成聚合 Mol ecul ar wei ght 分子量 Modi f i cati on 改性/修饰 Homopol ymer 均聚物 Copol ymer 共聚物 l i near pol ymer 线性高分子 Branched pol ymer 支链高分子 Graf ted pol ymer 接枝聚合物 Degree of pol ymeri zati on 聚合度 Catal yst 催化剂 Di stri buti on of mol ecul ar wei ght 分子量分布 Number average mol ecul ar wei ght 数均分子量 Wei ght average mol ecul ar wei ght 重均分子量 Whi ch i dea made Staudi nger awar d t he Nobel Pr i ze? Pol ymers consi sted of l ong chai ns of atoms hel d together by coval ent bonds. What i s a homopol ymer ? Copolymer ? A homopol ymer contai ns onl y one monomer, a copol ymer contai ns more than one vari ety of monomer. Uni t16 I ntroduc ti on to Composi tes Fi bergl ass 纤维玻璃 Resi n 树脂 Epoxy resi n 环氧树脂 What i s t he composit e? Can you gi ve some exampl es? The combi nati on of two or more of these materi al s together to produce a new materi al s whose proper ti es woul d not be attai nabl e by conventi onal means. Whi ch t wo phases do t he composi te mat er i al s have? The rei nf orci ng phase i s the f i bers, sheets, or parti cl es that are embedded i n the matri x phase. Typi cal l y, rei nf orci ng materi al are strong wi th l ow densi ti es. Uni t19 Nanotechnol ogy and nanostructur ed materi als Li thography 光刻 Etchi ng 刻蚀 Semi conductor 半导体 Sel f -organi zati on 自组装 Fabri cati on 构建 Quantum dots 量子点 Quantum wel l 量子阱 Quantum wi re 量子线 Ferromagni eti c materi al s 铁磁性材料 Paramagnet 顺磁体 Superparamagneti sm 超顺磁性 Di sl ocati on 位错 The t ypes of t he nano-st r uct ur ed mat er i al s. Nanoparti cl es ; speci al nanostructures; thi n f i l m wi th thi cknesses bel ow 100nm; Nanocomposi te. The mai n r easons for dr amat ic changes of t he chemi cal and physi cal pr oper t i es of nanomat er i al s compar i ng wi th bul k mat er i al s. The properti es of a sol i d can change dramati cal l y i f i ts di mensi ons become smal l er than some cri ti cal l ength associ ated wi th these proper ti es. Uni t 22 bi omateri als: an i ntroduc ti on Bi omateri al 生物材料 Physi ol ogi cal l y 生理学地 Bi ocompati bi l i ty 生物相容性 Degradati on 降解 I n vi vo 体内的 I n vi tro 体外的 Steri l i ze 消毒/灭菌 Ethyl ene oxi de 环氧乙烷 Bi omechani cs 生物力学 Mi crosphere 微球 Ti ss ue engi neeri ng TE 组织工程 What ar e t he success of an i mpl ant hi ghl y dependent on? The proper ti es and bi ocompati bi l i ty of the i mpl ant, the heal th condi ti on of the reci pi ent, and the competency of the surgeon who i mpl ants moni tors i ts progress . Gi ve a br i ef expl anat i on of t he Tissue Engi neer i ng. Ti ss ue Engi neeri ng i s a sci ence that researches the bi oacti ve substi tute used to repai ri ng or i mprovi ng the broken ti ssue or organ of human body.

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