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高三讲义19词汇手册复习:1. Experts disagree about the origins of language.2. People came from many lands to take part.3. Though lacking money, his parents managed to send him to university.4. labor at a task; manual labor 5. Many people agree that a knowledge of English is a must in international trade today.6. Knock at, knock into, knock out 7. I am taking the kids to kids to the zoo this afternoon. You are kidding me.8. the key to a question, a key position in the firm, a key position in the firm 9. keep on doing sth; keep from doing sth; keep up with; keep to 10. be keen on doing sth; be keen on sth 11. Just now; just then. 12. To our great joy, she returned safe. Their only child is their pride and joy.13. Join up 1. 2. 14. go jogging in the park, jog sb with ones elbow.15. Out of work, out of a job 16. He jammed his clothes into a small suitcase. 17. The first item on the agenda; This clock is a collectors item. There is an important news item in todays paper.18. Who is it? It depends.19. the July issue of magazine debate an issue; debate an issue; a key issue for higher education in the 1990s 20. She has invested a lot of emotional energy in that business. 第一节:单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 16. This kind of cellphone has the function of _ you who has called you. A. remainingB. remindingC. memorizingD. mentioning 17.Did you have _ fun last night?Yes, but its _ great pity that you didnt go. A. a; aB. a; /C. /; /D. /; a 18. A real friend will help you when you are in trouble whereas fair-weather friends will usually _ you. A. honour B. ignoreC. support D. recognize 19. It is impossible for you to _ the twin apart, I dare say. They are alike. A. tellB. divideC. makeD. separate 20. _ is said that growing flowers can lift the spirit and nourish (滋养) the soul, and can also clean the air. A. AsB. WhatC. It D. That 21.Why did you spend the whole evening _ in your study?In order not to be disturbed. A. locking B. lockC. lockedD. to lock 22.What do you think is the best way to _ employees to perform better? Giving praise and rises on merits (功绩). A. suggest B. motivate C. demandD. forbid 23.Did you think he can help me with my English?Im afraid its beyond his _. A. strength B. energyC. abilityD. force 24.Shall I wear a suit?No, dress_. For example, jeans and T-shirt will do. A. hurriedly B. seriously C. carefullyD. causally 25.Youre _ liberty to say what you like.To be honest, Im getting tired _ doing the same work every day. A. at; ofB. at; fromC. for; ofD. for; from 26.A child should learn to tell it as it is._. Honesty is the best policy. A. Whats going on?B. Lets get going. C. I cant agree with you more.D. Thank goodness. 27.Did you attend Bettys wedding?I _ to, but I went to Shanghai on business. A. was intended B. was intending C. have intendedD. had intended 28. Not until I was halfway to the office _ that I had left the window in my bedroom open. A. did I realizeB. realized I C. I did realize D. I realized 29. The moment I get home every day, I _ to do my homework and it usually takes me two hours. A. set upB. set offC. set aboutD. set out 30.Did Mary invite you to the party?No. Even if I _ her invitation, I might not have had time. A. received B. had receivedC. have receivedD. would receive 第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分) I was sad when Mum passed away because of cancer. When I became a mother I 31 the deep sadness again. I remember I stayed in the delivery room (产房) after I gave birth to Aela and the nurse came into the room and found me crying out of control. I was still in 32 and saying, “I am a mother now. Where is my Mum? I 33 her.” I have two brothers and three sisters. The happy sounds of laughter fill the whole house and there is never a(n) 34 moment. When I think of it now I 35 my mum highly, who was a great full-time mother. She was a really clever and 36 woman who was always telling jokes and loved life deeply. I know I should have been 37 after having a baby. And of course I was happy, but 38 always came to me because Mum wasnt there. When Aela was born I came up with 39 like “Was I a good sleeper? Did I do that when I was at Aelas age?” Mum must have remembered these 40 because she always had a good memory. When I had a 41 of my own, it brings a new 42 for me to Mothers Day. Theres still that sadness of Mum not being around, but the day takes on a(n) 43 meaning. This year, Aelas kindergarten 44 a Mothers Day party and she kept telling me, “Mummy, we are having a very 45 day for you and it is different from other parties.” Aela 46 me so many memories of my mum sometimes since a certain 47 of hers looks like her grandmas. The three of us 48 a similar sense of humor as well. Mothers Day means a lot to me. Because on Mothers Day I always 49 on my way to bring up Aela and remember Mum. I should learn the way from my mum. I think that if Mum still 50 me now, Id be much happier.31. A. held back B. belonged to C. went through D. escaped from32. A. tears B. anger C. kindness D. balance33. A. visit B. help C. praise D. miss34. A. meaningful B. happy C. busy D. boring35. A. doubt B. respect C. hate D. expect36. A. lucky B. humorous C. curious D. powerful37. A. successful B. modest C. delighted D. independent38. A. sorrow B. fear C. desire D. challenge39. A. troubles B. advice C. excitement D. questions40. A. patiently B. clearly C. proudly D. slowly41. A. house B. child C. car D. family42. A. gift B. duty C. focus D. wish 43. A. different B. difficult C. narrow D. political 44. A. adjusted B. organized C. urged D. donated 45. A. traditional B. famous C. special D. noisy 46. A. informs B. reminds C. charges D. approves47. A. party B. expression C. memory D. age48. A. tell B. refuse C. share D. arrange49. A. depend B. carry C. insist D. reflect50. A. accompanied B. promised C. encouraged D. educated第三部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分) A I was reading these interesting stories behind a group of great logos in the world. Personally Nike is my favorite one its so simple. And I liked the stories behind them, which made me forget all other things. McDonalds, Apple, Mercedes Benz and Adidas own great logos as well, and they are among my favorites. Nike In the Greek myth, Nike is the goddess of victory and the source of inspiration for soldiers. This logo represents the wing in the famous statue of the Greek goddess. Nikes logo was designed by Carolyn Davidson in 1971 for $ 35, and was registered as a trademark in 1995. McDonalds The logo was designed in 1962 by Jim Schindler to resemble the arch-shaped (拱形的) signs on the side of the companys then walk-up hamburger stand. Later on, the two golden arches were combined together to form the M. The McDonalds name was added to the logo in 1968. Apple There are different stories behind Apples logo. The first logo was a reference to the religious story of Adam and Eve, in which the apple represented the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. One year later, the second logo was designed in 1977 by Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne, and it described Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. This logo didnt stay long. One year later it was replaced almost immediately by graphic designer Rob Janoffs “rainbow apple”, a rainbow-colored silhouette (轮廓) of an apple with a bite taken out of it. And then the rainbow-colored apple was replaced by the one-colored logo in 1998. It has not been changed so far. Mercedes Benz The Mercedes Benz logo, which was originally created by Gottlieb Daimler in 1909, consists of a simple description of a three-pointed star that represents its rule of the land, the sea and the air. The company was founded by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. Mercedes is the name of Maybachs elder daughter, while Benz came as a result of a combination with Benz, Cie and DMG in 1926.Adidas The Adidas logo, which was created by the founder of the company Adi Dassler, represents mountains, pointing towards the challenges that are seen ahead and goals that can be achieved. The logo was used for the first time in 1967.51. What does the author think of the stories of the great logos? A. They are boring. B. They are out of date. C. They are attractive. D. They are practical.52. What does Nikes logo stand for? A. The goddess of victory. B. The source of inspiration for soldiers. C. The statue of the Greek goddess. D. The wing of the Greek goddess.53. We can learn that Apples present logo is _. A. the religious story of Adam and Eve B. a bitten apple with only one color C. Newtons sitting under an apple tree D. the rainbow-colored bitten apple54. _ stands for the rule of the land, the sea and the air. A. Nikes logo B. Apples logo C. The Mercedes logo D. The Adidas logo55. Which of the following time orders describes the births of the great logos? A. Mercedes Benz McDonalds Nike Apple. B. Nike McDonalds Apple Mercedes Benz. C. McDonalds Apple Nike Mercedes Benz. D. Nike Mercedes Benz McDonalds Apple.BThere are a growing number of language immersion (沉浸) schools in the United States, including one that was founded in Columbia called La Petite Ecole, which teaches children French as a second language. Statistics, however, show that language instruction in regular schools is actually decreasing, and relatively few Americans know a second language.Scholars have spent years studying why Americans seem to ignore the importance of learning languages. While they have developed theories and given potential solutions, the future of language learning in the United States remains hazy.Since 1997, the percentage of elementary and middle schools that offer foreign language courses has fallen significantly, from 31 percent to 25 percent at the elementary level and from 75 percent to 58 percent at the middle school level. However, the decline in elementary schools has appeared primarily in public schools, while the percentage of private elementary schools teaching foreign languages has remained roughly the same at 51 percent. The percentage of high schools teaching foreign languages has remained at about 91 percent.Meanwhile, the number of language immersion schools designed to teach a second language to English-speaking children and young adults has actually increased. Since 1962, 367 two-way immersion programs schools that pair native English speakers with those who speak another native language have developed in 28 states. “The younger the learner is, the more likely the acquisition of a second language will be facilitated (促进),” Adel Safty wrote in the Canadian Journal of Education. Linguistic ability shows the greatest development between the ages of 4 and 8, she wrote.While the number of people who speak a language other than English at home is still relatively small, it has more than doubled over the past 30 years, according to a survey released in April. People between 18 and 40 make up the largest percentage of people who speak a foreign language. The 5 to 17 age group follows closely. However, among those 41 and older, the percentage of people who speak a second language decreases.56. What does the passage mainly deal with? A. The situation of Americans learning foreign languages. B. Why Americans dont like learning foreign languages. C. The importance of learning foreign languages. D. Suggestions for learning foreign languages.57. The underlined word “hazy” in the second paragraph probably means “_”. A. unimportant B. uncertain C. impossible D. impolite58. According to Adel Safty, _. A. people should begin to study foreign languages after age 8 B. learners who have a friend to help them study a language better C. age has a big effect on peoples ability to learn a foreign-Language D. peoples linguistic ability grows with their ages and experiences59. We can learn from the passage that _. A. the percentage of public elementary schools teaching foreign languages has increased since 1997 B. the percentage of high schools teaching foreign languages has decreased since 1997 C. the number of language immersion schools designed to teach a second language has decreased since 1962 D. the number of people who speak a language other than English at home has increased since 30 years ago60. Which group makes up the highest percentage of people who speak a foreign language? A. People between 4 and 8. B. People between 5 and 17. C. People between 18 and 40. D. People who are 41 and older.C If you happen to be near Ocean Avenue Elementary in Portland, Maine, you might see Paige Marchand walking to school. According to Portland TV station WCSH, Paige is part of a “walking school bus” a group of kids who walk to school together every day. A parent comes along to act as a driver of sorts, to make sure the kids walk safely. But the kids look out for each other, too. “Sometimes, theyll pick one person to go ahead of everybody and then just stop at each crossing, waiting for everybody to catch up. Everyone is excited,” Paige told WCSH reporter Chris Rose. This Wednesday morning was October 5th, 2011. That morning, more than 3,700 schools across the country participated in International Walk to School Day. The goal is to get more kids walking every day like Paige so long as theres a safe route to and from school. “The only walking a lot of students do is to walk from the classroom to the door of their parents car,” said Paul Holman, a physical education teacher at Spence Elementary in La Crosse, Wisconsin. “Its great exercise. And itll help you get fit instead of fat. We let the kids know that walking is a start.” Forty years ago, approximately half of all kids walked to school, according to people who keep track of such statistics. Today, that number is reportedly down to around 13 percent. International Walk to School Day is trying to reverse that trend. When it started 14 years ago in Chicago, Illinois, it was known as “National Walk Our Children to School Day.” But within a few years, it went international, and today millions of kids in all 50 states and a number of other countries participate. Last week, Spence students took part in a regional “Walk to School Challenge” to celebrate the day. Kids who have to take buses to school were able to participate. They did their walking inside the schools gym. “I like to walk in school,” Spence student Cowan Reuter told Anderson. The school with the highest participation rate got a special trophy, according to the Tribune. The name of the trophy? “The Golden Shoe.”61. The group of kids who take part in the “walking school bus” _. A. have to walk to school alone B. have to take a bus to schoolC. have a teacher to look after them D. enjoy waking to school 62. According to Paul Holman, the walk _. A. aims to get kids to lead a green life B. is good for kids “physical health” C. is enough for kids “daily exercise” D. doesnt need to be done everyday63. The underlined word “reverse” in Para. 5 is closest in meaning to “_”. A. examine B. appreciate C. change D. report 64. International Walk to School Day started in _. A. 1997 B. 2001 C. 2007 D. 201165. We can learn from the last paragraph that the “Walk to School Challenge”_. A. was an internationally famous activity B. was organized for kids taking buses to school C. was actually held inside a school D. awarded the winner a golden shoe D When we consider the global energy agenda, we tend to focus on those of us who already have energy. Headlines about Middle Eastern security, Arctic oil exploration, nuclear safety, or renewable energy assume that the energy is there for us; the question is how we use it safely. Amid the discussion, one group of people is consistently overlooked: those who dont have energy those who are still living in the dark ages. One in five people in the world today have no electricity. Two out of every five people have no clean way of cooking. They rely on coal cooking stoves that contribute to the indoor air pollution that kills about 1.6 million people every year. Almost all energy-poor people, 95 percent, live in Africa or Asia, and over 80 percent live in the countryside.On Monday, a special conference called “Energy for All” began looking at how to help these people get the energy they need to improve their well-being and health.Switching the lights on for the worlds poor by 2030 will require a mere 3 percent of projected global energy investment about 48 billion dollars per year. But thats more than five times what is currently spent in the area. Most investment these days goes into connections in the worlds big cities because thats where the profits are. Rural areas are being left behind, particularly as one key energy source is oil, whose price has increased greatly in the last decade.So it requires political will, strong regulation and a much bigger effort from private companies for everyone to have energy by 2030. Governments must set targets for electricity access, while overseas funding must concentrate on these areas that are not profitable enough.With continued global population growth, many people wonder what “Energy for All” will mean for the climate and environment. Yet the experts see no major problem.66. We can learn from the first paragraph that _. A. people who already have energy should be removed from the global energy agenda B. much attention is paid to people who have energy C. technology for the use of renewable energy is developing rapidly D. people still living in the dark ages dont have to face energy problems67. How many people dont have electricity in their daily life? A. 5% of Africans.B. 10% of people living in the countryside. C. 20% of the world population. D. 40% of the world population,68. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Cooking is the main cause of indoor air pollution. B. Global energy investment is decreasing year by year. C. Most energy investment nowadays aims to earn money. D. The increase in oil prices has made many rural areas run out of energy.69. The fifth paragraph is mainly about _. A. the measures for people who dont have energy to enjoy electricity access B. the reason why global society should help people who dont have energy C. the importance of teaching poor people to use energy in a safe way D. the benefits of giving electricity access to poor people 70. What is most likely to be discussed in the following paragraph? A. Why people are interested in the “Energy for All” project. B. Problems brought about by global population growth. C. Influence of climate change on energy supply. D. How the “Energy for All” project will affec

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