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得分评分人I. Blanks: ( 10points, 1 point for each blank)Directions: In this part of the test, there are 9 items and 10 blanks. Fill in the best answer on the Answer Sheet according to the knowledge you have learned.1. The first American literature was neither _ nor really _.2. Of the immigrants who came to America in the first three quarters of the seventeenth century, the overwhelming majority was _.3. The English immigrants who settled on Americas northern seacoast were called _, so named after those who wished to “purify” the Church of England.4. Washington Irving, the Father of American literature, developed the _ as a genre in American literature.5. Franklins best writing is found in his masterpiece _.6. The most outstanding poet in America of the 18th century was _.7. In the early 19th century, “Rip Van Winkle” had established _s reputation at home and abroad, and designated the beginning of American Romanticism.8. _ has sometimes been considered the father of the modern short story.9. In 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne brought out his masterpiece _, the story of a triangular love affair in colonial America.得分评分人II. Multiple choice:(20 points, 1 point for each)Directions: In this part of the test, there are twenty items. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. The Colonial Period of American literature stretched roughly from the settlement of America in the early 17th century through the end of _ century.A. the 18th B. the 19thC. the 20th D. 21th2. New-Englands Plantation was published in 1630 by _ A. Francis Higginson B. William BradfordC. John Smith D. Michael Wigglesworth3. Of all the books written by Michael Wigglesworth the beat known is _ A. The Flesh and the Spirit B. The True TravelsC. The Day of Doom D. Christopher Columbus4. Benjamin Franklin was the epitome of the _.A. American Enlightenment B. Sugar ActC. Chartist movement D. Romanticist5. In the first section of Autobiography the writer addressed to _ A. his son B. his friendsC. his wife D. himself6. During 1807-1808, Washington Irving wrote for his brothers newspaper called _ A. New York Times B. Washington PostC. Salmagundi D. Daily News7. History of New York was published in 1807 under the name of _ A. Washington Irving B. Diedrich KnickerbokerC. James Fenimore Cooper D. John Whittier8. Rip Van Winkle was written by _ A. James Fenimore Cooper B. Benjamin FranklinC. Washington Irving D. Walt Whitman9. The Spy was written by James Fenimore Cooper in 1821. It is a novel about _ A. American Civil War B. American RevolutionC. American West Expansion D. The First World War10. Natty Bumppo is the hero in Coopers _ A. The Precaution B. The SpyC. The Gleanings in Europe D. Leatherstocking Tales11. _ was regarded as a poet of the American RevolutionA. Philip Freneau B. Walt WhitmanC. Robert Frost D. Cal Sandburg12. The Raven was written in 1844 by _ A. Philip Freneau B. Edgar Allan PoeC. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow D. Emily Dickinson13. The Ministers Black Veil was written by _ A. Edgar Allan Poe B. Nathaniel HawthorneC. Henry David Thoreau D. Ralph Waldo Emerson14. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the _ who appeared in America.A. Ninth Muse B. Tenth MuseC. Best Muse D. First Muse15. The ship _ carried about one hundred Pilgrims and took 66 days to beat its way across the Atlantic. In December of 1620, it put the Pilgrims ashore at Plymouth, Massachusetts.A. Sunflower B. ArmadaC. Mayflower D. Titanic16. A new _ had appeared in England in the last years of the 18th century. It spread to continental Europe and then came to America early in the 19th century.A. Realism B. Critical realismC. Romanticism D. Naturalism17. Washington Irving got his idea for his most famous story, Rip Van Winkle, from a _ A. Greek legend B. German legendC. French legend D. English legend18. Rip Van Winkle is found in Irvings longer work, _ A. The Sketch Book B. History of New YorkC. Tales of a Traveler D. The Precaution19. _ was often regarded as Americas first man of letters, devoting much of his career to literature.A. Benjamin Franklin B. Philip FreneauC. Washington Irving D. James Fenimore Cooper20. All the following novels are in Coopers Leatherstocking Tales except _ A. The Pioneers B. The PrairieC. The Deerslayer D. The SpyIII. Identification (20 points, 1 point for each)Directions: In this part of the test, there are twenty titles. Judge the authors of these works and fill them on the Answer Sheet.1. Gleanings in Europe2. Oliver Goldsmith3. The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America4. “The Day of Doom”5. A History of New York6. The Last of the Mohicans7. The House of the Night8. A Forest Hymn9. “The Raven”10. “The Cask of Amontillado”11. Mosses from an Old Manse12. “Israfel”13. “The Flesh and the Spirit”14. Life of George Washington15. The Pathfinder16. “the Wild Honey Suckle”17. The Flood of Years18. “The Poetic Principle”19. The Blithedale Romance20. “The Indian Burying Ground”IV. Terms (20 points, 4 points for each)Directions: In this part of the test, there are five terms. Please give the definition for these terms. Scores will be given for the related contents. Four individual contents will be enough for four points.1. Knickerbocker 2. Poor Richards Almanac 3. Leatherstocking Tales 4. Puritanism 5. Benjamin FranklinV. Appreciation (10 points, 5 points for each)Directions: In this part of the test, there are two excerpts. Each of the excerpts is followed by three questions. Read the excerpts and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet. Part AFrom morning suns and evening dews At first thy little being came: If nothing once, you nothing lose, For when you die you are the same; The space between, is but an hour, The frail duration of a flower.1. Who is the poet of the poem and what is the title of the poem? (2 points)2. Tell the metrical structure and rhyme scheme of the poem. (1 point)3. What does the “little being” refer to? What meaning is suggested by the phrase “but an hour”? (2 points)Part B The opinions of this junto were completely controlled by Nicholas Vedder, a patriarch of the village, and landlord of the inn, at the door of which he took his seat from morning till night, just moving sufficiently to avoid the sun and keep in the shade of a large tree; so that the neighbors could tell the hour by his movements as accurately as by a sundial. It is true he was rarely heard to speak, but smoked his pipe incessantly. His adherents, however (for every great man has his adherents), perfectly understood him, and knew how to gather his opinions. When anything that was read or related displeased him, he was observed to smoke his pipe vehemently, and to send forth short, frequent and angry puffs; but when pleased, he would inhale the smoke slowly and tranquilly, and emit it in light and placid clouds; and sometimes, taking the pipe from his mouth, and letting the fragrant vapor curl about his nose, would gravely nod his head in token of perfect approbation. From even this stronghold the unlucky Rip was at length routed by his termagant wife, who would suddenly break in upon the tranquility of the assemblage and call the members all to naught; nor was that august personage, Nicholas Vedder himself, sacred from the daring tongue of this terrible virago, who charged him outright with encouraging her husband in habits of idleness. 1. Who was the writer of this story? What is the title of this story? (2 points)2. Who was Nicholas Vedder? (1 point)3. How did he express his opinions on public matters? (2 points)VI. Comment. (20 points, 10 points for each)Directions: In this part of the test, you are given five topics. Choose TWO of them and give a comment on the Answer Sheet. Scores will be given according to the content, grammar and the completeness of the related knowledge. 1. What are the features of literature in Colonial America?2. Comment on Benjamin Franklins Autobiography.3. Comment on Nathaniel Hawthornes writing techniques.4. What philosophical meaning is implied in Philip Freneaus “The Wild Honey Suckle”?5. What are the artistic achievements of Edgar Allan Poe?答案I. Blanks: (10%)(每题1分,共10分,答错不给分)1. American literature 2. English 3. Puritans4. short story5. Autobiography6. Philip Freneau7. Washington Irving8. Edgar Allan Poe9. The Scarlet Letter II. Multiple Choice: ( 20%)(每题1分,共20分,答错不给分)1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A6. C 7. B8. C9. B10. D11. A12. B13. B14. B15. C16.C17. B18. A19. C20. DIII. Identification (20%)(每题1分,共20分,答错不给分)1. James Fenimore Cooper2. Washington Irving3. Anne Bradstreet4. Michael Wigglesworth5. Washington Irving6. James Fenimore Cooper7. Philip Freneau8. William Cullen Bryant9. Edgar Allan Poe10. Edgar Allan Poe11. Nathaniel Hawthorne12. Edgar Allan Poe13. Anne Bradstreet14. Washington Irving15. James Fenimore Cooper16. Philip Freneau17. William Cullen Bryant18. Edgar Allan Poe19. Nathaniel Hawthorne20. Philip FreneauIV. Terms (20%)(每题4分,共20分。答案中给出多个知识点,答对其中四个知识点即得满分,多于四个不加分,少则扣分。超出所给出答案部分的,评卷人可根据相关内容和知识酌情给分。)1. TranscendentalismKey words: Emerson, Thoreau, nature, intuition, oversoul, individualism, spirit, idealism, Romanticism, etc.2. Free VerseKey words: without fixed beat, regular rhyme scheme, Whitman, Leaves of Grass, etc.3. Leatherstocking TalesKey words: Cooper, five novels, Natty Bumppo, frontier, frontiersman, life from youth to old age, The Pioneer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Prairie, The Pathfinder, The Deerslayer, etc.4. Puritanismkey words: Calvin, purify, hard work, thrift, predestination, salvation, sin, God, from England to America, immigration, etc.5. Benjamin Franklinkey words: statesman, scientist and writer, Autobiography, Poor Richards Almanac, puritan, hard work and thrift, successful, contributions, printer, etc.V. Appreciation (10%)(每题5分,共10分。评卷人可以按照问题及内容酌情给分)Part Aa) Philip Freneaus(1分) The Wild Honey Suckle (1分)b) It is written in iambic tetrameter, the rhyme scheme is ababcc.(1分)c) “Little being” refers to the wild honey suckle. (1分)“But an hour” means the lifespan of a flower is very short. (1分)Part B1. Washington Irvings(1分) Rip Van Wingkle(1分)2. Nicholas Vedder is the owner of the inn/ a patriarch of the village/ and landlord of the inn,(1分)3. He expressed his opinion by the way of smoking. / When anything that was read or related displeased him, he was observed to smoke his pipe vehemently, and to send forth short, frequent and angry puffs; but when pleased, he would inhale the smoke slowly and tranquilly, and emit it in light and placid clouds; and sometimes, taking the pipe from his mouth, and letting the fragrant vapor curl about his nose, would gravely nod his head in token of perfect approbation.(2分)VI. Comment. (20%)(每题10分,此题共20分)一等(9-10分):内容基本正确并且语法准确,表达完整清晰,理解透彻;二等(6-8分):有少量知识点或语法错误,表达比较清晰完整,有比较透彻的理解;三等(3-5分):知识点表达错误较多,内容不完整,知识略显混乱,思路不太清晰;四等(1-2分):内容基本不太正确,思维混乱,内容贫乏,对问题没有理解。答案:(略)


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