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2015英语专业四级真题及答案解析TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2015 -GRADE FOUR- PART I DICTATIONPART II LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A CONVERSATIONSConversation one1. Why is the trip to Mars a one-way trip? A. The return trip is too expensive.B. There is no technology to get people back.C. People dont want to return.D. The return trip is too risky.2. According to the man, what is more important for those recruits? A. Intelligence.B. Health.C. Skills.D. Calmness.3. What is the last part of the conversation about?A. The kind of people suitable for the trip.B. Interests and hobbies of the speakers.C. Recruitment of people for the trip.D. Preparation for the trip to Mars.Conversation Two4. What is showrooming?A. Going to the high street. B. Visiting everyday shops.C. Buying things like electrical goods.D. Visiting shops and buying online.5. According to the conversation, the man had bought all the following things online EXCEPT A. shoesB. CDsC. cameraD. food6. According to the conversation, the percentage of people who showroomed while Christmas shopping was A. 3%B. 33%C. 42%D. 24%7. One reason for people to showroom is that they A. want to know more about pricing B. can return the product laterC. want to see the real thing first D. can bargain for a lower shop priceConversation Three8. What is the conversation mainly about?A. How to avoid clashes of exams.B. How to schedule exams.C. How to use the faculty lounge.D. How to choose the courses.9. What does the student have to do first in order to take the exams? A. To choose a date on the draft schedule.B. To find the information on the bulletin board.C. To draw up the final schedule.D. To arrange an invigilator.10. According to the conversation, the Dean willA. sign the sheet in the faculty loungeB. take care of the bulletin boardC. consult the studentsD. finalize the exam scheduleSECTION B PASSAGESPassage One11. Which of the following cities has the oldest Chinatown in North America? A. New York.B. San Francisco.C. Boston.D. San Diego.12. The Chinatown in San Francisco attracts tourists a year.A. 20 ,000B. 100 ,000C. 7 millionD. 17 million13. Where can tourists see the fish markets?A. In Stockton Street. B. In Grant Avenue.C. In Portsmouth Square.D. In Bush Street.Passage Two14. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Obesity can damage ones health.B. Obesity is a growing problem all over the world.C. Obesity is directly related to ones habit.D. Obesity has affected both boys and girls.15. The purpose of the three-year study is to .A. find out why some children find it difficult to go to sleepB. learn more about the link between sleep and weightC. identify the ways parents reduce their kids weightD. see if there is difference in sleep patterns over the period16. According to the study, the daily healthy sleep time for the 3rd to 6th graders should be around _ hours.A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 1117. According to the passage, obesity is most likely related to _ .A. sleep timeB. genderC. raceD. parentsPassage Three18. According to a number of students, _ _ is the main factor for early-age smoking.A. genderB. personalityC. environmentD. money19. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. Very few continue smoking throughout their teenage years.B. Most early-age smokers soon stop experimenting.C. Some early-age smokers never go beyond experimenting.D. Children quickly become regular smokers by carrying cigarettes.20. All the following are features of smokers EXCEPT _ .A. strong peer influence B. low sense of achievementC. high sense of rebellionD. close family relationshipSECTION C NEWS BROADCASTNews Item 121. Why were some children offered only fruit and milk for lunch?A. The school stopped providing school lunch.B. Their parents failed to pay for school lunch.C. Some parents preferred fruit and milk for lunch.D. These children chose to have something different.22. How did parents react to the schools way of handling the situation?A. They were upset B. They were furious.C. They were surprised.D. They were sad.News Item 223. According to the news, what is the main advantage of the digital key? A. Guests can pay without going to the front desk.B. Guests can go direct to their rooms.C. Guests can check out any time.D. Guests can make room reservations.24. The hotel company intends to have the system in _ of its hotels in the next three months.A. 2B. 3C. 100D. 150News Item 325. According to the court ruling, Shrien Dewani _ _ .A. will return to the U.K. for medical treatmentB. will remain in South Africa for medical treatmentC. will stand trial in South Africa once proved fitD. will be extradited even if he is unfit to stand trial26. What was Dewani accused of? A. Having his wife killed. B. Killing his wife in the U.K.C. Being involved in a taxi accident.D. Hiring a crew of hit men.News Item 427. The U.N. new vote would allow all the following EXCEPT _ .A. the use of force by European Union troopsB. the suspension of an existing arms embargoC. the extension of U.N. peacekeeping missionD. the ban on travel and freeze of assetsNews Item 528. What is the news mainly about?A. Causes of early death in Russia.B. Behavior of alcoholics.C. Causes of alcohol poisoning. D. Number of death over 10 years.News Item 629. The total investment in film-making in Britain in 2012 was _ _ .A. 945 millionB. 1.07 billionC. 500,000D. 87,00030. Hollywood studios prefer to make films in Britain because _ .A. The UK is a good film locationB. The cast usually comes from BritainC. Hollywood emphasizes qualityD. Production cost can be reducedPART III CLOZEElectricityissuchapartofoureverydaylivesandsomuchtakenforgrantednowadays31_werarelythinktwicewhenweswitchonthelightorturnontheTVset.Atnight,roadsarebrightlylit,enablingpeopleand32_tomovefreely.Neonlightingusedinadvertisinghasbecomepartofthe33_ofeverymoderncity.Inthehome,many34_devicesarepoweredbyelectricity.35_whenweturnoffthebedsidelampandare36_asleep,electricityisworkingforus,37_ourrefrigerators,heatingourwater,orkeepingourroomsair-conditioned.Everyday,trains,busesandsubwaystakeustoandfromwork.Werarely38_toconsiderwhyorhowtheyrun39_somethinggoeswrong.Inthesummerof1959,something40_gowrongwiththepower-plantthatprovidedNewYorkwithelectricity.Foragreatmanyhours,lifecamealmosttoa41_.Trainsrefusedtomoveandthepeopleinthemsatinthedark,42_todoanything;liftsstoppedworking,sothat43_you wereluckyenoughnottobe44._betweentwofloors,youhadtheunpleasanttaskoffindingyourway down45_ofstairs.FamousstreetslikeBroadwayandFifthAvenueina(n)46_becameasgloomyanduninviting47_themostremotebackstreets.Peoplewereafraidtoleavetheirhouses, 48_.althoughthepolicehadbeenorderedto49_incaseofemergency,theywerejustasconfusedand50_asanybodyelse.31.A. thatB. thusC. asD. so32.A. carB. truckC. trafficD. pedestrians33.A. appearanceB. characterC. distinctionD. surface34.A. money-savingB. time-savingC. energy-savingD. labor-saving35.A. OnlyB. RarelyC. EvenD. Frequently36.A. fastB. quiteC. closelyD. quickly37.A. movingB. startingC. repairingD. driving38.A. troubleB. botherC. hesitateD. remember39.A. whenB. ifC. untilD. after40.A. didB. wouldC. couldD. Should41.A. pauseB. terminalC. breakdownD. standstill42.A. incompetentB. powerlessC. hesitantD. helpless43.A. althoughB. whenC. asD. even if44.A. trappedB. placedC. positionedD. locked45.A. stepsB. levelsC. flightsD. floors46.A. timeB. instantC. pointD. minute47.A. likeB. thanC. forD. as48.A. forB. andC. butD. or49.A. stand asideB. stand downC. standbyD. stand in50.A. aimlessB. helplessC. unfocusedD. undecidedPART IV GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY51. When you have finished with that book, dont forget to put it back on the shelf, _?A. dont youB. do youC. will youD. wont you52. Mary is _ _ hardworking than her sister, but she failed in the exam.A. no lessB. no moreC. not lessD. not so53. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Only one out of six were present at the meeting.B. Ten dollars was stolen from the cash register.C. Either my sister or my brother is wrong.D. Five miles seem like a long walk to me.54. Which of the italicized parts expresses a future tense?A. My friend teaches chemistry in a school.B. Ill give it to you after I return.C. What is the matter with you?D. London stands on the River Thames.55. It is not so much the language _ the cultural background that makes the film difficult to understand.A. butB. norC. likeD. as56. There is no doubt _ the committee has made the right decision on the housing project.A. whyB. thatC. whetherD. when57. All the Presidents Men _ one of the important books for scholars who study the Watergate Scandal.A. remainsB. remainedC. remainD. is remaining58. If you explained the situation to your lawyer, he _ _ able to advise you much better than I can.A. will beB. wasC. would beD. were59. Which of the following is a stative verb (静态动词)?A. DrinkB. CloseC. RainD. Belong60. Which of the following italicized parts indicates a subject-verb relation?A. The man has a large family to support.B. She had no wish to quarrel with her brother.C. He was the last guest to leave.D. Mary needs a friend to talk to.61. The following are all correct responses to “Who told the news to the teacher?” EXCEPT _ _?A. Bob did itB. Bob did soC. Bob did thatD. Bob did.62. Which of the following is INCORRECT?A. Another two girlsB. Few wordsC. This workD. A bit of flowers63. Which of the following italicized words does NOT indicate willingness?A. What will you do when you graduate?B. They will be home by now.C. Who will go with me?D. Why will you go there alone?64. When one has good health, _ should feel fortunateA. youB. sheC. heD. we65. There _ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.A. to beB. to have beenC. beD. being66. Two of her brothers were _ _ during the Second World War.A. called upB. called onC. called forD. called out67. Bottles from this region sell _ _ at about $50 a case.A. entirelyB. totallyC. wholesaleD. together68. The product contains no _ colours, flavours, or preservatives.A. fakeB. artificialC. falseD. wrong69. Davis accepted the defeat in the semi-final with good grace. The underlined part is closest in meaning to _ _.A. cheerfullyB. wholeheartedlyC. politelyD. quietly70. _ _ and business leaders were delighted at the decision to hold the national motor fair in the city.A. CivilB. CivilizedC. CivilianD. Civic71. The city council is planning a huge road-building programme to ease congestion. The underlined part means _ _.A. calmB. relieveC. comfortD. still72. His unfortunate appearance was offset by an attractive personality. The underlined part means all the following EXCEPT _.A. improvedB. made up forC. balancedD. compensated for73. The doctor said that the gash in his check required stitches. The underlined part means _.A. lumpB. depressionC. swellingD. cut74. During the economic crisis, they had to cut back production and _ _ workers.A. lay offB. lay intoC. lay downD. lay aside75. The university consistently receives a high _ _ for the quality of its teaching and research.A. standardB. evaluationC. ratingD. comment76. To mark its one hundredth anniversary, the university held a series of activities including conferences, film shows, etc. The underlined part means _ _.A. signifyB. celebrateC. symbolizeD. suggest77. His fertile mind keeps turning out new ideas. The underlined part means _ _.A. abundantB. unbelievableC. productiveD. generative78. The local news paper has a _ _ of 100,000 copies a day.A. spreadB. circulationC. motionD. flow79. These issues were discussed at length during the meeting. The underlined part means _ _.A. eventuallyB. subsequentlyC. lastlyD. fully80. A couple of young people were giving out leaflets in front of the department store. The underlined part means _ _.A. distributingB. handlingC. dividingD. arrangingPART V READING COMPREHENSIONText A Inundated by more information than we can possibly hold in our head, were increasingly handing off the job of remembering to search engines and smart phones. Google is even reportedly working on eyeglasses that could one day recognize faces and supply details about whoever youre looking at. But new research shows that outsourcing our memory and expecting that information will be continually and instantaneously available -is changing our cognitive habits. Research conducted by Betsy Sparrow, an assistant professor of psychology at Columbia University, has identified three new realities about how we process information in the Internet age. First, her experiments showed that when we dont know the answer to a question, we now think about where we can find the nearest Web connection instead of the subject of the question itself. A second revelation is that when we expect to be able to find information again later on, we dont remember it as well as when we think it might become unavailable. And then there is the researchers final observation: the expectation that well he able to locate inf orination down the line leads us to form a memory not of the fact itself but of where weII be able to find it. But this handoff comes with a downside. Skills like critical thinking and analysis must develop in the context of facts: we need something to think and reason about, after all. And these facts cant be Googled as we go;they need to be stored in the original hard drive, our long-term memory. Especially in the case of children, factual knowledge must precede skill, says Daniel Willingham, a professor of psychology, at the University of Virginia - meaning that the days of drilling the multiplication table and memorizing the names of the Presidents arent over quite yet. Adults, too, need to recruit a supply of stored knowledge in order to situate and evaluate new information they encounter. You cant Google context. Last, theres the possibility, increasingly terrifying to contemplate, that our machines fail us. As Sparrow puts it, The experience of losing our Internet connection becomes more and more like losing a friend. If youre going to keep your memory on your smart phone, better make sure its fully charged.81. Googles eyeglasses are supposed to _ _.Aimprove our memory Bfunction like memoryChelp us see faces betterDwork like smart phones82. According to the passage, “cognitive habits” refers to _ _.A how we deal with informationB functions of human memoryC the amount of informationD the availability of information83. Which of the following statements about Sparrows research is CORRECT?A We remember people and things as much as before.B We remember more Internet connections than before.C We pay equal attention to location and content of information.DWe tend to remember location rather than the core of facts.84. What does the author mean by “context”?AIt refers to long-term memory. BIt refers to a new situation.CIt refers to a store of knowledge.DIt refers to the search engine.85. What is the implied message of the author?AWeb connections aid our memory.BPeople differ in what to remember.CPeople keep memory on smart phones.DPeople need to exercise their memory.Text BI was a second-year medical student at the university, and was on my second day of rounds at a nearby hospital. My universitys philosophy was to get students seeing patients early in their education. Nice idea,but it overlooked one detail:second-year students know next to nothing about medicine. Assigned to my team that day was an attending - a senior faculty member who was there mostly to make patients feel they werent in the hands of amateurs. Many attendings were researchers who didnt have much recent hospital experience. Mine was actually an arthritis specialist. Also along was a resident (the real boss, with a staggering mastery of medicine, at least to a rookie like myself). In addition there were two interns(住院实习医生). These guys were just as green as I was,but in a scarier way: they had recently graduated from the medical school, so they were technically MDs. I began the day at 6:30 am. An intern and I did a quick check of our eight patients; later, we were to present our findings to the resident and then to the attending. I had three patients and the intern had the other five - piece of cake. But when I arrived in the room of 71-year-old Mr. Adams,he was sitting up in bed, sweating heavily and panting (喘气). Hed just had a hip operation and looked terrible. I listened to his lungs with my stethoscope, but they sounded clear. Next I checked the log of his vital signs and saw that his respiration and heart rate had been climbing, but his temperature was steady. It didnt seem like heart failure, nor did it appear to be pneumonia. So I asked Mr. Adams what he thought was going on. Its really hot in here, Doc, he replied. So I attributed his condition to the stuffy room and told him the rest of the team would return in a few hours. He smiled and feebly waved goodbye. At 8:40 am., during our team meeting, Code Blue Room 307! blared from the loudspeaker. I froze. That was Mr. Adamss room. When we arrived, he was motionless. The autopsy (尸体解剖) later found Mr. Adams had suffered a massive pulmonary embolism (肺部栓塞). A blood clot had formed in his leg, worked its way to his lungs, and cut his breathing capacity in half. His symptoms had been textbook: heavy perspiration and shortness of breath despite clear lungs. The only thing was: I hadnt read that chapter in the textbook yet. And I was too scared, insecure, and proud to ask a real doctor for help. This mistake has haunted me for nearly 30 years, but whats particularly frustrating is that the same medical education system persists. Who knows how many people have died or suffered harm at the hands of students as naive as I, and how many more will?86. Why was the author doing rounds in a hospital? AHe himself wanted to have practice.BStudents of all majors had to do so.CIt was part of his medical training.DHe was on a research team.87. We learn that the authors team members had _.Amuch practical experienceBadequate knowledgeClong been working there Dsome professional deficiency88. While the author was examining Mr


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