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Unit 4 Friends and FriendshipA FAMOUS QUOTEThe best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.Abraham Lincoln摧毁敌人最好的办法就是把他变成朋友。亚伯拉罕林肯 Abraham Lincoln (1809 1865), 16th President of the United States (1861 1865) and American civil war leader. He successfully led his country through its greatest constitutional, military and moral crisis the American Civil War preserving the Union while ending slavery, and promoting economic and financial modernization. He was immortalized by his Emancipation Proclamation, his Gettysburg Address, and two outstanding inaugural addresses.亚伯拉罕林肯,美国第16任总统(任期:1861年3月4日1865年4月15日)美国南北战争的领导者。他成功地领导他的国家度过了宪法、军事和道德危机南北战争在结束奴隶制的同时维护了联邦的统一,促进了经济和金融现代化。他的解放黑奴宣言、 葛底斯堡演说、还有两篇杰出的就职演说使他名垂千古。 Speaking ActivityTalking on the PhoneSample DialogueRead the following conversation. Pay attention to how the speakers talk on the phone.Operator: Hello. This is the emergency 911 operator.Taxi Driver: Help! Please help me!Operator: Yes, sir. Please calm down and explain exactly whats the matter.Taxi Driver: Calm down! My car has broken down and I have a lady passenger and shes going into labor.Operator: Now relax, sir. Explain exactly where you are.Taxi Driver: ImIm in the southbound lane of the Lincoln Expressway and the lady cant wait.Operator: Okay. Whats your name, sir, and your passengers?Taxi Driver: ItsIts Bob, and I have no idea about the woman. Shes in no condition to tell me.Operator: Okay. Now where are you? Whats the nearest landmark you can see?Taxi Driver: Umm, I can see golden archestheres a McDonalds.Operator: Ok, Ive just sent off an ambulance. It should be there any second.Taxi Driver: Hey, is there anything I can do for the lady while we wait for the ambulance?Operator: Yes, uh, keep her calm and warm.Taxi Driver: Okay. Please hurry. Oh, theyre too late. Its a boy! Guided PracticeDirections: Give a phone call to the nearest restaurant and order a takeout. Supply your own information. You may use the following tips to help you.Hello. This isExplain exactly where you are.Whats your name, sir/madam?ItsWhats the nearest landmark you can see?I can seeOkay. Please hurry.Text ANew Words1、kindergarten n. a school or class to prepare children aged five or younger for school 学前班;幼儿园2、scrub v. to clean something by rubbing it hard, perhaps with a brush and usually with soap and water 擦洗;刷洗3、upset adj. unhappy or disappointed because of something unpleasant that has happened 不高兴的;失望的4、bicker v. to argue about things that are not important (为小事)斗嘴,争吵5、lifelong adj. lasting or existing all through your life 终身的;毕生的 6、sibling n. a brother or sister 兄;弟;姐;妹7、fulfillment n. (Am.E)the act of doing or achieving what was hoped for or expected 实现8、frequently adv. often 频繁地;经常9、subtle adj. not very noticeable or obvious 不易察觉的;不明显的;微妙的10、favoritism n. (AmE)the act of unfairly treating one person better than others because you like them better 偏爱;偏袒 11、bitterness n. the quality or state of feeling angry and unhappy because you feel that you have been treated unfairly 愤愤不平12、constantly adv. all the time; repeatedly 始终;一直,重复不断地13、teenager n. a person who is between 13 and 19 years old (13 至19岁之间的)青少年,青少年男女 14、bonding n. the process of forming a special relationship with somebody or with a group of people 人与人之间的关系(或联结)15、maid of honor n. ( especially in the US) a young woman who is not married and who is the main bridesmaid at wedding (尤用于美国英语,指未婚的)首席女傧相,伴娘16、apartment n. a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building (通常指在同一楼层的)公寓套房 Phrases and Expressions1、on ones hands and knees on the floor, with your hands and your lower legs on the ground 趴在地上2、you name it used to say there are many things to choose from 凡你想得起的;不管什么3、long for to want something very much especially if it does not seem likely to happen soon 渴望4、get along to have a friendly relationship 和睦相处,关系良好Text APre-reading questions1. What are the most valuable gifts you have ever received?3. What shared memories do you have with your best friends?The Greatest GiftWhen I was a child I was shocked at the idea that my sisters could be my best friends. Now, I wouldnt have it any other way.Im five years old, and my mother is on her hands and knees, washing the kitchen floor. Im telling her about a new girl in school, and she suddenly looks up at me and says, Who are your two best friends? Im not sure what to say. Ive been friends with Jill since I was three or so, and I really like Jaime, a friend in kindergarten.Jill and Jaime.My mother stops scrubbing the floor and starts to take off her yellow rubber gloves. Well, what about Karen and Cindy? My sisters? I dont know who their best friends are, I say.No, she says. Im saying, why arent they your best friends? She seems upset, as though I have hurt her feelings. But theyre my sisters.Yes, but they can still be your best friends. Friends may come and go, but your sisters will always be there for you. At the time, the idea of my two sisters being my closest friend seemed strange to me. We used to fight all the time over toys, food, attention, what to watch on television you name it, we bickered about it at some point. How could my sisters be my best friends? We werent the same age. We all had our own friends in school.But my mother never let the three of us forget it: sisters are lifelong friends. Her wish like most parents was to give us something that she had never had. Growing up as an only child, she longed for siblings. When she gave birth to three daughters separated by only four years the fulfillment of her dream had only just begun. She had given us each a gift our sisters and she wanted to make sure we did not take that gift for granted. She would frequently tell us how lucky we were. But there were other, more subtle ways that she encouraged us to grow closer. She never showed favoritism to one daughter over the other, so as not to cause jealousy or bitterness between us. She constantly took us places together skating, shopping, swimming so we developed common interests. And when we were teenagers, Mom always punished us equally, giving us yet another bonding experience.We didnt always get along beautifully and fought just like any other siblings. But somewhere in between Moms lectures, the family vacations and the shared memories, we realized that our mother was right. Today I share things with my sisters that I share with no one else. My sister Cindy and I ran the New York City Marathon together, side by side, even holding hands when we crossed the finishing line. When my sister Karen got married, I was her maid of honor. Cindy and I traveled through Europe together and even shared an apartment for two years. The three of us trust each other with our greatest secrets.It was twenty-three years ago that my mother first asked me who my two best friends were. Today she doesnt have to. She already knows.Key Sentences1. We used to fight all the time over toys, food, attention, what to watch on television you name it, we bickered about it at some point.我们从小一直为了玩具、食物、大人的关注、看什么电视节目而争吵 ,凡是可以争可以吵的,都吵过了。2. When she gave birth to three daughters separated by only four yours the fulfillment of her dream had only just begun.母亲在四年内相继生了我们三姐妹,她的梦想也开始逐渐成为现实。3. But somewhere in between Moms lectures, the family vacations and the shared memories, we realized that our mother was right.但是通过母亲的教诲、家庭度假还有共享的回忆,我们意识到母亲是正确的。4. It was twenty-three years ago that my mother first asked me who my two best friends were.自从母亲第一次问我谁是我的两个最好的朋友,已经过去23年了。Notes1. In the first part of this story, present tense is used to tell stories about past events. This phenomenon is called the historical present. Linguists have sometimes suggested that this makes stories more vivid by bringing past actions into the immediate present.2. The New York City Marathon is a major annual marathon (26.2 mile) that courses through the five boroughs of New York City. It is one of the largest marathons in the world. The race is organized by New York Road Runners and has been run every year since 1970.3. The maid of honor is the chief unmarried woman attendant of a bride, usually a sister or close friend of the bride.Exercises Checking Your Comprehension Directions: Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage.1. The greatest gift in the title refers to_.A) a present given to each sister when she was bornB) the talent each sister was born withC) the maternal love each sister receivedD) the intimate relationship between the three sisters答疑编号506486040301【答案】D【解析】本题考查学生对文章题目的理解。通读全文可知,文章的标题即本文的主旨,再结合文章第十一段第五句,the greatest gift 即姐妹们之间的亲密关系。答案为D。2. When I said my sisters werent my best friends, my mother appeared to be_.A) embarrassed B) unhappy C) sympathetic D) proud答疑编号506486040302【答案】B【解析】文章第八段之前母女之间的谈话,表明作者的姐妹不是她的好朋友,第八段中母亲表明了她对此的态度是upset。Embarrassed尴尬的,sympathetic有同情心的,proud骄傲的,unhappy不高兴的。答案为B。3. I did not regard my sisters as my best friends because_.A) we constantly got into fightsB) we had totally different world viewsC) we shared no hobbies and interestsD) we lived our lives in different ways 答疑编号506486040303【答案】A【解析】文章第十段第三句提出问题作者为什么不能与姐妹们成为好朋友,前两句则对此进行回答,即他们姐妹们之间总是fight all the time。答案为A。4. My mother seldom_.A) told us how fortunate we were B) encouraged us to get closerC) favored one of us over the othersD) took us to do sports together 答疑编号506486040304【答案】C【解析】文章第十一段倒数第三句提到,she never showed favoritism to one daughter over the other,即她从不偏袒某个女儿。答案为C。5. As sisters, we have_.A) attended Moms lectures togetherB) got married on the same dayC) rented an apartment in New YorkD) shared our greatest secrets答疑编号506486040305【答案】D【解析】作者在文章第十一段讲述了姐妹们之间亲密相处的情形,其中最后一句提到,The three of us trust each other with our greatest secrets,我们三个人之间彼此信任,拥有着属于我们之间的伟大秘密。答案为D。 Building Your VocabularySection ADirections: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.1. Visiting Disneyland has _ a boyhood dream. (fulfilled,fulfillment)答疑编号506486040306【答案】fulfilled 访问迪斯尼乐园实现了童年时代的梦想。【解析】fulfillment,n.实现;fulfill,v.实现、履行(诺言)。注意本句的时态是现在完成时。答案为fulfilled。2. The buses run less_on Sunday.(frequent, frequently)答疑编号506486040307【答案】frequently 星期天公交车运行来车较少。(班次频度较低)【解析】缺少副词修饰run。frequent,adj.频繁的、时常的;frequently是它的副词形式。答案为frequently。3.Physical health is not always easily _ from mental health. (separate, separable)答疑编号506486040308【答案】separable身体健康与心理健康不可轻易分开。【解析】separate,adj.意为分离的,分开的;separable,adj.意为可分离的,可分开的。结合句意“体格健康和心理健康是不可轻易分开的。”可知,separable符合。答案为separable。4. Shed suffered terribly over the years but it hadnt made her _ .(bitter, bitterness)答疑编号506486040309【答案】bitter这些年她吃了很多苦,但是没有叫苦连天。【解析】make sb.+ adj. 句型,让某人。bitter,adj.苦的、愤愤不平的;bitterness,n.愤愤不平。答案为bitter。5. The fridge keeps food at a _ temperature. (constant, constantly)答疑编号506486040310【答案】constant 冰箱恒温保鲜食品。【解析】名词temperature前缺少修饰它的形容词。constant,adj.一直的、始终的;constantly,adv.一直地。constant temperature指恒定的温度。答案为constant。6. He had always been very _of his brothers good looks. (jealous, jealousy)答疑编号506486040311【答案】jealous 他过去总是妒忌他兄弟的相貌。【解析】系表结构,缺少形容词。jealous,adj.忌妒的;jealous,n.妒忌、猜忌。had been jealous是过去完成时。译文:他过去总忌妒他哥哥的长相。答案为jealous。Section BDirections: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.teenager kindergarten upset siblingsscrubbed favoritism subtle lifelong1. She was very _to hear that the holiday had been cancelled.答疑编号506486040312【答案】upset 假期被取消了她很失望。【解析】译文:假期被取消的消息让她很失望。系表结构,缺少形容词。upset,adj.伤心的、失望的。答案为upset。2. He _ the old saucepan clean, and it looked as good as new.答疑编号506486040313【答案】scrubbed 他用力擦洗旧的平底锅,看起来好像新的一样。【解析】译文:他把旧平底锅刷得干干净净,看上去像新的一样。缺少谓语动词,注意时态应保持一致,用一般过去时。scrub表示用力地刷洗、擦洗。答案为scrubbed。3. As a _he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School. 答疑编号506486040314【答案】teenager 当他13-19岁时,在Tulse Hill高中学习。【解析】译文:在他青少年时期,他进入Tulse Hill高中学习。根据句意,填入表示“人”的名词。teenager,n.青少年。答案为teenager。4.It is a _argument, but very convincing when you think about it.答疑编号506486040315【答案】subtle 这是一个没有明显结论的争辩,但是当你细想起来又觉得很可信。【解析】译文:这是一个没有明显结论的争论,但是当你认真思考的时候,又会觉得它很可信。subtle意为敏感的、不易察觉的、不明显的,可在此修饰中心词arguement。答案为subtle。5.Their _towards their first son hurt the other children.答疑编号506486040316【答案】favoritism 他们对大儿子的偏爱伤害了其他子女。【解析】译文:他们对第一个儿子的偏爱伤害了其他的孩子。本空应填入名词作为中心词。favoritism意为偏爱、偏袒,符合题意。答案为favoritism。6.I have four _: three brothers and a sister. 答疑编号506486040317【答案】siblings我有四个兄弟姐妹:三个兄弟、一个姐妹。【解析】译文:我有四个兄弟姐妹三个哥哥、一个姐姐。本题缺少宾语,sibiling意为兄弟、姐妹,此处应使用复数形式。答案为sibilings。Section CDirections: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word.1. They were deeply shocked _ her behaviour. 答疑编号506486040318【答案】at他们对她的行为感到震惊。【解析】译文:他们对她的行为感到很震惊。be shocked at 对感到震惊,是固定搭配。答案为at。2.Charlie was taking _ his shirt when the phone rang.答疑编号506486040319【答案】off电话铃响的时候,Charlie正在脱他的衬衫。【解析】译文:当电话铃声响的时候,Charlie正在脱衬衫。take off是固定搭配,意为“脱掉”。答案为off。3. The birds in the garden are fighting _ a piece of bread.答疑编号506486040320【答案】over公园里的小鸟们正在争抢一片面包。【解析】译文:公园里的小鸟正在争夺一片面包。fight over 争夺、争吵,是固定搭配。fightfor为而战(竞争),一般用于比较正式的语境。例如为民族、国家而战等。本题的宾语为a piece of bread(一少块面包),用over比较合适。答案为over。4.The children are always bickering_ something or other.答疑编号506486040321【答案】about孩子们总是在为这样或者那样的事争吵。【解析】译文:孩子们有事没事总是在争吵。bicker about为争吵,是固定搭配。答案为about。5.He was accused of _ favoritism to particular students. 答疑编号506486040322【答案】showing他因偏爱特殊的学生被投诉了。【解析】译文:他被投诉,说他偏爱某些特殊学生。show favoritism to somebody偏爱、偏宠某人,是固定搭配。答案为showing。6. When you _ the finishing line, no matter how slow or fast you are, it will change your life forever.答疑编号506486040323【答案】cross当你跨过终点线时,无论你是多么快或多么慢,都将永远改变你的一生。【解析】译文:当你越过终点线的时候,无论你是快还是慢,都将永远地改变你的人生。空格中的词在句子中作谓语,因此应该填入动词形式,cross the finishing line越过终点线,符合题意。结合句意,此处应使用一般过去式。答案为cross。 Bridging the GapDirections: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. You may choose a suitable one from the list given.fetch horror safety alive withreached hardly care seriously gunfireIn the First World War, an English soldier watched in as his lifelong friend fell under .After the attack had failed and everyone had retreated, the soldier went to ask permission from the lieutenant(中尉) to go and his friend from the no-mans-land.答疑编号506486040324【答案】horror gunfire fetch【解析】in horror 惊恐地,是介词短语,在句中修饰动词watch ,同时根据空格后面句意,一生的好友死于炮火应该是恐惧的事情。答案为horror。fall under遭到,后面接不好的事或物,根据前面的关键词war可知,gunfire(炮火)符合题意。答案为gunfire。前文提到soldier 看到他的战友遭到炮轰倒下,因此撤退后他请示长官去寻找战友。and连接go及空格两个并列的动词,因此空格中应该填入一个动词的原形。答案为fetch。The lieutenant gave permission, but added, Its worth it. Your friend is probably dead and you may die too. 答疑编号506486040325【答案】hardly【解析】根据空格后面中尉的话,即soldier的朋友可能已经栖牲,而且soldier也可能会牺牲,由此可知中尉的意思是不值得为了死人冒险,hardly几乎不,符合题意。答案为hardly。The soldier did not about the danger and miraculously(奇迹般地)he his friend, lifted him on his shoulders and stumbled back. He was wounded in the process.答疑编号506486040326【答案】care reached【解析】由空格后面可知,soldier 不顾危险找到了战友,not care about 不在意、不关心,是固定搭配。答案为care。通过空格后面的关健词lift 以及stumble back 可知,soldier 找到了战友,即到达了战友的身边,reach 到达,符合题意。答案为reached。The lieutenant helped him to and noticed the soldiers friend was dead.答疑编号506486040327【答案】safety【解析】根据前面中尉的help以及后面的notice可知,中尉帮助soldier到达安全的地方后,然后注意到soldier的战友已经死了。safety 此处意为安全的地方。答案为safety。Im sorry for your friend but I told you it wasnt worth it. Your friend is dead and now you are also wounded.I have to disagree you. It was worth it, the soldier answered.Whatever do you mean? the lieutenant asked.It was worth it, the soldier repeated. When I got to my friend, he was still and said Jim, I knew you would never leave me.答疑编号506486040328【答案】seriously with alive 【解析】空格中的词修饰后面的动词wounded(受伤),因此应该填入一个形容伤势的程度副词。seriously 严重地,符合题意。答案为seriously。根据空格后面soldier的回答it was worth it可知,soldier不同意中尉的观点,且disagree with不同意某人,是固定搭配。答案为with。由空格后面的said可知,soldier的战友在他到达时是活着的,且空格中的词在句中作表语成分。alive活着的,符合题意。答案为alive。【译文】在第一次世界大战时,有一个英国士兵惊恐地看到他一生的好友倒在炮火中。在攻击失利大家都撤退后,这个士兵请示他的长官(中尉)要去无人地带找回他的好友。中尉允许他去,但加上一句:“你几乎不值得这样做,你的朋友大概已经死了而且你去了可能也会死。”这个士兵不顾危险奇迹般地找到了他的战友,并把他扛在自己肩上跌跌撞撞地返了回来。在此过程中他受了伤。中尉帮他到达安全地带,并且注意到这个士兵的战友已经死了。“我对你朋友的死表示遗憾 但是我告诉过你这不值得。你的朋友死了,现在你也受了重伤。”“我不同意您的说法,这样做是值得的。”士兵回答道。“你到底什么意思?”这个中尉问道。“这样做是值得的,”士兵重复说道。“当我找到他的时候,他还活着并且对我说:Jim,我知道你绝不会丢下我不管的。” TranslationSection ADirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in the brackets.1. I noticed_(他的态度发生了微妙的变化).(subtle) 答疑编号506486040329【答案】the subtle change in his attitude 我注意到他的态度发生了微妙的变化。【解析】“态度”可用attitude表示。微妙的变化即subtle change。答案为the subtle change in his attitude。2. They pay cut_(令员工十分愤懑).(bitterness)答疑编号506486040330【答案】caused great bitterness among the staff他们消减工资令员工十分愤懑。【解析】空格前面为因,后面为果,因此应该用导致意思的短语,cause导致,pay cut工资消减。答案为caused great bitterness among the staff。3. She was _(趴在地板上到处寻找耳环).(on ones hands and knees)答疑编号506486040331【答案】looking for her earrings on her hands and knees她趴在地板上到处寻找耳环。【解析】on ones hands and knees 趴在地上,look for 寻找,且根据前面的was可知,应该用过去进行时。答案为looking for her earnings on her hands and knees。4.They_(渴望有机会访问上海).(long for)答疑编号506486040332【答案】long for an opportunity to visit Shanghai他们渴望有机会访问上海。【解析】long for 后接somebody/something或者long for somebody to do。答案为long for an opportunity to visit Shanghai。5. Although at one point their voices were raised, they seemed to be _(相处融洽).(get along)答疑编号506486040333【答案】getting along well with each other他们虽然在一点上提高了嗓音,但是看起来他们相互之间相处得还算融洽。【解析】get along with 与相处融洽,是固定搭配。根据空格前面的be可知,get 应该转化为现在进行时形式getting。答案为getting along well with each other。Section BDirections: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.Friendships are an important part of a mans life. Friends are those you can count on when the chips are down. Theyll back you up even when the whole world is against you. Friends are those who will buy you a beer or a soda when you lose a job or your girlfriend dumps you. While male friendship looks like a simple relationship, its history is actually quite interesting and complex. The virtues of duty and loyalty have remained the same guiding principles in male friendships throughout time.答疑编号506486040334【参考译文】友谊是一个人一生中最重要的一部分。朋友是你在紧要关头可以依靠的人。甚至全世界都与你为敌时,朋友会在你背后支持你。朋友是当你失业了或者遭到女友抛弃时,能给你买杯啤酒或苏打水的人。尽管男性朋友之间的友谊看起来好像是简单的关系,实际上它的历史却相当有趣和复杂。忠诚和负责的高尚美德在整个交往时期,仍然是男性友谊的经久不变的指导准则。 Organizing Your IdeasDirections:Put the following sentences in the

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