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Unit1塔里亚:这都是如此令人难以置信的,妈妈。我正在写一篇关于美国国家足球运动员之一,尼克克劳福德。不,这就是。他知道他的一个队友陷害他。我相信他是无辜的。看,妈妈。我得走了。我明天给你打电话,好吗?再见。是的,是的。我也是。再见。尼克:嗨。我只要我能来。有什么事吗?塔里亚:我一直在思考这个问题。现在,再告诉我。当和你如何满足这个杰姬贝克尔女人?尼克:我已经告诉过你。她走到我的果汁酒吧。我们建立了一个会议。塔里亚:对的。在她的办公室。除了你不去她的办公室。尼克:没错。所以她满足我在大堂,我们握手,她带我去午餐。塔里亚:是的,在角落里,一个小地方我记得。尼克:没错。然后她问我支持一双新鞋。塔里亚:是的。你告诉我。他们所谓的快感。尼克:没错。,她解释说,我得穿鞋子,当我玩。,该公司将在广告中使用我的名字。塔里亚:好。你能想到什么?尼克:嗯,我们讨论一个想法踢商业。塔里亚:一个商业?什么商业?尼克:我告诉过你,不是吗?他们想让我在商业。1.Talia is talking to her mother on the phone. What does she tell her?Shes going to attend the national soccer match with Nick Crawford.Shes working on a story about a soccer star.Shes planning a story about the national soccer teams best matches.2.What does Nick tell Talia about his meeting with Jackie?They met in her office, went out to dinner, and shot a video for a commercial.They met in the lobby, went out to lunch, and discussed a business deal.They met in a restaurant, discussed a commercial, and returned to her office.3.Jackie asked Nick to endorse Kicks shoes. What did he have to do?wear the shoes when he plays and let the company use his name for advertisingask his team to wear the shoes and act in several commercialsdesign a new kind of sports shoe and wear the shoe when he plays4.What does Nick tell Talia now that hes never mentioned before?The company will use his name in ads.He has to wear Kicks shoes when he plays soccer.The company wants him to be in a commercial.塔里亚:挂在第二个。你从来没有说过任何关于商业。我想听到更多关于这个。不遗漏任何细节。这可能是重要的。尼克:好。所以,在午餐她描述了协议。杰基:那么,你会穿上我们的鞋子当你玩。我们会在广告中使用你的名字。这样做,是你的五万美元。尼克:听起来不错。这将在明年的某个时候?杰基:嗯,是的,没错。我们可以工作的细节,但我们可能会希望你出现在一个商业。尼克:太酷了!杰基:事实上,我现在从事商业的一个想法。你想听到吗?尼克:当然。杰基:好的。想象这样一幅图景。你坐在一个公园。在长椅上。这是一个美丽的春天。尼克:到目前为止还好。杰基:好的。一个年轻的孩子过来对你说,“嘿!你不是尼克克劳福德足球明星?”尼克:嗯。杰基:你说,“那就是我。”之类的。尼克:没错。杰基:然后小孩说:“哇!很酷的鞋子!他们是什么?“你说,”踢。还有什么?”尼克:就这些吗?杰基:就是这样。尼克:那么,我所要做的就是坐在板凳上。和孩子说话?杰基:这就是你所要做的。塔里亚:我认为! 杰基人在午餐时你的谈话记录。然后她编辑录音听起来像你收受贿赂。尼克:噢,哇。1.According to Jackie, when will Kicks use Nicks name in their advertisements?right awayin about a monthprobably sometime next year2.What is Nicks reaction to the idea of a commercial?He likes the idea.He is against the idea.He wants more information first.3.Jackie has an idea for the commercial. What is it?Nick sits on a park bench and a young kid approaches him.Nick plays in a soccer match and a large crowd cheers for him.Nick sits on a bench at the soccer field and puts on his shoes.4.What does Talia think Jackie did at the lunch meeting?She thinks Jackie recorded another mans voice and made him sound like Nick.She thinks Jackie offered Nick a bribe, and Nick accepted it.She thinks Jackie recorded their conversation, and then edited it to sound like Nick was accepting a bribe.Unit2塔里亚:托尼,我需要见到你。我必须为你带来最新的尼克克劳福德的故事。托尼:进来。发生什么事了?塔里亚:我只是说尼克。他被骗了。录音是编辑。他不接受贿赂。它听起来如此。托尼:嗯,你的音频专家怎么说的?塔里亚:我忘了告诉你。这绝对是尼克的声音。他说录音绝对是编辑。托尼:但是我不得到它。这背后是谁?塔里亚:尼克的队友之一,迪恩主教。他讨厌在尼克的影子。他想成为唯一的明星团队。托尼:当然!底线是。是明星在代言值很多钱。塔里亚:。我无法想象。托尼:好的。所以,现在,你的计划是什么?塔里亚:我有个主意。我需要一些帮助艾米。托尼:好的。你可以有一天,我们不会运行的故事。但是有一件事,塔里亚,我希望你不是情感参与这个故事。塔里亚:我吗?感情用事?托尼:我知道你想清楚尼克的名字。但如果你想要从事新闻、你要记住保持客观。1.What news does Talia give Tony about Nick?Talia was tricked. Nick lied to her about accepting a bribe.Nick was tricked. Someone wants it to seem like Nick took a bribe.Nick sounds funny on the tape because he didnt want people to know about the bribe.2.What did the audio expert say about the tape?Nick really did accept a bribe, but it isnt Nicks voice on the tape.Nick edited the tape himself, but he did a bad job.Nicks voice is on the tape, but someone edited the tape.3.Why does Talia think Dean Bishop tricked Nick?Dean is jealous of Nicks success on the team. He wants to take Nicks place.Dean wants to take Nicks place in the Kicks TV commercial.Dean resents Nick because he has to follow Nick around all of the time.4.When is Tony is going to run the story?todaytomorrowin a few days帕蒂:嗨。我能帮你得到什么?艾米:一个大冰茶怎么样?帕蒂:来吧。艾米:。和一个小的信息?帕蒂:什么样的信息?艾米:我想要得到一个叫杰基主教。我被告知她是这个俱乐部的成员。派蒂:嗯。她曾经是,但现在不是了。她来这里一段时间前停了下来。一年前,甚至可能。艾米:哦。太糟糕了。派蒂:她哥哥院长,足球运动员,在这里工作。我记得昨天看到他,在午餐时间。或许你可以跟他说话。艾米:实际上,我宁愿避免见到他。我和他之间有点复杂,如果你知道我的意思。派蒂:哦,我明白了。好吧,这是一个好主意。我认为成龙是在大学学习表演课程。也许你可以赶上她。艾米:她的大学学习表演课程吗?派蒂:嗯。艾米:啊。是的。这是一个好主意。谢谢你的提示。派蒂:哦,同样!谢谢!1.What is Amys main reason for visiting the club?She wants to ask about how to join it.She wants to find out if Patty is involved in the scandal.She wants to get information about Jackie.2.What does Patty say about Dean?He stopped coming to the club about a year ago.He is a member of the club.She doesnt want to meet him.3.Patty suggests that Amy should talk to Dean. What is Amys reaction?She looks forward to meeting him.She doesnt want to meet him.She wants to catch up with him later.4.What is Amy going to do?Take acting classes at the universityTry to speak with Jackie at the universityMeet Jackie at the health club around lunchtimeUnit3艾米:塔里亚,你在这里几乎?塔里亚:我大约十分钟的路程。你能看见她吗?艾米:是的。她坐在沙发上。快点。类开始在大约20分钟。塔里亚:好吧,就去和她开始交谈。你做你的家庭作业,不是吗?艾米:我的作业?塔里亚:我的意思是,你发现她是什么课程,和一切吗?艾米:哦,是的。我可以做一些表演,如果这就是你的意思。塔里亚:所以去像一个戏剧的学生,去跟她说话。我将在这里。艾米:对不起。你在戏剧节目,对吧?杰基:是的!噢,嗨。艾米:你知道罗伯茨教授这学期教学?杰克:是的,他是。他是难以置信的。我在他的即兴创作类。事实上,这是今晚。艾米:噢,很好。杰基:我在这里上课了大约一年,我认为他是我最好的老师。艾米:我明白你的意思。他非常。鼓舞人心的。杰基:是的,当然。我成为一个更好的演员因为我开始他的课。艾米:是的,我相信你。1.When will Talia get to the university?after Jackies classin about 10 minutesin about 20 minutes2.What does Talia ask Amy to do?follow Jackie to her classtalk to Jackie until she arrivescall her back in 10 minutes3.What does Amy learn about Jackie?Jackie has just started taking classes here.Jackie has been taking classes for about 12 months.Jackie has taken classes here for a few years.4.Jackie says Professor Roberts has helped her. How?He has helped her get a job at the university.He has told her that she is a fabulous actor.He has taught her to be a better actor.艾米:哦,顺便说一下,我是艾米李。杰基:嗨。杰基主教。这是我的真实姓名。我的艺名是杰姬贝克尔。艾米:那么,你们有代理吗?杰基:事实上,上周我和代理。我送给他一份磁带,他认为这是难以置信的。艾米:我并不感到意外。你看起来。这是一种不可思议的力量!杰基:和我的兄弟知道这电影导演。他会把我介绍给他。艾米:哦,太好了!哦,等等,你哥哥是足球运动员吗?杰基:迪恩主教!这是正确的。他是我的哥哥。我们只是互相喜欢!他是一个足球明星,我要成为一个电影明星!今晚他带我出去庆祝。艾米:今晚?真的吗?你庆祝什么?杰基:哦,只是这个东西。没什么。不管怎样,他带我去这附近的餐厅。华伦天奴的。你曾经吃过吗?艾米:嗯,没有。我不能等于off。杰基:我吃了一次,我看到麦当娜。艾米:哇!杰基:是的,你能相信吗?这是如此令人兴奋!艾米:我猜你要去正确的地方。杰基:绝对!我甚至为观察人订了完美的表。艾米:给我留下了深刻的印象。你真的提前计划。你真了不起。1.Who did Jackie send a tape to last week?a talent agenta journalista film director2.What did Dean promise to do for Jackie in the future?get her a part in a big moviefind her a job at Valentinosintroduce her to a film director3.What are Dean and Jackie going to do tonight?have dinner together to celebrate somethingmeet a film director at a restaurantsee Madonna4.What does Jackie think is a good thing to do at Valentinos?watch exciting showslook at famous peopleread a book while eatingUnit4塔里亚:艾米!很高兴再次见到你。艾米:你也一样。呃,杰基塔里亚。塔里亚,这是杰基。杰基:迷住了。迷住了。塔里亚:很高兴见到你。艾米:新闻通塔里亚是一个研究员。杰基:令人兴奋。塔里亚:咦,你看起来很熟悉。杰基:真的吗?在校园里我们可能会看到彼此。塔里亚:我想是这样。或者我们可能是在一个类。我把新闻类。杰基:不,它不可能是一个类。我学习表演课程,像艾米。塔里亚:哦,好。我以后可能会把它。杰基:说到类,我最好。我不想迟到罗伯茨教授。塔里亚:持有它。我想我记得我见过你。杰基:真的吗?塔里亚:是的。高尔半岛大厦。1.Amy introduces Talia. What does Amy say about her?She says that Talia is an acting student at the university.She says that Talia works in journalism.She says that Talia knows Nick Crawford.2.Where does Jackie think Talia might have seen her?in her acting classwalking around the universityat theNewslineoffice3.Why does Jackie say, Id better run?She has to go to class.She has to go to the Gower Building.She has to go to Professor Robertss office.4.At the end of the scene, what does Talia tell Jackie?that shes going to be late for Professor Robertss classthat she cant remember where she has seen herthat she saw her at the Gower Building塔里亚:你不为鞋公司工作吗?踢鞋?杰基:对不起,你不可能是认真的。塔里亚:哦,我可以很认真的。杰基:听。我得走了。是时候为我的类。见到你,艾米。艾米:是的。再见,杰克。这是伟大的和你聊天。塔里亚:那么你发现了什么呢?艾米:听听这个。杰姬和院长华伦天奴的后今晚来庆祝她的课。她订了一张特殊的表。塔里亚:这是完美的。伟大的工作。你应该为自己感到骄傲。艾米:谢谢,但是没什么。事实上,块蛋糕。塔里亚:那么好。你叫华伦天奴和预订两个。艾米:哦,哇。我们要华伦天奴的吗?塔里亚:哦。不。我打算叫尼克。艾米:我明白了。塔里亚:谢谢你的理解。艾米:我叫华伦天奴的,还有什么你想让我做什么?塔里亚:是的。我需要你的帮助。我们有很多事要做在接下来的两个小时。1.When Talia asks Jackie if she works for Kicks shoes, how does Jackie respond?She apologizes to Talia.She admits that she does work for Kicks shoes.She acts as if Talia has made a mistake.2.After Jackie leaves, Amy tells Talia about Jackie and Deans reservation at Valentinos. What is Talias reaction?Talia is upset to hear this information.Talia is excited to find this out.Talia still doesnt understand what is happening.3.Talia still needs Amys help. What does Talia ask Amy to do?make dinner reservations at Valentinosorder a cake from Valentinosgo to Valentinos to meet Jackie4.Who is Amy is going to make a reservation at Valentinos for?Amy, Nick, and TaliaAmy and TaliaNick and TaliaUnit5塔里亚:噢,谢天谢地,你得到我的信息!尼克:是的。发生什么事了?塔里亚:别担心。我不是想让你带我出去约会。我想帮你节省你的事业。尼克:噢,那。是的,对了,我差点忘了。塔里亚:很严重。我关心。我在乎你的未来。尼克:我也是!塔里亚:好,你戴着领带。尼克:是的,你的信息说,打领带和一件夹克。你看起来不错,顺便说一句。塔里亚:谢谢。所以你。尼克:那是什么?塔里亚:在这里。你必须把这些。尼克:对不起。我想念一些东西吗?它是。这是万圣节吗?你真的打算让我把这些吗?塔里亚:是的。这就是你会听到他们的谈话。有一个耳机的假发。尼克:谁的谈话?塔里亚:杰克和迪安的。他们在这里吃饭。让我们进去。1.Why isNick meeting Talia at Valentinos?because she left him a phone message asking him to meet herbecause he often has dinner therebecause she asked Amy to invite him2. Why is Nick is wearing a tie?because Talia asked him tobecause he likes to dress upbecause he knows Valentinos is formal3.What does Talia say she is trying to do?get Nick to take her outhelp save her careerhelp save Nicks career4.Nick and Talia are going to wear wigs so that Dean and Jackie dont recognize them. Whats another reason?They want to look formal enough to eat at Valentinos.They want to be able to hear Jackie and Deans conversation.They are dressing up for Halloween.塔里亚:所以,我说,我有一种感觉院长和杰基要谈你就到达这里。尼克:真的吗?塔里亚:是的。所有我们要做的是记录他们的谈话。我们只需要工厂这个表。尼克:太好了!但是等等。你将如何知道哪些表是他们的?塔里亚:你忘了,我是一个研究员。我问领班d 。这是他们的桌子。我马上就回来。尼克:好。我会看成龙和院长同时你迈克。塔里亚:很好。只是咳嗽或一些警告我如果你看到他们。尼克:好。快点。塔里亚:唷!这是接近。在这里。看看菜单。我们应该秩序。尼克:对的,虽然我不是很饿。塔里亚:我也不是。迪恩:一个。尼克:现在不要看,但杰克来了。1.What are Talia and Nick going to do at the restaurant?interview Jackie and Dean about the taperecord Jackie and Deans conversationfind out what Jackie and Dean are going to order for dinner2.What is Talia going to do with the microphone?hide it on Jackie and Deans tablegive it to the maitre dhide it under a plant3.What does Nick do while Talia is at Jackie and Deans table?watches for Jackie and Deanlooks at the menuwarns Jackie and Dean4.What will Talia and Nick do next?leave the restaurantorder dinnertalk to Jackie and DeanUnit6杰基:你不会相信发生了什么。院长:我一直给你留了信息,整个下午!你为什么不给我打电话?杰基:对不起。我把手机落在家里。迪安:好吧,听着,我们需要谈谈。杰基:院长,不要打扰!这是严重的。我坐在学生休息室在学校当一个女人向我走了过来,开始一段对话。所以。院长:等等。我要告诉你一些重要的事情。我们可以在这里有一个小问题。杰基:院长!我告诉过你不要打断!院长:好的。我放弃了。什么?杰基:这女人,艾米,我是说当她的一个朋友出现。然后,当艾米介绍我们,她的朋友说我看起来很熟悉。迪安:所以呢?杰基:那么,然后她问我是否曾为踢鞋子!迪安:没有踢鞋。杰克:我知道,你知道,但她不知道。迪恩:她如何知道。杰基:我怕院长。她在新闻通工作。院长:新闻通?杰基:是的!如果她知道尼克克劳福德我们做什么?迪恩:嘘!压低你的声音。我一直想告诉你的是尼克知道一切!他知道我是一个谁是这一切的背后。他甚至知道你。杰基:他知道我吗?哦,不!看,这整件事是你的想法!迪恩:嘘!我告诉你保持下来。人们开始关注我们!1.In the video, why do Jackie and Dean keep interrupting each other?They dont have much time to talk.They are not very polite when they are together.They both have very important news to tell each other.2. What is Jackie scared about?She met someone who works for Kicks Shoes.She thinks that Talia knows what they did to Nick Crawford.She is going to work forNewsline.3.Jackie says that when she was talking to Amy, a friend of hers showed up. Who is she talking about?a friend of Amys from journalism classa friend of JackiesTalia4.What does Dean tell Jackie?Nick knows that Dean and Jackie tricked him.Nick is listening to Dean and Jackie right now.Nick still doesnt know who Jackie is.杰基:好的。我会冷静下来。但是,迪安,我担心。我可以进入真正的麻烦。迪安:你呢?为什么,我的人发送虚假新闻通带。杰克:是的,但我是冒充的人踢。迪恩:大事。杰基:你是什么意思,大不了吗?我做了出色的工作。我帮助你得到尼克暂停!迪安:是的。是的。你是一个伟大的演员。我知道。杰基:说到这,你打算什么时候把我介绍给拜伦沃尔特斯吗?院长:拜伦沃尔特斯?杰基:是的,你的朋友电影导演?还记得吗?导演谁会让我成为一个明星! !迪安:哦,他。杰基:你说要有耐心,但这是荒谬的。迪安:呃,我忘了告诉你。没有拜伦沃尔特斯。他退出业务。杰基:但是他会给我大休息,休息会让我成为一个明星。迪安:对不起,杰基。杰基:不,你不是。我不认为你很抱歉现在。但是你会!你骗我,就像你欺骗尼克克劳福德。我不需要忍受。1.What doDean and Jackie say about the plan to trick Nick Crawford?Only Jackie was involved.Only Dean was involved.They were both involved.2.Why does Jackie think she might get in trouble?She accidentally toldNewslinethe truth.She pretended to be a Kicks executive.She lied to Talia and Amy.3.Who is Byron Walters?a soccer playera movie stara film director4.At the end of the scene, why does Jackie stand up, throw down her napkin, and leave the restaurant?because shes angry at Deanbecause shes very sorry about what shes donebecause she wants to find Byron WaltersUnit7尼克:我不能相信!。他们承认一切!塔里亚:我们拥有一切在磁带上。尼克:你怎么知道他们会谈论我吗?塔里亚:我看到成龙的脸当我提到踢鞋。我知道她会尽快告诉院长。尼克:这是奇妙的。我松了一口气。我开始觉得一切都结束了。塔里亚:你准备好了吗?如果我们离开了,我们还是可以赶上托尼。尼克:看,塔里亚。这个消息已经在。没有什么我们可以做什么来改变它。塔里亚:我想你是对的。尼克:我们为什么不完成晚餐?塔里亚:。但如果我们现在离开,托尼仍将在办公室。尼克:看,塔里亚。这整件事将要消失了。为什么我们现在不只是花一点时间去享受自己?塔里亚:当然可以。你是对的。对不起,尼克。除此之外,这是华伦天奴的。我与一个明星!1.How does Nick feel after he hears Jackie and Deans conversation?very worried that they will try to trick him againvery pleased that they admitted what they didvery angry about what they did2. Talia knew that Dean and Jackie were going to talk about Nick. How did she know this?Talia knew that Jackie likes to talk about famous people.Talia knew that Jackie would be angry at Dean. She guessed that Jackie would then talk about Nick.Talia talked to Jackie earlier and upset her. She knew Jackie would tell Dean about their meeting.3.Talia says, If we leave now, well be able to catch Tony. What does Talia want to do?She wants to call Tony from the restaurant.She wants to get to theNewslineoffice before Tony leaves.She wants to watch Tony on the news.4.At the end of the scene, what does Nick suggest they do?go to theNewslineofficeenjoy the rest of the evening togetherask the waiter to clear the table尼克:我必须承认。塔里亚:什么?你必须承认吗?我认为这整件事结束了。尼克:不,不。它不是。它是关于。嗯,我们的。塔里亚:我们?我们,就像你和我吗?尼克:是的。你还记得我们一起在大学这个类吗?塔里亚:当然,我记得它。我记得很清楚。尼克:你还记得我们一起在图书馆学习。塔里亚:你的意思是当我们正在研究莎士比亚考试?尼克:嗯,我。嗯。我想问你。塔里亚:你做的?哇!。那么,你为什么不?尼克:我听说你有一个男朋友。塔里亚:哦,不!我有一个男朋友,但是我们分手在那个学期。事实上,我们分手了学期中段。尼克:你在开玩笑吧。我不知道。嗯,我想我应该。塔里亚:我现在没有看到任何人,但是,你知道的。尼克:那么。服务员:全体的祝福吗?一切都还好吗?我可以帮你哦,联合国咖啡馆吗?Te吗?卡布奇诺吗?塔里亚:我要卡布奇诺。尼克:两个。1.At the beginning of the scene, Nick says, I have a confession to make. What is Nicks confession?He never finished his college degree.He really did accept a bribe from Jackie and Dean after all.He wanted to ask Talia out when they were in college.2.Nick asks Talia if she remembers something. What is it?studying with him for an examhaving a date with himsplitting up with her boyfriend3.Why didnt Nick ask Talia out when they were in college?He was already dating someone else.He thought she was already dating someone else.He thought she didnt like him.4.What does Talia tell Nick about her boyfriend in college?They still see each other from time to time.They had stopped dating before Nick and Talia began studying together.They split up after they graduated from college.Unit8塔里亚:我太迟了,对吧?你已经在晚间新闻播放了关于尼克的故事吗?托尼:不,我决定不去。当我没有听到你,我决定等。塔里亚:哦,天哪,我松了一口气。托尼:事实上,我正要给你打电话。塔里亚:嗯,我很高兴你等待,托尼。Tah-dah !托尼:这是录音?塔里亚:是的。这个磁带将尼克的名字了。托尼:好的。让我们用掌声欢迎。我在这里有一个磁带录音机。艾米:那么,告诉我。告诉我。塔里亚:这是完美的。我拥有一切在磁带上。杰基说,她冒充一踢高管。艾米:不!塔里亚:是的!他们都承认没有踢!艾米:滚开!塔里亚:实际上,院长说他将带我们。艾米:难以置信!塔里亚:等到你听到它们。听力是相信!托尼:塔里亚,我有录音。塔里亚:哦,当然。在这里。哦,这是如此令人兴奋。1.At the beginning of the scene, Talia asks, Im too late, right? What does she mean?Nick has already left, hasnt he?Youve already listened to the tape, havent you?The evening news is already over, isnt it?2.The news story about Nick was scheduled for this evening. What did Tony decide to do?broadcast the story, as he had plannedwait until he heard from Talia before he broadcast the storywait until the other news shows broadcast the story3.How does Talia feel about Tonys decision?Shes a little confused.Shes very pleased.Shes really worried.4.After Tony listens to Talias description of the tape, what does he wantto do?speak to Nicklisten to the tapeinterview Jackie and Dean塔里亚:在这里,录音会尼克团队中恢复。只是一分钟。我必须重绕。好了,现在听。发生什么事了?这是磁带录音机工作吗?托尼:这是工作得很好。事实上,我上周就已经打扫。艾米:试一试另一个磁带,看看效果如何。托尼:谢谢,艾米。我只是想试试。艾米:你检查记录光吗?塔里亚:我要检查后我坐下来但是过多。托尼:你按“播放”和“记录”在一起吗?塔里亚:我不知道!我以为我做了!录音是移动。托尼:你可能只是按下“播放”。塔里亚:这是一场灾难。托尼:对不起,塔里亚。恐怕你已经学到了教训。艾米:可怜的塔里亚。塔里亚:可怜的尼克!我要怎么告诉他呢?1.At first, when Talia, Tony, and Amy cant hear anything on the tape, what does Talia think is the problem?The tape is broken.The tape player doesnt work properly.She hasnt rewound the tape.2.Amy asks Talia if she checked that the recording light was on. What does Talia say?She checked it before Dean and Jackie came to the restaurant.She checked it after Dean and Jackie had sat down.She was planning to check it, but she never did.3.Talia, Tony, and Amy figure out why there is no sound o

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