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Exit TestListeningTrack 8A Listen to an interview with Jon Larsen, CEO of a Danish advertising agency, and complete the sentences below.1Jon Larsens company was founded in _2The company is changing its name from Verner-Martins to _ .3The proportion of spending on internet advertising is (at the time of the interview): _ .4In a few years, Jon expects this percentage to be _ .5In Jons example, a car manufacturer arranged a series of _ _ to promote its new model.6To attend these events, people had to register their _ or _ .7Last year, the advertising industry grew by _ per cent.8The total value of the industry worldwide is _ .B Now listen again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.9Jon says that his company is changing its name because a) they want to market their services in the UKb) they want to show that they are up-to-date with new ideasc) the old name is hard to pronounce10The use of TV commercials in advertising campaigns is a) growingb) at a peakc) no longer as important as it once was11What is Jons opinion of pop-up ads?a) they are effectiveb) people often feel annoyed with themc) people dont pay attention to them12Jon believes the advertising industry will a) decline in the long termb) stay at the same size for the next few yearsc) continue to expand13In what way is the industry changing, according to Jon?a) advertising is becoming more expensiveb) it is becoming more globalc) agencies have to offer more things14Jon gives an example of a new promotional technique in which a) people sell the product to their friendsb) no direct advertising is usedc) consumers receive text messages about productsLanguageA In the text below, there is one mistake on each line. Identify the word that is wrong and write the correct word on the line.A week ago Refco is one of the worlds biggest finance companies, _ 15 with a market value of $3.6bn following its high successful flotation in August. _ 16 Now the company has collapsed and trading in its shares have been suspended. _ 17 Initially, internal investigators have been unable to find anything fundamentally _ 18 wrong. But on Monday the company found out that a $430m debt was owing by_ 19 the chief executive. On the same day, he paid it forward, with interest. _ 20 The problem was that the statement the company put out explaining what has _ 21 happened left many unanswered questions. Refco is completely dependent of the _ 22 confidence of its customers. If they fear of the security of their assets they will _ 23 attempt to withdrawing them, which is exactly what happened this week. _ 24B Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence below to create a noun phrase. Do not use relative clauses (clauses with who, that or which).Example:We have to review our strategy because the conditions in the market are increasingly difficult.We have to review our strategy because of the increasingly difficult market conditions.25We are looking for a person who is professional and has good qualifications.We are looking for _26Our sales have declined rapidly in recent months.In recent months, we have seen _27He has been consistent in producing reports which are accurate.He has produced _28The company has demonstrated that they are extremely effective in planning for disasters.The company has demonstrated _29Lastminute.com is a service company which operates online and has been highly successful.Lastminute.com is a _C Complete the sentences below with the appropriate multi-word verb. Where there is a pronoun in brackets, decide whether to put it between the two parts of the verb or at the end.break into / break off / bring out / cut off / look into / put off30We have discontinued that line and we are going to _ _ a new line next month.31The company is strong in Europe and the US and now they want to _ _ the Asia Pacific market.32Hello? Are you still on the line? Oh dear I think weve been _ _ .33Im afraid I wont be able to come to the meeting on Friday. Can we _ _ _ till next week? (it)34Im sorry to hear youve got a problem. Dont worry. Leave it with me and Ill_ _ _ . (it)35The negotiations were not going well, so we decided to _ _ _ . (them)D Choose the best answer to complete each gap in the text.Saying no to invitations can be very difficult. A standard answer to Can you come to lunch? is: Thank you but Im a bit busy at present. But what would you say if the next question _ 36: When will you be free? _ 37 you tell a lie or be honest?If you _ 38 want lunch with someone it may be because they are boring, or not important enough, or because you would prefer to have a sandwich at your desk. It is easier and less rude to tell a lie.I would not advise anyone to say no to their boss. A manager I know asked his secretary if she would mind typing a letter for him. Id rather not, if you _ 39 mind, she replied. A month later, she was selected for redundancy in a company reorganisation. If she _ 40 Yes, of course she might still be working there.36a) wasb) isc) would be37a) wouldb) willc) wont38a) did notb) do notc) would not39a) wouldb) wontc) dont40a) saidb) had saidc) would have saidVocabularyA Choose a word or phrase from the list to replace each of the underlined words or phrases without changing the meaning.fringe benefits / dire / independently / old-fashioned / remuneration / retreat / rosy / succinct / uncertain41We dont see any future in this market so weve decided to withdraw.42Our sales subsidiaries operate autonomously.43Ive been offered an attractive pay package with the new job.44The job also comes with a number of perks.45Hugo got excellent exam results and his future looks promising.46His speech was short and to the point.47Share prices are falling fast and the financial analysts have issued dreadful warnings.48Im afraid your chances of success are somewhat doubtful.49That managers attitudes to women are a bit behind the times!B Choose two verbs from the list that could both be used in each sentence below.accept / achieve / admit / damage / deal with / enter / give / handle / jeopardize / make / penetrate / provide / reach / take50We employ 5 staff to _ customer complaints.51Normally the departmental manager should _the decision.52The project failed because we failed to _our goals.53The delegates at the conference were asked to _ feedback.54The company is refusing to _ liability for the loss.55He warned that taking this action could seriously _ international relations.56The plan is to _ the market with our new design.C Match the words in column A to the words in column B to make phrases and match them to the a term that matches each of the definitions below.ABAuctioncentreDistributionpackage IncomehouseTakeoverdistribution RetailbidSeverancechain 57Money and other advantages offered to an employee when a company tells them to leave.58The way in which wealth is shared by people in a country.59An attempt to get control of a company by buying most of its shares.60The location where goods are stored before being sent out to customers.61A number of shops or stores owned or managed by the same company.62A company that arranges sales in which items are sold to the highest bidder.SkillsChoose the most appropriate phrase from the list to match each of the functions below.63State the goals of a meeting64Ask for opinions65Encourage contributions at a brainstorming.66Signal that you want to say something.67Resolve a conflict.68Soften a request.69Summarise the points so far.a) Id like to make a suggestion.b) Lets recap before we go on.c) What we need to achieve today is d) Does anyone have any feelings about ?e) We were hoping to pay a little less.h) Fire away!i) How do you think we should deal with this?ReadingRead the article Ban bureaucracy and bring in the bulldozers. Some parts of the text have been taken out. These extracts are listed below the article. Complete each gap with the appropriate extract.The table in Jean-Franois Dehecqs chief executive suite in Paris has room for no more than a handful of people to gather round. Sanofi-Aventis, the company he runs, may have become one of the worlds largest pharmaceutical companies, but he believes this table remains big enough for all those needed to take the key decisions.Apart from Mr Dehecq, that means just three other long-standing colleagues in whom he has total confidence. We _ 70, he says. We sit around this little table and make decisions and apply them the next morning. There are no committees, no mucking around.This is one of a number of his defiantly distinctive approaches to management. While executives in many big pharma groups complain that they are spending too much time in large committees, trapped by heavy bureaucracy, Mr Dehecq believes he _ 71. He cites the plan of a group of his managers to build a new $100m vaccines plant in the US. We challenged it, and then we said Right, lets go. The reaction of these guys was, So which committee do we go to now? I said tomorrow morning you get the bulldozers on the site and start building. We _ 72.That same small group of executives came into play when engineering Sanofis largest takeover with the purchase of the rival French group Aventis in a highly unusual, hostile takeover battle. Mr Dehecq says the saga began as a survival strategy for Sanofi, indicating that Pfizer, the worlds largest drugs group, _ 73 that were eyeing his business for acquisition because of its profitability.Despite the fact that Aventis was larger, Mr Dehecq launched an aggressive takeover and went on to acquire his rival in a 50bn deal. After the merger, most of Aventiss top management lost their jobs, as he _ 74. Otherwise we would be stuck in the mud like all the big mergers with only 2 or 3 per cent _ revenue growth this year, while we are generating 11 per cent.As for the future, he hints that any of his three close colleagues could take on his role when he comes up for retirement in threeyears, and with the boards approval he has chosen a preferred successor whose identity he will not reveal who shares his vision. The essential thing is that we dont end up working by committees. If we _ 75.a) can best keep his company alive by retaining a direct approach that cuts away bureaucracy.b) imposed Sanofis vision and stylec) was among a number of pharmaceutical companiesd) do that, we are dead.e) just took the decision.f) dont need to talk to understand each otherNow answer these questions about the article:76How would you describe Jean-Franois Dehecqs approach to management?a) cautiousb) consultativec) decisive77What characterises other pharma groups decision-making?a) a long, complex processb) a fast, direct approachc) lack of red tape78Why did Jean-Franois Dehecq initially decide to acquire Aventis?a) his own company was threatened with a takeoverb) Sanofi couldnt compete with the large pharma groupsc) he wanted to improve profitability79Complete the sentence: As a result of the merger a) Jean-Franois Dehecq has had to change his management styleb) the company is growing slowlyc) senior managers at Aventis were sacked80What do we know about the next CEO of Sanofi-Aventis?a) He will make radical changes to the way the group is run.b) He has already been chosen.c) His appointment has already been announced.WritingYou work in the engineering department of a manufacturing firm. Your firm needs to purchase a new motor for the pumping system at your plant and you have been asked to investigate three models that would all be suitable from a technical point of view.Use the data below and write a memo of 200 to 250 words to the Purchasing Manager. Tell him which motor you would recommend and give your reasons.Motor AMotor BMotor C(*new model)Purchase price$1,300$1,900$2,900Annual running cost (based on energy use)$3,066$3,942$2,628Guarantee1 year3 years5 yearsCost of service contract (after guarantee expires)$80 per year$100 per year$100 per yearSpeaking TestYou are going to have a speaking test that will last about 15 minutes. There will be two parts:Part A: You will be asked to prepare a short (3 4 minute) presentationPart B: You will have to ask for information about a conference venue, which you should then summarise and evaluate.Part A: PresentationChoose one of the topics below and prepare a short presentation. You should begin with a suitable introduction, divide the main information into about three main parts, and end with a conclusion. You can make notes, but should not try to read the whole presentation. You will have about 15 minutes to prepare.1Make a presentation about a company. Give information aboutits activities (products or services)its size, nationality of main offices or plants, subsidiaries etcits strengths in the market2Make a presentation about a job: either the job you have, or one you would like to have. Describe:what the job involveswhy you chose itwhat is most challenging or rewarding about it.3Make a presentation about a business person: either someone you work with or a well- known person. Talk about:what this person doeswhat they have done or achieved in the pastwhat special skills they have that you admirePart B: Gathering information and summarizingYou work for a media company. Your company wants to take over a video games producer as a way to enter the video games market. Ask the examiner for information about two possible companies: StarSports (based in the US) and Silver Clouds (based in France)Try to get the following information about each company:type of game the company producessales performance: how well they are sellingwhen the company was set upmarket valueprofit last yearshare price trendYou can ask as many questions as you like to get facts and check your understanding. You can make notes. When you have all the facts, you will be asked to make a summary comparing the two companies. You should then say which one you think offers the best potential for a takeover.Exit TestAnswer KeyListening (14 marks)119522Volcano35 per cent410 per cent (accept doubled)5rock concerts6e-mail address, mobile phone number74.7 8$400 billion (or: really work)9 b / 10 c / 11 b / 12 c / 13 c / 14 bLanguage (26 marks)15is was16high highly17have has to agree with trading18have had19owing owed20forward back21has had22of on23of for24withdrawing withdraw25We are looking for a well-qualified professional person.26In recent months, we have seen rapidly declining sales.27He has produced consistently accurate reports.28The company has demonstrated extremely effective disaster planning (or: planning for disasters).29Lastminute.com is a highly successful online service company.30 bring out / 31 break into / 32 cut off / 33 put it off / 34 look into it / 35 break them off36 a / 37 a / 38 b / 39 c / 40 bVocabulary (22 marks)41 retreat / 42 independently / 43 remuneration / 44 fringe benefits / 45 rosy / 46 succinct / 47 dire / 48 uncertain / 49 old-fashioned50 deal with, handle / 51 take, make / 52 achieve, reach; / 53 give, provide / 54 accept, admit / 55 damage, jeopardize / 56 enter, penetrate57severance package58income distribution59monetary regulations60distribution centre61retail chain62auction houseSkills (7 marks)63 c / 64 d / 65 h / 66 a / 67 i / 68 e / 69 bReading (11 marks)70 f / 71 a / 72 e / 73 c / 74 b / 75 d76 c / 77 a / 78 a / 79 c / 80 bWriting (20 marks)Please see the examiners guidelines.Model answer:Memo:From: Engineering departmentTo: Purchasing ManagerSubject: New motor for pumping systemWe need to purchase a new motor for the pumping system and I have investigated three models, all of which would suit our purposes from a technical point of view.As can be seen in the attached table, Model A has the lowest purchase cost. However, the running costs for this model are high at $3,066 a year. In addition, the guarantee for this motor is only one year, which means we would have to pay a further $80 per year for a service contract after this guarantee has expired.Model B has a higher purchase cost than Model A and also a much higher running cost. This would be the most expensive option for us.Model C has the highest purchase cost. However, it is a new model which offers a high level of energy efficiency. The running cost for a year is only $2,628, which would compensate for the higher purchase cost after four years. Moreover, this model has a five-year guarantee, which means we would not have to pay for a service contract during the first five years after purchase. The overall cost over five years is nearly $1,000 cheaper for this model than for model A.Conclusion and recommendationMy conclusion is that Model C offers the best value and efficiency and I recommend that we buy this model.229 wordsSpeaking (25 marks)Please see the examiners guidelinesTotal: 125 marks12


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