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(英语一)I. Choose the correct pronunciation to each of the following words. (B)1. observe: A. 5RbzvB. b5z:v (A)2. employ: A. im5plRiB. 5emplRi (B) 3. various: A. vZ5risB. 5vZris(A)4. operate: A. 5RpreitB. Rp5reit(B)5. splendid:A. splen5didB. 5splendidII. Mark the stress for each of the following words. (B)6. amountA. 第一个音节 B. 第二个音节 (A)7. practiceA. 第一个音节 B. 第二个音节 (A)8. instrumentA. 第一个音节 B. 第二个音节C. 第三个音节 (B)9. umbrellaA. 第一个音节 B. 第二个音节C. 第三个音节 (B)10. politicalA. 第一个音节 B. 第二个音节 C. 第三个音节 D. 第四个音节 (B)11. What have you seen?A. 一般疑问句升调 B. 特殊疑问句降调 (A)12. Did he go there on foot or by bike?A. 选择疑问句升、降调 B. 一般疑问句升调 (B)13. Why didnt you go?A. 一般疑问句升调 B. 特殊疑问句降调 (B)14. You dont have to come tomorrow, A. dont you?升调 B. do you?升调 (B)15. What lovely weatherit is!. 祈使句降调 B. 感叹句降调IV. Fill in each of the following blanks with a word in its proper form. 16. _Whether_ we beat them _or_ they beat us, the match will be enjoyable.17. Dew is formed _where_ the grass is thick.18. She listened attentively _lest_ she should fail to follow the speaker.19. This car, _which_ I paid a lot of money, is now out of date.20. There werent any movie theaters in the town _where_ I spent my last summer.21. A mans knowledge consists only of two parts: that _which_ comes from direct experience and that _which_ comes from indirect experience.22. When _in_ trouble, they always look _to_ him _for_ help.23. We must be very sorry _for_ what has happened.24. He missed the train _by_ 10 minutes.25. Products made _by_ machines are generally cheaper than those made _by_ hand.26. Some people do not believe _in_ teaching formal grammar.27. Last night I came back late _for_ the meeting.28. She lives _in_ 4401 Part Street.29. Its eight oclock now. You _should_ be doing your lessons. You _shouldnt_ (not) be V. Each o (B)30. “What is that building?” “_ the garden equipment is stored.”A. Theres in which B. Thats where C. The building that D. Thats the building which(C)31. It wasnt such a good dinner _ she had promised us.A. that B. which C. as D. what(D)32. _ the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A. In case of B. In spite of C. Because of D. But for (A)33. _, I will learn it well.A. However difficult English is B. No matter how difficult is EnglishC. However English is difficult D. No matter how English is difficult(C)34. While reading the newspaper, _.A. a colorful advertisement caught my eyesB. my attention was attracted by an advertisementC. I was attracted by a colorful advertisementD. what attracted me was a colorful advertisement(C)35. The meat is not ready _ and it _ has to be cooled for another five minutes.A. stillyet B. yetalready C. yetstill D. alreadystill(A)36. Frank things quickly and with ease. He didnt have to sit up late the A. learnedstudying B. studiedlearning C. studieslearning D. learnedstudied(B)37. The young driver looked over the engine carefully lest it _ on the way.A. goes wrong B. should go wrong C. went wrong D. would go wrong(B)38. Doesnt he have any sympathy _ the crippled boy?A. at B. for C. in D. of(B)39. John met an old classmate of his _ his way home.A. at B. on C. in D. by(A)40. Mr. Li _ the composition once a week last term.A. had us do B. had us done C. had us to do D. had us do(B)41. _ with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces.A. Dissatisfying thoroughly B. Being thoroughly dissatisfiedC. To dissatisfy thoroughly D. To be dissatisfied thoroughly(A)42. He is the man _ I supposed was capable of doing such a thing. A. who B. to whom C. of them D. whomVI. There are four parts underlined in each of the following sentences. Identify the one that (D)(1) The teachers lecture on the history was three hours long and Henry felt very boring. A B C D(C)(2) Mr. Brown often wore a heavy coat because he was not used to live in such a cold climate. A B C D(C)(3) Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before A B C(C) (4) The reason that he has been such a success is because he never gives up. A B C DVII. Fill in the blanks with the word in the brackets in its proper form.(1) I think Ill stop working soon. I have been tired (tire).(2) I wish I _had had_ (have) your opportunities when I was young.(3) This difficulty can be avoided (can, avoid) in several ways.VIII. Translate the following into English. (1) 孩子们高兴得跳了起来。 The children jumped for joy.(2) 他们因工作出色而受到表扬。 As a result of the excellent work they have been commended.(3) 你听到有人在敲门吗?Do you hear someone knock at the door?IX. Translate the following into Chinese. (1) After all his efforts, he failed. 尝试了一切努力后,他失败了。(2) It hasnt been made clear when the new road is to be opened to traffic.这条新路什么时候会开通还不清楚。(3) I like swimming (very much) and so does my brother. 我(非常)喜欢游泳,我弟弟也是。X. Read the following passages, and determine what type of clause each of the underlined. One of our strongest taboos concerns the number 13.(B)(1) A. 名词从句作动词宾语 B. 名词从句作同位语(B) (2) A. 定语从句修饰先行词 B. 名词从句作表语(A)(3) A. 状语从句表示虚拟条件 B. 状语从句表示对比(A)(4) A. 名词从句作主语 B. 名词从句作宾语(B)(5) A. 名词从句作同位语 B. 名词从句作动词宾语Passage 2Community ServiceThe idea of helping people comes naturally to most of us. If we see a blind person getting off a (A)(6) A. 定语从句修饰先行词 B. 名词从句作同位语(B)(7) A. 状语从句表示条件 B. 状语从句表示原因(A)(8) A. 名词从句作动词宾语 B. 名词从句作定语(B)(9) A. 状语从句表示让步 B. 状语从句表示时间(B)(10) A. 状语从句表示让步 B. 状语从(英语一)I. Choose the correct pronunciation to each of the following words. (B)1. absorb: A. 5AbsRbB. b5sR:b(A)2. enjoy: A. in5dVRiB. 5endVRi(A)3. obvious: A. 5RbvisB. b5visII. Mark the stress for each of the following words. (B)1. amountA. 第一个音节B. 第二个音节(A)2. midnightA. 第一个音节B. 第二个音节(A)3. possibleA. 第一个音节B. 第二个音节C. 第三个音节III. Each (B)1. Is the flower red or blue?A. 一般疑问句升调 B. 选择疑问句升、降调(A)2. Must I leave right now?A. 一般疑问句升调 B. 特殊疑问句降调(B)3. You dont have to come tomorrow, A. dont you?升调 B. do you?升调IV. Fill in each of the following blanks with a word in its proper form. (1) He hoped the passenger would Mary be and indeed _she_ was _Mary_.(2) _Which_ way shall we go? By the stream or through the wood?(3) Lets go and have a drink. Weve got _much_ time before the train leaves.(4) Look at these pears. This seems to be a nice ripe _one_.(5) He remembers _what_ London of _in_ past and says it was gayer than _what_ London of _in_ today.(6) Lets sing a song, _shall_ we? (7) Dont stand _under_ a tree during a thunderstorm.(8) _After_ all, they have nothing _in_ common. Its only natural that they cant get along well.(9) Last night I came back late _for_ the meeting.(10) They came _by_ the 9 oclock train.V. Each of the following sentences is provided with four answers labeled A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes it. (C) (1) _, it is quite easy to drill a hole in it with laser.a. As diamond is hard b. Although hard diamond isc. Hard as diamond is d. However diamond is hard(C) (2) Not all the children will visit _ parents on Sunday.a. his b. its c. their d. his or her(B) (3) If you get up _, you will miss the plane.a. lately b. late c. latter d. later(C) (4) “Did you say that our neighbor in the accident?”a. badly hurt b. was badly hurted c. was badly hurt d. had badly hurted(D) (5) It was proposed that the matter _ discussed at the next meeting.a. will be b. was c. could be d. be(D) (6) In the preface _ my book, I thanked all the people who had been of help to me.a. of b. in c. for d. to(A)(7)Your ideas, _, seem unusual to me.a. just as hers b. like hers c. as hers d. different than hers(B) (8)It is wise _ the case that way.a. of him to settle b. for him to settle c. of his settling d. that he settle(C) (9) He thought that _.a. the effort doing the job was not worth b. the effort was not worth in doing the jobc. it was not worth the effort doing the job d. it was not worth the effort by doing the job(B) (10) Jack could ask for leave on condition he was really ill. a. for that b. that c. of which d. in which(C)(11) Some members of the staff couldnt handle Murrays condition, hard _ they tried.a. when b. although c. as d. even if(A) (12) _was his anger that his face turned red.a. Such b. Great c. So d. It(A) (13) Only under special circumstances _ to take make-up test.a. are freshmen permitted b. freshmen are permittedc. permitted are freshmen d. are permitted freshmen(C)(14) Although the first part of the book is easy, the rest _.a. are difficult b. has proved difficult c. is supposed difficult d. have been found difficult(D) (15) London has a larger population _ in the United Kingdom.a. than any city b. than other cities c. than all the cities d. than all the other citiesVI. There are four parts underlined in each of the following sentences. Identify the one that needs correction. (D)(1) Sitting up late last night, Tom not only read the assignment but also many poems by one of A B Chis favorite poets. D(C)(2) Have you heard that Jeffs leg was broken while playing football? A B C D(C) (3) Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before A B Cthe class. D (A)(4) Why they will go there to try another experiment has not been decided yet. A B C D (A)(5) The more one knows about the Elizabethan England, the more you understand theA B Cimportance of the British NavyDVII. Fill in the blanks with the word in the brackets in its proper form. (1) I noticed that the wrecked car _had_ not yet _been taken_ (take) away.(2) “_Would_ you like to have another drink?” “No, thanks. I_ have had_ (have) enough.”(3) If the exit doors hadnt been blocked, people _would have escaped_ (escape) from the building hall.(4) Its high time that the children _should get_ (get) dressed.(5) Great as Newton was, many of his ideas _have been challenged_ (challenge) today.(6) By the end of this year, he _will have stayed_ (stay) here for10 years.(7) It is necessary that Mike _should fill_ (fill) in all the blanks on as application for a job.(8) Many old houses _ had been pulled down_ (pull down), and many new ones _were built_ (build) in their place last year.VIII. Translate the following into English. (1) 英国人很为自己的幽默感感到自豪。The English are proud of their sense of humor.(2) 你听到有人在敲门吗?Do you hear someone knock at the door?(3) 孩子们高兴得跳了起来。The children jumped for joy.(4) 不能把这些书带出图书馆外。 These books are not allowed to take out of the library.IX. Translate the following into Chinese.(1) She showed us how to operate the machine. 她向我们说明了如何来操作这台机器。(2) Is there anyone her whose name is Jack London? 这儿有人名叫杰克伦敦吗?(3) I like swimming (very much) and so does my brother. 我(非常)喜欢游泳,我弟弟也是。(4) Under no circumstances will he leave the country. 在任何情况下,他都不会离开这个国家。X. Read the following passages, and determine what type of clause each of the underlined parts is. Passage 1Community ServiceThe idea of helping people comes naturally to most of us. (1)If we see a blind person getting off (A)(1) A. 状语从句表示条件 B. 状语从句表示对比(A)(2) A. 名词从句作同位语 B. 定语从句修饰先行词(A)(3) A. 名词从句作主语 B. 名词从句作表语(B)(4) A. 名词从句作同位语 B. 名词从句作动词宾语(A)(5) A. 状语从句表示时间 B. 状语从句表示条件Passage 2StressMost people feel stress at some time in their lives. Some people like this pressure and work (A)(6) A. 定语从句修饰先行词 B. 名词从句作同位语(B)(7) A. 状语从句表示原因 B. 状语从句表示对比(B)(8) A. 定语从句修饰先行词 B. 名词从句作动词宾语(A)(9) A. 名词从句作介词宾语 B. 定语从句修饰先行词(B)(10) A. 状语从句表示让步 B. 状语从句表示条件(英语一)I. Choose the correct pronunciation to each of the following words. (A)1. bookstore: A. buk5stR:B. 5bukstR:(B)2. invite: A. 5invaitB. in5vait(B)3. compare: A. 5kRmpZB. km5pZ(A)4. suggest: A. s5dVestB. 5sQdVist(A)5. operate: A. 5RpreitB. Rp5reitII. Mark the stress for each of the following words.(B)1. expectA. 第一个音节B. 第二个音节(A)2. practiceA. 第一个音节B. 第二个音节(A)3. instrumentA. 第一个音节B. 第二个音节C. 第三个音节 (B)4. umbrellaA. 第一个音节B. 第二个音节C. 第三个音节 (B)5. politicalA. 第一个音节B. 第二个音节C. 第三个音节 D. 第四个音节III. Each (B)1. What lovely weatherit is!A. 祈使句降调 B. 感叹句降调(B)2. We must work hard, A. must we?升调 B. mustnt we?降调(B)3. Do you get it for your sister or for yourself?A. 一般疑问句降调B选择疑问句升、降调(A)4. When did you go there?A. 特殊疑问句降调 B. 一般疑问句降调(A)5. He didnt come yesterday.A. 陈述句降调 B. 祈使句降调IV. Fill in each of the following blanks with a word in its proper form. (1) _So_ many children have bought balloons _that_ the store is now out of stock.(2) She always takes careful notes in class _and_ she may go over and digest them after class.(3) These books, _which_ you can get at any bookshop, will give you all the information _that_ you need.(4) Franklin was the first man _that_ discovered the nature of electricity.(5) They succeeded _in_ escaping _from_ the burning house.(6) We are all very grateful _to_ you _for_ what you have done.(7) Her eyes are bright _with_ excitement.(8) She took advantage _of_ the opportunity and made a lot of money.(9) Such kinds of books are not _to_ their taste.(10) No one _dared_ to question the order of the commander at that time.V. Each of the following sentences is provided with four answers labeled A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes it. (B)(1) The manager of the hotel requests that their guests _ after11:00 p.m.a. not to play loud music b. shouldnt play loud musicc. dont play loud music d. couldnt play loud music(A)(2) _ tomorrow, we would not go shopping.a. Should it rain b. If it will rain c. Were it to rain d. If it is going to rain(B)(3) I arrived _ Qingdao _ 11:00 a.m. _ May 1.a. at in at b. in at on c. to on at d. in at on(D)(4) _ the bad weather, the airplane was delayed.a. Due b. Because c. For d. Owing to(D)(5) I have heard both teachers and students _ well of him.a. to speak b. spoken c. to have spoken d. speak(C)(6) He asked her _ she thought she could manage to come the Wednesday of the following week.a. what b. that c. if d. as(A)(7) Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _ it comes to classroom test.a. when b. since c. before d. after(B)(8) I have kept that portrait _ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.a. which b. where c. whether d. when (A)(9) We have been told that under no circumstances _ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.a. may we use b. we may use c. we could use d. did we use(D)(10) Ten minutes _ an hour when one is waiting for a phone call.a. seemed b. is seeming c. seem d. seems(B)(11) The little girl pulled the door _ she could. a. so hardly as b. as hardly as c. so hard as d. as hard as(D)(12) The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _ and perfected now.a. developed b. have developed c. will have been developed d. are being developed(A)(13) Id rather you _ make any comment on the issue for the time being.a. didnt b. wouldnt c. dont d. shouldnt(D)(14) They sought shelter _ the rain under a large overhanging rock.a. off b. of c. for d. from (D)(15) Bill is sitting _ his armchair and Helen is sitting _the sofa.a. onin b. at on c. in in d. in onVI. There are four parts underlined in each of the following sentences. Identify the one that needs correction. (B)(1) Most people know how it is like to have their blood pressure taken but few understand what A Bthe numbers that are used to record blood pressure mean.C D(D)(2) Under the present circumstances there seem fewer reasons for people to hug illusions than A B Cthere was before. D(C)(3) Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before A B Cthe class. D(C)(4) I walked down the corridor, my footsteps echoed eerily through the empty house. A B C D(A)(5) The more one knows about the Elizabethan England, the more you understand theA B Cimportance of the British Navy (A)(6) If they will go there to try another experiment hasnt been decided.A B C D(C)(7) Every day the watchman would lock the doors, turning on the spot light and walk around A B C D the building.(C)(8) The reason that he has been such a success is because he never gives up. A B C D(C)(9) I dont know that you can recognize her from here, but the girl reading the newspaper is A B C D (B)(10) Although Mark has been cooking for many years, he still doesnt know to prepare French A BVII. Fill in the blanks with the word in the brackets in its proper form. (1) It was proposed that the meeting _should be postponed_ (postpone).(2) Wondering what was wrong, I crossed the road and found that two young men _had been arrested_ (arrest) by the police.(3) They _have worked_ (work) in this university since 1976.(4) You _shouldnt be_ (not, be) so impatient while reading.(5) The book _will be published_ (publish) by the end of this year.(6) If only they _had known_ (know) that the disease was curable!VIII. Translate the following into English.(1) 孩子们高兴得跳了起来。The children jumped for joy.(2) 他不喜欢孩子学习到很晚。He didnt like their children to study late into the night.(3) 他越想就越不喜欢它。The more he thought, the


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