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第一单元练习题 单项填空 1.I would appreciate _ much if you could write to me as soon as possible. A. thatB. itC. thisD. what Jane Goodall is a great woman.2. _. She has done so much to protect chimps everywhere. A. Good ideaB. Congratulations D. The same to youC. I think so 3.The determined mother has devoted all she has to _ her son out of trouble. A. helpingB. helpC. have helpedD. having helped 4.China sent up two manned spaceships and they were also great scientific _ in the world. B. surprisesA. campaignsC. achievementsD. discoveries 5.Considering carefully, the family _ different choices on the question so far. A. had madeB. has madeC. madeD. have made 6.We _ the problem for a long time, but we didn?t reach any agreement. A. arguedB. explainedC. sharedD. communicated 7. Only after the woman had her own child _ how difficult it was to be a mother. A. she realizedB. had she realized C. she had realizedD. did she realize 8.Don?t be worried. I?ll _ your pet dog when you?re away. A. deal withB. care aboutC. look intoD. care for 9.In order to understand the _ of the animal, the researcher spent many years recording its daily activities. C. behaviourD. personalityA. performanceB. deed 10. What should I do, sir? _ the star and then tell me something about it. A. NoticeB. ObserveC. SeeD. Glare 11. No one can stop him, _ the boy is determined to do something. C. onceB. now thatA. even ifD. although 12. It?s suggested that another strong bridgehoulds be built to _ heavy trucks. C. holdB. acceptA. supportD. carry It is the years we spent together at college _ have a deep effect on my 13. life. C. whenB. thatA. whichD. where 14. Don?t _ women. They are as important as men for the development of society. C. look out forA. look up toB. look down uponD. look forward to 15. When the clock _ 12, I was about to leave for the supermarket. C. beatA. knockedB. hitD. struck 完形填空 Tell me whatyou were like when you were my age,“I asked my mother one” afternoon. She looked up, 16 at my question. After a long time she answered,“ I was being a hard-working 19. To tell 17 like you. Then, there was only one 18 for girls the truth, it is 20 for me to tell you that I 21 my mother when I was growing up. I did so much for her. Besides doing lots of housework, every night I 22 go into my parents? bedroom, and wash their feet with warm water. Not once did my mother 癥牥猠楡?桴湡?潹?尮 I stared out of the window, remembering 23 I grew up, always wanting to hear a ). I做到word of 24 from her, but getting only the rule and 25 I could never live up to ( remembered the years when she 26 me to get up at six every morning and cook breakfast for the family before leaving for school. 27 , I remembered the times she?d 28 me to other girls who were as old as me and found me 29. Nothing was ever30 enough for my mother,? continued my mother,“ butnow I“ know she did 51 me, even if she never said so. I told you this just for a 32. Yes, I love all my children, but you are my first child, the first in 33 to me. I have been very ”strict and hard on you, but I 34 you in the only way I knew. I am 35proud of you. D. surprisedB. angryA. excited16.C. disappointed D. onceC. neverA. everB. mostly17. 18.A. entertainmentB. careerC. dreamD. concern D. student19.A. womanB. workerC. wife D. silly20.A. comfortableB. proudC. shameful D. forgave21.A. hatedB. lovedC. respected D. might22.B. shouldC. couldA. would D. whenC. beforeA. where23.B. how D. praiseA. honesty24.C. importanceB. use D. curiosityB. orderC. expectationA. promise25. D. advisedA. made26.C. forcedB. encouraged D. In allA. Least of all27.B. After allC. Most of all D. introducedC. explainedB. matchedA. compared28. D. foolish29.C. betterA. uselessB. lacking D. goodC. modernB. badA. interesting30. D. ignore31.C. honourA. supportB. love D. considerationA. reason32.C. excuseB. explanation D. everythingB. anythingA. something33.C. nothing D. affectedC. raisedB. taughtA. helped34. D. graduallyC. actuallyB. generallyA. slightly35. 阅读理解 A Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It reduces your risk of heart attack and is a good way to control body weight. It is also something you can do with other people, which can be great fun. So, it is important to find time to exercise and be healthier. As well as making time to exercises, another way is to build it into the natural rhythm (节奏 ) of your day. Go for a walk on your lunch break. Try to find at least three different ways and change them throughout the week. It might even be possible to find a place to walk inside, for those bad weather days. Talk to your employers about improving health at work. Encourage your workers to cycle to and from work. You might also be able to encourage them to set up a gymnasium. Sell the idea by pointing out that doing so will improve productivity ( 生产率 ), and make workers happy. If you are a student. Go for walks with friends to talk about your studies. Spend some time in the learning resource centre reading about sport, exercise and health. The more you know, the more choices you will have about how to be physically active. Most colleges have sport and exercise programs that students can take part in. Find out which activities are being held, and try those you think you might enjoy. 36. Workers are advised to cycle to and from work to _. A. make themselves realize the importance of health B. work better and bring pleasure to themselves C. make themselves become much stronger D. reduce the time spent in walking to work 37. When a student wants to do exercise at school, he or she had better _. A. take part in all the exercise programs B. have sports with friends or classmates C. choose the one that he or she likes D. choose the same one all the time 38. We can learn from the passage that _. A. walk is most suitable for those who work indoors B. one who knows more about health will be healthier C. exercising with others will be better for one?s health D. combining exercise with daily work can save time to keep healthy B Women in Nazi Germany were to have a very special job. Hitler was very clear about this. This job was that they should be good mothers bringing up children at home while their husbands worked. Except for some special fields, Hitler saw no reason why a woman should work. Within months of Hitler coming to power, many female doctors, teachers and lawyers were sacked. By the start of the Second World War, very few German women were in fulltime work. From their earliest years, girls were taught that all good German women married at a young age to a proper German and that the wife?s job was to keep a good home for her working husband and to have children. One of the earliest laws passed by Hitler once he came to power in 1933, wasthe Law for the Encouragement of Marriage. This law stated (声明 ) that all newly married couples would get a government loan ( 贷款 ) of 1000 marks. This loan was not to be simply paid back. The birth of one child meant that 25% of the loan did not have to be paid back. Two children meant that 50% of the loan didn?t need to be paid back. Four children meant that the entire loan was cleared. What was more, as housewives and mothers, their lives were controlled. Women were not expected to wear make-up or trousers. Only flat shoes were expected to be worn. Women were discouraged from slimming as this was considered bad for child birth. The aim of the Law for the Encouragement of Marriage was to _. 39. attract more young people to join the army willingly A. make those married couples become rich quickly B. encourage people to loan more from the government C. encourage couples to have as many children as they could D. 40. The underlined wordin Paragraph one probably means” sacked “ “ _”. C. killedB. firedA. punishedD. raised According to the passage, women in Nazi Germany _. 41. could make up or wear beautiful clothes A. were to have children and do housework B. could receive a good education at school C. were offered the equal rights as men D. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text? 42. The life of women in Nazi Germany A. The cruel rule of Hitler in Germany B. The marriage policy in Nazi Germany C. a powerful leader in Germany Hitler D. C The youngest of five children in a middle-class family, Clara Barton was born on Christmas Day, in 1821, in Oxford, Massachusetts.Although she was educated at home, Clara began teaching school herself at the age of fifteen until 1854. Later, before the Civil War ( 内战 ), Clara?s greatest achievement was the establishment建( 立 ) of a free public school in Bordentown, New Jersey. What?s more, her only medical experience was when she cared for her invalid (病弱者 ) brother for two years. When the Civil War broke out, Clara soon learned that many of the wounded )(款soldiers had suffered from lack of medical supplies. So she asked for donations捐 to buy those supplies and began her own operation to hand out these supplies. In 1865, Clara built an information centre to serve war-torn families and often gave speeches. With so much work, she fell ill in 1868 and went to Switzerland to recover, where she learned something about the International Red Cross founded in 1864. But the United States could not take part then. Barton, returned home and began to establish the Red Cross in America. She worked hard, travelling to Washington for support, gave speeches and wrote articles to win the support of the public. She told people the Red Cross was not only important during times of war, but also useful in peace time. This got the attention of both the public and the politicians, and thus the American Association of the Red Cross came into being in 1881. 43. What did Clara Barton want to do during the wartime? A. Advise the government to buy more medical supplies. B. Help some families to rebuild their home. C. Collect money to buy medical supplies. D. Treat the wounded soldiers by herself. 44. According to the events in Clara?s life, which of the following is the right order? a. Travelled to win support for the Red Cross in America. b. Offered medical supplies to the army. c. Established a free public school.d. Stayed in Switzerland to improve her health. e. Worked as a teacher at school. A. e, c, b, d, a B. e, c, a, b, d C. e, b, c, d, aD. e, b, a, c, d 45. Clara Barton insisted on establishing the Red Cross in America because _. A. it could stop a war breaking outB. it was a sign of a powerful country C. it could keep America at peaceD. it could help to overcome unexpected trouble 根据中文或首字母提示,填写所缺单词的适当形式。 1. After working hard for twenty years, he gained a great scientific a_. 2. We must take the weather into c_ first when climbing mountains. 3. C_ between people who speak different languages is difficult. 4. The actor was dressed in funny clothes, much to the _ ( 娱乐 ) of the audience. 5. The two boys were brought up in war c_ by their grandma after their parents died. 6. It is his daily o_ and experience of the neighbourhoods problems that gives his songs their power. 7. The students have great r_ for their history teacher. 8. To our surprise, he won the most votes in this election _活(动 ). 9. The teacher asked me to explain the o_ of the human body. 10. His _ (行为 ) was becoming more than ever strange. 11. I studied law with a view to going into politics because I felt that politics was a w_ career. 12. The poor farmers son worked his way through difficulties and finally became a s_ in medicine. 13. They want to talk to you in _ (有关 ) with an unpaid tax bill. 14. After the war, the general wrote a very m_ book about the part he had played in winning it. M_ research may find a cure for cancer. 15. 请从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空。 achieve, devote ?behave,to, observe, argue, inspire, support, strike, look down upon, explain, care for, kind, considerate 1. That this project would _ success was unthinkable at the time. 2. She _ that our efforts would be a waste of time. 3. I _ to work hard than ever before because I hope my dream will come true. 4. I dont know how they manage _ their expensive lifestyle. 5. The workers _ because they wanted more money. 6. So-called equality doesn?texist, for in many countries women are still _. 7. The book _ how to succeed in difficult situation interested me very much. 8. She cant go out to work because she has to stay at home to _ her elderly mother. 9. She has _ all her life to the care of homeless people. 10. It?s very _ of you to send me a get-well card. 11. I _ a thief stealing something in a shop when talking with my friends. 12. She always _ well when her aunts come to visit. 13. I would think it a great _ if you would do something for the child. 书面表达 在教师节前夕 , 由你以 “ My Beloved Teacher 为”题写一篇英语短文赞扬你所 敬爱的老师。 提示:李老师, 51 岁,男,高一时教你班物理。他对工作认真负责,对同 学严格要求,耐心辅导,在他的帮助下,你很快赶上了班上其他同学。字数150 左右。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考答案 单项填空 1-5 BCACD6-10 ADDCB11-15 CABBD 完形填空 16-20 DCBAC 21-25 AABDC26-30 CCABD31-35 BADCC 阅读理解 36-40 BCDDB41-45 BACAD 根据中文或首字母提示,填写所缺单词的适当形式。 1. achievement2. consideration 3. Communication 4. entertainment 5. conditions 6. observation7. respect8. campaign 9. organization10. behaviour 14. modest11. worthwhile 13. connection12. specialist15. medical 请从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空。 1. achieve 2. argued3. was inspired4. to support5. were striking 6. looked down upon 7. explaining8. care for9. devoted10. considerate 11. observed12. behaves13. Kindness 书面表达 Mr. Li is one of my beloved teachers. He taught us physics when we were in senior. He was old but he taught very well. He could make his class lively. Mr. Li made good preparation for his lessons and was strict with us too. I used to be poor in physics. Mr. Li helped me with my lessons very patiently. Thanks to his help and hard work, I made good progress and caught up with the class. Teachers? Day is coming. I wish him good health. 重点解析 1. B。 it 在句中作形式宾语,而 if 引导的从句作真正的宾语。 2. C。从回答来看,第二个说话者是同意第一个人的观点的,所以用I think so。 Good idea 用来称赞对方的观点或想法; Congratulations 是祝贺的表达方 式,对于别人的成绩或好运表示祝贺;The same to you常用于回应别人的 问候,意为 “你也一样 ”。 10 3. A。 devote ? to ?意为 “把? 献给 ? ;把 ? 专用于 ?”。to 是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。 help 这一动作未发生在 devote 之前,所以不能选 D。 4. C。scientific achievement指 “科技成就 ”;campaign 意为 “战役;活动;竞选运动”;surprise 意为 “惊奇;诧异 ”; discovery 意为 “发现 ”。 5. D。根据 different choices判断, the family 此处指不同的家庭成员,所以谓语动词用复数形式,再根据 so far,应该用现在完成时,所以选 D。 6. A。句意为:就这个问题我们辩论了很长时间,但是没有达成一致。 argue意为“争论;辩论 ”;explain 意为 “解释;说明 ”;share意为 “分享;共有;分配 ”; communicate 意为 “沟通;通信;交际 ”。 realize 时间状语或状语从句,后面的句子要用倒装。这一动作发Only D。7. 生在 had her own child 这一动作之后,所以不能选 B。 D。句意为:不要担心,你不在的时候我会照料你的宠物狗。deal with 意为 “对8. 待;处理 ”;care about意为 “担心 ”;care for 意为 “照料;照顾 ”;look into 意为 “调查;了解;研究 ”。 9. C。句意为:为了研究这种动物的习性,这位研究人员花了很多年的时间记录 它的日常活动。 performance 意为 “表现;表演;演奏 ”;deed意为 “行为;事实;功绩 ”;behaviour 意为 “行为;举止;习性 ”;personality 意为 “个性;人格 ”。 10. B。本句意为:认真观察这颗星星,然后告诉我它的情况。notice 意为 “注意 到“;observe 意为 “观察;观测 ”;see意为 “看;看见;了解;领会 ”;glare 意为 “怒视 ”,常与 at 连用。 11. C。句意为:一旦这个男孩决定做某件事情,没人能阻止他。even if 意为 “即 使”;unless 意为 “除非 ”; although 意为 “尽管 ”,前后句是转折关系。 12. A。句意为:大家都建议再建一座大桥以支撑重型卡车的通行。 support 意为 “支撑;支持;拥护 ”。 13. B。本题考查强调句。被强调部分是 the years,连接词只能用that。 14. B。look up to 意为 “尊敬;仰望 ”;look down upon 意为 “蔑视;瞧不起 ”;look out for 意为 “留心;当心 ”; look forward to 意为 “期待;盼望 ”。 11 15. D。当表示钟敲响几点钟时,常用动词 strike。hit 意为 “打中;打击;碰撞;袭击 ”; beat 意为 “打;打败 ”;knock 意为 “敲;敲打;敲击 ”。 16. D。根据下文母亲的回答可判断当时她没有想到我会提出这样一个问题,所以感到惊讶。 17. C。根据母亲的讲述,她小时候做的事情和我是完全不一样的,所以选C。 18. B。这里讲述的是对于女孩来说,她们只有一种职业,那就是努力劳动,所以选 career较好。 19. A。在当时对于女孩子而言就是做一个好好干活的妇女。 20. C。亲生女儿说憎恨母亲当然会感到羞耻。 21. A 。母亲在家干了很多活,但她的妈妈连声谢谢都没说,所以母亲憎恨自己的妈妈。 22. A。would 此处表过去常常做某事。 23. B。我目视窗外,想起了我是如何长大的。 24. D。根据下文母亲对我提出很多要求和过高期望,逆推我希望得到母亲的表扬。注意 but 的提示作用。 25. C。根据常识可判断应是母亲对孩子的期望。 26. C。对孩子而言,早上早起做饭是不情愿的事,带有强迫的性质,所以选C。 注意 make somebody后接 do something。 27. C。最糟糕的是母亲经常拿我和其他的女孩子比较指出我的不足。least of all 意 为 “最不 ”;after all 意为 “终究;毕竟 ”;most of all 意为 “最特别的是;最糟糕的是 ”;in all 意为 “总共;总计 ”。 28. A 。compare 意为 “比较;相比 ”;match 意为 “相配;相称;比得上 ”;explain意为 “解释;说明 ”;introduce 意为 “介绍;引进 ”。 29. B。上文提到母亲对我要求过高,所以推断她常常指出我的不足。useless意为“无用的 ”;lacking 意为 “不足的 ”;foolish 意为 “愚蠢的 ”。 30. D。承接上文,本句意为:在母亲眼中,我总是做得不够好。 31. B。虽然她没说,但现在我知道母亲确实爱我。 32. A。reason意为 “原因;理由 ”;explanation 意为 “解释;说明 ”;excuse意为 “借口”;consideration 意为 “体谅;考虑 ”。 12 33. D。我爱所有的孩子,但你是第一个,所以要求比较高。 everything 和上文 all 相照应。 34. C。这里表示抚养大,所以用 raise。 35. C。虽然我对你要求严,但实际上我为你而骄傲。 36. B。由文中第三段中 “ Sellthe idea by pointing out that doing so will improve productivity and make workers happy. 可知,骑”自行车可以使工人提高生产效率和保持愉快的心态。 37. C。由文中最后一段 “Find out which activities are being held, and try those you think you might enjoy. 可知,”学生在学校进行运动时最好选择自己喜欢的活动。 38. D。由文中第一段最后一句 “ Aswell as using good time management, another way to find time to exercise is to build it into the natural rhythm of your day. 可知,把锻炼

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