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学员姓名: 年 级: 初三高一衔接 授课时间: 课时数:2 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师:课题 五种基本句型教学目标让学生通晓五种基本句型,能熟练地划分出句子中的主谓宾,定状补;完成8种时态复习重点 熟悉五种基本句型;弄清楚主谓宾,定状补各自的定义,并熟练地在句子中划出;重新梳理8种时态,对其有系统的深化理解难点主系表和主谓宾的区分;宾补和双宾的区分;过去时和现在完成时的区别英语五种基本句型基本句型一: 主+谓(不及物动词)此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即动词句子的谓语都能表达完整的意思.这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词,介词短语,状语从句等作状语.1. The sun rises. 太阳升起来.2. I smile/cry/jump/dance/sing. 我笑/哭/跳/跳舞/唱歌.3. Who cares? 谁在乎?4. They talked for half an hour. 他们谈了半个小时.5. The pen writes smoothly. 这支笔书写流利.基本句型二: 主+谓(及物)+宾 此句型句子的共同特点是:谓语动词都具有实义,都是主语产生的动作,但不能表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语,即动作的承受者,才能使意思完整.这类动词叫做及物动词. 80%的英语句子都是主谓宾结构。 I am playing the basketball.我正在打篮球 Who knows the answer? 谁知道答案? He has refused to help them 他拒绝帮助他们 He enjoys reading. 他喜欢看书. He admits that he was mistaken. 他承认犯了错误.基本句型三: 主+系+表此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思.这类动词叫做连系动词.系动词可以大体看成有三大类:第一类:be动词,am is are was were等等 This is an English-Chinese dictionary. 这是本英汉辞典 John is a middle school student第二类:感官性动词look,seem feel, smell, sound,taste等属第二类 The dinner smells good. 午餐的气味很好. I feel good. Everything looks different. 一切看来都不同了.第三类:表示一种状态变化或保持某种状态的动词 如:remain,keep, stay,turn,become,go,come等 He is becoming more and more powerful 他长得又高又壮 The milk has gone bad. 牛奶变质了 Stay cool! 保持冷静 Keep warm 保暖基本句型四: 主+谓(及物)+双宾(间宾+直宾) 此句型的句子有一个共同特点:谓语动词必须跟有两个宾语才能表达完整的意思.这两个宾语一个是动作的直接承受者,另一个是动作的间接承受者.通常这一间接承受者用一个介词来连接,当动作的间接承受者在动作的直接承受者之前时,这一介词往往被省略.1. She ordered herself a new dress. 她给自己定了一套新衣裳.2. I showed him my pictures. 我给他看我的照片.3. He bought you a dictionary.他给你买了一本字典.4. I told him that the bus was late. 我告诉他汽车晚点了.5. He showed me how to run the machine. 他教我开机器.To型:Bring, give, hand, offer, pass, pay, post, promise, read, return, sell, send, serve, show, teach, phone, tellFor型:Build, buy, choose, draw, find, make, order, paint, save.基本句型五: 主+谓(及物)+复合宾语(宾+宾补) 此句型的句子的共同特点是:动词虽然是及物动词,但是只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个补充成分来补足宾语,才能使意思完整.1. They painted the door green. 他们把门漆成绿色.2. They found the house empty. 他们发现那房子无人居住.3. What makes him think so? 他怎么会这样想?. 4. We saw him go out. 我们看见他出去了.5. I saw them getting on the bus at that time. 我看见他们当时在上了那辆公车疑难分析:1 主谓宾和主系表的区别:主系表强调状态,而主谓宾强调动作。其实,主系表结构中,主语和表语是有关系的,通常表语是主语的状态或者身份等。比如:I am a teacher. I am angry.而主谓宾中,宾语和主语没有关系,是两个独立的部分。比如:I love you.2 双宾和宾补的区别 (双宾:两个宾语之间没有关系;宾补和宾语之间有关系)I will find you a suitable jobI find you a careless man. Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far away from here.I will make you a cake 划分下列句子成分练习 1:1. We work.2. The rain stopped.3. They are students4. The children felt very happy.5. The water feels hot! 6. Mr. Green works hard in this company.7. Mr. Wu is reading a newspaper8. The sun rises in the east.9. The weather is becoming hot.10. My dream has come true! 11. I am dancing with my girlfriend.12. He acted stupid13. He acted stupidly.练习2. 1. The music sounds nice.2. Learning English is interesting.3. These children are playing.4. Smoking hurts.5. It is great to see you again.6. He lent me 10 dollars.7. I will buy you a meal.8. Practicing will make your English better.9. I will find you a good teacher.10. I find you a good teacher.11. He became an engineer.12. This movie is interesting13. My mission is helping others14. We elected him chairman.15. I consider this novel my best work.练习31. Seeing is believing2. To work with her is my dream.3. It is no use crying over spilled milk.4. Working will make you happy.5. I will have my bike repaired.6. I dont want you to do it now.7. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get.8. As more and more people participated, new problems emerged.9. Somewhere over Seattle, I started to write my weekly garden column for The Anchorage Daily News.Home Assignment练习41. I happily declare this meeting open.2. Jacky is standing on the playground.3. He lent me a dictionary yesterday.4. I dance with the music.5. He is the first man to get to the moon6. He built them a house.7. In order to pass the test, he studies very hard.8. The milk went sour.9. The plan sounds good.10. Passengers must have with them all the necessary official papers. 11. It is perfectly feasible to transmit a patients vital signs over the telephone.12. Recent technology gives computers both audio and video capability, making them multimedia machines with interactive potential.练习51. To make a plan is a good idea.2. It is easy to learn English3. You must learn to look after yourself when your mother leaves you alone4. I found it interesting to study history5. I study hard to pass the exam6. He is the first man to get to the moon7. No smoking is allowed anywhere on the aeroplane. 8. The first study was done at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. 9. In recent years in America, the mandatory sentencing(强制判刑) movement has really changed the US prison size.时态、语态复习纲要【时态的基本概念】时态是表示谓语动作时间概念的动词形式。英语中的时态专指谓语动词而言,不同时间概念的谓语动作有不同的时态,每一个时态又有各自不同的动词形式。初中阶段要求学生熟练掌握八种时态。1.一般现在时:经常发生的动作或规律性的动作。Each person needs water and a diet of healthy food. The moon travels round the earth once every month. 在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来的概念。引起时间状语从句的连词有:when, after, before, until, as soon as;引起条件状语从句的连词有:if, unless; so(as)long as。I will not stop my fight against slavery until all slaves are free. 2.一般过去时:过去发生过了的动作,这个动作的全过程已经结束。诸如yesterday, last, ago都是典型的一般过去时的时间状语。Fortunately, I was in time for the interview. The interview went well and I told the company about my experiences and answered their questions as honestly as I could. 3.一般将来时:将要发生的动作。-Its a bit windy today, isnt it?-Yes, it is. Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine. Besides, you will not find coral near the mouths of rivers either because the river water has too much soil in it or because it is polluted. Do you think our manager is going to have a new factory built? 4.现在进行时:说话时正在发生的动作。Im doing a word puzzle in this newspaper. Im trying to find the name of a famous person. Can you help me?现在进行时同always配合使用时,带有厌恶、批评,不喜欢等感情色彩。They also have bad teeth, because of the sugar which they are always eating. 5.过去进行时:过去某一时间或某段时间正在进行的动作。He bought a coffee and as the train was traveling fast and moving from side to side , he decided to drink it there and not to carry it back to his seat. Over 500 people were working in the building when the fire broke out on the 11th floor. 6.现在完成时:与现在有联系的过去的动作。Mr. Ball has just called on Mrs. Zhu to give her a message. 同现在的联系是:“刚刚探访了朱夫人,给她带了口信”,这件事距现在时间很近,没有多长时间。We shall have to make a decision about Ms King, whose story I have just told you. 同现在的联系是:现在你们已经知道有关她的经历,不会影响做出决定。7.过去完成时:比过去的一个参照动作或时间更早的动作,作为参照的过去的动作或时间有时在句子中直接表述出来,有时通过上下文暗示。Her parents were dead and had left her a lot of money. 本句中had left her a lot of money 发生在her parents were dead之前,比较容易看出“过去的过去”,应该不会产生理解上的困难。8.过去将来时:以过去某一时间为参照,将要发生的动作。在宾语从句中由于时态呼应的要求,经常会用到过去将来时。I thought it was going to be fun. 针对 I thought 这个过去的动作而言的将来。【相关知识及运用】一般过去时、现在完成时、过去完成时的区别。上述三个时态在使用中容易混淆是因为他们有相近的地方,这个相近之处就是“过去”。现在完成时和过去完成时的概念都同“过去”有关,彼此之间的混淆便由此产生。只有抓住他们的不同,才能熟练地将这三种时态区别开。一般过去时只用以陈述过去发生过的事情。In a poor district in Paris, in the year 1775, there was a wine shop, the owner of which was Monsieur Defarge. 向读者陈述1775年所发生的故事的地点、人物等有关信息。现在完成时表达的动作虽然发生在过去,但说话时要强调的是这个过去的动作与现在有关系,语意的重心着眼于现在。这种过去的动作同现在的联系有两种情况:a)过去的动作对现在仍具有影响。-Would you go to see the film with me this evening?-Sorry, I have seen it before.have seen the film的动作肯定发生在过去,对现在的影响是“我不想和你去看了”。 b)过去的动作延续到现在。表示这种延续时经常会用到for、since一类时间状语。I have worked in Beijing since I graduated from the university. (从毕业一直延续到现在)We have lived in Beijing for about 20 years. (20年前发生的 “live”,一直延续到现在)过去完成时必须有一个过去的动作作为参照点,由此发生了同一般过去时混淆的问题。过去完成时是一种相对的时态,它必须有一个过去的动作为参照,比这个过去的参照动作更早的动作才能用过去完成时。如果没有这个过去的参照的动作,就没有过去完成时,即使是一亿年前的动作也是一般过去时。When I got to the cinema, the film had begun.got to the cinema是过去的动作,had begun则发生在got to the cinema 之前。进行时态的两种概念现在进行时和过去进行时都具有两种不同的时间概念:瞬间概念和阶段概念。现在进行时的瞬间概念就是“说话的时候”。表示瞬间概念时,现在进行时的时态特点是,动作已经开始,正在过程中,但尚未结束。 基于这一特点,下列句子通常用现在进行时,以表达动作没有结束。 Our country is getting stronger and stronger. Im getting on well with my English. 过去进行时的瞬间概念通常用表示“点时间”的时间状语表达出来。 I was doing my homework this time yesterday. Mother was cooking when I came home. 阶段概念的时间状语是“段时间”。表示在一段时间内一直在做的动作,至于动作是否结束则不是说话者所关心的。 He is writing a new novel these days. 这些天他一直在写一本新小说。(没有干其他的事情) The workers were building a bridge last year. 这些工人们去年一直在修建一座桥。【语态的基本概念】语态是表示主语、谓语和宾语之间相互关系的动词形式。在英语中有主动语态和被动语态之分。主动语态所表达的主、谓、宾之间的关系是:主语发出或执行谓语动作,谓语动作的对象或承受者为宾语。即主语同谓语具有语意上的逻辑关系,谓语同宾语具有语意上的逻辑关系。被动语态所表达的关系是:动作的承受者做句子的主语,这时句子的主语和谓语之间具有逻辑上的动宾关系。Satellites for broadcasting are used to send radio and TV programmes from one part of the world to another. 谓语动词use同主语satellites for broadcasting具有逻辑动宾关系,因此使用被动语态。我们可以将这个句子恢复成正常的主、谓、宾关系:We use satellites for broadcasting to send radio and TV programmes from one part of the world to another.【相关知识及运用】1.被动语态的动词形式问题: 在语言实践中,语态和时态总是结合在一起使用,每一个时态都有同它相对应的被动语态形式。被动语态的基本形式:语态助动词be + 过去分词。凡需进行时态变化时,只将be 变为与其相应的时态形式,过去分词永远不变。动词do 的时态、语态形式变化对照表主动语态被动语态一般现在时do ( does ) am(is, are )+ done一般过去时didwas(were )+ done一般将来时will(shall) dowill be + done现在进行时am(is are )doingam(is,are)being+done过去进行时was(were) doingwas(were)being+done现在完成时have(has) donehave(has)been+done过去完成时had donehad been+done过去将来时would dowould be + done现在完成进行时have(has)been doing没有被动形式过去完成进行时Had been doing没有被动形式Focused Practice1.You havent said a word about my new coat,Brenda.Do you like it? Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner.I certainly think its pretty on you.A.wasnt saying B.dont say C.wont say D.didnt say2.I wonder why Jenny _us recently.We should have heard from her by now.A.hasnt writtenB.doesnt write C.wont writeD.hadnt written3.When will you come to see me,Dad?I will go to see you when you _ the training course.A.will have finishedB.will finish C.are finishingD.finish4.How long _ at this job?Since 1990.A.were you employedB.have you been employedC.had you been employedD.will you be employed5.By the end of last year,another new gymnasium _ in Beijing.A.would be completedB.was being completedC.has been completedD.had been completed6.The little girl _her heart out because she _ her toy bear and believed she wasnt ever going to find it.A.had cried; lostB.cried; had lostC.has cried; has lostD.cries; has lost7.Excuse me,sir.Would you do me a favor?Of course.What is it?I _ if you could tell me how to fill out this form.A.had wonderedB.was wonderingC.would wonderD.did wonder8.He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _ from the university next year.A.will graduateB.will have graduatedC.graduatesD.is to graduate9.I feel it is your husband who _for the spoiled child.A.is to blameB.is going to blameC.is to be blameD.should blame10.He has been writing the composition the whole morning and he still _.A.has beenB.does C.hasD.is11.If city noises _ from increasing,people _ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.A.are not kept; will have toB.are not kept; have toC.do not keep; will have toD.do not keep; have to12.The price _,but I doubt whether it will remain so.A.went downB.will go downC.has gone downD.was going down13.How long _ each other before they _ married?For about a year.A.have they known; get B.did they know; getC.do they know; are going to get D.had they known; got14.You cant move in right now.The house _.A.has paintedB.is painted C.is being paintedD.is painting15.Hey,look where you are going!Oh,Im terribly sorry._.A.Im not noticingB.I wasnt noticingC.I havent noticedD.I dont notice16.The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it.A.was travelingB.traveled C.had been travelingD.was to travel17.Is this raincoat yours?No,mine _ there behind the door.A.is hangingB.has hangC.hangsD.hang18.I turned around and saw everybody _ at a man who _ loudly in a foreign language.A.was staring; was shoutingB.was staring; shoutingC.staring; shoutingD.stared; shouted19.Henry remained silent for a moment.He _.A.thought B.had thought C.was thinkingD.was thought20.We would like to go and thank him ourselves,but we _ out his address yet,A.havent foundB.hadnt found C.didnt findD.dont find Home assignment 21.Shirley _ a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished.A.has writtenB.wrote C.had writtenD.was writing22.Have you got your test result?Not yet.The papers _.A.are not correcting B.have not correctedC.are still being corrected D.have already been corrected23.See the clouds! It _ rain!A.willB.is going toC.mustD.certainly24.Do I have to take this medicine? It _ so terrible.A.tastesB.is tastingC.is tastedD.has tasted25.Dont take the magazine away.It _ me.A.is belonged toB.belongs toC.was belonged toD.is belonging to26.Is this the third time that you _ late?A.have beenB.amC.wasD.had been27.Do you know when Tom _ from abroad?Perhaps it will be a long time before he _.A.will come; will comeB.comes; will comeC.will come; comesD.comes; comes28.My uncle said that he would telephone but I _from him so far.A.didnt hearB.hadnt heard C.havent heardD.wont hear29.The telephone _ four times in the last hour,and each time it _ for my roommate.A.has rung; wasB.has been ringing; isC.had rung; wasD.rang; has been30.A storm _ by a calm.A.is often being followedB.was often followedC.is often followedD.has often been followed31.The pen I _ I _ is on my desk,right under my nose.A.think; lost B.thought; had lostC.think; had lostD.thought; lost32.We could have walked to the station.It was so near.Yes,a taxi _ at all necessary.A.wasntB.hadnt been C.couldnt beD.wont be33.A friend of mine returned to his house after a holiday only to find it _.A.to be brokenB.had broken intoC.was brokenD.had been broken into34.They believed that by using computers the production of their factory _.A.will greatly increase B.would greatly increaseC.would be increased greatly D.will have been greatly increased35.His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazines he _.A.had long been expected B.had long expectedC.has long expected D.was long expected36.Do you like the new pen?Yes,it _ very well.A.is writtenB.is writing C.writesD.wrote37.Oh,its you? I didnt recognize you.I _ my hair cut,and I _ new glass.A.had; was wearing B.have had; am wearingC.had; wore D.have had; wear38.As she _ the newspaper,Granny _ asleep.A.read; was fallingB.was reading; fellC.was reading; was fallingD.read; fell39.However hard you _,you will never succeed in pleasing her.A.tryB.will try C.should tryD.would try40.Can I help you,sir?Yes,I bought this radio yesterday,but it _.A.didnt workB.wont work C.cant workD.doesnt work41.How are you today?Oh,I _ as ill as I do now for a very long time.A.didnt feelB.wasnt feeling C.dont feelD.havent felt42.When Jack arrived he learned Mary _ for about an hour.A.had goneB.had set off C.had leftD.had been away43.By this time tomorrow we _ the machine.A.have repairedB.shall have repairedC.will repairD.would repair44.I dont think Jim saw me,he _ into space.A.just staredB.was just staringC.has just staredD.had just stared45.Helen _ her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband _ home.A.had left; cameB.has left; comesC.left; had comeD.had left; would come46.You have left the light on.Oh,so I have._ and turn it off.A.Ill goB.Ive gone C.I goD.Im going47.This is Teds photo.We miss him a lot.He _ trying to save a child in earthquake.A.killedB.is killed C.was killedD.was killing48.The notice _ “No smoking.”A.is wroteB.reads C.writesD.is read49.Good care must _ babies particularly while they are ill.A.takeB.take of C.be takenD.be taken of50.Shortly after we _,a waiter came over to our table with a smile.A.seated B.were seated C.sat ourselves D.had seated51.You look pale,what troubled you?I _ my dead friend.A.am thinking aboutB.was thinking aboutC.had thought aboutD.will think about52.John and I _ friends for eight years.We first got to know each other at a Christmas party.But we _ each other a couple of times before that.A.had been; have seenB.have been; have seenC.have been; had seenD.had been; had seen53.Do make sure that you _ a seat today!A.gotB.get C.shouldD.have get54.We _ at the house as we _ of buying it.A.looked; were thinking B.were looking; were thinkingC.were looking; thought D.looked; had thought55.Im told that you are leaving for Beijing.Who _ so?A.saidB.had said C.saysD.has said56.I _ the room to be empty but found it occupied.A.had thoughtB.have thought C.didnt thinkD.was thinking57.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _ so rapidly.A.will have changedB.has changed C.is changingD.will change58.I _ ping-pong quite well,but I havent had time to play since the new year.A.will playB.have played C.playedD.play59.Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits.A.will requestB.are requested C.are requestingD.request60.They _ a snowstorm on their way home.A.caught in B.had caught C.were caught D.were caught in 11


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