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tenancy agreement landlord(hereinafter called party a) identity card no. telregistered address (agent)tel registered address identity card no. tenanthereinafter called party b /identity card no. tel registered address an agreement made between party a of the one part and party b of the other part whereby it is: name address of property to be rentedhereinafter called the said premises: usagefor domesticuse only. areasquare meter. terms of tenancyformal tenancyxx payment terms1. (rent)2 payment method: party b shall deposit the rent to party bs bank account below:beneficiary name (bank) bank a/c no xx management fee , xx public utility fees: electricity fee, water fee, gas fee, and telephone fee, etc, shall be responsible by deposit: xx.on the signing of this formal tenancy agreement, party b shall pay to party a a security deposit in (other terms):1 the said deposit (no interest will be counted) shall be repayable forthwith from party a toparty b at the expiration or determination of the tenancy without any renewal, subject tofees or any other fees related.2 1%15daily interest of 1% of the monthly rent will be imposed as a fine of the payment delay toparty b. if party b pay rent delay more than 15 days , party a should be have right to cancelthe contract and deduct all deposit from party b.3 party b shall not make or permit to be made any alterations in or additions to the saidpremises without having first obtained the written consent of party a.4 , , 5 to keep the interior of the said premises and furniture, fixtures and fittings provided by party a in condition of normal use throughout the tenancy, if any damages made by any abnormal use, party b is responsible for the repair or reimbursement.6 party b shall permit party a and its agents with or without workmen or others and with or without appliances at all reasonable times to enter upon the said premises and to view the condition thereof and to take inventories of the fixtures therein and to carry out any repairs to the premises which party a considers necessary or proper to be done.7 x, ,/during the x month immediately preceding the determination of the said term of tenancy, party a shall be at liberty to affix and retain without interference or molestation on the door or the external parts of the said premises a notice for letting the said premises and the partyb shall permit and allow all persons with written or oral authority from party a or its agent or agents at all reasonable hours of the day to view the said premises or any part or part thereof.8 x x month written notice before the expiration is required for any tenancy renewal; new tenancy agreement will be generated under the consent of both parties.9 , , , , , ,party b shall himself cover insurance for his own belongings against typhoon, depression, storm, flood, fire, theft, accidents, etc. in relation to this tenancy. party a shall not be responsible for any damage or loss under all circumstances.10 , , , 12 party a shall pay all property tax, land tax and any other tax or charge of the said premises. during term of tenancy, party a shall have the right to sell the said premises to the third party. the terms and conditions here in contained which applicable to party a and party b must be applicable to the new landlord and party b without negotiation.13 the attachments, including furniture fixture, appliances list title certificate., property certificate and offer letter forms an integrate part of the agreement.14 the agreement is construed in accordance with laws of peoples republic of china (prc). both parties shall perform and observe the stipulation here in contained upon signing. any disputed shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the arbitration of prc. the applicable law shall be prc law.15 this agreement is given in chinese and english languages. the english language is an abridged translation of the chinese text but in event of any difference between the chinese text and the english translation, the chinese text shall prevail.party a() signatureparty b() signature :(date): house lease contract (landlord tenant agent () landlord(part a): _ () tenant (part b): _ agency: beijing fangeasyco.ltd tenancy1 _ _party a hereby agrees to lease_and the fixtures, fittings and equipment therein are cleaned and in tenantable conditions to party b. total area of the leased property is _O.2_ prior to the execution of this agreement, party a shall provide to party b the real estate ownership if this document is not available, party a shall provide an alternative and acceptable proof of ownership. if the name on the ownership certificate is not the same as the name of party a on this tenancy agreement, a copy of the additional leasing agreement between the rightful legal owner and party a must be supplied. term of tenancyon_, and expiring on _.31 on expiry of this lease, party a has the right to take back the leased property in full, and party b must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry (appendix i). if party b wishes to renew the lease after the tenancy period, party b shall have the priority to renew the lease with two months advance written notice to party a. the revised rental shall be negotiated between the two parties. if party b not renew the lease contract, party a have rights show the property to new tenant. rent1_/ rent: rmb_/ per month.2_payment method: as much as_ month(s)s rent as deposit and_ month(s) for each payment. the deposit shall not be used as the rent.2 _3 payment time_4 the rent shall be paid in rmb. party a shall issue a receipt upon the receipt of deposit.5 the rent cannot be adjusted during the term of this tenancy agreement.deposit1 rmb_( ) 2 7 party a may deduct a reasonable amount from the security deposit towards payment of any actual damages party a may have incurred or suffered as a result of party bs breach of this agreement. prior to making such deductions, party a shall inform party b of the amount, and the reason for making such deductions. party b shall be entitled to object to such deductions if party b believes that such deductions are ueasonable or unjustified. if the security deposit is not sufficient to cover such amounts; party b must pay the deficiency within seven (7) days of the receipt of a demand from party a.other charges1 _during the period of tenancy, party b shall pay all monthly charges for usage of water, electricity,gas, broadband and cable tv based on the actual consumption amount, billed from the management office. and party b shall pay_ .23_during the period of tenancy, party a shall pay property management fee, heating fee_ . landlords responsibilities1 30 _%party a is not permitted to take back the leased property during the term of contract without any reason. during the term of contract, party a shall inform party b 30 days in advance in case party a needs to reclaim the premise in advance and party a shall return the balance of the collected rent to party b and pay default fine equal to_% of the monthly rent to party b.2 party a shall ensure that the estate management office provides sufficient and timely service to party b, such as supply of cold water, hot water, electricity and ensure the proper maintenance of all kinds of equipment. party a shall be responsible for all normal maintenance of the leased property and equipment during the term lease, and party a shall bear all maintenance charges.3 7to maintain and keep party as fixtures, including the structure, roof, sanitary and plumbing facilities, drains, pipes and cables (including electricity and telephone) in good conditions. party a should promptly repair or remedy any defects therein after being notified of such defects by party b, provided all such defects are not as a result of the party bs careless mistake or misconduct. partya shall do the necessary repairs or maintenance within seven days after receiving the notice from party b.4party a hereby represents and warrants that party a is the legal owner of the leased property and has the necessary legal capacity to lease the property to party b.5 transfering of the ownership: in case the ownership of the premise changes during the lease period, the contract shall be kept effective between party b and the new owner. tenants responsibilities1 party b should promptly pay the rent, deposit and other charges as set out in clauses 3 and 5 of the agreement. in the event that party b delays to pay the rent for five working days, party a has the right to terminate the contract.2 34 5 not to erect, install or remove any fixtures or partitioning, or to make any structural additions and alterations without the prior written consent of party a.6 , 7 the leased property is only for residential use. party b shall not use the leased property as office or some other purposes without the written agreement of party b.8 30 during the term of contract, if party b terminates the tenancy agreement, party b shall inform party% of the monthly rent to party a. when the property is unfit for use or occupation, if the leased property are substantially destroyed or damaged by fire, bad weather, war, force tenancy agreement landlord (hereinafter referred to as party a):id no tenant(hereinafter referred to as party b):id no tenancy:party a hereby agrees to lease its property located at and the related facilities(including furniture and appliances) in good tenantable condition to party b for .the size of the leased property is approximately spm. term of tenancy:4.1 piring on .4.2 upon expiration of the tenancy, party a has the right to take back the entire leased property, and party b shall deliver the leased property to party a on time. alternatively, party b have the opton to renew this agreement or quit this agreement upon giving one month prior notice to party a before the expiration of this agreement. rent and the way of payment5.1 the rent, agreed by both parties, is per month.5.2 party b shall pay months rent in advance, on or before of each calendar month. aby transferring the amount or such rent to a bank account designated by party a and the date of transfer shall be the date of payment.bpayment in cashc: payment in check5.3 5if the rent remain being unpaid on time, party b shall be liable to pay a late penalty fee equal to 5of the month rent per day. security desposit:6.1 to ensure the welfare and good condition of the leased property and the related facilities as well as the prompt payment and settlement of all related charges durning the term of tenancy, party b agrees to pay to party a within one day after the agreement signed a security despositin the amount of as security for party bs obligations hereunder.6.2 unless other provided in agreement, party a shall return to party b the entire security desposit without interest thereon upon expiration of the tenancy or sooner determination of this agreement after party b settled all charges of leased property with party a. payment:7.1 ()durning the term of the tenancy, the property management fees and the heat-preservationfees shall be paid by party a.7.2 th

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