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内蒙古自治区2019年八年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . She took her son in her arms and looked at him _.AhappyBhappilyChappinessDunhappy2 . My father was watching TV _ my mother was cooking.AwhenBuntilCwhileDas soon as3 . -Who helped your father wash the car?-Nobody. He did it _.AhisBhimCheDhimself4 . You shouldnt _ too much. You have nothing to_. I am ready to help you any time.Aworry, worriedBworried, worryCworry, worry aboutDworry, be worried5 . _fine weather it is! Lets go on a picnic.Good idea.AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a6 . Marie Curie is one of the greatest scientists in history. We all take _ in her.AproudBprideCpraiseDcare7 . It is very _ for students to read good books.AcarefulBhelpfulCeasilyDhardly8 . Every one of them can take the job, but I just want to know who is _.Athe most carefulBmore carefulCthe most carefullyDmore carefully9 . Which of the following is the same as “I saw him reading a book.” in pattern(结构)?AYou have a very nice sister.BThe news made me happy.CMy grandpa gave me a red packet.DHe likes playing the piano.10 . My computer broke down when I was doing online shopping and I wondered _Awhats wrong with itBwhat the matter is with itCwhat was wrong with itDwhat the matter was with it11 . Bill is so tired that he can_ walk.AalwaysBhardlyChard12 . Who do you think will win the race, Tom or Frank? Of course Frank. He runs _.AquicklyBslowlyCmore quicklyDmore slowly13 . A:What is your? B:Jim.Afirst nameBlast nameCfamily nameDtelephone number14 . Mrs. Smith is very _ in the morning.You can come to see her this afternoon.AtidyBbusyCboringDhealthy15 . John _ go there with us tonight, but he isnt sure about it.AmustBcanCwillDmay二、完型填空My mother often asked me, What is the most important part of the body?Through the years, I would guess at_I thought was the correct answer. When I was younger, I thought sound was very important to us, so I said, My _,MommyShe said, “No. Many people are deaf. But you_thinking about it and I will ask you again soon.Many years have passed. Mother asked me a couple more times and always her answer was, “No.But you are getting smarter every year, my child”.Then last year, my grandpa died. Everybody was hurt. Everybody was crying._my father cried. It was only the second time I saw him cry. My mom looked at me when it was our turn to say our final_to Grandpa. She asked me, “Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?”I was shocked when she asked me this now I always thought this was a game between her and me.She saw the confusion(迷惑)on my face and told me, “This_is very important. It shows that you have really lived in your life. Today is the day you need to learn this important lesson. I saw her eyes well up with tears (眼泪).She said, My dear, the most important body part is your_I asked, ls it because it holds up your head? No, She replied,it is because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one _they cry. Every body needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes in life, my dear, I only hope that you have enough love and_that you will have a shoulder to cry on when you need it.Then and there I knew the most important body part is not a selfish one. It is sympathetic(同情的)to the pain of others. People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget _you made them feel.16 . AifBwhatCthat17 . AeyesBearsChands18 . AenjoyBstopCkeep19 . AEvenBPerhapsCEspecially20 . AhelloBgoodbyeCsorry21 . AquestionBproblemCanswer22 . AheadBheartCshoulder23 . AwhenBafterCbefore24 . AclassmatesBfriendsCteachers25 . AwhatBhowCwho三、阅读单选Elephants have very strong legs. Their legs are like trees. They usually walk slowly because they are so big, but they walk very quietly.Wild elephants living in the jungle (丛林) usually stay together in big families. Usually one old elephant leads them. The others follow their leader. They usually move about at night, looking for food. In the hot daytime, they go to sleep in the cool shade of the trees. Elephants are kind animals. When one of them is hurt and cannot pull itself to its feet, the other elephants lift it up and help it to walk.Some people say that elephants never forget. They remember people who are kind or bad to them. There are many about this.26 . Elephants usually walk slowly because _.Athey are very bigBthey are quietCthey are very strongDthey want to eat leaves along the way27 . Wild elephant living _ usually stay together in big families.Ain the zooBin the suburbs (郊区)Cin the jungleDin the cities28 . When an elephant is hurt and cannot pull itself to its feet, the others _.Alift it and help it to walkBrun away as soon as possibleCkill it immediatelyDcarry it to a safe place29 . If you hurt an elephant, what may happen when you meet it again five years later?AIt may not remember you and walk away.BIt may kick you or do something to hurt you.CIt may eat the food you give it.DIt may let you take photos with it.30 . When elephants stay together, _.Anot all the elephants follow their leaderBthe youngest elephant leads themCthey usually move about at night, looking for foodDin the hot daytime, they look for food in the cool shade of the trees.This Sunday is grandpas birthday. The Smith family are going to celebrate it at home, so they will have a busy weekend.SaturdayMorningDad-clean the car in the gardenMum-clean the kitchen and bedrooms of their houseAmy-have dance lessons in the gymRose-work on science projects in the libraryAfternoonMum and Dad-buy some food at the supermarketAmy and Rose-choose gifts and cards for grandpaEveningWatch TV togetherSundayMorningMum-make a big birthday cakeAmy and Rose-wrap grandpas giftsAfternoonAmy-help Mum cook delicious foodRose-help Dad decorate the sitting roomEveningAmy and Rose-give gifts to grandpaThe whole family-have a party根据表格所提供信息,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳答素31 . _will have dance lessons in the gym on Saturday morning.AMumBRoseCAmy32 . Mum will be _on Saturday morning.Ain the libraryBat homeCat the supermarket33 . The underlined word wrap” means_.A准备B包;裹C购买34 . Amy and Mum will _on Sunday afternoon.Amake a big birthday cakeBdecorate the sitting roomCcook delicious food35 . The whole family will have a party_.Aon Sunday eveningBon Saturday morningCon Sunday afternoonMr. Jackson is a teacher of science in a middle school. His students like his classes because his classes are very interesting. They can learn a lot in his class. The students can make(制作)many things. His little son Val also likes making things. He makes lots of machines(机器), such as a machine like a man. It can do the job that is dangerous(危险的)for people to do. He says, “I want to be a scientist.”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。36 . What does Mr. Jackson teach?AEnglishBScienceCMathDHistory37 . Why do the students like his classes?ABecause he is kind to his students.BBecause he teaches them carefully.CBecause his classes are very interesting.DBecause students like him.38 . Mr. Jacksons son can make _.Aa machine like a manBa dangerous machineCa manDa scientist39 . Does little Val like making things?ANo, he doesnt.BNo, she doesnt.CYes, he does.DYes, he doesnt.40 . What can students do in Mr. Jacksons classes?AThey can learn English.BThey can do dangerous job.CThey can do nothing.DThey can make many things.Actress Jiang Yiyan has spent around a month a year volunteering as a teacher in mountain villages in Guangxi for nine years in row(连续).In 2007, when she took part in film shooting in that area. she was shocked by the poverty(贫穷)there. Children had to walk along mountain roads to attend classes at a neighbouring village school. So she came up with the idea of doing something for these children.Besides giving classes, Jiang also plays games with children and sings songs for them. And she cares much for their daily life. Moreover, she donated billion yuan to set up a fund(基金) for students there.“Like the grass in stone clefts(裂缝), they have to try their best to find sunshine on their own rather than waiting for others to do it for them. Jiang said.When asked how she persisted in her volunteer to services for such a long time, Jiang said,Im not persisting but enjoying.“Its not that I gave these kids love. I am actually learning about love. Jiang added. To enjoy and share love is seen as the most important thing in her life.At the same time, children in the big mountains have also influenced Jiang.Whenever I meet with something difficult to do, Ill think of these kids. Born in the kind of environment,they have to learn to face a lot of difficult things from birth. So, why cant I?Said Jiang.41 . Jiang Yiyan spendsas a teacher in mountain villages in Guangxi.Aa day a weekBa day a monthCa week a monthDa month a year42 . When did Jiang Yiyan come up with the idea of doing something for the children there?AIn1987BIn1997CIn2007DIn201743 . What does the underlined word persisted” mean in Chinese?A放弃 B坚持 C拒绝 D宽容44 . Whats the most important thing in Jiang Yiyans life?ATo set up a fund.BTo enjoy and share loveCTo take part in film shooting.DTo learn to face a lot of difficult things from birth.45 . The best title of this passage is .AThe Childrens PovertyBThe Mountain RoadsCThe Grass in Stone CleftDA kind and helpful Actress四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示完成单词46 . Mum, can I play the _(吉他)when I finish my homework?47 . If you go to the cinema _(代替)of studying,you wont have a good mark in the test.48 . We can _(协议)with the enemies of the working people by ourselves.49 . If you want to develop the _(习惯)of running,run almost every day.50 . You can see distant objects with this special _(仪器).51 . He does not spend a lot of time preparing _(功课).52 . His bad behavior brings _(遗憾)on the whole school.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。53 . If you are interested in_(America) cities, just read the book written by Mr. Johnson.54 . The best gift that I have ever received is an_(electricity) dictionary from my father.55 . Feng Xiaogang is a famous_(direct).56 . Carmen likes_(music) who play different kinds of music.57 . I prefer the quiet countryside to the_(noise) cities.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。beat what regard courage two choice since tradition easy we thoughJust as the famous US boxer Gene Tunney said, Exercise should be 58 . as a gift to the heart. It is important to exercise.Sports month is a 59 . activity in our school. But students in my class are not very good at sports. So in the basketball game, we lost 32 0. The defeat shocked us like lightning. Our opponents(对手) 60 . us easily, and we seemed like some weak and tiny ants in front of a lion. But we 61 . each other up and were excited that we still had the volleyball game ahead of us.62 . we lost the basketball game, our volleyball competitors thought they would win 63 . . But we beat them! A1l of us were confident again.Then, we won the game in the 64 . round, too. It was amazing! We proved that even a class of non-athletes could keep fighting. I thought that sportsmanship was the key to 65 . success. I truly believe that sportsmanship comes first and the result of the game comes next. Although we lost the game in the third round, we still had a chance to win third place. Just like 66 . the US Congressman John Bingham said, The miracle(奇迹) isnt that I finished. The miracle is that I had the 67 . to start. I want to thank all the people who cheered for us. And I believe that my class will get what we want at the end of this competition.七、单词填空Kids memorizing multiplication tables(乘法表)may help them to be better mathematicians, according to the scientists.After spending a certain amount of time practicing maths, kids can put away the calculator. They dont even need to use their fingers. They simply know the answers to addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. The more quickly kids can recall basic facts, the easier it is for them to solve problems at h_ level.Scientists recorded(记录)the brain activities of 28 students for the study, e_ when the students did maths calculations without the help of a calculator, pen or paper. A calculation three plus four equals seven, for example flashed on a screen. The students should say if the answer was right or wrong.Rather than counting, or writing on the paper, the students pulled the answers from m_. Its as if(就像)the answers to basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems are kept in a long-term storage(储存)area in the brain.When kids have basic maths facts memorized, the brain has space to learn more difficult maths. As kids got o_, their answers became quicker and more accurate.Scientists hope to use this research to d_ new ways to help kids learn maths at all levels. One way for students is to quiz themselves in different orders solving five times three b_ five times two, for example. Mixing up the order keeps the brain active. Keep these drills up, and you may be a maths whizz in no time.68 . h_69 . _70 . m_71 . o_72 . d_73 . b_八、填空根据短文内容,完成任务。注意:每个空只填一个单词。What do you think of the most important inventions in the world? The TV? The printing? The telephone? Or the computer? A report shows that they are not the only important inventions. Here are three other important inventions.One of the simplest(最简单的) inventions is the toilet(冲水式马桶). Before toilets, waste ran into rivers from peoples houses. Illnesses were common in big cities, and it was often difficult to find clean drinking water.Animal food is another important invention. Before the invention, most animals were killed(杀死) every autumn because there was not enough food for them in winter. After hay (干草) became a kind of common animal food, animals could live through the long winter. The third great invention is glasses. Glasses help people read, write and do “close work” after the age of forty-five. Without glasses, the world would be difficult for the people above forty-five.Important 74 . Some most important inventions The TV, the 75 . , the 76 . , the computerThree other important inventions Before the inventionsThe 77 . 78 . ran into rivers from peoples houses 79 . were common in big citiesIt was often difficult to find80 . drinking waterHay, animal food Most animals were killed in 81 . because there wasnt enough food in winter.82 . Reading, writing and “close work” would be difficult for people over83 . 九、材料作文84 . Write at least 60 words according to the situation given. (根据所给情景写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格。)提示:People often say “Honesty is the best policy”. What do you think? Do you sometimes tell white lies? When and why? 人们常说“诚实是上策”,你怎么看待这个观点?你会说善意的谎言吗?什么时候说?为什么说?(注意:文中不得出现具体人名,校名等个人信息,否则不予评分。)第 13 页 共 13 页

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