七年级英语下册Module 2 Unit 3 Language in use

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七年级英语下册Module 2 Unit 3 Language in use姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Ive tried hard at my schoolwork but still.Dont be sad. Sometimes losing is only a sign that you really tried.AsucceededBworriedCimprovedDfailed2 . We must protect animals. They are_friends.AusBourCours3 . Look! There are two planes _in the sky.AflyBflyingCto flyDare flying4 . Miss Zhao is good _ music. She can be good _ kids in the music club.Aat; atBwith; withCat; withDwith; at5 . I amthirsty, I need to drinkwater.Aa little; a bitBa bit of; a little ofCa little; a bit ofDa bit of; a bit of二、完型填空Everyone in our school loves sports. Every morning _ we get up, we do morning exercises. After the second class we do exercises again. We only have _ classes twice a week, but we do physical training at five every afternoon. The most popular sport is basketball. The _ enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it, too. _ popular sport is football and in every class there _ lots of football fans.Volleyball is often played when the weather is _. We have school teams in basketball, football and volleyball. Our teams often play _ teams from other schools. When there is a match, _ of the students go to watch it and cheer for our teams.Besides ball games, some of us like track-and-field events(田径项目), _ we often practice running, jumping and throwing. Every term we have tests in these events and once a year, we hold a sports meeting.Sports help us to keep _ and happy.6 . AwhileBwhenCbeforeDafter7 . AEnglishBChineseCPEDmusic8 . AteachersBboysCstudentsDpeople9 . ASome otherBOtherCAnotherDThe other10 . AisBareCwasDhave11 . AbadBfineCrainyDsnowy12 . AbyBagainstCwithDfor13 . AplentyBlittleCmuchDlot14 . AbecauseBbutCorDand15 . AhungryBhealthyCfatDthin三、阅读单选Here is a sign in front of the ticket office of the Snoopy World.Snoopy WorldAdults:$200 Children:$100(0ver 10 persons 20% off)Parking: Car $50 Motorcycle: $20Opening Hours: 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.(Closed on Tuesday)Rules:1. Watch your children during your visit.2. Dont touch anything in the Snoopy World.3. No photos!4. Dont throw your rubbish anywhere.16 . How long are the business hours for the Snoopy World?ASix hours.BSeven hours.CNine hours.DTen hours.17 . Mr Wang is a teacher in a primary school. He will take 10 of his students to the Snoopy World.How much should he pay?A$ 1,200.B$ 960.C$ 800.D$ 240.18 . What can you do in the Snoopy World?APark cars in the Snoopy World.BTouch the sculptures in the Snoopy World.CTake some pictures during the visit.DTake a child under six into the park for free.四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子19 . 埃米从窗户外面看见了一个小女孩。Amy _the window and saw a little girl.20 . 这个房间如此暗以至于我什么也没看见。The room was _ I didnt see anything.21 . 那个人上上下下地把我打量了一番。The man looked at me_.22 . 第一天晚上, 我们看了一部英文电影。_, we saw an English movie.23 . 史密斯先生教我们如何生火取暖。Mr. Smith taught us _ a fire to keep us warm.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。have, watch, play, sound, go24 . His idea _ good.25 . Do you _ a tennis racket?26 . My brother and I _ to school on Monday.27 . I like _ chess very much.28 . He often _ soccer games on TV.仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、意义和逻辑上正确。(提示选项中有一个是多余的)simple / traditional / relationship / prepare for / pass / normal29 . Problems and worries are _ in life.30 . Robots can do _ jobs over and over again and they will never get bored.31 . In most countries, people usually eat_food on special holiday.32 . Im sorry I cant go to the party because I have to _ an exam.33 . My resolution is about improving my _ with my family and friends.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空some;child;buy;health;important34 . I havent got _ food this morning.35 . She _two bottles of milk in the supermarket.36 . Its _to eat breakfast every day.37 . _are the best gifts(礼物)in the world.38 . Noodles are _food.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 完成短文have, her, join, help, can, play, learn, well, club, isHi! Im Zhang Heng! Im in the Blue Sky Music 39 . . Im a great musician. I can 40 . the piano, the violin and the trumpet. And Im very good with the children. I 41 . a daughter. She is only four years old. 42 . name is Zhang Xiaohua. She 43 . play the guitar, and she plays it very 44 . . She is in the Blue Sky Music Club, too.Do you like music? Would you like to 45 . about music? Please come and 46 . us. We can 47 . you with music. My telephone number 48 . 9268826. My email address is zhang2008126.com.第 5 页 共 5 页


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