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陕西省2020年(春秋版)九年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Jack had a very strange dream yesterday evening. He dreamed that he lived in a jungle (丛林) in Africa with many_He made friends with monkeys,snakes and giraffes. Every day he woke up early in the morning and went_for food. He ate fruit and insects. After breakfast,he had a meeting with the monkeys. They spoke to him in a (n)_language but he was able to understand them. Then he met the snakes for lunchtime. During lunchtime,they discussed_to do about the tiger. The tiger was their enemy (敌人).It wanted to eat_of them and they were afraid of it. Finally, they thought of a plan. The monkeys and the snakes_was that Jack should try to catch the tiger while it was sleeping. So,when the tiger was taking its afternoon nap (打盹),Jack took his_and quietly walked towards the tiger. Jack was very quiet,but the tiger was sleeping very_The tiger opened its eyes,looked at him and gave a loud roar (咆哮).Jack was so afraid that he forgot to run away. The tiger jumped on him and_as it opened its mouth to eat him,he woke up. When he opened his_,Jack found that his pet cat was licking (舔) his face. He was so relieved (宽慰的).1 . AtouristsBclassmatesCpeopleDanimals2 . AhuntingBmakingCfightingDbuying3 . AusualBoldCunusualDinteresting4 . AhowBwhatCwhenDwhere5 . AeitherBveryCbothDall6 . AadviceB1essonCstoryDresult7 . AnetBbasketCboxDclothes8 . AheavilyB1ightlyCstronglyDeasily9 . AstillByetCjustDbut10 . AmouthBnoseCearsDeyesCindy was just seven years old when she started going on walks. Since then, she has joined a sports club with her_, Kevin.We started walking around the countryside, _ Cindy. There are a lot of paths near our house, and now we go walking all year round, even _ winter. My first _was 2 kilometers away. But we did it little by little over quite a long time. After I _the sports club, I became more and more energetic (精力充沛的). Walking has made me much _. I think it would be a really good idea to _ other kids of my age to walk because many kids are getting fat nowadays.Cindys father, Kevin is really _ of his daughters opinion of walking. I wish we could get more kids out walking. _ now lots of children are busy with TV programs and computer games, so its not _ for them to go out. But I think I should try my best to help them.11 . AfatherBfriendCteacher12 . AspeaksBsaysCtalks13 . AinBonCat14 . ArunBchangeCwalk15 . AjoinedBleftCattended16 . AricherBhealthierCshorter17 . AneedBorderCencourage18 . AkindBafraidCproud19 . AUnluckilyBHappilyCEasily20 . AdifficultBeasyCimportant二、阅读单选Computers are very important for the students now. For the city students, its very easy to surf the Internet. And for the village students, they can go to the Internet bar. Most of them spend more than two hours there, and some of them even spend more than eight hours there. They can do their homework, download some information for their homework, download music, send emails and play games. Most of them spend too much time playing games, so it is bad for their study.21 . Can the city students surf the Internet?ANo, they cant.BYes, they can.CYes, its difficult.DNo, its easy.22 . Whats the problem (问题) for the students on the computer?AThey can download music.BThey can send emails.CThey play games too long on the computer.DThey can study on it.23 . What can the students do on the computer?AThey can download music.BThey can send emails.CThey can play games.DA, B and C.24 . Is playing games too long bad for their study?AYes, it is.BYes, it isnt.CNo, it isnt.DNo, it is.下面是一则旅游海报。请仔细阅读,然后按要求选择答案。Hong Kong Harbor Night Cruise (巡游)Enjoy the delicious dinner on the ferry(渡轮)and watch the beautiful city lightsTime : 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m.Price : Adults(成人): HK$ 180 Children under 12 : HK$ 100Start / Finish : Kowloon Public Pier (码头)Tel : (852) 2853 3888E - mail:enquirychinatravel1.co25 . How long will the cruise take?Aone hourBtwo hoursCthree hoursDfour hours26 . You are 8 years old, how much will you pay?AHK$100BHK$180CHK$90DHK$5027 . From this poster, we can _ in the Cruise.Ahave breakfastBhave lunchChave dinnerDhave a party三、单词填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。When I was young, my parents were very strict with me in my28 . (日常的) life. There were a lot of rules. I 29 . (过去常常) to hate them and thought they always brought me trouble. For example, I was never allowed to put off things till the next day. I was supposed to be 30 . (礼貌的) when talking with old people. I should also be 31 . (耐心的) when dealing with problems. I was taught to 32 . (依靠) on myself when facing any challenge.However, as time went by, I 33 . (意识到) how rules helped me get good habits. To be 34 . (诚实的), few things could be achieved without them. Now I work for a big company and those rules still have a deep 35 . (影响) on me. I believe keeping good habits will be very 36 . (有帮助的) in my development. Without doubt, it will be a 37 . (秘诀) to my success.四、信息匹配栏是5个人的爱好描述,栏是5本受欢迎的书籍,请从A-E中为每个人选择最适合的阅读书籍,并将答案的字母编号填写在题前括号内。(_1_)66. Bob is going to have a five-day holiday and he wants to learn about the capital of China.(_2_)67. Sue will have her first baby soon. She doesnt know how to be a good mother.(_3_)68. Jack cant speak English well. He needs some help from the book.(_4_)69. Lily is interested in buying something to make her room beautiful.(_5_)70. Ming loves pandas very much. And he would like to know something about their life.ATips on Looking After BabiesBThe Pandas Daily LifeCCrack the Nuts of EnglishDHow to Decorate* Your RoomEGuide to Beautiful Beijing五、回答问题Each and every year, during Chongyang Festival, citizens of China celebrate the elders in their families and communities. Its a special tradition which is rooted in the deep value that Chinese culture places on honoring their elders.Sadly, many of our aging population are seniors without sons, daughters or grandchildren to visit. While they may have great friends, they no doubt miss the tender and loving relationships unique to families. To fill this void(空虚), many volunteers turned up on October 28 at nursing homes around the country in order to spend time with the residents. In some cases, they performed humble(谦逊的) gestures of kindness, such as combing their hair or washing their feet.While the kind acts were appreciated, one embarrassing story out of Anhui province raised a valuable question. Reportedly, one old gentleman had his feet washed seven times during the day by different volunteers. Is this genuinely(真诚地) caring for the elderly? Many of the residents at the home said that those gestures do not make them feel cared for at all. Their family members or community volunteers may drop by for a few hours of token time, but soon they disappear back into their busy lives.There is nothing we can give that is more valuable or appreciated than our time. While you may feel like there is barely enough time to care for your many responsibilities, might it be possible to spare just a moment as you walk home from school to sit with a senior who lives in your community? Just five minutes is not going to prevent you from getting your homework done, but it may totally change a day of loneliness into a day of joy for one old man or woman. Do you live far from your grandparents? Why not pick up the phone and let them know you re thinking of them? Or maybe you could remind them of the “good old days” and mail them a short letter. Imagine their surprise and joy!We live in a complicated(复杂的) and busy world, but kindness and caring is still a very simple thing.38 . People in China celebrate the elders at Chongyang Festival, dont they?_39 . Who appeared at nursing homes to spend time with the residents?_40 . How many times did one old gentleman have his feet washed during the day? _41 . Which gestures can make elders feel cared for? _42 . What did the family members of the residents at the home do? _六、书信作文43 . 假设你是张莹,你的美国笔友Judy对中国的传统节日非常感兴趣。请你给她写一封电子邮件,介绍一下春节。参考词汇:traditional 传统的;get together 相聚;Lunar New Years Eve 除夕夜;the Spring Festival Gala 春节联欢晚会;lucky money 压岁钱要求:语句通顺,内容连贯,语法正确;不少于70词(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Judy,Im glad to receive your e-mail last week. You said you were interested in traditional Chinese festivals. _Can you tell me something about your holidays?Yours,Zhang Ying第 8 页 共 8 页

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