鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 7 单元测试

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鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 7 单元测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Li Hua is volunteer She will put up a sign to remind people to save every drop of water. Which of the following signs should she choose?ABCD2 . Sheuntil his mother got back home.Thats why she was so tired.Adidnt sleepBdoesnt sleepCsleptDsleeped3 . We should do _ part to protect the environment.AmyBourChisDher4 . My little sister is a(n) _ girl and she always asks me different kinds of questions.AcuriousBcreativeCenergeticDattractive5 . Where are the pens?Sorry, I_.Anot knowBknow notCdont knowDnot do know6 . Mr. Green _ the meeting first,and then he went to a childrens hospital.AjoinedBjoin inCattendDattended7 . Look. This is a picture _ my room. _ bedroom is clean.Aof; ABof; TheCfor; ADfor; The8 . These are _books. Please give_to me.Amy;itBmy; themCher;it9 . She likes volleyball,_ she doesnt like playing it.AbutBorCandD/10 . -_ in your purse?- There are some pictures, a key and some money.AWhatsBWhatreCWheres二、补全对话5选5从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。A. No. I cant see it.B. Its here on my bed.C. Where is my pencil?D. Its on my desk.E. Its Alices.A: Dad!11 . Help me find it.B: Is it in your pencil box?A:12 . B: I think its on your desk.A: Yes. 13 . Err. wheres my schoolbag?B: Its on the chair.A: No, its not mine. 14 . My schoolbag is black.B: Oh, yours is on your bed.A: Yes, Dad.15 . Thank you.三、完型填空完形填空。阅读下面短文,从所给各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并把答案写在答题卡的相应位置。The best woman in the world is my mother, and the_sound in the world is mums voice. Every day when I get back home from school, I see my mother cooking in the kitchen. She is tired but happy. I really want to give her a hug. (拥抱)Mother often says, “ Parents want_from their kids. The only thing they hope to do is that their kids have a happy life.”My mother is different_my classmates mothers. When she gave birth to me, she was 42 years old. When I become a university student, my mother will be 60 years old.My mother is_for a long time. Maybe she will never fully recovered (痊愈)._she still works hard for me every day. I want to help her, but dont know_I can do or where I can start. Each time my mother cant get up from her sick bed, I feel_afraid that I dont want to go to school. But my mother always says to me, “ You must go to school. I can look after_” When I hear this, I wonder if I am a good_, the only thing I can do is to give her a warm hug after school. Lets_more love and care to our mothers and let them know their kids really love them.16 . AsweetestBsweetCsweeterDsweets17 . AeverythingBsomethingCnothingDanything18 . AasBbetweenCamongDfrom19 . Ain good healthBin poor healthChealthyDwell20 . AButBSoCAndDIf21 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhich22 . AsuchBtooCveryDso23 . AyourselfBmyselfCmeDyou24 . AmotherBfatherCsonDbrother25 . AgiveBgetCtakeDbring四、阅读单选Do you often go on a trip? Did you live in a hotel made of ice and snow? Well, there is one in North Chinas Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (内蒙古自治区). The hotel opened on January 1st, 2018.The hotel is the first of its kind in China. It is said that workers used about 1,500 tons of ice and snow to build the hotel. Almost all things in the hotel, like beds and tables, are made of ice and snow. The ice hotel is about 1,000 square meters (平方米), and it has 10 rooms. Each of them is 10 to 15 square meters. It also has a recreation (娱乐) hall, a reading room, a bar (酒吧) and a dining hall.You may think it will be very cold to stay in the hotel. Well, the temperature in each room is about 5 degrees below zero. But the beds are covered with warm bedclothes. You can also use sleeping bags when you go to bed, so you wont feel . What if the weather becomes warmer and warmer? Will the hotel melt? The answer is yes, of course. The hotel is expected to melt away in three months as it gets warm in spring. Would you like to visit the hotel and live in it?26 . Which of the following is TRUE about the hotel?AThe hotel opened one year ago.BChina has many ice hotels like this one.CThe hotel is built in Shandong.DThe beds in the hotel are made of ice.27 . There is NOT _ in the hotel.Aa dining hallBa recreation hallCa swimming poolDa reading room28 . Which word can be put in ?AhotBcoldCwarmDcool29 . The underlined word “melt” means “_” in Chinese.A融化B扩建C升值D蒸发30 . In which part of the newspaper can we find this passage?APEOPLEBSCIENCECTRAVELDSPORTTom has a new room. In his room,a photo is on the table. Three people are in the photo, his father,his mother and he. A desk,a chair,a bed and a bookcase are in the new room,too. A baseball is under the chair and some CDs are under the bed. A hat is on the desk. Some plants are on the floor. A bookcase is next to the bed. Some English books are in the bookcase. What a nice room!31 . What is under the chair?ABCD32 . Where are the plants?AOn the desk.BUnder the bed.COn the floor.DIn the photo.33 . How many people are there in the photo?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.34 . Where are the CDs?AUnder the bed.BUnder the chair.CIn the bookcase.DOn the desk.35 . Whats next to the bed?AA book.BA baseball.CA bookcase.DWe dont know.五、句型转换按要求完成句子(每空一词)36 . My father goes to work on foot every day.(对画线部分提问)_ your father _ to work every day?37 . I often send emails and photos to my friends on the computer.(对画线部分提问)_ do you often _ on your computer?38 . The girl usually goes shopping on Sunday morning.(对画线部分提问)_ the girl usually _ shopping?39 . Turn on the light, please.(改成否定句)_ turn on the light.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。40 . My parents used to p_ me by not letting me use the Internet if I lied.41 . The population of India has i_ quickly. Now there are more than 1.3 billion people there.42 . Thieves s_ jewelry worth over $10,000, but the police caught them soon.43 . Its a good way to c_ what you have learned with what you are interested.44 . John has been a_ from school for three days because of his illness.45 . Scrooge now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, s_ love and joy everywhere he goes.46 . Looking at electronic devices, such as ipad, for a long time has a bad i_ on our eyes.47 . I wanted to tell Lily a secret so I asked her to sit b_ me.48 . When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help p_.49 . In Hangzhou, riding bikes is a very c_ way to get around the city.根据下列句子及所给的中文意思,写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。50 . This is Jim Smith. His f_ name is Jim.51 . You can see n_ students in the classroom, five girls and four boys.52 . Excuse me. How do you s_ the word ruler? R-U-L-E-R.53 . This is my dictionary. Is that y_?54 . There is a nice and big l_ in our school. We like reading books there.55 . Your room is not tidy. Your school things are e_on the bed, on the sofa and in the box.56 . Come on. Lets go home now. Its very l_.57 . I have two new w_. They can tell me the time.58 . I like ping-pong very much and I can play it very well. It is e_ for me.59 . Is your English teacher in the classroom? Sorry, I dont k_.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的正确形式填空60 . Are _(this) books your sisters ?61 . My English book isnt in my schoolbag. I must _(find) it.62 . This is _(I) good friend.63 . I am fine, _(thank).64 . I have two _(dictionary).65 . Is the computer game _(your)?66 . _(do) she often(经常)play ping-pong?67 . This ruler isnt hers. Its _ (I).68 . Three _ (radio) are on the desk.69 . Are _ (it) her keys?八、完成句子填空题70 . Two Chinese got to the Moon by s_.71 . There are many kinds of beautiful flowers in the g_.72 . A trip to the Moon will c_ a lot of money.73 . I am going to send a p_ to my e-friend on his birthday.74 . When she heard the e_ news, she jumped with great joy.75 . _ he _ (return)?No, he wont.76 . He is always the first student _ (come) to school.77 . Were old enough. Wed better do it by _ (we).78 . There _ (be) hotels on the Moon in the future.79 . He is very _ when he knows the _ news. (excite)九、用单词的正确形式完成短文Aa group ofBas well asCamazingDlearn aboutEcharacters“Around the World” was made by Wonder Computer. Wonder Computer made this game to help students 80 . the world. This game was first made in 1991. Since then it has become very popular. In the game, the player visits many famous places. There are many 81 . in the game. For example, 82 . thieves travel around the world stealing famous things. And you play the role of policeman. Your job is to find where they are and stop them from doing bad things. While playing, the player should have knowledge about geography, history, maths 83 . English grammar to complete the game. Since the role of the player is a policeman, it is easy for the player to have fun performing the tasks, while learning important information about the world at same time. The game is both challenging (挑战的) and educational. (有教育意义的) .十、材料作文84 . 假设下面是你的卡片,请根据内容用英语做自我介绍,词数在20 30之间.First nameMaryLast name SmithTelephone number 398-6159Family member: father (doctor) mother (teacher) brother (student) I (student)_第 9 页 共 9 页

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