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长沙市2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话6选5根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一项是多余选项A. Thank you. B. How are you? C. Who is the boy with a basketball?D. How about you? E. He is very tall! F. Yes, she is.A: Hey, Sam.1 . B: Im OK. Thanks.2 . A: Im fine, too. Look! This is a nice photo of your family.B:3 . We took it last summer in Hainan.A: Its really a beautiful place.B: Yes, it is. The weather is very good there.A:4 . B: He is my cousin, Bill. He went to Hainan with us, too.A:5 . B: Thats because he plays basketball every day!A: I see. I must do more sports.二、完型填空完形填空My English name is David. I am short_black hair. I am from China. Frank is my classmate and neighbour. He is tall and has black hair. He_from the USA, and now he is in Beijing.Frank and I have different_habits. He likes having fruit and vegetables very much,_I only like meat. Coke is Franks favourite_, but I like tea best. I look much fatter than him.Frank often_early and does sports. I like staying in my bedroom and _computer games. I often have a cold. When I am ill, I always stay at home and take some_The doctor asks me to take_often, but it is difficult for me to get up early. At last, Frank has an idea. He calls_in the morning every day, and then we do some sports together.6 . AforBtoCwithDabout7 . AgoesBcomesCwalksDtakes8 . AeatingBlearningCtalkingDsleeping9 . A/BsoCorDbut10 . AfoodBtimeCdrinkDbox11 . Alooks forBlooks afterCstays upDgets up12 . AmakingBrunningCplayingDeating13 . AmedicineBfoodCmeatDCoke14 . AphotosBexerciseChomeworkDhousework15 . AmeBherCusDhimWelcome _ Wilsons Sports! We sell all kinds of balls and other sports _. Do you play _ games? We have Jordan basketballs _ only $8. A Mikasa volleyball is $5, and _ Adidas soccer ball is only $6.Do you _ any sports clothes? We have sports clothes _ a very good price-only $12! We _ sports shoes for $11. Do you like ping-pong? We have some new DHS bats, and theyre also _ sale for only $9.Come and see for yourself at Wilsons great sale _ December 1st to 8th.16 . AtoBfromCinDon17 . AclothesBbasketballsCping-pong ballsDthings18 . AbasketballBvolleyballCsoccerDball19 . AinBonCforDfrom20 . AaBanCtheD/21 . AbringBsellCneedDtake22 . AatBinConDunder23 . AbuyBwantCsellDcome24 . AonBatCinDof25 . AonBtoCinDfrom三、阅读单选The Grade 3 students at the Clean City School collect empty bottles .In June ,they are going to take them to a recycling ( ) center .They are going to sell the bottles and buy some books for the school library.Kate has started a graph (图表) to show the number of the bottles they have collected . This is the graph .Student Bottle CollectionThe months of the School Year 26 . In October the students collected _ empty bottles.A80B60C40D2027 . The students collected _ more bottles in December than in January .A10B20C30D4028 . Form the graph above ,we know that the students picked up the same number of bottles in _ and _ .A October ;FebruaryBSeptember ;AprilCJanuary ;MayDNovember ; March29 . Why do the students collect empty bottles ? Because they _ .Awant to do something for their schoolBlike empty bottles very muchCwant to play with the bottlesDwant to sell them to buy balls30 . How many bottles have they collected in November?A 20B40C60D80Mary likes English very much. She works hard. She reads English every morning. She likes speaking English. She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening. Does she like dancing? No, she doesnt. But she likes drawing and singing. Her parents like her very much. And all the teachers and her friends like her, too.31 . In the morning Mary.Awrites EnglishBreads EnglishCdrawsDsings32 . She often listens.ATVBto TVCthe radioDto the radio33 . Mary watches TV.Ain the morningBin the afternoonCevery eveningDon Saturday evening34 . What doesnt she like?ASingingBDancingCDrawingDSpeaking English35 . Does her father like her?AYes, he does.BYes, he is.CNo, he doesntDNo, he isnt.Lily is an English girl. She lives in China with her parents now.Today is June 3th. It is Lilys birthday. In the morning, before Lily goes to school, her parents doesnt say anything about her birthday. At school, Lilys good friends, Linda and Ben, say nothing about her birthday, either. Lily is not happy all day. Even the geography lesson cant make her happy. Thats her favorite subject at school. After school, Linda and Ben tell Lily that they cant go home together with her. “They must have forgotten my birthday,” Lily says to herself. Feeling a bit sad, she goes home alone.At about 4:00 in the afternoon, Lily gets home. Do I need to talk to them about my birthday? Thinking this, Lily opens the door. Surprise! Happy Birthday! everyone in the house shouts. Lilys parents, Linda and Ben are all there. A big birthday cake is on the table. They have a surprise party for her!36 . When is Lilys birthday?AOn June 3thBOn June 13thCOn July 3thDOn July 13th37 . Lily is not happy all day because_.Ashe cant find her favorite penBnobody talks about her birthdayCtodays lessons are very difficultDshe is late for school in the morning38 . Where do Linda and Ben go after school?ATo the store.BTo the library.CTo Bens home.DTo Lilys home.39 . What can we learn from the passage?ALily is a Chinese girl.BLily likes geography very much.CLily gets home at 3:00 in the afternoon.DLilys family and friends forget her birthday.四、阅读判断Mary is a girl. She is a middle school student. She is thirteen. She is in class Three, Grade Two.There is a big picture in Marys room. Its the picture of her family. Marys mother is a teacher of Chinese.Marys father is a worker. There is a big red flower on his black coat.He is at work from Tuesday to Sunday. Marys brother is beside her mother. He is a middle school student,too.He is fourteen. He is in Grade Three.Mary and her brother like books. They work hard.They are good students.根据短文内容判断正误。(正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”)40 . This is a picture of Marys family.41 . Mary is fourteen.42 . Marys brother is a student.43 . Marys father is at home on Sunday.44 . Marys father and mother are doctor and nurse.五、完成句子45 . 如果你坚持练习英语口语,你很快就会取得很大的进步。_六、用单词的正确形式完成短文AsoonBquicklyCoftenDhappyEexcitedAnniie Oakley was born in 1860 in Ohio. Living on a farm, she 46 . learned to shoot(射击). When only 9 years old, she brought in small animals to the family table. By 16, she was selling some of the animals she shot for food. Thus she helped pay off the mortgage(按揭)on the family farm.One day in 1876, Annie heard of famous Frank Butler. He was raveling about the country performing his shooting on stage. He 47 . accepted challenges(挑战)from people who thought they could out shoot him, but they almost never did. When Annie heard about him, she became 48 . . “Ill bet I can beat him,” she thought. There was only one way to find out. She would challenge him. But would he accept a challenge from a girl? A girl who was only 16? He did accept. It was a close match, but Annie won by a single point. Impressed with Annies skill, Butler asked her to join his show. She did, and she 49 . became not only the star of the show but also Mrs. Butler.七、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话A: Welcome to our shop, madam. Can I help you?B: 50 . .A: This way, please. These are the latest fashion (最新款). 51 . ?B: The green coat looks cool. But I dont like its colour.A: Weve got other colours-pink, grey, dark, red and yellow.52 . ?B: Pink. Please show me that light pink one. 53 . .A: Of course. Oh, it fits you well (合身).B: I like it. 54 . ?A: It is 100 dollars, but its a sale on today. Everything is half price.B: So its 50 dollars. Thats a great price. Ill take it.八、回答问题Hello,Im David. Im 13 years old. I am a student. I have two good friends,Mike and Bob. Mike is 12 and Bob is 14. We go to the same school. We like sports very much. Mike likes baseball,and he has 8 baseballs . Bob likes tennis,and he has 16 tennis balls . I like basketball,and I have 3 basketballs. They are under my bed. But we all(都)like soccer,and we have 10 soccer balls. We play soccer after school. We all like watching TV,but we can only watch TV on Sunday(周日). 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。55 . Who are Davids good friends? _56 . How many(多少) tennis balls does Bob have? _57 . Where are my basketballs?_58 . Do they play soccer after school? _59 . Can David watch TV every day(每天)? _九、材料作文60 . 写作题假如你是John,根据表格提供的信息,请My Best Friend and I为题写一篇短文介绍你和你的好朋友Andy的相同之处和不同之处。(要求:请展开合理想像,不要直接翻译。词数70左右。)不同点相同点Andy1) 更高,更开朗2) 每天锻炼3).喜欢看电影1) 喜欢阅读,周末一起去图书馆2) 学习成绩好我1).喜欢安静2) 喜欢音乐和玩电脑游戏第 9 页 共 9 页


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