英语八年级下册Unit 7 Study skills课时练习

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英语八年级下册Unit 7 Study skills课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The coming rain will make it possible for the sports meeting to be .Aput awayBput offCput downDput up2 . Im worried, Jim. I dont know how _ writing.Dont worry! Why not _ a pen pal?Alearn, to findBlearn, findCto learn, findDto learn, to find3 . Can you imagine _as a nurse?Ahe workBhim workChe to workDhim working4 . Gina doesnt _.She looks as beautiful as two years ago.AfinishBdecideCchangeDarrive5 . Your aunts son is your .AbrotherBcousinCsister6 . What do you think _ if the car _?Acan we do; is brokenBcan we do; breaks downCwe can do; breaks downDwe can do; is broken down7 . At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was _.Aout of sightBout of reachCout of orderDout of place8 . Have you heard of Earth Day?Yes. The first Earth Day _ in 1970 to educate us to protect our planet.AcelebratesBcelebratedCis celebratedDwas celebrated9 . Mr.Smith asked his friends to_his stolen car.Akeep an eye out forBkeep an eye ofCkeep an eye fromDkeep an eye for10 . I hear your grandpa has an old cup in your home.Yes. It _ drinking tea long ago, my grandpa _ drink tea with it.Awas used to;was used toBused for;used toCwas used for;used toDused to;used for11 . Jack _ allowed to go to the movies with me yesterday eveningAareBisCwereDwas12 . Hainan is famous its beautiful beaches. It is famous an international islandAfor; asBas; forCas; asDfor; for二、补全短文5选4五选四阅读As a teacher,I spent a lot of time creating a good classroom environment. After all,even with great lessons and curriculum,it doesnt work well if the students in your classroom cant focus(集中)and dont feel valued. Here are a few tips to create the best classroom environment.First,lets talk about desk arrangement. 13 . Personally,I either used group seating or in a u-shape where everyone faced the teacher. I found that these desk arrangements helped students work together and feel included in the discussion. This way there werent any students far away. I also made sure to have plenty of space so I could walk around and easily help all of my students. 14 . I hate having piles of paper and school supplies everywhere,which makes it hard for me to relax at home. The same goes for the classroom. The best way to organize is to have plenty of baskets and organizational units. Having baskets for kids to turn in their work gives them direction. 15 . Having student work posted helps kids feel valued. I often changed my notice boards to keep things interesting. I also put up posters and poems to help students with their work. One thing I like is putting up a clothes pin and giving kids the chance to choose what work to show.16 . Each teacher has to learn about their students and developmental levels. However,these tips are a great place to start.AAnother good idea is to be organized.BThere isnt one perfect classroom environment.CI always spent a lot of time arranging the desks.DSometimes,students enjoy reading in the library.EFinally,show student work on notice boards.三、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子17 . 只要你坚持努力学习,你的梦想就会实现。As long as you _ studying hard,your dream will come true.18 . 既然那样,你可以先离开。_,you can leave first.19 . 他们是在去年结的婚。They _ last year.20 . 遗憾的是,他错过了那次机会。_ that he missed the chance.21 . 这本英语书中总共有14个单元。This English book has 14 units _.根据汉语完成句子22 . 看!现在四班的学生正在做物理实验。Look! The students in Class Four are doing _ now.23 . 请你帮我把瓶子里装满水,好吗?Could you please help me _ the bottle _ water?24 . 我的收音机坏了,但我找不到问题所在。There is something wrong with my radio, but I cant _ where the problem is.25 . 父母们经常在学习上把他们的孩子和其他孩子相比较。Parents often _ their children _ other children in study.26 . 这首优美的歌曲受所有年龄段的人欢迎。The beautiful song is popular among the people _ .四、用单词的正确形式完成短文AmarkBcheckedCpopulationDdestroyedEchemicalsIn Tanzania, an African country, a company called APOPO trains African pouched rats(非洲有袋鼠)to find landmines(地雷)left over from the wars. The rats are trained to smell out some of the27 . in them. More importantly, these rats are too light to set off the landmines.Generally speaking, after 8 to 12 months of training, the rats can find landmines so that they can be safely destroyed. Rats and trainers search one small area at a time. To be sure that every inch of the ground is28 . , APOPO workers use a harness-and-rope system that guides the rats back and forth in rows. The trainer stands safely on the edge(边缘) of the area.When a rat smells landmines, it will dig the dirt in that spot(地点). The trainers29 . each spot on a map. Later, people set off the landmines safely.In the African country of Mozambique, nearly half of the30 . are younger than 15 years old. A lot of kids are in danger as they play and work. With the help of the rats and trainers, there will be no threat any more.五、语法填空根据文意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。For a long time, I dreamed of 31 . (do) something in western China and last year I finally became a volunteer teacher. It has changed my life a lot!I travelled a long way to a small village school in Songtao, Guizhou Province. On my way there, I thought about the village, the school, the first day, and the children there. However, my heart went down after32 . (arrive) there. It wasnt what I expected. It didnt look like a school at all! The school had only three rooms, one for Grades 1, and another for Grades 2.There was a third room for me.The children welcomed me warmly on my first day. They asked me 33 . (tell) them stories about myself and my life in Beijing. The next day, I gave them a test 34 . (find) out their level. To my surprise, over half of the students failed the test, but they all wanted 35 . (learn) new things. I knew they needed me.I spent many nights 36 . (prepare) lessons, reading test papers, and marking homework. I enjoyed 37 . (teach) the lovely and hard-working children, and I could see that they were making progress with my help. I have also learned a lot from them. I understand their lives better, and we are now good friends.I have worked in Songtao for a year now. Im very happy, and the experience has been very useful for me. Now Im more responsible, and I know how 38 . (look) after myself. I love the small village and the children. In fact, I would like 39 . (keep)40 . (work) here.第 5 页 共 5 页

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