英语九年级UNIT 3 Section B课时练习

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英语九年级UNIT 3 Section B课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When we reached the top of the hill, the town _ below us.AfixedBappearedCdividedDshaped2 . Theyin class 3, and theyplaying basketball.Aare both; both likeBare both; like bothCboth like; both areDboth are; like both3 . In my class,all the students like the NBA star James _ me.I think Harden plays basketball better.AagainstBbesidesCexcept4 . -I wore sports shoes to the party yesterday by mistake.-Oh, dear, you must be very _ at the party.AembarrassedBsatisfiedCtiredDsurprised5 . My parents request me_ hard.AstudyBto studyCstudyingDstudies二、补全短文7选5Many people often meet such a difficult situation. Its that they dont know the way in new places, and they are too shy to ask people for the way. 6 . Firstly, you must know some important and useful expressions, such as “Could you please.?” “Excuse me” and “Thanks a lot”. For example, when we want to ask strangers for the way, we should say “Excuse me” first. This is a very useful expression. 7 . Next, “Could you please.?” is often used while we ask for the direction. 8 . Its also polite to shake hands with the strangers.Secondly, we often need to take some useful things with us. They usually include pens, special maps, photos and so on. 9 . We can write down the crucial(关键性的)words about the place, and then we can show them to the stranger who we want to ask for help. Of course, the map can help us find the correct way. 10 . Then we can use the map to know the directions and find the right place.ASometimes a pen can help us get to the right place.BIn the USA, people also use it in many different situations.CWe can use a camera to help us.DAfter we know how to get to the place, we should say “Thanks” to others.EWhen we go to a strange place, we can take a map with us.FSome people dont like to use it at all.GHere are two tips on how to ask for the way politely.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词11 . The e_ is our only home. We should take good care of it.12 . Nick hopes that he will be a doctor in the f_ .13 . Animals and p_ are our friends We should look after them well.14 . There are eight p_ in the solar system (太阳系).15 . Can you give me some _(纸)?四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空:16 . We are willing _ (work ) with them.17 . The students in our school spend two hours _(do) homework every day.18 . The book is _(interesting) , I dont want to read it again.19 . Its cold outside, youd better _ (put) on your coat.20 . He has _ (little) homework of us three.21 . We want to go to the park and enjoy _(we).22 . Little Tom fell off the desk, _ (lucky), he didnt hurt himself.23 . “Do you have a _(day) report every morning? ” “Yes, we do.”24 . Some students dont think maths is as _ (important) as English.25 . Lin Tao has a pair of(smile) eyes behind his round glasses.26 . I think this problem is much _(easy) than that one.27 . _(not play) football in the street, Jim. Its dangerous.28 . Keep _(try) and you will find you can remember things better.29 . Sandy and Mike are good at swimming, they are good _(swim).30 . Do you know the _(high) of that tall building?五、完成句子根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。31 . 我每天步行去学校只需10分钟It only _ me ten minutes _ to school every day。32 . 上周末,我直到8点才起床。Last weekend , I_ get up _ 8 oclock。33 . 去年他出国了,到现在还没有回来。He went _ last year, and he_come back yet.34 . 事实上,他知道事情的真相。_,he knew the truth.35 . 警察总是尽最大努力救助那些处于危险之中的人。The police always try their best to save those who are _.第 4 页 共 4 页

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