英语八年级第一学期Unit 4 Numbers 自测练习3-4

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英语八年级第一学期Unit 4 Numbers 自测练习3-4_第1页
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英语八年级第一学期Unit 4 Numbers 自测练习3-4姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文4选4Match each heading to the correct paragraph in the passage(将标题与文章段落配对)A. What should budding(初露头角的)chefs try first?B. What do kids learn in the kitchen?C. Why is it important for kids to learn about food?D. How do parents get their kids busy in the kitchen?1 . Ive found that when kids cook, theyre more likely to taste new foods and eat dinner well! More than once, I felt sad when my children refused to eat what Id prepared. But when theyre involved(参与)in the cooking, theyre interested in the meal.2 . A UK study found that if a child learns to cook from the beginning, theyll be far more likely to do the same as an adult and preparing food from the beginning is linked to healthier eating. Its good for their future.3 . Whichever type your child loves to eat. If they love macaroni(通心粉)cheese or roast chicken, just let them make the foods they love.4 . Choose a day of the week that you are not busy. Spend time with your kids beforehand and find a recipe theyd like to try. Make sure you have the ingredients in advance, and be with them to help when your children prepare the meal. Parents need to take a step back and let their children have more time in the kitchen it does so much for their sense of independence(独立).二、用单词的正确形式完成句子Choose the right word to complete the sentence(选择合适的词,完成句子):5 . Tom is the _ one to come to school. (second, two)6 . One-_ of a meter is called a centimeter. (hundred, hundredth)7 . Peter is fifteen years old. John is _ as old as Peter. How old is John? (second, twice)8 . Mary is taking pictures on _ Avenue. (the Fifth, Fifth)9 . Six _ by ten equals sixty. (multiply, multiplied)10 . _ of visitors come to Shanghai for travelling every day. (Thousands, Thousand)11 . The meeting room is on the _ floor. (nine, ninth)12 . Linda is a girl of _. (eleven, eleventh)三、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词):Chinese people are used to thinking the numbers 6, 8 and 9 are lucky ones, but how about 142857? This number seems common, but it is the most amazing number in the w13 . . Why? Lets look at a few facts about this number.First, get the number multiplied by 1 to 6 and all the results are amazing b14 . they are made up of the same numbers but in different orders. For example, 142857 multiplied by 2 is 285714 while 142857 multiplied by 6 is 857142. S15 . , if it is multiplied by 7 and we get a more amazing number 99999. Third, the number is multiplied by i16 . and we can get a super large number 20408122449. However, when we a17 . the front five numbers to the back six numbers, we get the same number 142857 again. Is it amazing?In fact, people found this mysterious(神秘的)number inside the pyramids(金字塔)of Egypt. People also discovered the number is linked to seven days of a week. So you see, nature is r18 . amazing. And we can learn a lot from it.四、汉译英:整句遣词造句19 . 我们必须按时到校。_20 . 请把书留在你们的课桌上。_21 . 我妈妈不会讲英语。我爸爸也不会。_22 . 不要熬夜看电视。_23 . 我妈妈对我要求很严格。_五、材料作文24 . 假如你是学校的小记者,你对某班同学使用电脑的情况进行了采访记录,请你完成这个报告。参考词汇:download(下载)人数电脑的主要使用情况12下载音乐;听音乐;看VCD18玩电脑游戏14给朋友发邮件,相片;上网聊天5查找信息;在网上学习英语和其他一些课程Today computer is a part of our life. Almost every student has one. But what do they usually do on the computer? Here is the result of my survey(调查)._Yours,Li Lei第 4 页 共 4 页


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