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英语八年级下册期末综合练习测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The teacher asked us to listen to her_.AcarefullyBcarefulCmore carefulDcareless2 . I can do many kinds of housework _ cooking. Ill learn it from my mother.AforBwithoutCexceptDBetween3 . -will the TV play be broadcasted(播出)?-Perhapsits reviewed successfully.AHow long; untilBWhen; untilCHow soon; not untilDHow often; not until4 . Tom, dont rub such oil into the babys skin, its not good for his health. _.ANever mindBNo, Id love toCSorry, I wontDOf course not5 . I love ice-cream, _I cant eat too much, because I dont want to be fat.AandBbutCorDso6 . (题文)I want to make a banana milk shake. _ milk do I need, and _ bananas do I need?AHow many; how muchBHow many; how manyCHow much; how muchDHow much; how many7 . When the child saw his uncle,he ran up _ hello to him.AsayBsaidCsaysDto say8 . Excuse me.Could you tell me_?Which of the following is WRONG?Ahow to get to the city libraryBwhich is the way to the city libraryCthe way to the city libraryDhow can I get to the city library9 . The animals are in great danger.We must _ them.AdrawBbrushCkillDsave10 . Gradually, she gets used to with chopsticks.AeatBeatingCateDeaten二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,其中有两项多余A. Im fine, thanks. And you?B. What color is it?C. Thank you.D. Spell it, please.E. Good morning.F. Whats this?G. Hello, Alice!A: Hi, Bob!B: 1.11 . A: How are you?B: 2.12 . A: Im fine, too. 3.13 . B: Its a pencil.A: 4.14 . B: P-E-N-C-I-L.A: 5.15 . B: Its purple.三、完型填空完形填空阅读下文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Many people think the _ time is spent, the more work will be done. So students have to spend the whole _doing school work except the three meals.Modern students have many _. They love sports, computers and music. A _holiday can get them away from too much school work, and they can do _ they like. But still teachers do not think about it. Because students have too much homework, they have no time to _ themselves. Students are really tired _their weekend homework. So they dont do it _ Sunday night. And there is not enough time to finish the homework _. The poor weekend homework usually makes teachers _.Things always get _ without right ideas. Too much school work makes students lose interest in learning. Its also bad for their _ . A horse runs faster after a _ . But for students only rest is not enough. So such a condition (状况) should be _ to give students both _ and knowledge.16 . AmanyBmuchCmoreDmost17 . AweekBmorningCeveningDday18 . AinterestsBbooksCpensDfriends19 . Atwo daysBtwo-daysCtwo-dayDtwo-days20 . AthatBIfCWhatDwhen21 . AlearnBenjoyCteachDlook after22 . AwithBofCatDfor23 . AinBonCAfterDuntil24 . AcarefullyBangrilyCquicklyDfast25 . AhappyBangryCworriedDsurprised26 . AbetterBbestCworseDworst27 . AeyesBideasChealthyDhealth28 . AmealBrestCmomentDwhile29 . AchangedBkeptCtaughtDmade30 . AfoodBpleasureCmoneyDtime四、阅读单选My name is Jack. Im thirteen years old and I live in a city. I have got one computer in my home. Its a present (礼物) for my birthday from my aunt. I like it very much. I often do my homework on it.I go online too. I have a good friend in China. His English name is John. I often talk with him on the Internet. I like China, and I practice (练习) my Chinese with him. I use my computer to send emails to my friends. I like downloading ( 下载) songs of my favourite singers from the Internet. Every Saturday night, I watch movies on the Internet.I can also do many other things on my computer. I play computer games. But my mother doesnt like it and she thinks playing computer games isnt good for my health. So I only play computer games for thirty minutes on Friday night.31 . Jack is _ years old.A11B12C13D1432 . Jacks computer is from his _.AcousinBauntCfriendsDparents33 . Where is John from?AChina.BAmerica.CEngland.DJapan.34 . When does Jack watch movies?AOn Friday.BOn Saturday.COn Sunday.DOn Monday.35 . Which of the following is NOT true?AJack lives on a farm.BJack and John are friends.CJack plays computer games.DThe computer is Jacks birthday present.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空36 . A large number of tourists _ (visit) Mount Tai.37 . My father isnt _ (satisfy) with the coat I bought on the Internet.38 . When I saw him, I couldnt help _ (laugh).39 . Keep _ (work) hard, and you will get good grades.40 . In Chinese history, there were many national _ (hero).六、单词填空B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Hello, everyone!Welcome to our English programme. Today wed like you to listen to a short play 41 . (叫做) Asking the Way. It is a very 42 . (普遍的) problem in your daily life. When you are in a strange 43 . (地方), youre likely to lose your way. Then you may have to ask people questions 44 . (例如) “ How can I get to the 45 . (车站)?” or “Which is the way to the college?”and so on. Of course you may look at a 46 . (地图), but sometimes it doesnt help much. So the most convenient thing for you to do is to 47 . (张开)your mouth and ask local people the way. Luckily, people are 48 . (通常) pleased to help others and then you can find your way. It can also 49 . (提升) your ability. Do you all remember the old saying in China, “ The way is just in your mouth. ”Now, lets listen to the 50 . (收音机) and enjoy the play.七、材料作文51 . 书面表达请根据提示写一篇题目为The Population Problem 的短文。(6080词)提示:1. 人口问题是当今世界上最大的问题之一;2. 中国是世界上人口最多的国家。3. 如果人口增长过快,将会带来许多严重问题。第 6 页 共 6 页


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