英语八年级上册Unit 5 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习

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英语八年级上册Unit 5 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 一How about some more ice-cream?一No, thanks. Its very good, but I have to my weight, you know.ApreventBwatchCrefuseDkeep2 . Your grandparents miss you very much. You visit them often. I know, but Im too busy these days.AsupposedBare supposed toCare supposed3 . The man worked hard and finally he _ a famous singer.AgotBwereCchangedDbecame4 . My sister promises _ a big dinner for our mother on her birthday.AcookBcooksCto cookDcooking5 . Its so hot today.Yes. Why dont you _ your sweater?Aclean offBtake offCshut offDcut off6 . _the boys enjoy _the World Cup?ADoes; watchingBDoes; watchCDo; watchingDDo; watch7 . We have 3 rooms _ , but I cant decide _ .Ato live, to choose which oneBlived, choose which oneCto live in, which one to chooseDlive, which one8 . -Nick , would you mind _ out of the bathroom?-Sorry, I wont be long.AcomeBto comeCcomingDcomes9 . Id like to have rice _ meal.AinBatConDfor10 . My father wants me to doing my homework as soon as I get home.Astand for .Bwin the heart ofCstay in touch with .Dget into the habit of二、补全短文6选5Lucy is a well-known librarian (图书管理员) in her hometown (家乡). 11 . . There are so many interesting books there. Each one has its own secrets12 . . Some have beautiful pictures.13 . . To Lucy, 14 . . At the library, Lucy has friends all around her. Lucy is always ready to help people, so the staff (员工) at the library all like her. 15 . . A.They think books are everything in their lives(生活).B. Others have interesting stories.C. Each one has something to teach and share.D. They help her choose books for the readers. E. Books are like(像) her good friends.F. She loves the library. Its like her second home.A.They think books are everything in their lives(生活).B. Others have interesting stories.C. Each one has something to teach and share.D. They help her choose books for the readers. E. Books are like(像) her good friends.F. She loves the library. Its like her second home.三、完型填空What is the UK famous for? lts weather, soccer or royal family(王室)? Not all. _ , the UK is famous for forming queues(排队). From the supermarket to the subway, queues are _ in this country. Here in China, you can also see queues _ . Its necessary for everyone to _ in line because there are more people in our country. We need to queue most of the time to buy _ in the cinema or wait for a seat in a restaurant. Sometimes youll find _ in the middle of a long queue, and something unhappy may happen,_, getting onto the subway. One day I remember waiting in line at the subway station. A man in front of me left because of something. Within seconds,a girl walked by and _ in that small space. I was _ angry with her at first, but later I found she was the friend of the man. These small, everyday differences help me learn about a different _ .16 . AOf courseBIn factCSuch asDFor example17 . AcommonBfreshCeducationalDwonderful18 . AeverywhereBnowhereCsomeoneDsomething19 . AtouchBwaitCloseDbreak20 . AhillsBscreensCticketsDmagazines21 . AyourselfBmyselfCourselvesDhimself22 . Afor exampleBso farCfirst of allDsuch as23 . Areached her handBfound a wayCtook his placeDbring out ?24 . AloudlyBclearlyCtrulyDquietly25 . AmirrorBcultureCserviceDtalent四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。26 . 一How do you s_ it?一C-A-T.27 . Im in Grade 7 and my brother is in Grade 8. We are in d_ grades.28 . Sam is an English. He is from E_.29 . We can see some _(手表)in the store.30 . 一Do you know his t_ number?一Yes. 010-68132425.31 . 一What color is her jacket?一Its _(绿色).32 . 一E_ me, are you a student?一Yes, I am.33 . Why not _(fly) a kite with us tomorrow?34 . My father is a d_. He works in a hospital.35 . - Does your sister have l_ hair?一No. Her hair is short.五、完成句子IV.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。36 . 政府开放了一个广场,使女士们晚上跳舞成为可能。The government opened a square and made _women _ in the evening.37 . 这次巨大的成功对他的生活产生了很大的影响。The great success _ great _his life.38 . 作为一名成功人士,他的生活是什么样子的?As a successful man,_ his life_?39 . 他的儿子四岁时就能读一些故事书了。His son _read some storybooks at the age of four.40 . 他们决定建立一个动物保护组织。They decided to _an organization that can protect animals.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空cut up;turn on;eat;honey;put41 . The Greens like _sandwiches with lettuce.42 . Can you help me _ these tomatoes?43 . Next, you need to_ all these things into the blender.44 . Put two spoons of_into the water. Itll be very sweet.45 . _ the machine(机器)and wait for some time.七、英汉互译:单词/短语1、基本词汇46 . 鼓_47 . piano _48 . 小提琴_49 . 也;而且_50 . 人;人们_51 . 家;在家_52 . 使成为;制造_53 . 在今天_54 . 中心;中央_55 . 周末_56 . 教;讲授_57 . 音乐家_第 6 页 共 6 页

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