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英语八年级上Unit1单元检测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -I like the saying clean water and green mountains are as _ as maintains of gold and silver.-So do I. Because keeping the water clean and mountains green can bring us wealth.AcheapBexpensiveCvaluableDavailable2 . Hachiks (忠犬八公)master_ it very well.Alooks afterBlooks forClooks atDlooks into3 . Would you like to drink some juice?-Thanks. But_. I have drunk a lot of tea.AId love toBI think soCIm afraid notDI dont think so4 . As a young child, he didnt realize the coming danger.Yes. And we should remind him of that.Adidnt careBwas unaware ofCcant believe5 . I dont know if my friend_here tomorrowIf she_,1 will tell youAcomes:comesBwill comes;will comesCwill come;comesDcomes;come6 . John often asks his teacher _ help.AtoBwithCforDon7 . _ your hat?AWhereBWherereCWheresDWhere are8 . China is _the Great wall and pandasAfamous asBfamous forCready toDready for9 . 一!The car almost hit you. How dangerous! Ill be more careful.ALook outBCheer upCCome on10 . Miss Green our English teacher . She us English.Aare ; teacherBis, teachCis ; teachsDis; teaches11 . -Jack,maybe you will find some money on the dinner table. -There _ any there, Mum.AareBisCisntDarent12 . - Could you_ the milk into the bottle?- Of course.AsprinkleBmakeCpourDdrink13 . I dont think its necessary _ students _ wear school uniforms every day.Aof; /Bof; toCfor; /Dfor; to14 . She oftenEnglish with the classmates.Apractice speakBpractices speakCpractices speakingDpractice to speak15 . When I walked past the park, I saw some old peopleChinese Taiji.Ato doBdidCdoing二、完型填空Not all people like to work but everyone likes to play. All over the world men and women, boys and girls enjoy _. Since the days of long ago, adults and children have called their friends together to spend_, even days playing games.Sports help people to live_. They help to keep people healthy and feeling good. When they are playing games, people _ a lot. This is good for their health. Having _ with their friends makes them happy.Many people enjoy sports by watching others _. In small towns, crowds meet to watch the bicycle races or the soccer games. In big cities, thousands _ to see an ice-skating or a baseball game.What are your favorite sports? Is the weather _where you live? Then swimming is probably one of your sports. Boys and girls in China love to _. There are wonderful beaches and there are beautiful _ and lakes across the country. The weather is also good for swimming.16 . AmusicBmoviesCsportsDtrips17 . AhoursBweeksCmonthsDyears18 . AaloneBbusilyCcarefullyDhappily19 . AspeakBthinkCmoveDeat20 . AfunBjokesCdinnerDlessons21 . AwalkBplayCjumpDrun22 . Abuy ticketsBtake turnsCread newspapersDhold meetings23 . AcoolBcoldChotDwarm24 . AskateBswimCsurfDdance25 . AmountainsBcitiesCriversDseas三、阅读单选For many people, baseball is just a word, but for millions of Americans, it brings them so many images: hot dogs, cold beers, sunny afternoons.Baseball is a game for fathers and sons. Fathers and sons have played catch with each other on lawns in parks for many years. A fathers favorite team becomes his sons. Grandfathers talk to their grandsons about games played long ago.Many American kids collect baseball cards. The cards have pictures of their favorite players on them. In school, friends exchange(交换) baseball cards and talk about them.Baseball players are known as “the boys of summer” because the sport is most often played in summer. You dont need to be a certain size or shape to play baseball. You dont have to be tall like a basketball player or strong like an American football player .You just need to want to have fun.Baseball is not as fast-paced as basketball. When you go to see a game, theres time to relax, talk and get to know other people.Baseball may not be the most popular sport in the US, but it is the most traditional. Its not just a game any more, but a key part of American culture, like apple pie.26 . The underlined word “images” here means_.ApicturesBactivitiesCexercisesDproblems27 . If you want to play baseball, you_.Amust be an AmericanBneed to be tall like a basketball playerChave to be strong as an American football playerDjust need to want to have fun28 . Which of the following sentences is true according to the passage?AAll the American kids like collecting baseball cards.BWe can only play baseball in summer.CBaseball becomes a key part of American culture.DTheres no time to relax or talk when you see baseball.A poor farmer has a friend. One day, his friend gives him a young apple tree and tells him to take it home and plant it. The farmer is pleased with the gift, but when he gets home, he doesnt know where to plant it. Finally he plants the tree in the forest where no one can see it. But without sunlight or good soil, the tree will soon die.Later the friend asks the farmer why he plants the tree in such a poor place. “Whats the difference?” the farmer says angrily. “If I plant the tree near the road, strangers will steal the fruit. If I plant the tree in one of my fields, my neighbors will come at night and steal some of the apples. If I plant it near my house, my own children will take the fruit.”“Yes,” says his friend, “but at least someone can enjoy the fruit. Now you not only rob(剥夺) everyone of the fruit, but also you destroy(破坏) a good apple tree.”29 . Where does the farmer plant the tree?AIn the forest.BNear his house.CIn his field.DNear the road.30 . The underlined word “steal” means _ in Chinese.A买B摘C看见D偷31 . The farmer has _ reasons to plant the tree in the forest.AOneBTwoCThreeDFour32 . What does the friend think of the farmer?AHe is right.BHe is wrong.CHe is clever.DHe is kind.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空33 . Cindy has the _(相同) handbag as I do.34 . Do you have any _(女儿)?35 . Andy is my _(表妹).36 . How much _(漂亮) she looks without her glasses!37 . My father exercises every day because he wants to be _(强壮的).五、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话, 选择正确答案的编号在横线上(共10分,每小题2分)Chen jie: Hi, Amy! 38 . _?Amy: Its Wednesday.Chen jie: Oh, lets go to the zoo this weekend.Amy: Good idea! 39 . _?Chen jie: Lets see monkeys.They are very smart.Amy: OK! _40 . _?Chen jie: We can go by bike.Amy: But I have no bike.Lets go by bus, OK?Chen jie: OK.41 . _?Amy: What about eight thirty?Chen jie: _42 . _.六、多任务混合问题Like the Olympic Games, the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) happens every 4 years. Only players between 14 and 18 years old can take part in it. The people in Singapore h43 . the first Youth Olympic Games last year. On February 11th, 2011,Nanjing, the c44 . city of Jiangsu Province, got the chance to hold the 2014 Youth Olympic Games and will become the s45 . Chinese city to welcome the Olympic flame (圣火) after the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. The Games will take place in A46 . , 2014, and go on for 12 days. There will be up to 3,600 players in 26 sports.The theme (主题) of YOG is Green Youth Olympic Games, Dynamic Youth Olympic Games, and Cultural Youth Olympic Games. Green Youth Olympic Games need us to save the environment (环境) so that we can have fresh a47 . and show foreign friends a beautiful city.People in Nanjing have done a lot for the Youth Games, and we are s48 . that YOG will become better and better. Workers are very busy. They are b49 . new roads and new undergrounds for YOAA new Olympic Village and a Youth Olympic Centre are being built in Jianye District (区), which will be a part of the International Youth Olympic City. Now we are planting more trees to make Nanjing greener and n50 . .We are very happy and looking f51 . to YOAWe all hope the Youth Games will be a big success (成功). Lets try to do s52 . for 2014 Nanjing YOG!七、汉译英:整句翻译下列句子53 . 欢迎来到江苏_54 . 在这一页的顶部写上你的名字。_55 . 旅馆就在村子的中间。_56 . 这是一个放松的好地方。_57 . 自从二十世纪来,这个镇就以它的茶而出名。_八、材料作文58 . 书面表达关于万圣节,你还知道哪些信息?请根据以下内容提示,写一篇短文,和同学分享分享万圣节的相关趣闻。万圣节是秋天的节日,每一年美国人都庆祝它它不仅是教堂的节日而且是孩子们的节日。每年秋天蔬菜成熟可以食用的时候,孩子们就会挑出大个儿的橙色南瓜。然后在南瓜上刻上一张脸,把一根点燃的蜡烛放在里面。看起来就好像有人在向南瓜外面张望。这些灯就叫做“jackolanterns”,意思也就是“杰克的灯”。写作要求:语句连贯,词数80个左右。_第 8 页 共 8 页

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