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英语九年级第2单元过关检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Paul, well have to _ our basketball match till the day after tomorrow. The radio says there will be a heavy rain tomorrow.Youre right.Aput awayBput downCput offDput on2 . What do you think of the hotel? Great! It can provide us _ hot water, and it can also provide food _ us.Afor;forBwith;withCwith;forDfor;with3 . Look!Whats on the ground?Oh, its a sweater. Please _.Apick it upBput it onCgive it outDtake it off4 . If you are lost in the forest, what _ you do?Awould likeBlikeCwouldDcan5 . “Please _ me more about it,” Kitty _ to Simon.Atalk; spokeBtell; saidCsay; spokeDspeak; told6 . The old toy car remind me my childhood and my grandma.AonBofCwith7 . There is a cat _ a dog.AchaseBchasedCchasing8 . What _ fine weather ! Lets go shopping to choose gifts for _ Christmas.Aa, aB/, theCa, theD/, /9 . _ fresh air! Yes. Lets go for a walk.AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an10 . The doctor_us_an apple a day.Aadvice; to eatBadvises; eatCadvises; to eat二、完型填空Mr. and Mrs. King live in our town for nearly twenty years. They have a bookshop by the bus station. Theyre _ to everybody and have a lot of friends. They often _ the poor students and sell them some books cheaply. So therere many young men in their shop. Of course people like them and their friends often call on (拜访) them and talk with them. We can always hear their rooms are full of _ and quarrel.It is a Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. King are going to have a picnic on the island the next _. It is a little far from our town. So they have to get up earlier than usual to catch a six oclock train. After _ a few friends come to see them while they are cooking some food and drinks for the picnic. Mr. King and his wife have to stop it. They talk a lot and few of them look at the _ on the wall. Mr. and Mrs. King are anxious (焦急) but they cant tell the visitors about it. The woman thinks for a few _ and has an idea. She says to her _, “Oh, its eleven oclock! Youd better stop talking, dear! Our guests are anxious to _!Mr. King hears this and stands up and says _ to the visitors and they leave soon.So you see, sometimes telling a lie(谎言) isnt a bad thing.11 . AniceBcoolCcoldDcareful;12 . AhelpBhurtChitDwatch13 . AcryBshoutCnoiseDlaugh14 . AmorningBafternoonCeveningDnight15 . AbreakfastBlunchCsupperDmeal16 . AphoneBphotoCclockDpicture17 . AminutesBdaysCweeksDmonths18 . AvisitorBhusbandCbrotherDfather19 . Ago homeBgo to bedCgo shoppingDhave a rest20 . AhelloBgoodbyeCsorryDnothing三、阅读单选As summer comes near. many children are really happy to forget about school for a few months. The summer vacation is the best time for students. They can go outdoors and have fun. They can go to big cities to go sightseeing. or go to the countryside to enjoy the beauty of nature. However, studies have found that children forget between one and three months worth of school learning during the summer months. Spelling and math abilities are seriously influenced because of the long vacation, while reading is not really influenced by the time off. The most probable reason for this is that most children usually read at least outside of the classroom, whether newspapers, magazines, books, or video game guides. However, their math and spelling skills only get exercised in the school setting.The first summer vacation appeared because the farm children have time off to help work in the fields in the high growing season, but this reason is no longer valid since fewer kids actually work on farms today. Some cities in the United States, such as Los Angeles. Have moved to a year-round school calendar, which will bring less influence in their studies. Most cities still use the normal nine and a half-month calendars. To improve skills and to have a good level of preparation, experts suggested trips to museums, summer camps, and visits to libraries to keep kids active and interested the whole summer.There are other educational systems that provide vacations while still keeping students skills in a high level. For example. in Japan students attend class for seven weeks continuously, followed by two weeks of vacation. This continues go through all the year. In Italy, students attend class six days per week, but finish at 1:30 p.m. each day, so that school does not manage their life the way that it does in America.Educational experts fear that the three-month summer vacation stops the continuity of learning. Just as students get used to new ways in reading, writing, or critical thinking skills, then the summer vacation comes, they shut down for a long period. When they go back to school after the vacation, they take up to two months to return to their previous level of understanding.And so the debate continues: whether to continue the present vacations or to seek changes.21 . The students abilities of the spelling and math are influenced in the summer vacation because they.Atake the summer vacation too seriouslyBdo little work of math or spellingCdont like spelling and mathDhave to help work in the fields22 . What can we learn from the passage?AStudents may keep reading in summer vacations.BThe United States has stopped summer vacations.CThe summer vacations have no influence on students skills.DNow most children still work on farm in summer vacations.23 . What does the underlined word valid in the second paragraph probably mean?AacceptableBaimlessCimaginableDvalueless24 . What is the best title for the passage?ADo we need new Educational Systems?BDo summer vacations confuse students?CShould summer vacations be changed or not?DShould students improve ability in vacations?Good morning, everyone! I am Alice. I come from the USA. I am in Beijing now with my family. I am a student from Shiyan Middle School. Today I want to say something about International Day of Families (国际家庭日). Its on May 15th and its a day for all the families. In my family, I have my parents, my brother and my sister. They love me very much. So I usually make (做) a great dinner for them on that day.My father likes beef (牛肉), so I make a very nice beef hamburger for him. My mother likes vegetables. She thinks they are healthy. So I make a vegetable salad for her. My brother is Alan, and my sister is Kate. They are both a little fat. So I make fruit salads for them. I want to give my love to all of them. How about you? Please tell (告诉) your families you love them on International Day of Families. You can make a dinner for them. Im sure they will be very happy.25 . The International Day of Families is on _.AMarch 15thBMay 14thCMay 15th26 . The writer (作者) usually _ on International Day of Families.Aplays basketball with his brotherBbuys some things for his familiesCmakes a dinner for his families27 . The writer makes a vegetable salad for her _.AmotherBfatherCsister28 . Why does Alice make fruit salads for her brother and sister?ABecause they like fruit.BBecause they like salad.CBecause they are a little fat.29 . The title (标题) of the article (文章) can be.AA Day For All the FamiliesBMaking a Great DinnerCLove For All your families四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示填空30 . Wherever you are in the world,there is a _(地方特色).31 . The Obamas are the first _(非洲裔美国人)family to move into the White House.32 . _(乡村音乐)today remains much the same as before.33 . The teacher asked the children to _(编写)a story about Christmas.34 . Well wait for you _(在大门口)school tomorrow morning.五、填写适当的句子补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A:Hi,Lingling. This is Tony speaking. Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?B: 35 . Were quite busy now.A:What are you doing at the moment?B:Im making big red lanterns.36 . A:Yes, I like them very much. They are very beautiful. Is your father helping you?B:37 . Hes still at work.A:38 . B:Shes cleaning the house and putting things away.A:Oh, I know youre busy preparing for the festival. Well, wish you a happy Spring Festival.B:39 . 六、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空1个单词。Im Lin Tao from China. Spring Festival is very important in my country. Like Christmas, it40 . (happen) every year, but not on the same day. It usually comes in February,41 . (连词) sometimes it comes in January. Ive got some photos of it. Have a look at42 . (they).Here is43 . (冠词) first one. Its a few days before Spring Festival. My mother is cleaning our house and 44 . (sweep) away bad luck. Look at the food on the table! We always buy a lot of food before the festival.Oh, I love this photo. We are45 . (celebrate) Spring Festival with a traditional family Dinner46 . (介词) the evening before Spring Festival. Theres so much delicious food. I am eating jiaozi-a kind of dumping. After the dinner, we47 . (usual) watch a special programme on TV.In this photo, my parents and I are visiting my uncles and48 . (aunt). We are wearing new sweaters and coats. I always get a hongbao. It49 . (mean) lucky money.七、讲稿50 . 书面表达在即将举行的中学生国际文化交流活动中,你将代表学校介绍中国的传统节日,请你从所给的卡片中任选一张,用英语写一篇发言稿,介绍该节日。The Spring FeitivalTime:in January or FebruaryActivities: welcome the new year, visit relatives, got togetherMeaning: the biggest day of year, a new startThe Mid-Autumn FestivalTime:in September or OctoberActivities: express wishes and hopes, have mooncakes, enjoy the moonMeaning: symbol of being together, missing family members far away注意:1. 发言稿中必须包含卡片上的信息,并适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、学校名称等信息;3. 词数80左右;4. 文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to the Chinese culture tour. _Thats all. Thanks for listening.第 8 页 共 8 页

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