英语七年级下册Unit 1 Rending (Ⅰ) 同步练习

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英语七年级下册Unit 1 Rending () 同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -What _ do you like best? - Tennis.AmusicBfoodCdrinkDsport2 . -I think we should write a letter about the pollution_ the newspaper.- Ok, Lets begin.AtoBatCfor3 . Could you tell me how to _ that in English?AsayBtellCtalkDspeak4 . People shouldnt keep _ animals.AprotectingBkillingCto killDto killing5 . My uncle lives inand he can speakwell.AGerman ; GermanyBGermany ; GermanyCGermany; German6 . She looks _ because she has a _ vacation.Arelaxed; relaxedBrelaxed; relaxingCrelaxing; relaxedDrelaxing; relaxing7 . Today is Jacks birthday. He is _ years old now.AfourteenthBfourteenCthe fourteenthDthe fourteen8 . When I walk_ the classroom, all the students are listening carefully.ApassedBto passCpastDpass9 . 一_.一K-E-Y.AWhats this in English?BHow do you spell it?CWhat color is it?DWhos that?10 . Have you heard about Zhangjiajie Glass Footbridge?Of course, its built over a canyon in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.A300-meter-deepB300-meters-deepC300 meter deepD300-meters deep二、完型填空My holiday is coming. Yesterday I asked my American friends about the best way to travel around the United States. They said it was best to travel by_ and gave me the_.To fly,of course,is the fastest way,but one cant see anything during a _ except the blue sky and white clouds. So it is not very interesting for one who wants to see the _. Besides,the plane ticket is very. _.To travel by train is _,because passengers can walk and buy food and drinks on a train. They can also see cities and the country through the windows. But trains dont leave or _ at a place every day,and dont go to many cities.To travel by bus is easy, cheap and convenient, though not so fast as travelling by plane or so _ as by train. You can find buses almost in every city. That makes travel arrangement easy.I take their _. Now I have decided to go on an interesting _ by bus to the east coast.11 . AbusBtrainCplaneDunderground12 . AreasonBanswerCsuggestionDway13 . ArailwayBflightCcourseDroad14 . AcountryBheavenCcloudDsky15 . AcheapBlargeCexpensiveDgreat16 . ArelaxingBtiringCboringDworrying17 . AreachBarriveCpassDgo18 . ArelaxingBdifficultCtiringDinterested19 . AadviceBsurpriseCfeelingDorder20 . AdialogueBmovementCtripDmeasure三、阅读单选My name is Mike Miller. I have a nice bedroom(卧室).Look at my pen. It is on the desk(书桌). My pen is black and my ruler is white. Whats this?Its an orange. I like oranges. What color is the orange? The orange is orange!I have a nice phone. Its white. Now it is on the quilt. My phone number is 272-6382.Whats that? Its my blue cup. My friend gave it to me. His name is Sam Smith. We are in the same(相同的)middle school.21 . Whats the writers(作者的)name?AMikeBEricCSamDSmith22 . Whats on the desk?AA pen.BA phone.CA cup.DAn orange.23 . What is NOT in the bedroom?AThe orange.BThe key.CThe quilt.DThe phone.24 . What does the underlined word“it”refer to?画线单词“it”指代的是什么?ACup.BPhone.COrange.DQuilt.25 . Which of the following is NOT true?下面哪项是不正确的?AThe ruler is white.BThe orange is orange.CMikes phone number is 272-6382.DMike and Sam are not in the same middle school.四、句型转换Rewrite the sentences as required.26 . I never play football.(对划线部分提问)_ do you play football?27 . The meat tastes nice.(对划线部分提问)_ the meat taste?28 . Lets go to the cinema. (写出同义句)_ going to the cinema?29 . The chicken cost me 45 yuan. (写出同义句)I _ 45 yuan_the chicken.30 . I have a headache because I watched too much television yesterday.(就画线部分提问)_you have a headache?31 . His favourite sport is playing football.(意思相同)He _ playing football _ .五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词32 . The food in this hotel is good, but the _(服务)is poor.33 . Get up early, go out for some _(新鲜的)air and enjoy a healthy life.34 . Waiter, give me the _(菜单), please!35 . He did the job _(相当地)well.36 . Jim does _(最差地)in this English speech contest.37 . Judys home is c_ to the school, so she often walks home.38 . Is she going to be an actress?Yes. She is taking a_ lessons on weekends now.39 . They dont like to eat out. They often cook m_ by themselves at home.六、单词填空根据首字母,缺词填空Do you know the girl i 40 . a hat with flowers? Her name is Kazuko. She is a J41 . girl, my new friend. I like her. I dont know Japanese, and she doesnt know Chinese. But we know s 42 . English. Were the s 43 . age in the class. We have the same interest. We like to sing and we sing Chinese, Japanese and English songs. I help her r44 . a bike and f45 . a kite. She h 46 . me to swim and jump. She likes to play football, but I dont. She and I and all the o47 . girls in our class want a go this Monday. She likes China and we a 48 . like her. We are good f49 . now.七、汉译英:单词/短语翻译下列短语50 . 去看电影_51 . 在周末_52 . 几乎不;很少_53 . 每周五次_54 . 每月两次_55 . 熬夜_八、汉译英:整句翻译56 . 你出门之前,最好把灯关掉。_57 . 我叔叔已经离开家乡十年了。_58 . 由于风大,我们被迫缩短了旅程。_59 . 以免吵醒孩子们,请不要发出的噪音。_60 . 你很难想象那个男孩在扮演主角时遇到了多少困难。_第 6 页 共 6 页

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