英语九年级全册Unit 4 Stories and Poems课时练习

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英语九年级全册Unit 4 Stories and Poems课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When I came back home, my mother dinner.AcooksBis cookingCwas cookingDhave cooked2 . More than two weeks _ but we still havent received the letter from him.Ahas pastBhas passedCpassedDhave passed3 . The little boy has just had lunch. He _ be hungry already.AmustBmustntCcanDcant4 . The little girl was crying because her mother didnt allow her _ the icecream.AeatBeatsCto eatDate5 . - _ great progress youre made! Congratulations!-Thank you !AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a6 . - Did the teacher tell us_ to the station? - Yes. She said we should meet there at ten.Ahow to getBwhat to getCwhen to getDwhere to get7 . The twins are talking about the book Who Moved My Cheese. Its fun to _ them.AjoinBjoin inCtake part inDenter8 . How do you like the concert given by the group?Exciting, _ one piece of the music wasnt played quite well.AthoughBbecauseCsoDand9 . I dont know what _ if I do that.I think you _ tell him the whole thing first.Ahappens;shouldBhappens;shouldntCwill happen;shouldDwill happen;shouldnt10 . Tony, please be careful, or you may _ onto the wet ground.OK. Thank you.Afeel likeBfall downCcare aboutDfind out二、完型填空It was a usual Sunday morning. A butcher (屠夫) heard the doorbell and then he was _ to see that a dog was in his shop. The dog had $10 and a note in its mouth. The butcher took the note and read it. It said, “10 pork chops (排骨), please. ” So the butcher _ the money and put a bag of chops in the dogs mouth.Then he _ closed the shop because he wanted to follow the dog. He found the dog on the street. The dog was waiting for the green light. It looked around to see if it was _ and then walked across the road. The dog went to a bus stop and waited for a bus. When a bus _, the dog first walked to the front of the bus to check the number and then got on it.After a while,the dog stood up on his back paws (爪子) to _ the “stop” button (按钮). The bus stopped and the dog got off. The butcher followed it off.The dog ran up to a house and put the _ in front of the door. It then began to knock on the front door_ his head. A big guy opened the door and started shouting at the dog. The butcher ran up and shouted at the guy, “What are you doing? This dog is so _!”The owner of the dog said, “Clever? No way. I always tell him to take the keys when he goes to the store. _ he never listens to me.”11 . AscaryBhappyCsurprised12 . AgaveBtookCasked13 . AcarefullyBquicklyCquietly14 . AclearBcleanCsafe15 . AarrivedBgotCwent16 . AfeelBpushCcatch17 . AbagBnoteCmoney18 . AonBfromCwith19 . AcleverBpityCtired20 . ASoBButCAnd三、阅读单选BrandGeely PandaVolvo S40TiguanBMW m1Buick RegalPrice(yuan)45,000358,000320,0001,200,000210,000Made inChinaSwedenChinaGermanyChinaFeaturescute; small;suitable foryoung ladiessafe;large insidebig; suitable forpeople who lovesportsfast;fashionable;suitable foryoung peoplepopular;large inside21 . According to the chart, what kind of car is the most expensive?AVolvo S40BBuick RegalCTiguanDBMW m122 . Which car isnt made in China?ATiguanBBuick RegalCVolvo S40DGeely Panda23 . Why do young ladies want to buy Geely Panda?ASafe, large insideBPopular, large insideCCute, smallDFast, fashionable24 . Dennis likes traveling and playing sports. Which car will he choose?AVolvo S40BTiguanCBuick RegalDBMW m125 . What can we learn from the chart?ATiguan is made in Germany.BThe price of Buick Regal is 21,000 yuan .CBMW m1 is suitable for young people.DVolvo S40 is the cheapest car among all of the cars.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。26 . The general was made _ (find) a happy man.27 . What he needs is the shirt of a happy person _ (wear)28 . Itll take the workers two years _ (build) the bridge.29 . He was angry and went out without _ (say) anything.30 . The man _ (search) the box all over the house, but he couldnt find it anywhere.五、汉译英:单词/短语翻译词组。31 . 一个十八岁的男孩32 . 一个电脑工程师33 . 发生34 . 在犯罪现场工作35 . 某个别的地方36 . 流血致死37 . 核查现场以获取更多线索38 . 有一份报酬高的工作39 . 根据记录40 . 悬赏五万元第 5 页 共 5 页

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