英语九年级全册Unit 1 Section A课时练习(青岛专版)

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英语九年级全册Unit 1 Section A课时练习(青岛专版)_第1页
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英语九年级全册Unit 1 Section A课时练习(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When we realize yesterday is gone forever, we find we are growing up _.Alittle by littleBstep by stepCone by oneDside by side2 . Some of the juice _ good. It s bad _ your health.Aarent; forBarent; atCisnt; forDisnt; at3 . I find _ difficult to get on well with him.AthisBthatC/Dit4 . Do you usually go to school _bus or _foot?Aby; inBon; byCin; onDby; on5 . They didnt know how to _ the problem, so they asked the teacher for help.Aworry aboutBdeal withCthink ofDcare about6 . Mr. Black talked about his son with the teacher the phone.AbyBonCinDwith7 . So many kinds of sweets! I really cant decide _.Awhat to buyBwhich to buyCto buy whatDto buy which8 . I think _ is bad for your health. You should stop.ASmoke, to smokeBSmoking; to smokeCSmoking, smokingDTo smoke, smoke二、补全短文6选5The earth is about 4, 600 million years old. We humans have lived on the earth for only 35, 000 years, but during this period we have changed our planet a lot in many ways. 9 . All over the world people have cut down millions of trees, so more and more kinds of animals and plants are disappearing. In big cities, cars and buses have polluted the air. Factories have also polluted the land and the water. 10 . It is important to the earth. But now air pollution is destroying it and that has made a very big hole in the ozone layer(臭氧层).11 . This is very dangerous because it can cause cancer. Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air has increased a lot. 12 . It has formed ablanket (毛毯)”around the earth. 13 . This makes our earth become warmer and warmer. Therefore this causes the level of the ocean to rise. All these problems are very serious. We must do something to stop our earth from being polluted anymore. 根据材料内容,从下面六个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项。使短文意思通顺,内容完整。AThe heat from the sun cant escape so the temperature is rising. BToo much harmful light from the sun passes through it and reaches the earth directly. CAround the earth theres a special kind of oxygen (O2) called ozone (O2). DSome things weve done are very good for the earth while some are bad. EIt mainly comes from different kinds of burning materials. FWe get the heat from the sun.三、完型填空Almost all the students at school in China are learning a foreign language(外语). And millions of adults(成年人) are learning a certain foreign language, too. How _ the adults do it? Some people try to learn _ at home; others go to evening classes. If they use the language only _ a week, the learning will take a long time, like us students learning a language _. A few _ try to learn a language fast by(通过) studying six or more hours a day. However, most people cant afford(负担得起) this, and for _ people it is not necessary(必要). They need the language in order to(为了) do their work _. Whether(是否) the language is learnt quickly or slowly, it is hard _. Machines and good books will _, but they cant do the students job _ them.14 . AdoesBdoCisDare15 . AworkBthemCitDlanguage16 . Atwo or three times Btwo and three timesCtwo or three timeDtwo or three17 . Aat homeBhereCthereDat school18 . AgirlsBboysCstudentsDpeople19 . AmanyBmuchCa lotDfew20 . AbetterBgoodCniceDworse21 . AjobBlanguageCworkDthings22 . AneedBhelpCdoDteach23 . AforBatCwithDto四、根据首字母、中文提示填空B. 根据中文提示完成单词,使句子完整、通顺。24 . Its a book about the _ (未来) .25 . Dont _ (嘲笑) at the people in trouble.26 . Its _ (不可能的) that he can come at once.27 . _ (幸运地), he wasnt hurt badly in the accident.28 . Do you know the difference _ (在.之间)“beside” and “besides”?五、完成句子.完成句子29 . 昨天王叔叔邀请我们去他的农场。Uncle Wang _ us _ his farm yesterday.30 . 医生建议多吃水果和蔬菜。The doctor _ more fruit and vegetables.31 . 每天起床后我们都彼此问候。We _ each other after we get up every day.32 . 我想问问如何学习英语口语。I want to _ advice about how to learn oral English.33 . 请把你的名字写在这张纸上。Please _ your name on this paper.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子. Complete the sentences with proper expressions from the box(从方框内选择适当的短语并用正确的形式完成下列句子):working as cut a long story short have the time of your life made upsee stars jump out of my skin a piece of cake green with envy34 . The shopping center is_ of eight high buildings.35 . It seems to be_ for Kitty to finish such a difficult task.36 . I believe that you will really _if you visit the Disneyland Park now.37 . The sudden explosion near the square made me_.38 . My colleagues head hit the desk. It made her_.39 . Mary was _when Rose won the first prize in the writing contest.40 . Please_, we dont have many pages to be published.41 . My son is _a chemistry teacher in that middle school.七、多任务混合问题Pandas are very cute animals. In 1972, two pandas named Hsing-Hsing and Ling-Ling were sent from China to the United States as a gift. The National Zoo in Washington, D.C. became the pandas new home. Americans fell in love with the two pandas right away. On the first day the two pandas came to the zoo, about 20,000 people visited them. The crowds kept coming year after year. Hsing-Hsing and Ling-Ling were just cubs (幼崽) when they got to the United States. As the years passed, many hoped the pair would have cubs of their own. Ling-Ling gave birth several times. But none of the babies lived more than a few days. Each time a cub died, people all around the world felt sad. Both of the pandas lived to an old age. Ling-Ling was 23 when she died in 1992. Hsing-Hsing died in 1999 at the age of 28. But they were never forgotten. Following Hsing-Hsings death, the zoo received (收到) lots of letters from their fans. The letters showed their love for the pandas and told how much they missed them. 根据材料内容完成下列任务。任务一:判断56题和57题正(T)误(F)。任务二:完成句子(58题和59题),每空一词。任务三:选择最佳答案(60题)。42 . Hsing-Hsing and Ling-Ling came to the United States in 1975.43 . Ling-Ling gave birth several times, but none of the babies lived long.44 . Ling-Ling died _ years earlier than Hsing-Hsing.45 . After the two pandas died, the National Zoo got lots of _ from their fans.46 . Where might you see this passage?AIn a travel book.BIn a reporters diary.CIn a medical dictionary.DIn an animal magazine.八、英汉互译:单词/短语47 . long straight hair_48 . primary school_49 . 和相处得好_50 . 写下,记下_51 . 名中学生_第 6 页 共 6 页


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