英语九年级全册Lesson1 What's wrong Danny_ 课时练习

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英语九年级全册Lesson1 Whats wrong Danny_ 课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The rain beather face as she walked through the wind and rain.AatBagainstCinDfrom2 . There are some bricks on the road. Lets them, or there may be traffic accidents.AcarryBclearCcatchDfix3 . There must be many people _ for their trains at the train station because of the golden week holiday.Aare waitingBwaitedCto waitDwaiting4 . Why not to the city?AgoBgoingCto goDgoes5 . Her mother didnt allow her _ computer games at all.AplaysBto playCplayingDplay二、完型填空Long ago, people happily lived under the rule of a king. The people of the kingdom were very happy, as they were wealthy and had no problems.The king decided to travel and visit faraway places of great historical importance. He chose to travel by foot _he could talk to his people. People from these areas were very happy to have a_ with their king.After several weeks, he returned to the palace. He was quite happy to have visited many places and seen his people. However, he felt a lot of pain in his feet because it was his first long-distance trip on foot. He _ to his ministers (大臣) that the roads were covered in stones and werent comfortable . He said he was very worried about the people who walked along them.He made an order to_ the roads of the whole country with _so that people would feel happier and more comfortable. His ministers were very surprised to hear his order as thousands of cows would have to be killed for their skins and it would also cost a lot of money. A wise man from the ministry came to the king and said he had another idea. The minister asked the king, “Why do you want to kill so many cows? Why not cut a piece of leather in the right _ to cover your feet?”The king was_by this idea and praised the minister. He ordered that a pair of leather shoes were to be made for himself and for each of his countrymen.Many of us criticize (批评) our surroundings and never understand that we can make a _ourselves. Changes are unavoidable, and they should_ us. We cannot or should not_others to make them.6 . Aas ifBso thatCwhileDbefore7 . AmeetingBtripCdiscussionDconversation8 . AshoutedBsaidCexplainedDcomplained9 . AcoverBreplaceCbuildDrepair10 . AstonesBsandCcottonDleather11 . AplaceBpositionCshapeDorder12 . ApuzzledBdisappointedCshockedDamazed13 . AchanceBpurposeCruleDchange14 . Abenefit fromBcome fromCrefer toDgo with15 . Adepend onBwork withCdecide onDbelieve in三、根据首字母、中文提示填空Complete the following sentences accordingly.16 . If you p_ to know what you dont know, especially in your study, you will only make a fool of yourself and cannot make progress.17 . Getting a drivers l_ takes a lot of time and energy, but its worth it because it means having a lot more freedom.18 . Each t_ has its own distinctive customs, dialects and costumes, such as Mohicans, Delawares and Hurons in the book The Last of the Mohicans(最后的莫西干人).19 . My 6-year-old cousin is bothering me. She always comes over to my house without asking for p_ and makes the house a mess.20 . In the US, the age of l8 is a mark of a_ , which means you can vote, get married, and serve in the military. However, you are still not allowed to drink until you are 21.21 . D_ people can feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worthless and guilty. They may lose interest in activities that they once found pleasurable, experience a loss of appetite or overeat.22 . I have graduated from my junior high school. I still remember the day of the graduation c_ when my face was covered in tears. It was an unforgettable moment.23 . As far as I am concerned, an excellent boy should be the kind of person who takes r_ for what he does. He should also be filial to his parents and always kind to others.24 . Our school r_ a piece of land to plant fresh vegetables and fruits for students and teachers to eat several years ago! Though it costs a lot of money every year, the farm has provided so many fresh and healthy vegetables for us.25 . Early birds catch the worms. This is a familiar saying which guides innumerable people in different areas. Many of my classmates regard it as their m_.四、语法填空Recently, Lindsay hasnt felt herself. She was a really good student, but her grades 26 . (fall) since three months ago. This is 27 . she sometimes has trouble paying attention to her study. She also refuses to talk with teachers and friends. Whats worse, she feels 28 . (tire) all the time, but has difficulty in falling asleep. What she does is brought to her mothers attention. 29 . , when her mother asks her what happens to her, she just says she feels like 30 . (cry).As a matter of fact, Lindsay is suffering from clinical depression (临床抑郁症). What is clinical depression? It can be described as a mood 31 . is so low that affects your everyday life seriously. The first signs of it in teens are 32 . (poor) school reports than before, then learning difficulties and 33 . (stay) away from classmates and teachers. If you have these signs, dont worry. It is not so difficult to deal 34 . clinical depression. There are many effective ways, such as medicine, expression of feelings, more exercise and 35 . balanced diet.五、多任务混合问题Fire is useful and important to us. You use it to cook meals every day. But if you are not careful, the fire may take place anytime. Many people get hurt or die in fires. So knowing how to/prtekt/ yourself in the fire is very important.When the fire happens, the first thing you must do is to find safe routes(路线) to get away quickly.If you are in the taller floors of the building, you cant use the lift. You should run outalong the stairs. From the lower floors of the building, you can jump out through the window if it is/nessri/ .If you cant get out of the room, you must be careful of the smoke.事实上,大部分人在火灾中都死于浓烟。Find something wet to cover your nose and mouth. Keep low to the ground, and you will take in(吸入) less smoke. And you can also open the window, keep your headoutside to get fresh air and shout for help.Remember: Nothing is more important than your life. You must leave everything behind, your money, your pets and so on. After youre out, dont go back for anything.36 . 填写单词:根据文中、两处音标填写单词。/prtekt/ _;/nessri/ _37 . 将文中处划线句子翻译成汉语:_38 . 将文中处划线句子翻译成英语:_39 . 补全短文:从下面四个选项中,选出能放入文中处划线部分的最佳选项。AIn those ways, you can make good use of fireBFollow those ways, and you can keep safe in the fireCIn those ways, you can take everything out of the fireDFollow those ways, and you can save other peoples lives40 . What is the most important thing you should remember in the fire according to the passage?_六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句41 . make, in, dont, noises, class_.42 . a, reading, hobby, is, good_.43 . stay, for, I, three, will, months _.44 . are, for, the, students, exam, preparing, the_.45 . like, to, you, drink, something, would_?第 5 页 共 5 页

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