英语七年级下册Module 11 Unit 3同步测试卷

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英语七年级下册Module 11 Unit 3同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Can you me some interesting books? Sure!Ato bringBto takeCbringDtake2 . If you want to improve your _ English, you must try _ English every day.Aspoken; to practise speakingBspoken; practising speakingCspeaking; to practice to speakDspoken; to practise to speak3 . Bruce failed to win the first prize in the singing competition.-Sorry to hear that. It was a severe blow to his.AprideBbusinessCshynessDcourse4 . Morgans parents arent at home. He has to _his younger brother.Alook atBlook forClook afterDtake away5 . My mother buys _ for me on my birthday .Aa pairs of jeansBa pair of jeansCa pair of jean6 . He hurried to the railway station for the last train but didntit.AknockBannounceCrushDmake7 . Will you go to the picnic this Saturday?Id like to,_ Ill have to help look after my baby sister.AbutBorCandDso8 . Youll have holiday next week. Where are you going?Aa seven-dayBseven-daysCa seven dayDa seven-days9 . _free education, more and more poor children in the mountains can go back to school.AWithoutBInstead ofCThanks to10 . Wow, so many here. Yes, the town is famous for its buildings.AcustomersBvisitorsCcousinsDpresidents11 . Where should I put these books?Oh, _ them in that bookcase.AputBputsCputtingDto put12 . The meat is _ delicious. -Yes, but dont eat _.Atoo much;too muchBmuch too;too muchCtoo much;much too13 . Mike doesnt feel like _ anything today. AeatBto eatCeatsDeating14 . Jack, _ late for school.AisntBarentCdont beDnot be15 . Dont _ in the street. Its very dangerous.Ato playBplaysCplay16 . _ hard and youll succeed sooner or later.AStudyBTo studyCStudyingDStudied二、补全对话5选5补全对话AThey are the same as Japanese.Bfriends kissCMexicans shake hands.DPeople bow in Japan.EWesterners shake hands or hug with each other.M: What are people supposed to do when they meet in your country?W: Well, do you mean when friends meet for the first time?M: Yeah.W: Well. in Brazil.17 . .M: What about in Mexico?W:18 . M: How about in Japan?W:19 . Do you know how people do in Korea?M: Of course.20 . W: What about in the Western countries?M:21 . 三、完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。It was Rajs first day of school in a new country. He was very nervous, _ his family just moved to the United States from India.“Welcome, Raj,” his new teacher Mr. Washington reached out his hand. Raj _ it as his father told him. A boy with a big smile walked over. “Raj, this is Sandeep. _ will help you during the school day.” “Namaste (有礼了),” Sandeep said. He placed his hands together as he bowed.“Please, take a seat,” Mr. Washington said as he pointed to a chair. “_ would you like me to take it?” Raj picked it up and asked. “Mr. Washington wants you to sit down, not to take it anywhere,” Sandeep said with a kind smile. Rajs face went _.The _ passed quickly. Soon the bell rang loudly. “Its time for lunch!” Sandeep said. “The early bird gets the worm (虫)!” Mr. Washington said. “I dont think I would like worms,” Raj said. “Its a _,” Sandeep explained. “Mr. Washington means that the first to arrive can get the best choice of food.”In the lunchroom, a boy _ his milk on the floor, which flowed (流动) like a white river. Raj couldnt help _. “You pour away rivers of milk!” Raj said. Sandeep started to laugh, too. “That makes no sense,” the boy said. “This is a(n) _ way of saying you are very giving. In our country, we often say that,” Raj explained. The two then shook hands and laughed together.22 . AifBbecauseCuntilDthough23 . AliftedBwashedCshookDplaced24 . AIBHeCWeDThey25 . AWhereBWhenCHowDWhy26 . AblackBgreenCredDyellow27 . AeveningBnoonCnightDmorning28 . AsayingBcustomCmannerDhabit29 . AdrankBdroppedCfellDthrew30 . AcryingBrunningClaughingDjumping31 . AChineseBAmericanCJapaneseDIndian四、阅读单选People in different countries greet each other in different ways. Here are some.The United StatesPeople shake hands when they meet for the first time. Friends and family members often hug or kiss on the cheek(脸颊)when they see each other.Korea(韩国)Men bow and shake hands to greet each other. Women do not usually shake hands. If you address someone, you use his or her full name. The family name comes first, then the first name.Finland(芬兰)Finns(芬兰人)greet each other with a handshake. Hugs and kisses are only for close friends and family members.The Philippines(菲律宾)The everyday greeting for friends is a handshake for both men and women. Men sometimes pat(轻拍)each other on the back.32 . In which country do men sometimes pat each other on the back?AThe Philippines.BFinland.CKorea.DThe United States.33 . Of the four pictures(a, b,c,d), which is the same way to greet each other in the four countries?AaBbCcDd34 . In this passage, all the following are mentioned EXCEPT(除了之外).AkissesBhugsCsmilesDshaking hands35 . In the US and Finland, usually hug or kiss to greet each other.Aall peopleBmenCfriends and family membersDwomen36 . The passage mainly tells us .Apeople in different countries have different ways to eatBpeople in different countries greet in different waysCtravelling can open our eyesDwe should go to foreign countriesDo you know what an English first name means(意思)? Do you want a good name for your baby boy? Here is a list of British, American and Australian first names for boys and you can know what they mean. Then you can choose(选择)a meaningful name for your baby boy.NameMeaning(意思)NameMeaningAlbertbrightBondfarmerAustinhelpfulBryantstrongBlainethinByronbearCurtshort or littleDavebelovedDouglasdarkGeorgefarmer37 . What does “Curt” mean?AThin.BLittle.CStrong.DBear.38 . Which name means “bear”?AAustin.BBryant.CByron.DAlbert.39 . What is the passage(文章) mainly about?ANames and meanings.BBoys English names.CMeanings of the names.DFirst names for boys and their meanings.40 . Which two names have the same (相同)meaning?ABryant and George.BBlaine and Albert.CDave and Douglas.DBond and George.41 . The passage is written for _Agirls.Bboys.Cparents.Dteachers.五、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。每空格限填一词)42 . Were going to have a picnic tomorrow.(对划线部分提问)_ are you going to _ tomorrow?43 . Tom was late for school because he woke up so late.(对划线部分提问)_ Tom late for school?44 . She is going to interview the girl beside an old lady.(对划线部分提问)_ is she going to interview?45 . They need some money to help the homeless animals.(改为否定句)They _ any money to help the homeless animals.46 . We can go to different places in our own car.(对划线部分提问)_ you go to different places?47 . Kelly read a scary story in the book.(改为一般疑问句)_ Kelly _ a scary story in the book?48 . The students in Class 5 are going to take part in the competition.(对划线部分提问)_ going to take part in the competition?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词49 . Lindbergh was the first person to fly _(独自)across the Atlantic Ocean without stopping.50 . Flight KA846 from Hong Kong _(着陆)five minutes ago.51 . Please have your ticket _(准备好的).52 . They flew _(直接地)to Beijing.53 . Tom has a _(可爱的)garden.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空54 . More and more people have _(person)computers at home.55 . My mother loves _(cook)for us every Saturday.56 . I think my resolutions _(be)the promises to myself.They can make my life easier.57 . I dont remember I ever _(promise)that.58 . Is your brother interested in art?Yes, he often spends a lot of time _(paint)59 . The Browns had a party with their neighbors yesterday.They all enjoyed _(them)60 . I keep in touch(保持联系)with my friends by _(send)emails.61 . Is there anything new in todays newspaper?No,all of the _(article)are about exams.八、完成句子完成句子按所给的汉语, 用英语完成下列句子。答案必须填写在答题卡相应的横线上,每格限填一词。62 . 你还爱和其他什么人谈论足球比赛?_ do you like _ football matches?63 . 谢谢你带英雄们参观这座现代化的大楼!Thanks for _ the _ the _!64 . 你能帮我找出谁的礼物和米莉的不同吗?Can you help me _ whose gifts _ Millies?65 . 你觉得这件连衣裙怎么样?很漂亮,但我觉得野餐穿它不合适。What do you _ the dress? Its very pretty but I dont think it _ the picnic.九、多任务混合问题The students life today can be very stressful(紧张的). They are under pressure(压力)every day. They need a break from it. Parents should ask children to do something else.(1)do not let them relax in front of the TV. A hobby is the perfect answer.There are many different kinds of hobbies. Chess is a good example. It is a very enjoyable game and it also helps children develop their thinking skills.Collecting something is also a good hobby for children. A child can collect almost anything: key rings, stamps, postcards, old coins, etc. Many of these collecting can be both interesting and fun. They teach children a lot. Gardening(园艺)is a useful hobby because it is a physical activity and it also teaches children about nature.(2)A hobby can be a useful learning tool. Children may becomes experts in something if they really love their hobbies. Children will also learn to become more organized. Hobbies will also teach children a lot about responsibility(责任).66 . 在文中(1)的空白处填人一个适当的连词使句意完整连贯。_67 . 在短文中找出可以替换下面所给句子的一句话。It is a good hobby for children to collect something._68 . How many kinds of hobbies can you find in this passage?_69 . Why is gardening a useful hobby?_70 . 将文中画线部分(2)的英语句子译成汉语。_第 10 页 共 10 页

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