英语九年级下册Unit 3 Grammar课时练习

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英语九年级下册Unit 3 Grammar课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When I came back home, my mother dinner.AcooksBis cookingCwas cookingDhave cooked2 . Thank you for_ me _ the good news(新闻)Atalking; withBtelling; aboutCspeaking; onDsaying; about3 . Mark is telling his parents _ he saw on the way home just now.AwhichBwhereCwhatDWhy4 . - Excuse me, can you please tell me _ ? - Sure.Awhere can I get a dictionaryBwhere I can get a dictionaryCCan I where get a dictionaryDI can where get a dictionary5 . The noise from the railway really drove me .Oh, its your fault to live near there.ArelaxedBcrazyCscaryDcomfortable6 . I have to buy a new robot,_?No,you _. You can have it repaired.Ahavent I;haventBdont I;dontCdo I;haventDhave I;dont7 . Daniel with Simon _ baseball every Saturday afternoon.AplayBplaysChas playedDhave played8 . WeChat Wallet is making our life more convenient than before.AmanyBmuchCvery9 . Do you know _?Yes, in two days.Awhen will Mr. Li come backBhow long Mr. Li will come backChow soon will Mr. Li come backDhow soon Mr. Li will come back10 . (题文)Have you asked the teacher _ tomorrow morning?Aif we needed an umbrellaBwhen and where we shall meetChow shall we get thereDwhat should we take二、阅读单选Kids have unbelievable imaginations. We asked one hundred kids how robots might help them learn better. This is what they thought.Roberts can make learning funKids dreamed robots would make learning fun. One 9-year-old boy in Germany says, “When I get home, my robot helps me with my homework. My mother and father came in and said no video games now, homework first. When they saw that I had finished my homework, theyd be surprised”.Robots take care of the dirty workDirty dishes? No problem. A quarter of kids surveyed imagined that their robots could do chores and boring work so that they might be freed up.Robots are our friendsTwo-thirds of the kids thought that their robots could be friends. One 10-year-old French boy describes his dream robot: “He created books for me to read, we played with toy cars. He keeps my secrets. I can tell him anything, and he gives me suggestions.”Robots are coolAn 8-year-old girl in the U.S. imagines that her robot is “really smart and everyone likes to talk to her. She has a funny voice, but we do not laugh at her.”11 . The boy from Germany wanted his robot to.Ahelp him with the homeworkBplay game spot with himCsurprise his parentsDmake fun of him12 . How many kids imagined robots could help do chores?A20B25C100D5013 . Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?ARobots keep secrets.BRobots give suggestions.CRobots do chores.DRobots make movies.14 . Robots could be the following, NOT includingaccording to the passage.Akitchen helpersBlistenersCtutorsDparents15 . kidsaccording to the passage.Aare full of ideasBdepend robots do everythingChate robotsDneed care from their parents三、句型转换16 . Ann used to be thin. (改为否定句)Ann _ to be thin.17 . We used to have lunch at school. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ have lunch at school?18 . She used to work in the factory. (对划线部分提问)_ she _ to work?19 . I used to take a walk in the morning. (对划线部分提问)_ you _ in the morning?20 . The old man used to live a hard life. (补全反意附加问句)The old man used to live a hard life, _?四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空21 . I regretted _ (leave)the classroom without your permission.22 . The baby is sleeping. Mr Green tries _ (walk)quietly.23 . Tom and Jack got _ (separate)after the big flood.24 . The girl learns by_ (she)at home.25 . This is Allen. Who is _ (call)?五、完成句子根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。26 . 我听说你对你的英语不满意。I hear that _27 . 我们确信将来你会喜欢机器人。We _ youll like the robot _.28 . 我期望这次汽车展至少持续两个星期。I expect the car exhibition _.29 . 她最喜欢那个能帮她做作业的那个机器人。Her favourite robot is _.30 . 为了能准时到达那儿,我们需要在上午点左右从家出发。We need _ we can arrive there on time.六、单词填空My name is Kaspar and Im a childsized 31 . (机器人). I have black hair and always wear a baseball cap. I am 32 . (能够) to move my arms and head. I can also open and 33 . (关闭) my mouth and eyes. I can 34 . (甚至) show happiness, sadness and surprise. My job is to help children with autism(自闭症) become more 35 . (外向的) and learn how to get along with people. I often talk slowly to them so that they can 36 . (更好地) understand what I am saying. I also like 37 . (触摸) these children. However, if a child hits me, I will hide my face in my hands and cry out 38 . (大声地), “Ouch! This hurts.” The child will then know it is wrong to hit others. I remembered a fouryearold girl in the kindergarten. She 39 . (拒绝) to talk with others at first. But now she has made some friends after playing with me for some time. I wish to become more 40 . (有帮助的) to the children. I believe that scientists will make it in the future.七、汉译英:整句将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在横线上。41 . 上周我们每个人受邀作了一次演讲。_42 . 你愿意听听我们的建议吗?_43 . 你多久去看望一次你的父母?_44 . 苏州每年接待数以百万计的游客。_45 . 养成一个良好的阅读习惯对我们来说很重要。_第 6 页 共 6 页

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