英语九年级上册Moudle 9 Unit 1 同步测试卷

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英语九年级上册Moudle 9 Unit 1 同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I have looked for my wallet half an hour. I guess it _ by someone.Amay stealBmust be stolenCmay be stolenDcan steal2 . Your classroom is clean and tidy.Thanks, Mr. Johnson. Ittwice dayAcleansBcleanedCis cleanedDwill be cleaned3 . Products on line are much cheaper than those in physical stores.AsoldBsellingCare soldDare selling4 . Would you like _ Mount Gu tomorrow?If my mother _ , I will go with you.Ato climb; will allowBclimbing; allowsCto climb; allows5 . Would you help me clean up the classroom, Bill?_AYes, quite rightBNever mindCThats all rightDSure, with pleasure6 . National parks in our country_these rare tigers_making special laws.Akeep, againstBprotect, byCstop, fromDprotect, from7 . Dont be _ about spelling or grammar in todays English exam.AcarefulBcarelessCtalentedDoutgoing8 . The lawyer _ by a few reporters when he appears in the hall this afternoon.Awill be interviewedBhas been interviewedCis interviewedDwas interviewed9 . Sally _ a very interesting country. She often gets up _ night.Acome from, atBis from, atCare from, onDlive in, on10 . Sir, could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke-free (无烟的) school.AIm sorry about this.BNo problem.CSure, Id love to.DNever mind.二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项多余。A: Have you ever heard of e-books?B: Yes, but I know little about it. 11 . A: OK. An e-book has a screen and is smaller than a book.B: 12 . A: You have to download (下载) new books from the Internet. 13 . B: Do you mean that I can get new books any time? 14 . A: No, you can download a certain number of books every time.B:15 . I can carry it everywhere.AWhat is it made of?BThen how does it work?CThats enough.DAnd as many as I like?ECan you tell me more?FPaper books are cheaper.GThen you can read them on the screen.三、阅读单选Peter is a sixth-grader at Woodland Primary School. He is only 12 years old but has been smoking for three years. John, 15, is a Junior 2 student at Woodland Secondary School. He began smoking four years ago. “Smoking is part of my life,” John said. Peter and John are not those boys real names. But their problem, smoking, is a very real problem. In many countries, smoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people. Most smokers start in their teens or earlier.A study of 8,000 London students shows that smoking is a problem for many British kids. More than 21% of middle school students and 6 % of primary school pupils said they smoked. “If young people start smoking early, it will be very hard for them to give up later on,” said a professor.Every year, about four million people die because of smoking. And if people keep smoking, that number will go up to about ten million a year by 2030, the World Health Organization (WHO) says. So we have to learn and tell others about the dangers of smoking.16 . The sentence “Smoking is part of my life” probably means “_”AI dont smoke very often.BSmoking is very important to me.CI dont smoke at all.DIm going to give up smoking.17 . What will probably happen if a person starts smoking early?AHe will surely die early.BHe cannot stop smoking.CIt will be difficult for him to give up smoking.DHe will become lazy soon.18 . The study in the passage shows that _.Asmoking is a serious problem among British studentsBthere are more and more smokers in EnglandCsome student smokers are having fun smokingDmost of smokers are young students19 . The main idea of this passage is that_.Asmoking is becoming a bigger problem for young peopleBmore and more people die because of smoking every yearCWHO asks young people to give up smokingDwe neednt worry about the student smokers20 . As middle school students, what should we do from now on?AWe should start smoking after middle school.BWe should ask others to smoke outside.CWe should laugh at smokers.DWe should say no to smoking.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子意思及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。(要求写出完整单词,每空限填一词)21 . Hi, Lily. May I u_ your dictionary? I forget to bring mine.22 . I like listening to soft music in my f_ time.23 . The man wrote down his phone number on a piece of p_ and handed it to the lady.24 . Look at the dark clouds. Its going to r_ soon.25 . He didnt go home until 11 last night because he was b_ with his work.26 . A terrible accident happened last night. L_, no one was badly hurt.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空.用所给动词的适当形式填空27 . He often _ (do) the homework at home in the past.28 . Miss Wang _ (teach) us English for 3 years already.29 . They _ (move) house. They dont live here now.30 . _ she _ (find) her lost keys?No, not yet.31 . Peter and I _ (be) good friends for many years32 . _ your brother _ (go) to Beijing with you tomorrow?No, hes not at home. He _ (go) to Shanghai.33 . The train _ just _ (arrive). Hurry up.34 . _ you _ (see) the film yet?Yes, But its not interesting.35 . Great changes _(take)place in my hometown in the past ten years. Many new factories _already _ (set)up and a new theatre _ (build) soon.36 . These pictures must _ (keep) well.37 . She _ (fall) ill last night. and she _ (take) to the hospital at once.38 . Now rice and wheat _ (grow)in my hometown, too. Look! The crops(庄稼) _ (grow)fast in the fields.39 . Can you tell me if it _ (rain) tomorrow? If it _ (not rain) tomorrow. we _ (go)fishing.40 . I wont go to the Great Wall because I _ (be) there twice.41 . The twins _ (have)a good time when I saw them at the party.六、完成句子42 . 如果你坚持练习英语口语,你很快就会取得很大的进步。_七、用单词的正确形式完成短文综合填空根据短文内容,用文框中所给词汇的适当形式填空。(每空一词)pleasant, hundred, science, boring, little, agree, much, other, human, try,In some science fiction movies, people in the future have their own robots. These robots are just like 43 . .They help with the housework and do the most 44 . jobs. Some 45 . believe that there will be such robots in the future. However, they agree it may take 46 . of years. They are now 47 . to make robots look like people and do the same things as us. The robot scientist James White thinks that robots wont be able to talk to people. But others 48 . . They think that robots will be able to do this in 25 to 50 years. Some robots look49 . like huge arms. They do simple jobs over and over again. People would not like to do such jobs and would get 50 . . But robots will be never so. In the future ,there will be more robots everywhere, and humans will have 51 . work to do. Now robots will have many different shapes. Some will look like humans and 52 . might look like snakes. After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. We never know what will happen in the future!第 6 页 共 6 页

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