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昆明市2019-2020学年中考二模英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The manager asked the worker _ , but he didnt get any replies.Ahow long he came to the officerBhow could he work out the problemCwhy he was late againDwhether he can help repair the broken machine2 . The Internet is very useful. We can get a lot of_ from it.AthingBmessageCideaDinformation3 . May I play computer games now, Mom?When you finish cleaning your room, you .AcanBmustCneed4 . -Where is your brother, Jim? I cant find him anywhere now?-Oh, he _ soccer in the park.AplaysBplayingCis playingDplay5 . Yunnan is beautiful and Im _ visiting it again. (2017 天津中考)Akeeping clear ofBsuffering fromClooking forward toDrunning away from6 . I have_ uncle and_ aunt in my family.Aa; anBan; anCa; aDan; a7 . Little Tony was happy to get a gift from his friend, _ the gift was only a card.AthoughBbutCsinceDif8 . Does Jason feel _ in his new school?I dont think so. He has already made a few friends there.AlonelyBquietCexcitedDhappy9 . Why do you put a big mirror(镜子) in the front of the school? Everyone can look for a while at _ in the mirror before entering the school.AheBhimChisDhimself10 . I hope you all enjoy yourselves in the World Park. .AYes, we wouldBThank youCThats OKDSure, we cant二、完型填空Anyone might be able to touch us. When I was in my last college _ , I was working as an intern( 实习生) at my universitys Museum of Natural History. Almost every weekend, I would have to get a part-time job in a _ shop near my university. Life was hard for me and I was not happy at that time.One Saturday while _ in the gift shop, I saw an old couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair( 轮椅). As I looked _ at the girl, I realized that she had no arms _ legs, just a head, neck and upper body. She was wearing a white dress_ little red flowers.As the couple took her to me, I turned my head towards the girl and gave her a short look by feeling _ . Then I took the money from her grandparents and _ back at the girl again. What a surprise! She was giving me a sweetest and largest _ I had ever seen. All of a sudden, her disability was _ . And all I saw was a beautiful girl, whose smile just moved and almost gave me a _ new feeling of life. She took me away from a poor, _ college student and brought me into her world: a world of smiles, love and _ .That was ten years ago. Im a successful business person now and _ I get down and consider the trouble of the world, I think about that little girl and the unforgettable lesson about life that she taught me. She has really _ me for a lifetime.11 . AdayBweekCmonthDyear12 . AclothesBcoffeeCgiftDfruit13 . AeatingBbuyingCplayingDworking14 . AlessBangrierCcloserDwetter15 . AorBandCbutDso16 . AatBonCinDwith17 . AfunnyBtiredChappyDsorry18 . AgotBwentClookedDtalked19 . AsoundBprizeCsmileDresult20 . AaddedBgoneCfoundDseen21 . AprobablyBterriblyCsuddenlyDcompletely22 . AsadBproudCactiveDhelpful23 . AwarmthBtroubleCadviceDexperience24 . AwhoeverBwhereverCwhateverDwhenever25 . AchosenBstoodCtouchedDsent三、阅读单选Kids born in this century probably have little idea what a “cassette”(磁带) is. After all, when you have a smart phone or MP3 player, who needs a cassette to listen to music? And gone with the cassette tapes is the English word “cassette” itself. Our vocabulary is being shaped by the changing world, according to an ongoing study by Lancaster University and Cambridge University Press in the UK.A changing vocabulary is confusing(令人迷惑的)but may also be a good thing. Just imagine, if English hadnt changed since the 1940s, we wouldnt have words to refer to computers, flash drives or iPads.But as new words keep coming, old words also disappear from our conversations. According to The Guardian, examples of words no longer in use include “gosh” and “gee” polite replacements of “god” and “Jesus”. They were used to express shock, but not anymore since religious(宗教的)vocabulary is having a smaller influence in our modern lives.Words like “crossword” and “fax machine” are also less seen now with the disappearance of the actual things that they are referring to.But the research also found that not all old-fashioned words are dying. Some stick around. For example, we still use “steering-wheel(方向盘)” today, over 100 years after the first car was invented. It may be a long time before were all used to driverless cars.But who knows, some of the words that you cant stop saying every day now may soon become part of history, while some may have a long life ahead of them.26 . The English word like “cassette” disappear because.AThey are not as popular as before.BPeople like to say them in another way.CThe changing world shaped our vocabulary.DThe actual things they refer to no longer exist.27 . How many old-fashioned words are used as examples to show that some English words are dying?A2.B4.C6.D8.28 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A“Crossword ” is not as welcome among kids as before.BKids need a cassette to listen to music.C“Steering wheel” will be only used for a short time.DPeople like to use “gosh” and “gee” to express shock.29 . The passage mainly talks about.Awhen some words are replaced by othersBwhy some words disappear in our daily conversations these daysCwhere people usually like to use some old-fashioned wordsDwhat people are supposed to do before these words disappearToday is the Club Day of Sunshine Middle School. Many clubs are taking in new students. Here are some of the posters:Drama ClubDo you dream of being an actor or actress? Come and join us in Drama Club! Each term, we read a different Shakespeare play and put it on. You will have a chance to act in these plays. Our teachers will give you advice on how to make your acting better.Club meeting: 5:15 p.m. every Tuesday Place: Classroom 201, Building Two Contact information: Li Hao(WeChat: andyli 1213)Cooking ClubCooking Club is all about learning new recipes(食谱)and cooking better food. You will learn one new recipe every week. You can try it out at home, and then bring the dish you cooked to a club meeting for everyone to try. We also discuss cooking skills and watch cooking shows at the meetings.Club meeting: 5:30 p.m. every Friday Place: School restaurant Contact information: Wu Fang(Tel: 136-0254-4781)JSpeech and Debate ClubIf you want to get good at public speaking, Speech and Debate is the club for you. Strong communication(交际)skills are important for success in school and life. We will provide you with a good chance to make yourself better. You can have more chances to speak in public.Club meeting: 5:10 p.m. every Thursday place: Classroom 101, Building One 、Contact information: Xu Jun(Tel: 188-0610-5620)30 . How often do students in Drama Club read a different Shakespeare play and put it on?AOnce a year.BOnce a term.COnce a month.DOnce a week.31 . What can we do in a cooking club?AWe can learn to cook better food.BWe enjoy the dish cooked by the teacher.CWe enjoy music shows together.DWe learn to find recipes on the Internet.32 . Where should Tommy go if he is going to the meeting of Speech and Debate Club?AClassroom 201, Building Two.BSchool restaurant.CClassroom 101, Building One.DSchool playground.33 . Mary is interested in reading plays and she wants to learn to act out a play. Who should she ask for information?ALi Hao.BWu Fang.CXu Jun.DWe dont know.Have you ever wanted to try on clothes without going to the trouble of getting undressed? If you have, heres the device for you: the virtual(虚拟的) fitting room.The technology, designed by Russian company AR Door, was first tried out in May. When a customer walks into a “fitting” room, theyll stand in front of a big screen that looks like a mirror. A camera in the mirror, using Microsoft Kinect, monitors a customers movement and projects a 3-D image of the clothes onto you while you stand before a screen.The room also uses augmented reality technology. “Augmented reality allows the customers to choose an item of clothing without having to try it on physically,” the company told the Daily Mail. A customer can spin around to see all angles(角度) of the clothes, and can control the program by pushing virtual buttons.AR Door is not the only company to be developing technology to help people with the way they look. Japanese company Shiseido recently presented its Magic Mirror, a virtual make-up mirror that allows people to get a full makeover in seconds.However, the technology is not perfect. The clothes still seem to hang on the surface of the body, rather than look like the customer is actually wearing them. And people shopping for clothes are probably still better off actually trying them on.In the end, you wont know how something really looks and feels.34 . The virtual fitting room is technology that_.Aallows people to watch a movie while trying on clothesBcan help people buy clothes on the InternetCcan help people choose clothes without having to try them onDallows people to walk freely in the fitting room35 . Which of the following is NOT true?AThe virtual fitting room was invented in Russia.BThe virtual fitting room and the virtual make-up mirror both use the augmented reality technology to help people with the way they look.CThe customer can control the program by pushing virtual buttons.DThe customer looks like he/she is actually wearing the clothes while using this technology.36 . In the virtual fitting room, what is on the screen?AA computerBA fitting roomCA cameraDA shop assistant37 . From the last paragraph, we can learn that_.Afew people shop for clothes in clothing storesBpeople still need to try on clothes before buying themCthe magic mirror is now widely usedDthe virtual fitting room is perfect四、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空go to college; travel around the world; be able to; make money; get an education38 . If you study hard, you will_ get good grades.39 . Although he is only ten years old, he already knows how _.40 . Most students will _after they finish high school.41 . Do you want to go on _ or find a job?42 . My dream is to be a famous traveler. Im going to _ when I grow up.五、单词填空根据短文内容和所给的中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Liu Xiang is a sports hero in China.He is well-known all over the world.He was 43 . (选择)to stand for the Chinese team at the Olympic Games.He is also 44 . (邀请)to appear in advertisements and films.But Liu Xiang is not 45 . (成功的)overnight.He was 46 . (出生)on 13th July,1983.At first,he was encouraged to train as a high jumper.Then in 1998 his 47 . (能力)in hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping.Sun changed Lius training 48 . (方法)In 2002 he got a gold medal at the 49 . (亚洲的)Games in Korea.In 2004,Liu 50 . (赢得)his first Olympic gold medal in Athens,Greece.We Chinese take 51 . (骄傲)in him.Hes the 52 . (象征)of Chinas international sporting success.六、多任务混合问题Everyone wants to succeed in their life, dont they? Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life. It really isnt so hard. Here are some steps that help you have a successful teenage life.Do well in school.No matter how boring it is now, education will help you in society. Try your best at school, listen to teachers, do your homework, and get good grades. Doing so will help you get into a better college/university, which will help you to get a great job in the future.Volunteer in your free time.Volunteering can improve your experience; it can also make you happier. Find volunteer opportunities that interest you. For example, if you love animals, volunteer at an animal center. If you like helping people, volunteer at a soup kitchen. If you love helping the environment, plant trees or pick up litter. When you help others, it will make you feel better about yourself. Having lots of volunteer hours will make you more experienced before you get into the society.Find out your goals in life and wok towards them.Start thinking about jobs you would like to get, and make a good choice according to your interests. Challenge yourself and youll be surprised at what you can do after you finish a hard job!Get active!Join a sports team at school or out of school. Just exercise! Studies show that people who get active in their teen years will be more active when theyre adults, so start getting active now.53 . How many pieces of advice are mentioned in it?_.54 . Why does the writer advise teenagers to volunteer on their spare time?Because it can both improve their experience and _.55 . What should teenagers find out and work towards?They should find out their _ and work towards them.56 . How can teenagers start getting active at school or out of school?They can start getting active by _.57 . What does the passage mainly talk about?It talks about how to _.七、话题作文58 . 随着科技的发展,共享单车进入人们的生活。请你谈谈它是如何惠及你的生活。1. 共享单车出行非常方便。想出去骑自行车的时候,随时都可以找到自行车。2. 使用简单。只需要下载App,然后扫码就可以使用它。3. 费用很低。只需要支付一元钱每小时。要求:1. 词数80左右,可根据要点作适当发挥。2. 文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名。参考词汇:shared bike (共享单车) download an app,scan a QR code (扫码),1 yuan an hour convenient (方便的)With the development of technology, shared bike has come into our life. I plays an important role in my life. _第 10 页 共 10 页

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