英语七年级第一学期Module One Test

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英语七年级第一学期Module One Test_第1页
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英语七年级第一学期Module One Test姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The baby is no longer crying. How did you make him _.Astop cryingBstop to cryCto stop cryingDto stop to cry2 . If you can answer the questions, please raise your hands. The underlined part means _.AriseBput upCput outDlift3 . 珍妮想给妈妈买一件大号的毛衣,她应该选择_型号的。ASBMCL4 . Mr Jiang isnt as busy as before because there no home robot to help himAused to beBmay beCused to haveDmay have5 . Boxing Day, the 26th of December, got _ name from a time when many rich families gave boxes of gifts to poor people who had to work at Christmas.AitsBitsConesDone6 . _ Australia is far away from our country.AABAnCTheD/7 . Can you tell me _ the letter is from.AwhoBwhoseCwhichDwhat8 . Mary, if you promise _ quiet in my office, you can stay here.AkeepBto keepCkeeping9 . There is going to _ a football match between Class One and Class Two in the afternoon.AhaveBwill haveCwill beDbe10 . The black and the white ones _ mine, do you like _?Ais itBis themCare itDare them11 . IdliketowritetomycousininAmerica,I lost his address.AandBsoCbutDbecause12 . _ does he think of his visit to English?He thinks its wonderful.AHowBWhatCWhyDWhere13 . I wanted to help him, but he told me that he _ any help.AneedBdidnt needCneednt toDdidnt need to二、完型填空When someone takes photos of you, he or she may says, “Say cheese! Smile!” You open your mouth and _ your teeth. When you see the picture, you see a happy person _back at you. If you have healthy _, you will have a happy look. Why is that? Its because your teeth are important _ many ways. If you_them, theyll help take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew(咀嚼) the right foods_ you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look your best. So it is important to take good care of your teeth. If you dont take care of your teeth, they will_yellow and germs will_ your teeth. Then you will have a toothache. Eating meals will be_ .And you wont want to smile so_.14 . AlookBshowCgiveDsee15 . AlookBseeClookingDlook at16 . AstomachBfeetChandsDteeth17 . AatBforCwithDin18 . Atake care ofBlook atChave a look atDfill with19 . Ato helpBhelpCgiveDmake20 . AlookBbecomeCchangeDhave21 . AgetBtoCout ofDget into22 . AeasyBhealthyCfunDdifficult23 . AmanyBfewCa fewDmuch三、阅读单选Dolphins are not fish. They are mammals (哺乳动物). They live in groups and speak to each other in their own language. But they are quite different from almost all the animals. Their brain(大脑) is as big as mans and they live a long life at least 20 or 30 years.Like some animals, dolphins use sounds to help them find their way around. They also use these sounds to talk to each other and to help them find food. They do not use their ears to get sounds, but use the jaw the lower part of the mouth.Dolphins are friendly to man, and for thousands of years, there are many stories about dolphins and man. In the 19th century, in a dangerous part of the sea near New Zealand, there was a dolphin. The seamen liked him very much and gave him a very good name, Jack. From 1871 to 1903, Jack met every boat in the area and showed them the way. In 1903, a passenger(乘客) on a boat with the name “The Penguin” shot and hurt Jack. Luckily the dolphin didnt die, and after a long time he was well again. He helped the ships find the way through the area for nine more years, but he didnt help the boat “The Penguin”.Today, some people still kill dolphins, but many countries in the world now protect them. In these places, people mustnt kill them.24 . The word “jaw” means _ in Chinese.A下颚B嘴巴C嘴唇D鼻子25 . How do dolphins find their way?AThey use their noses to smell the way.BThey use sounds to find the way.CThey use their eyes to see the way.DThey use their ears to hear the sounds.26 . Who was Jack?AThe writer.BA boat.CA seaman.DA dolphin.27 . The dolphin showed the ships the way for about _.A9 yearsB23 yearsC32 yearsD41 years28 . According to the passage, which of the following is NOT right?ADolphins are not fish.BDolphins are kind and friendly to people.CDolphins dont live in groups.DDolphins can live a long life.四、阅读判断A: Hello, Alice! How are you?B: Hello, Tom! I am fine, thanks. How are you?A: Im OK. Oh, whats this in English, Alice?B: Its a cup.A: And whats that in English?B: Its a key.A: Spell it, please!B: K-E-Y.A: What color is the key?B: Its red.A: And what color is the cup?B: Its red and white.A: Thanks.阅读对话,下列句子中正确的填(A),错误的填(B)。29 . Tom is fine, too.ATBF30 . This is a cup.ATBF31 . That is a pen.ATBF32 . The cup is red and white.ATBF33 . The key is black.ATBF五、句型转换按要求完成句子34 . It is cloudy in Wenzhou now.(对画线部分提问)(1) _ the weather in Wenzhou now?(2) _the weather _ in Wenzhou now?35 . There is much rain this year.(改为同义句)It _ very _ this year.36 . Tom studies math every evening.(用now改写句子)Tom_ math now.37 . The sun is bright today.(改为同义句)It_ a _ day today.38 . It often snows here in winter.(改为同义句)Theres _here in winter.39 . It is cold in Changsha now.(对画线部分提问)_ the weather _ in Changsha now?40 . My parents are cooking. (对画线部分提问)_ parents _?41 . Lucy is studying Chinese.(用every day改写句子)Lucy _ Chinese every day.42 . They are playing basketball.(改为一般疑问句)_ playing basketball?43 . She goes to_the_mountains on a vacation.(对画线部分提问)_ she _ on a vacation?六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空:44 . We are willing _ (work ) with them.45 . The students in our school spend two hours _(do) homework every day.46 . The book is _(interesting) , I dont want to read it again.47 . Its cold outside, youd better _ (put) on your coat.48 . He has _ (little) homework of us three.49 . We want to go to the park and enjoy _(we).50 . Little Tom fell off the desk, _ (lucky), he didnt hurt himself.51 . “Do you have a _(day) report every morning? ” “Yes, we do.”52 . Some students dont think maths is as _ (important) as English.53 . Lin Tao has a pair of(smile) eyes behind his round glasses.54 . I think this problem is much _(easy) than that one.55 . _(not play) football in the street, Jim. Its dangerous.56 . Keep _(try) and you will find you can remember things better.57 . Sandy and Mike are good at swimming, they are good _(swim).58 . Do you know the _(high) of that tall building?七、根据音标写单词根据音标或汉语填写单词59 . Good _ /lk/ to you!60 . Put on _ /swetz/ and coats when the weather is cold.61 . The first month of a year is _ /dnjuri/.62 . The _ /prgrm/ on TV is wonderful.63 . Its cold outside. Put on your _ /kt/ to keep you warm.64 . Old man likes _ (传统的) songs.65 . Chinese People like eating _(饺子).66 . Its _ (困难的) to finish the job.67 . Lets _ (庆祝) her birthday together.68 . My mother cooks breakfast _ (在之前) we get up.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文with fail feelings friend her laugh talk someone how seemLi Hong is feeling really sad because she69 . the English exam. She doesnt talk to70 . when she feels sad. Because she doesnt know71 . to talk with others about it. Miss Wang tells her that everyone gets this72 . at her age. Li Hong wants to make friends73 . Helen because Helen always tells74 . jokes and makes her75 . . She thinks Helen76 . to like her. Miss Wang is sure that Helen would like to be her77 . . Li Hong is feeling better after a78 . with her teacher.九、单词填空Liu Mei has a h_ family. She lives w_ her grandparents and parents in Jiangyan.Her father is a doctor. He goes to work o_ foot every day. He is not very tall, b_ he is very strong. Her mother is a teacher. She goes to work by car. She loves h_ students. Liu Meis grandparents stay at home. In the morning, they go t_ the park. In the afternoon, they d_ tea with their friends. In the e_, they watch TV.Liu Mei is a student in No.1Middle School. Her school is beautiful. There are many tall b_ there. She likes to s_ at this school.79 . h_80 . w_81 . o_82 . b_83 . h_84 . t_85 . d_86 . e_87 . b_88 . s_十、回答问题读下面的寻物启事和招领启事, 回答下列问题。LostMy school ID card.My name is Mike.Please call 266-8990.FoundA new watch.Is this your red watch?Please call Ann Reed at 653-7866.89 . Is Mike a student?90 . WhatsMikes telephone number?91 . Is Ann theowner (主人) of the watch?92 . What color is the watch?93 . Whats Anns family name?十一、将所给单词连成句子连词成句94 . make, in, dont, noises, class_.95 . a, reading, hobby, is, good_.96 . stay, for, I, three, will, months _.97 . are, for, the, students, exam, preparing, the_.98 . like, to, you, drink, something, would_?十二、话题作文99 . 校园论坛正在举办“晒晒我和我的好朋友”的活动。你打算给大家秀一下你和你的好朋友Jack。请根据下面表格提示,以“My friend and I”为题,为校园论坛写一篇帖子。字数不少于70词。JackIAppearance(外貌)tall, strong, short haira little heavy, long hairPersonality(性格)outgoing, funnyquiet, seriousFavorite subjectEnglishmathHobbies(爱好)playing basketballswimmingFavorite TV showsMy friend and I _第 11 页 共 11 页

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