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福州市2019版中考一模英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ Russian soup,you have to buy some potatoes.AMakeBMakesCTo makeDMade2 . It is reported that the ticket prices for key tourist sites in our country soon.Ahave reducedBwere reducedChave reducedDwill be reduced3 . Im worried about my school grades. Whats your advice?You shouldnt wait _ the last minute to study for a test.AalthoughBuntilCbutDif4 . Perhaps we will live on Mars some day.Then we can do anythingcan be done on the earth.AthatBwhichCwho5 . Whats your favorite_? Six.AcolorBnameCnumberDschool6 . The shoes dont fit me, they are_too big_too small.Aeither; orBneither; norCboth; andDnot only; but also7 . I dont care what my teachers thinkWell,you_AcouldBwouldCshouldDmight8 . Never give the monkeys any hot food again. _.ASorry, I wontBYes, I willCNo, I dontDYes, I do.9 . Miss Gao is always _ to her students, so they love her very much.AkindBbadCglad10 . By the end of last term we _ nearly 7000 English words.Awill learnBhave learntClearntDhad learnt二、补全对话5选5根据对话选择句子填空,将序号填在横线上。A: Look, this is my family photo.B: 11 . A: He is my father.B: 12 . A: He is an accountant.B: 13 . A: He works in a car company.B:14 . A: He goes to work by car.B:15 . A: No, my mother goes to work by bus. And I go to school by bus, too.ADoes your mother go to work by car, too?BWhos that man?CWhat does he do?DHow does he go to work?EWhere does he work?三、补全短文6选5What can you make with pieces of paper?Look at Chen Yiyans works!The 14-year-old boy has Origami(折纸)talent at Hangzhou Foreign Language School. 16 . But he wasnt born with this talent. When Chen was a fourth-grader, he found his brothers paper-folding book17 . Following the 50 steps shown in the book, he made his first work, a paper peacock, within two hours. Since then,18 . So far,his“fantasy world”has many members, such as monsters and robots. And he made his favorite work last year.19 . Chen used to fold paper himself until he met Chen Changnan, an eighth-grader in his school, who also loved Origami. They set up a paper-folding club last year. With support from school, they host a paper-folding class every Wednesday afternoon. The club soon attracted many people. Now it has more than 20 members.20 . On February 14th, the club also held a speech for the kids in Wenzhou Childrens Library. “Its really exciting to develop my hobby and share it with others at the same time,”said Chen. “I hope more and more people get to know Origami and love this art. ”根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。AIt was a paper dragon that involved(包含)almost 2,000 steps. BThey show their works and teach students how to fold. CHe has folded a “fantasy world” with his hands. DIt got him interested in Origami. Ehe has read many books about Origami and practices in his spare time. Fhe gave it up and became interested in drawing.四、完型填空Taking Care of Things“Youre going to be alone on the farm this weekend,” my father said as though that was no big deal. “I expect you to take care of it.”I had never been left alone on our farm, but I knew that I could deal with just about anything that might come up. I was ready to_ that to my dad.As soon as my dad left on his trip, I headed out to check on our cows in the barn (谷仓). I saw Loretta, my dads favourite cow, eating apples.Just after I left the barn, I heard a sound Id never heard before. I ran quickly back and found Loretta down on her front knees, eyes rolled back, looking as though she was about to _ . She seemed to have a hard time breathing. I knew right away that shed got an apple stuck in her throat. I tried to force the apple out but_ , so I ran to call our vet ( 兽医 ), Dr. Carrico.When Dr. Carrico arrived, he felt around her neck _ the situation. He told me to get him two boards. Finally, Loretta swallowed (咽下) the apple. Loretta, was now free to breathe.“Did your dad leave you to see about things?” asked Dr. Carrico. “Yes, sir.” “Well, its not easy._, you know when to call for help.”I thought about not telling my dad about what had happened, but _ that stupid idea in a hurry, since he was not a man you kept things from. After I told him, he didnt seem to react much, just kept saying, “Hmm, I see.” a lot. I guessed he was very_ in me.However, when two weeks later Loretta had her baby, my father asked me to name it. That surprised me because he always named the baby cows by himself. I looked at him in _. He smiled at me and said, “Shes yours. Take good care of her.” he said as though he trusted I could do that. I thought a lot and finally called the baby cow Apple.21 . AleaveBproveCexplainDintroduce22 . AcryBeatCrunDdie23 . AfailedBstoppedCmovedDrelaxed24 . AchangingBstudyingCprotectingDignoring25 . ALuckilyBSadlyCProudlyDNaturally26 . AforgotBacceptedCdroppedDshared27 . AinterestedBsurprisedCpleasedDdisappointed28 . ArespectBsecretCregretDwonderCan you get free plastic bags from supermarkets now? Im afraid you cant. Things have changed.Free plastic bags can t be used at shops and supermarkets in China, and people have to pay for plastic bags. Because our country tried to make litter_.The Chinese once used about 3, 000, 000,000 plastic shopping bags a day. They are_to break, most of them can be used only once. And some people throw them away here and there, they have caused pollution for the environment. If they are burnt, they may cause bigger troubles. For example, they may cause illness for us. So the Chinese people_to bring their own bags for shopping. Some students come up with a good idea. They make the shopping bags by _. They use old clothes to make cloth bags, and send them to their parents as presents. They also ask their parents and friends to use cloth bags instead. They think it is their_to protect the environment.29 . AfewerBmoreClessDbetter30 . AhardBeasyCdifficultDstrong31 . Aare encouragedBencourageCare invitedDinvite32 . AthemBthemselvesChimDhimself33 . AabilityBchangeCchanceDduty五、阅读单选You Cant Miss It!Zhongshan Hot Spring Resort sits in Sanxiang Town at the foot of Luosanmei Mountain in Zhongshan City. It is a popular place for families and friends in Zhuhai and Zhongshan to have fun during holidays. There are forty-eight hot spring pools and a 3000-square-meter swimming pool. That means you can enjoy both hot springs and cool water at the same time. If you bring kids, they can have fun in the Happy World for Children. Whats more, free fruit and drinks are offered. It is also interesting to try fish massage. You can simply lay your feet under water and the fish will come and clean them by eating dead skin. Most importantly, there is a special offer now. You cant miss it!Usual Prices:Adult: 198 yuanChild: 80 yuan (1.1m-1.5m)Child: free (under 1.1m)Special Offers: (From September 1st to December 31st ) One adult and one child (1.1 m-1.5 m ): 69 yuanNote: 50 RMB more during weekends and holidaysYou can book the tickets online. After the payment, you will receive a verification code(验证码) on your phone. Make sure you keep the code well and show it to the staff when you check in. For more information, please call 0760-86683888.34 . Zhongshan Hot Spring Resort is _.Ain Zhongshan TownBin Sanxiang CityCin Zhongshan CityDon Luosanmei Mountain35 . You cant enjoy_ at Zhongshan Hot Spring Resort.Acool waterBfish massageCfruit and drinksDcakes and candies36 . Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?AThere isnt a fun place for children.BPeople must bring drinks with them.CSpecial offers are different between weekdays and weekends.DPeople cant enjoy the good prices in November.37 . If Mr. Green and his 1.2 meter-tall son visit Zhongshan Hot Spring Resort next Sunday, they will pay _.A69 yuanB119 yuanC198 yuanD278 yuan38 . Which of the following orders is right?Receive a verification code on your phone. Book the tickets onlineShow your code to the staff.Check in at the resort.A BCDWhen we have small cuts in the skin (皮肤), something strange may happen. The cuts are able to heal (痊愈) themselves in a couple of days. How does this happen? Read on, and you will find out the secret.Every living thing on the earth is made up of cells (细胞). Cells grow and make new cells. Most cells are very tiny and we cant see them with our eyes. Different cells have different uses. Our skin cells are special ones. The cells on the surface (表面) of our skin are old dead cells. New skin cells are right under the surface. These are the living skin cells. They do work for our bodies. They help protect our bodies and heal cuts.Our bodies make skin cells all the time. As the old cells fall off, new cells grow in the same place. Each person makes about 18kg of skin cells during his or her life. Surface skin cells fit together closely with no gaps between them. When you cut or burn yourself, you can harm (伤害) your skin cells. A small cut will not do much harm. Your skin will quickly heal itself by making new skin cells. How do skin cells work? First, the cells near the cut get bigger and move into the gap. Next, these bigger cells meet in the middle. They form a new layer (层) of skin cells. Finally, new cells will grow until the gap disappears completely. In this way, your skin can grow and get well itself.How amazing the tiny cells are! Next time you have a cut, dont worry about it. Maybe in a few days, you will be surprised to find it healed.39 . The underlined word “gaps” in the passage means “” in Chinese.A突起B条纹C缝隙D差距40 . From the passage, we know that.Acells are large and we can see them with our eyesBcells can grow and make new cellsCcells arent in most living thingsDcells near the cut get smaller and move into the gap41 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?.AEach person can make 18kg of skin cells every day.BDifferent cells have different uses in our bodies.CThe skin cells have little work to do in the body.DWe can see most cells with our eyes.42 . The best title for this passage should be.AHOW SKIN CELLS HEAL CUTSBTHE IMPORTANCE OF SKINCHOW TO PROTECT OUR FINGERSDTHE WAY OF MAKING CELLS六、阅读判断We all know that what children do at school is very important. Getting to school safely is also important. Some students are lucky to live near the school. But others have to walk long distance, take the bus or take the subway. How can you keep safe on the way to school? Here are some things you can do:If you take the bus or take the subway, you should stand away from the door.When you are on the subway, make sure that you are with friends.Do you know how to cross the street? Look left, right and left again before crossing. If there is a traffic light (交通灯), cross only when the light is green or when the walk sign is on.Use the seat belt if your parent drives you to school.43 . Getting to school safely is not important.44 . You should stand away from the door when you are on the subway.45 . Cross only when the light is red.46 . If you take a car, please use the seat belt.47 . The writer thinks living near the school is lucky.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示填空。48 . What would you do if you have a million _ (英镑)?49 . Alice is a _ (勤奋的) nurse.50 . My daughter prefers _ (科幻小说) to comedies.51 . He has _ (经历而幸存) two world wars.52 . He hasnt got any hobbies _(除非) you call watching TV a hobby.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文选词填空。根据短文内容,选出适当的单词或短语,把其前面的字母序号填入空白处,使语意通顺完整。每个选项只用一次。A. getting B. to help C. to move D. lucky E. to do F. to make G. to visit H. to spend I. countries J. theirMost people today are only worried about 53 . good jobs 54 . lots of money. In55 . free time, they think about what 56 . for fun. However, few people think about what they can do 57 . others. There are many people who are less 58 . than us. Volunteering our time to help these people is a good way 59 . our free time. For example, we can make palns 60 . sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people. Some people even stop doing their jobs for a few months to a year 61 . to another place, like one of the 62 . in Africa, and help people there.九、填写适当的单词补全对话给图片涂色并完成对话。63 . A: Whats this _English?B: Its a tree.A: _ is it?B: Its green.64 . A: _ in English?B: Its a _. Its a yellow cup.A: Please _ yellow.B: OK.YELLOW.十、填空We have only one earth. It is the only environment for humans, animals and plants to live or grow in. However, we are polluting our earth every day. Good news is that the whole world has realized the serious problems and has taken action to fight against it.World No Tobacco Day (May 31)The first World No Tobacco Day is April 7, 1988. Since 1989, it was changed to be May 31st every year. The purpose of the World No Tobacco Day is to encourage people not to smoke.World Water Day (March 22, 1993)United Nations named 22 March as the first World Water Day in 1993. Its a day to celebrate water. Its a day to prepare for how we manage water in the future. It is celebrated around the world every year. Earth Hour (2007) Earth Hour started for the first time on March 31, 2007 in Sydney, Australia. Since then, the last Saturday of every March was named as Earth hour day that year. On March 19, 2016, more than 350 famous buildings in 178 countries around the world turned off the lights for one hour to remind people to save electrical power.Actions in China to save our environmentSmoking is not allowed in all indoor public places from 2014. This is the first time for China to care about personal health in public places. Ban(禁令) on free plastic bags. Since June 1, 2008, free plastic shopping bags are not allowed to provide in all supermarkets, shopping malls, and other places. It is to encourage people to use cloth bags or baskets for their shopping things.Theme:The only environment for all the 65 . things has serious problems, but the whole world has done 66 . to prevent pollution. Actions around the worldNo Tobacco DayStarted on April 7, 1988, then changed to May 31st every year. Encourage people to 67 . up smoking.World 68 . DayStarted on March 22nd 1993, celebrated around the world every year. Earth HourStarted for the 69 . time on March 31st 2007, turned off lights for an hour to 70 . electrical power. Actions in 71 . Public placesSmoking is allowed in 72 . public places to care about personal health. Supermarket & Shopping mallsEncourage people to 73 . cloth bags or baskets for shopping things. You need to 74 . if you use plastic bags provided by the supermarket. 十一、书信作文75 . 随着外国游客日益增多,四川省科技馆决定选拔部分中学生在暑假为他们提供英语讲解服务。科技馆需要应聘者提交英文自荐信。假如你叫李明,在新华中学读初三,你有能力并希望成为一名讲解员,请按要求写一封自荐信。要点:1、个人信息(including your age, your appearance and personality);2、你的优势(including your ability, hobby and relevant(相关的) experience, etc.);要求:1、注意正式书信的格式。2、恰当的开头和结尾。3、文笔流畅,过渡自然,用词得当。4、词数 100120 字。参考词汇: Sichuan Science and Technology Museum 四川省科技馆 docent 讲解员第 13 页 共 13 页

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