英语九年级(9A) Unit 3 自测练习 1

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英语九年级(9A) Unit 3 自测练习 1_第1页
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英语九年级(9A) Unit 3 自测练习 1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What happened to Alice?She _ the horse and broke her leg.Apicked upBfell offCtook awayDlifted up2 . You can call your English teacher_563-7853.AonBinCat3 . Our city_ a lot_ the years.Achanged; forBchanges; inCis changing; duringDhas changed; over4 . Laura likes watching the talk show on TV. It is 20:30 to 21:10 at night.AatBfromCbetween二、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标,完成句子):5 . I am not giving you my own personal _ /pnjn/.6 . Our English homework yesterday was to write a book _ /rvju:/.7 . Hes a very strict teacher, but the students _ /rspekt/ him.8 . The house is in a _ /mes/ after the wonderful party.9 . These problems are the _ /rzlt/of years of his bad management.10 . Our daughter makes a good _ /slr/, but she really works hard for it.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据所给单词的适当形式填空11 . I was _(lucky) enough to lose my glasses.12 . I think Mary will be _(success) as a writer.13 . This film is _(education). Why not let the children watch it?14 . His uncle likes playing the piano and he wants to be a _(piano)15 . Dont ask about my _(person) problems,please.16 . One of his favorite _ (hobby) is swimming.17 . The little girls are very _ (interest) in the story.18 . The _(pollute) in the city is becoming more and more serious.19 . This _ surprised us all. We must help him. (decide)20 . Tom studies English _ (well) than any other boy in his class.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once(选择下列单词或词组填入每句的空格中。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. admit B. proof C. as well D. broke intoE. insurance F. interviewed G. behind bars H. jump to conclusions21 . The thief _ Mr. Johns house during the night.22 . The pop singer writes his own songs and plays the guitar _.23 . Anyone who breaks the law may be put _.24 . I have to _ that I cant understand this English article because of my small vocabulary.25 . He became the focus of attention after CCTV reporter _him.26 . Dont _ before you make further investigation.27 . Have you got any _ that you own this bike?28 . Bryan bought a fire _ for his house last month.第 3 页 共 3 页

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