英语七年级上册Unit 3 单元检测卷

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英语七年级上册Unit 3 单元检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The man is David Johnson. Johnson is his _ name and David is his _ name.Afamily, firstBfirst, familyCfirst, lastDfamily, last2 . You forgot _the door.Oh, _. Ill go and close itAclosing; so I didBto close; so I didCclosing; nor did IDto close; neither did I3 . _ did your cousin leave his hometown?He _ for nearly five years.AWhen; has leftBWhen; has been awayCHow long; has leftDHow long; has been away4 . This is mother, and first name is Mary.Aher; hisByour; hisCmy; her5 . Every year I _the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worse garden in the town!AenterBenteredCentered forDenter for6 . This is_ruler ;_ruler is black.Aa;theBa;anCan;theDthe;the7 . 观察下面4个选项,从中选出不同类的选项。AHBBCDCandDkg8 . 下面单词与其他的不属于同一类的是_。AyellowBkeyCwhite9 . _ color is that quilt? Its black.AHowBWhatCWhoDWhere10 . The CDs _ in the drawer and the notebook _ under the desk.Ais, isBare, areCare, is二、补全对话6选5阅读短文,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文完整、通顺,有一个为多余选项。My name is Wang Ping. 11 . Its No. 101 Middle School. At school I have three good friends, Chen Fang, Mike and Wang Hua. They have some things in their schoolbags. 12 . These are Chen Fangs five pencils and a ruler. Her e-mail address is 156988765qq. com. These are Mikes two pens, two erasers and four notebooks. 13 . Those are Wang Huas four pencils, a pencil box and two dictionaries. Her e-mail address is wh7879 126. com. 14 . I have three English books and a pencil box. I have no e-mail address. 15 . My phone number is 0539-25987.AWhat about me?BWhat are they?CBut I have a telephone.DAre they mine?EThis is my- school.FHis e-mail address is lxlovefamily 163. com.三、完型填空This is a _.Its a picture _ a classroom. _ can you see _ the classroom? I can see _ desks and chairs in the classroom. Some books are _ the desks. What other things can you see? I can see two _ on the wall. Where are the brooms(扫帚)? They are _ the door. There is a teachers desk in the front of(在前面) the _. This is _ classroom.16 . AmapBpictureCstudentDgirl17 . AofBtoCorDand18 . AWhereBWhatCHowDWho19 . AonBofCinDwith20 . AsomeBmuchCaDany21 . AonBforCoffDof22 . AmapsBpeopleCteachersDCD23 . AunderBonCinDbehind(在后面)24 . AschoolBstudentsCclassroomDlibrary25 . AmeBhimCLilyDmy四、阅读单选Supermarket WOpening hours:6: 00 a. m. -10:30 p. m. Eggs (1 kilo):6. 50Apples (1 kilo) :3. 80Pork (1 kilo) :28. 20Tomatoes (1 kilo):3. 58Environment: very goodService: goodSupermarket MOpening hours: 6: 00 a. m. -10:00 p. m. Eggs (1 kilo) :6. 60Apples (1 kilo) :3. 96Pork (1 kilo) :28. 20Tomatoes (1 kilo) :3. 50Environment very goodService: goodSupermarket HOpening hours: 7:30a. m. -10: 30 p. m. Eggs (1 kilo) :6. 80Apples (1 kilo):3. 30Pork (1 kilo):27. 20Tomatoes (1 kilo) :3. 30Environment: badService : just so-soSupermarket JOpening hours: 6: 00 a. m. -9: 30 p. m. Eggs (1 kilo) :6. 90Apples (1 kilo) :3. 90Pork (1 kilo) :28. 60Tomatoes (1 kilo) :3. 60Environment: just so-soService: bad26 . Which supermarket has the longest opening hours?ASupermarket W.BSupermarket H.CSupermarket M.DSupermarket J.27 . The price of the pork in _ is the same as that in _ .ASupermarket W ; Supermarket MBSupermarket H; Supermarket JCSupermarket W; Supermarket HDSupermarket M; Supermarket J28 . How much are the eggs per kilogram in Supermarket H?A6. 50.B6. 60.C6. 80.D6. 90.29 . How is the service in Supermarket J?AGood.BJust so-so.CBad.DPerfect.30 . When can you go to Supermarket M to go shopping?AAt 11: 30 p. m.BAt 5:50 a. m.CAt 10:00 p. m.DAt 6:30 a. m.五、阅读判断Hi, my name is Sue. I am a student of Mingyang School. There are eighteen boys and nine girls in my class. And my classmate, Maria, comes from America. My English teacher is Steve. He can speak English and French. His Chinese is very good, too. He has a blue car. He is cool when he is driving. His lucky number is nine and mine is nine, too. Do you have lucky number, my dear friend?根据短文,判断正(T)误(F)。31 . There are 27 students in my class.32 . Maria is from America.33 . My teacher, Steve, can speak two languages.(语言)34 . Steve has a black car.35 . My English teacher and I have the same lucky number.六、完成句子根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词。36 . Are you _ (有空的) on Sunday?No. Im very busy.37 . Li Xin likes _ (中国的) kung fu very much.38 . I like _ (星期三) because I have English and its my favorite subject.39 . We have four _ (课) in the morning.40 . My favorite subject is _ (科学). Its interesting.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子Choose the right word to complete the sentence(选择合适的词,完成句子):41 . Please put the TV set _(opposite, on)the sofa, Tim.42 . Is the plant _(between, next to)the armchair and the table?43 . Can you put the table _(near, above)the window?44 . How much does the new flat _(spend, cost)the Lis in all?45 . She would like a sweater _(on, with)the long sleeves.46 . My new flat is just _(near, next)to the big supermarket.47 . Your classroom is _(more, much)bigger than ours.48 . We sat on the sofa and chatted happily in the _(living, dining)room.八、多任务混合问题Several months ago, a traffic policeman in Moscow led a horse walking on the street. The horse was _ a zebra. The traffic policeman wanted to give the drivers a lesson. And he also wanted to tell the students safety is very important. The traffic policeman led the horse to several different places handing out the flyers (发传单) to the passing drivers.The roads in Russia are very dangerous but drivers still dont give way to the walking people. Every year, many people are killed or injured in road accidents. Nearly half of all traffic accidents were caused by cars, and a third of those happened on crossings.The traffic policeman wanted to give people a lesson, but the animal rights activists were very angry with him for “treating animals like garbage”.根据上面短文内容,完成下列任务。任务一:选出处空白部分所缺的单词。49 . AforBlike50 . 任务二:翻译句子。将处画线的句子翻译成汉语。_51 . 将处画线的句子翻译成汉语。_任务三:根据文章内容,回答下列问题。52 . Where did the story happen?_53 . Who were very angry with the traffic policeman?_Found:It is a red schoolbag. A jacket, an ID card and a pencil box (1) _ in it. The ID card number is 4678. (2) Is it yours? Come to the Lost and Found case and find it. You can call me at 330-2033.Mr. LiuFound:(3) 这是你的手表吗? It is yellow and brown. I found it in the school library. If it is yours, please e-mail me at chenchen163. com.ChenchenLost:I lost my keys on the playground. I must find them. Please help me find them. Im a student in Class Two, Grade Seven. My telephone number is 566-8990 and my classroom is F09. Thanks a lot.Liu Xing根据表格内容,完成下列任务。任务一:在文中(1)处填入适当的单词,使句意完整、通顺。54 . _任务二:写出文中(2)处画线句子的同义句。55 . Is it _?任务三:把文中(3)处的画线句子翻译成英语。56 . _任务四:判断下列句子正(A)误(B)。57 . Chenchens ID card number is 4678.58 . Liu Xing lost his keys.九、启事类59 . 请根据下面信息写一则寻物启事,不少于5句话, 字迹要工整。1.你叫Linda,在学校图书馆丢了一个书包,里面有一个夹克衫和两本书。2.这个书包是紫色的。3.你的电话号码是 655-5621. Lost:第 8 页 共 8 页

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