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九年级上学期第四次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Dad is sleeping. Please _ the TV.Aturn onBturn upCturn overDturn off2 . What he did _ us a lot.AsurpriseBsurprisedCsurprisingDto surprise3 . Wang Bin is _ a book. Li Tao is _ the blackboard.Areading, seeingBreading, looking atCseeing, seeingDseeing, looking at4 . (2016山东泰安中考)More chances _ for students to learn from each other if working in groups.AprovideBare providedCprovidedDwill provide5 . (2011湖北武汉)The teachers in that school speak either English or French,or even_Thats so cool!AallBbothCneitherDnone6 . I like to travel on high-speed trains because they are usually. While planes are behind schedule (晚点) too often.Aat timesBon timeCat the timeDon the time7 . Happy New Years Day _ you !AatBinCtoDfor8 . I dont know _ up so early last Sunday.Awhy did he getBwhy he getsCwhy does he getDwhy he got9 . My father used to _ me to concerts. But now, I have no time for concerts.AtakeBbringCtakingDbringing10 . Lots of people like Tale of Yanxi Palace, the most popular TV play_is based upon an online novel.AwhatBwhoCwhichDthat11 . Well achieve our dreams someday we keep trying and never give up.Aas long asBeven thoughCso that12 . -Look! Is the man in the office Mr. White? -It _ be him. He is ill in hospital.AcantBmustntCcouldntDmay not13 . -Andy, could you tell me what your uncle is?-Sure. He is _policeman.AtheBaCanD/14 . Whats the use of a_?We usually type letters on it.AkeyboardBspeakerCmonitor二、补全短文5选5Learn to RefuseBelieve it or not, Ive always been a people pleaser. I often put others before myself because I want to make my friends happy. 15 . .“Can you help me with English practice?” Grace asked me on the first day after she became my desk mate. “Of course.” I replied without hesitation (犹豫). Grace has been working really hard on her studies and needed my help although I didnt have much time left for her.One day after school, while I was doing a huge amount of homework. Graces phone call came. She complained a lot and it made me feel bored, but I still felt bad about saying no. When Grace ended the call, the clock said it was 00:15 a.m. 16 . . This was bad for a Junior 3 student who is going to take an important exam this June. Finally I burst into tears. I felt so tired and realized that the stress had an effect on my health. I tried to get myself out.17 . , so Grace has to come the second. Its now important for me to say no,no,no.“Can you do me a favor?” Grace asked. “Sorry.I just have to review my biology notes,” I answered. “All right, its up to you,” she said. 18 . . Anyway, its not so hard to say no at all.To be honest, I have felt much happier since learning to refuse. I have more time to spend on my study at present.19 . , but sometimes I say no because I know everyone has a limit.三、完型填空Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction(灭绝), because the environment that they are living in has _greatly. For example, with the development of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become _. Many of the wild animals are lack of food. People hunt wild animals in large areas. Tigers are hunted for fur or bones _they can only live in the nature reserves _living in the wild. Some grassland is destroyed so that the sandstorms come into being influencing distant cities, _cities in northern China or north- western China.Luckily, human beings have realized the _of protecting wild animals and environment and have taken some practical actions. Dont_trees, dont abuse agrochemical or insecticide. We should protect headwaters and air which help protect habitat(栖息地). Some organizations raise money for animals and_leaflets in the street to call on more people to focus on the environment and wild animals.The _has made some laws to prevent people from hunting wild animals and shut down some factories which do harm to the environment. We believe the number of some endangered wild animals will _in the near future. Animals are important to our life and we should protect them.20 . AchangedBimprovedCdonatedDdevoted21 . Amore and moreBless and lessCbetter and betterDsmaller and smaller22 . Ain order toBenough toCso thatDsuch that23 . Abecause ofBinstead ofCinsteadDwithout24 . AespeciallyBgenerallyCcontinuouslyDspecially25 . AimportanceBdisadvantageCadvantageDadventure26 . Acut offBcut downCcut inDcut up27 . Agive offBgive upCgive outDgive in28 . ApublicBorganizationsCgovernmentDschools29 . AgrowBdisappearCloseDreduce四、阅读单选My dad, over ninety years old now, sat weakly on the bench. He didnt move and just sat with his head down staring at (盯着看)his hands. I sat down beside him. He didnt realize it and the longer I sat, the more I wondered if he was okay. Finally, not really wanting to disturb him but wanting to check on him, I asked him if he was okay. He raised his head and looked at me and smiled. “Yes, Im fine. Thank you for asking,” he said in a clear strong voice. I said, didnt mean to disturb (打扰)you, Dad, but you were just sitting there staring at your hands and I wanted to make sure you were alright.” “Have you ever looked at your hands?” he asked. “I mean really looked at your hands?” I slowly opened my hands and stared down at them. I turned them over again and again.Dad smiled and said, “Stop and think for a moment about the hands you have. How have they served (服务)you well throughout your years? Though these hands are thin and weak, they have been the tools I have used all my life.”“Thats right! They caught my fall when as a baby I crashed upon the floor. They put food in my mouth and clothes on my back. When I was a little girl, my mother taught me to fold them to pray. They tied my shoes and pulled on my boots. They dried the tears of my children. They wiped my tears when my son went off(离开) to war,” I said.After that day, I never looked at my hands the same again.30 . How old is most likely the writer s father?A72.B82.C92.D102.31 . Why did the writer ask her father if he was okay?ABecause she wanted to disturb him.BBecause she wanted to know if he was fine.CBecause she missed him very much.DBecause she wanted to chat with him.32 . What did NOT the writers hands do according to the third paragraph?AThey pulled on her boots.BThey tied her shoes.CThey put food in her children s mouth.DThey dried the tears of her children.33 . What CANNOT we know from the passage?AThe writer was a mother.BThe writer cherished (珍爱)her hands after that day.CThe writers father was too weak to speak loudly.DThe writer loved her father very much.34 . What does the passage mainly talk about?AMoney.BLove.CDads.DHands.In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good artist .So he invented a very simple camera (照相机).He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of hia garden .That was the first photo.The next important date in the history of photography (摄影术) was in 1837. That year, Daguere, another Frenchman ,took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly ,even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.Soon, other people began to use Daguerres way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world .people took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains.In about 1840, photography was developed .Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things .That was not simple .The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them ,for example, some in the United States worked so hard.Mathew Brady was a famous American photographers. He took many picture of gread people .The picture were unusual beause they were very lifelike(栩栩如生的)Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Some photod were nor just cooies of the real world .They showed and feelings,like other kinds of art.35 . The first photo taken by Niepce was a picturte of _Ahis businessBhis houseChis gardenDhis window36 . The Daguerrotype was_.Aa FrenchmanBa kind of pictureCa kind of cameraDa photographer37 . If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840j, he had to_.Awatch lots of filmsBbuy an expensive cameraCstop in most citiesDtake many films and something else with him.38 . Mathew Brady_.Awas very lifelikeBwas famous for his unusual picturesCwas quite strongDtook many pictures of moving people39 . This passage tells us_.Ahow photography was developedBhow to show your ideas and feelings in picturesChow to take pictures in the worldDhow to use different cameras五、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。bore robot alone work reporter spendCost interest keep fall must be bore robot alone work reporter spendCost interest keep fall must be What will my life be like in ten years ? I think Ill be a reporter . I will 40 . in Shenzhen . Because I went to Shenzhen last vacation and 41 . in love with it . As a42 . , I will meet a lot 43 . people . I think it 44 . be fun . I like to live in the city . I dont like to live 45 . .I like animals very much . I will 46 . many pets in m house . And every year I will 47 . vacation with my family . I will have a 48 . in my home . It can do all the 49 . things for me .六、填写适当的句子补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Jack. What makes you so worried?B: 1.50 . .I dont know what to do for her.A: You must send her to hospital right now.B: 2.51 . ?A: You should send her to the Center Hospital. 3.52 . .B: Which bus shall we take?A: 4.53 . . Its much quicker.B: You are right. Ill do that as you said. ThanksA: My pleasure. Shall I call a taxi for you?ANo, thank you indeed. 5.54 . . Bye.七、材料作文55 . 书面表达贝蒂准备去北京旅行,她将早上8点从家里出发,8点10分到达公交站。她将乘坐5路公交车去地铁站,大约花费20分钟。接着,她将乘坐地铁去另一个公交站点。15分钟之后,7路公交车将把她带到飞机场。请根据以上提示写一篇不少于60词的短文,介绍一下贝蒂的行程。第 8 页 共 8 页


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