英语七年级下册同步课时作业Unit5 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)

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英语七年级下册同步课时作业Unit5 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What are the rules for the Sports Center? we can listen to music _ we cant eat food there.AsoBorCandDbut2 . Kitty, youll fail the English exam_you study hard.AbecauseBwhenCifDunless3 . (题文)Mark wears a T-shirt and looks _ cool.Akind ofBa kind ofCall kinds ofDkinds of4 . Why _ you like that cat?Because he is kind of boring. He sleeps all day.AdoBcanCdontDcant5 . This is _ animal. That is _ book.Aa; anBan; aCan; anDa; a二、句型转换按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。6 . My friend is very tall and thin.(对画线部分提问)_ your friend _?7 . Miss Smith says, “Mike is a good boy.”(对画线部分提问)_ Miss Smith _?8 . Jim has a big nose.(用small改为选择疑问句)_ Jim _ a big _ nose?9 . Tina and Alice look the same.(改为同义句)Tina _ Alice.10 . Frank is not too heavy or too thin.(改为同义句)Frank is of _.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写11 . I w_ if you will go to Jims birthday party next week.12 . The movie I watched yesterday t_ my heart and I was deeply moved by it.13 . Penny is truly t_. She can sing, dance and paint very well.14 . The train was c_ with passengers, so we had to stand.15 . Because Jerry didnt have enough money, he c_ the least expensive one among these books.16 . The students are having a d_ about how to learn English well.17 . The students in Class One went for a picnic last week and they all enjoyed t_.18 . Coco finished high school and went to a famous u_ last year.19 . Mike didnt feel well, and the doctor asked him to take some m_.20 . Tim h_ to get a bicycle as his birthday gift this year.四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子21 . 如果明天阳光灿烂,我们将去公园野餐。We _ a picnic in the park if it is _ tomorrow.22 . 妈妈告诉我不要害怕狗,因为它们对人类通常是友好的。My mother tells me not to _ dogs because they are usually _ humans.23 . 动物园里滑稽的猴子常常使人发笑。The funny monkeys in the zoo _24 . 你能告诉我怎样到达最近的超市吗?Can you tell me _ the nearest supermarket?25 . 沿着这条街走,在第一个十字路口向左转。Go _ this street and _ at the _ crossing.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子Choose the right word to complete the sentence(选择合适的词,完成句子):26 . Do you enjoy _(do, doing)the project with your classmates?27 . Peter and I are schoolmates. We are in _(the same, different)school.28 . Mr. White draws plans of buildings. He is an _(artist, architect).29 . Nurses _(wear, put on)uniforms at work.30 . A _(secretary, manager)answers the phone and takes notes.31 . A doctor looks after _(ill, sick)people well.六、单词填空课文填空Many birds live in Zhalong all year 32 . , while some go there only for a short 33 . .Most birds are active in the 34 . ,so you can 35 . watch them there . There are not many cranes 36 . in the world , and 40 per cent of them live in Zhalong .七、回答问题Arctic fox(北极狐) is a kind of small fox that lives in the Arctic. It grows about 50 centimeters(厘米) long, not including its tail, 30 centimeters tall and weighs from 3 to 7 kilos.The Arctic foxes are white or blue in color. The white ones are white in winter, but gray-brown in summer. The blue ones are blue-gray all year round. The Arctic foxes have long, thick hair that is called fur(毛皮). And the long fur covers their whole bodies, including both their cat eyes and rabbit feet, to keep them warm in the low temperature in the Arctic.The Arctic foxes feed mainly on birds, birds eggs and other small animals. Teamwork is the way they look for food, and they dont like to do that alone.Baby Arctic foxes are very lovely. They dont open their eyes until a week after their birth. For the first half of the year, their parents offer them food. They begin to look for food on their own when they are about six months old. The next year they can live alone. Today the number of the Arctic foxes is becoming smaller and smaller, because people kill them for their fur to make beautiful coats for money. Something must be done to protect the Arctic foxes. Answer the questions according to the passage. (必须使用完整语句作答)37 . What is the weight of an Arctic fox? _38 . What is an Arctic foxs long, thick hair called? _39 . What do the Arctic foxes mainly feed on? _40 . When do baby Arctic foxes begin to look for food on their own?_41 . Why is the number of the Arctic foxes becoming smaller and smaller? _第 5 页 共 5 页

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