英语七年级上册 Module 5 质量评估试卷

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英语七年级上册 Module 5 质量评估试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Look at this picture. This is a photo_my family. There are_people in the picture. They are my_, my mother, my brother, my sister and me. My father_very happy every day. He works in a middle school. He is a_My mother is near my father. She is a nurse in a_The_beside 在旁边 my mother is my sister. She_playing sports. The little boy near my mother is my_is very smart and cute. He_English well. Everyone likes_very much_is the boy in the middle 在中间? Ah! It is me. We three are in the same school, but in different_I love my_very much.1 . AforBonCinDof2 . AsevenBfiveCsixDthree3 . AfatherBmotherCgrandfatherDgrandmother4 . AareBisCamDdoes5 . AdoctorBcookCteacherDpoliceman6 . AhospitalBschoolChomeDstation7 . AgirlBboyCsonDman8 . AdontBlikesCdoesntDlike9 . AbrotherBsisterCsonDcousin10 . AHeBSheCTheyDIt11 . AsaysBtellsCspeakDspeaks12 . AherBsheCShesDhim13 . AWhatBWhosCWhoDWhere14 . AparksBhomesCofficeDgrades15 . AroomBschoolCfamilyDclassroom二、阅读单选School Timetable123456MondayEnglishChemistryChinesegeographybiologyMathTuesdayChineseEnglishhistorybiologyPEchemistryWednesdaymathChinesebiologychemistryphysicsgeographyThursdayphysicsmathEnglishHistorygeographyPEFridaymathChinesePEphysicsEnglishbiology8:30-9:159:25-10:1010:20-11:0511:15-12:002:00-2:452:55-3:40根据课程表所示,选择最佳答案:16 . How many lessons do the students have every week?AThirteen.BSix.CThirty.DThirty-six.17 . What time does the Chinese lesson begin(开始)on Tuesday? AAt half past eight. B.At eight thirty.BAt fifteen past nine.CA and B.18 . When do the students have PAlessons?BOn Tuesday, Wednesday and FridayCOn Tuesday Thursday and FridayDOn Monday, Thursday and SaturdayEOn Wednesday, Friday and Sunday19 . Where do the students have lunch?AAt their homeBAt schoolCAt a restaurant(饭馆)DWe dont know20 . The students have _lessons in the morningAtwo.BthreeCfourDfiveDuring the past two weeks we asked students of all ages about their favourite activitiesOur survey showed that most students spent a lot of time watching TV, chatting on the Internet and playing computer gamesIt also showed that students had lots of different ways of having funHeres what the students said:“I love watching old romantic moviesI sometimes invite my friends around and we watch movies togetherWe eat popcorn and relaxI also go skating every weekIt is a great way to keep fit”Jenny (aged 14)“I love playing my drumsI would love to be in a bandI enjoy skateboarding and playing basketball with my friendsSometimes we go to watch football or basketball matchesBen (aged 13)“At the moment I am spending a lot of my spare time designing and making my own clothesI love art and my dream is to be a designerI like lots of sports but my favourite is judo”Nisha (aged 15)“I am helping my grandfather to find out about our family historyWe are using the Internet and old records to find things outIts really coolIm not very sporty but I love motorcycles”Tony (aged 15)21 . How old are Nisha and Tony?A12B13C14D1522 . What is Nishas dream?ATo be a teacherBTo be a doctorCTo be a designerDTo be a swimmer23 . Who doesnt like doing sports?AJennyBBenCNishaDTony24 . Which isnt mentioned ( 提到) in the passage?AWatching TVBChatting on the InternetCPlaying volleyballDPlaying computer games25 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AHow to read booksBHow to spend free timeCHow to make friendsDHow to play drumsSports may be fun, but you need to play them safely. Here are some tips to help you stay safe while youre playing sports in winter.Get your body ready!Before you do any exercise, be sure to warm up for at least five minutes. During warming up you should stretch(伸展) all parts of your body.Wear the right clothes!Be sure to wear the right clothes for sports. If you play winter sports, make sure that you dress warmly. Also make sure to use suntan oil (防晒油). It may be cold, but the sun is still bright! If you dont put on suntan oil, your skin may be hurt. If you go skiing, be sure to wear waterproof(防水的) trousers and gloves. If you go running in cold weather, try to wear a scarf. It will keep your face, ears and neck warm.Stop playing sports when you are a hurt!If you get hurt when playing sports, dont play again until you get well.Dont get thirsty!Drink a lot when playing sports because it is easy to become thirsty.26 . You should warm up at least _ minutes before you do exercises.AfiveBtenCfifteenDtwenty27 . In the passage, the writer tells us _.Ato have a good rest before playing sportsBto keep warm for sports in winterCto eat a lot before playing sportsDto drink a little when we play sports28 . Two kinds of sports are mentioned in the passage. What are they?ARunning and skating.BSwimming and running.CSkiing and running.DSkiing and skating.29 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AYou should wear waterproof trousers when skiing.BIf you get hurt, you should never play sports again.CYou should use suntan oil even if you play winter sports.DYoud better wear a scarf when you run in cold weather.30 . Which is the best title of the passage?Aplaying sports is fun.BPlaying sports in summer.CWhat we should wear when playing sports.DKeeping safe when playing sports in winter.Do you know Tsinglan School ? It is a new school in SSL, Dongguan. The school is big and beautiful. There are 80 teachers and 150 students in the school. Students in this school have a lot of activities. They can join many kinds of clubs in the school. Some of the clubs are really special. For girls , they can join the bakery club. The headmaster invite some great bakers from a famous hotel. Students can make delicious cakes and bread with the help of the bakers. If you are interested in beautiful clothes, you can join the fashion designer club. The teachers in the club can teach you how to draw beautiful pictures, how to choose the right cloth to make a nice dress. For boys, they have the carpenter club. Boys can make the desk or chair,even the bed by themselves. What a great school it is !31 . How many clubs are mentioned(提到)in the passage ?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.32 . Where is Tsinglan School ?AIn Shenzhen.BIn Dongguan.CIn Beijing.DIn Hongkong.33 . What can the girls make in the baker club ?ACake and bread.BJuice and milk shake.CDesk and chair.DChair and bed.34 . Whats the meaning of the underlined word “carpenter”?A医生.B教师.C木工.D律师.35 . From the passage, we can know that _ATsinglan School is an old school.BTsinglan School is a big and beautiful school.CTsinglan School is an international school.DTsinglan School is in Shenzhen.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母提示填词36 . The c_opened with a lively performance.37 . The thieves took some clothes and a few books,but nothing of any v_38 . I will be very busy t_,but Ill go with you to that party.39 . When I visited there,I learned a lot from l_ people.40 . I prefer c_life to town life.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1-5的相应位置上。came true, luckily, sharks, sleepy, towards41 . Take some rest after lunch, and you won t feel_in the afternoon.42 . When the child saw her parents waiting at the school gate, she ran_them.43 . After years of planning, my dream of the European tour_last month.44 . To protect_,scientists suggest that people stop fishing in some parts of the oceans.45 . This morning I was two minutes late for the train,but _,I didnt miss it as the train was late,too.五、语法填空语法填空Dear students,My Dame is Mary White, and Mary is my 46 . name.I am47 . American girl. I live in a small village (村庄) 48 . my parents. The weather is very warm. People like wearing49 . (T-shirt) and shorts. I have a dog and a cat. I like toys (玩具) , 50 . I dont have one. We have four 51 . (class) under a big tree every day. Sometimes we 52 . (play) games, sometimes we do sports. Whats your favorite sport?We53 . (not have) computers. Do you have computers? After school, I help my mother look after my sisters and brothers.54 . do you do after school? Do you want55 . (be) my pen pal? Can you write to me soon?Mary六、填空任务型阅读。Frank Martin,headmaster of Beckman High School was showing the parents around the school in the morning:Hello,everyone. Welcome to Beckman High School. Im Frank Martin. I know all of you want to send your children to a good high school. Maybe Beckman is the first to think about. This school was set up in 1826.It has 50 classes with about 2,600 students and 200 excellent teachers.The building on the left is the office building. On the wall of the second floor,you can see some pictures of the school history. The building on the right is the classroom building. There you can talk to the students freely during the break time.Every year,about sixty percent of the students from our school go to famous universities .Well,if you want to know more information,please go to the school hall. Its on the first floor of the office building. Our school leader will give a talk there at half past ten.All the teachers and student leaders will be present to answer any of your questions at the school hall after lunch. OK,time is up. Lets go to the hall.根据短文内容,完成表格。Beckman High School NumbersIt was set up in 1826.There are 50 classes,about 2,600 students and 200 excellent56 . About 57 . percent of the students go to famous universities every year.PositionThe building on the left is the office building.The 58 . is on the right.The 59 . is on the 1st floor of the office building.ActivitiesThe school leader will 60 . at half past ten.All the teachers and student leaders will answer your questions after lunch.七、书信作文61 . 下面是珍妮写给她的朋友凯特关于她的早上活动安排的邮件。请你根据此内容,以凯特的身份给珍妮回信,说说有关你早上和晚上的活动情况。词数:90左右。信的开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Kate,Thank you for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning activities? Well, I usually get up at around 6:15. I do my homework at 6:30 and I eat my breakfast at around 7:30. At around 8:00 I go to school. School starts at 9:00. Please write and tell me about your activities in the morning and at night.Love,JennyDear Jenny,Thank you for your letter. You said you wanted to know about my activities in the morning and at night. Well, I _Love,Kate第 10 页 共 10 页

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