英语七年级上册Unit 5 单元检测题 (青岛专版)

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英语七年级上册Unit 5 单元检测题 (青岛专版)_第1页
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英语七年级上册Unit 5 单元检测题 (青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mr. Green says, “I _ two children.”Aam haveBhaveCamDhas2 . There is _ with my fridge.Im afraid you have to ask someone to check it.Anothing wrongBsomething wrongCwrong nothingDwrong something3 . Lets play soccer. That _ good.AsoundBis soundCsound isDsounds4 . The movie isnt . Nobody will be in it.Ainterested; interestingBinteresting; interestedCinteresting; interestingDinterested; interested5 . I cant play soccer. I think its _.AfunBrelaxingCeasyDdifficult6 . do you stay up late?Never, I always go to bed early.AHow longBHow oftenCHow farDHow soon7 . Excuse me, _ is Dalian from Beijing ?Its about three hours by car.Ahow wideBhow longChow farDhow fast8 . Jack always _ me, “Where are my _ ?”Aask, keysBfind , keyCcalls, keyDasks, keys9 . Lets play volleyball. That _ good.AsoundBsoundsClookDlooks10 . Do you know Yao Ming?Yes,he is a_ player.AsoccerBbaseballCping-pongDbasketball二、补全短文6选5Hello, Im Lucy. I want to introduce(介绍) some people to you.11 . He lives in Beijing. His family name is Liu and his first name is Huan. I like listening to his songs(歌). Whats his phone number? I dont know. Can you tell me? I want to make friends with him(和他交朋友).12 . His last name is Brown, so my last name is Brown, too. He is a Chinese teacher. He has a black telephone. Black is his favorite color. His telephone number is 673-5212.13 . Red is her favorite color. Look! Her cup and keys are red. We all like her English class(课). Her class is interesting. My English is not very good, so she often helps me.14 . She is 12. She is from England. Her first name is Linda and her last name is Black. She likes 8 because it is her favorite number. Her sister is Anna.15 . He is 13 years old. We are in the same class. His last name is Li, and his first name is Tao. Look! His jacket is black. He likes black. He doesnt have a telephone. But I know his mothers telephone number. I can call her at 678-9424.AMike is my father.BMiss White is my English teacher(老师).CLinda is my friend.DLi Tao is my classmate(同班同学).EAnna is my sister.FLiu Huan is my favorite singer(歌手).三、完型填空This is my new classroom. Please look at it.On the front wall of the classroom, there is a blackboard._is very big. There is a clock and some pictures on the front wall,_. In front of the blackboard there is a desk. Its our_. A computer is on it._computer is white and black.There are forty students in our_, and there are 40 desks and chairs for us._ desks are green and chairs are brown. I sit in Row(排) Two. Paul is in front of_.Jim is behind me, and Kate is_me. On the back wall, there are two_.One is a map of China. The other map of the world.Our classroom is very clean._we all like it.16 . AThere.BThey.CThis.DIt.17 . Aalso.Beither.Ctoo.Dso.18 . Astudents.Bteachers.Cstudents.Dteachers19 . AA.BAn.CThe.D/.20 . Aclass.Bschool.Cgrade.Dlibrary.21 . AYour.BOur.CTheir.DHer.22 . Ahim.Byou.Cus.Dme.23 . Abehind.Bin front of.Cbetween.Dnext to.24 . Awalls.Bmaps.Cpictures.Dclocks.25 . AAnd.BBut.COr.DBecause.四、阅读单选Bob It is very hot in this season. But I like it.1can go swimming with my friends in the river.JackIts very cold in this season. I like going to school in black snow boots(雪地鞋),Which season do I like?TinaIts very cool in this season. In this season I often help my father and my mother pick apples on the farm(农场).I like this season.KateIts warm but its not hot in this season. We can see green trees everywhere(到处),I like playing basketball with my friends.26 . Bob likes _.AfootballBbasketballCtable tennisDswimming27 . Jacks favourite season is _.AsummerBspringCautumnDwinter28 . Which of the following(下面的)is TRUE?ATina doesnt like autumm.BBob and Jack like swimming best(最).CKates favourite season is spring.DJacks snow boots is white.五、阅读判断根据短文内容,判断正误,符合的打“T”,否则打“F”:Mr. West wanted to buy a Christmas present for his wife, but he was always busy, .so he was never able to find time to go to the shops. At last, when it was the week before Christmas, he decided that he could not wait any more. He worked at an office, and usually had lunch in a restaurant. But one day he bought some cakes, ate them quickly and went to a big shop near his office during his lunchtime. The shop was full of women. At first he was waiting for his turn. But many women pushed selfishly past him. So after half an hour, he was still far from the salesmen and his lunch hour was coming to and end, so he decided to change his way of doing this and pushed to the front of the line. The women after him became angry and shouted at him, Why can t you behave(行为举止) like a gentleman? Ladies, He answered them, I have been behaving like a gentleman for the past half an hour, and it is no use, so now I am starting to behave like a lady.29 . Mr. West finally found time to buy his wife a present before Christmas Day.30 . He didnt eat in the restaurant that noon because he liked eating cakes very much.31 . Mr. West was very polite and patient at first.32 . After half an hour it was his turn to buy present.33 . Mr. Wests words like a lady means he would be as polite and elegant as a lady.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇运用34 . The _(总的)number of the students in our school is 869.35 . The weather _ (改变) so quickly that some students have got Norovirus(诺如病毒).36 . December 13th is a _ (特殊的) day for Nanjing. Yes, we mustnt forget the history.37 . What a smart boy! He always _(穿衣) himself in the morning.38 . Eating _(健康) is good for you to keep fit.39 . There are a lot of _ (西红柿) in the fridge.40 . I get 100 _ (分数) in the test. How happy I am!41 . My mother is often busy the _ (整个的) morning.42 . Simon does his homework for _ (little) than one hour every day.43 . Kitty speaks very good English, because she practices _ (speak) English with her friend in the USA every day.44 . Look! Mr. Wang seems very_(happy) today. He did badly in the sports meeting.45 . Are more and more people _(interest) in shopping online? Yes, its cheap andconvenient (方便的).46 . The building has twenty floors and I live on the _( twelve) floor.47 . Tom with his friends often _ (fly) kites on Sundays.48 . How about_ (celebrate) your birthday on Friday afternoon?49 . Our teacher is coming. He teaches _(we) Chinese.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选出合适的单词填空scientist, pianist, cook, violinist, doctor50 . He cooks very well and he is a _.51 . Mary plays the violin well and she wants to be a _.52 . Do you know Li Yundi, a famous _?Of course. He plays the piano well.53 . Einstein, the famous _ , was born in March, 1879.54 . You had a bad cold. Youd better see a _.八、多任务混合问题Read Tims introductions. Match 1-4 with paragraphAC. (阅读短文,选择每一段的主要内容)A Im Tim and Im 12 years old. Im at Saint Marys School. Im in Grade Six.B I live with my parents. There are five people in my family. They are my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I.C I like playing football. I usually play football with my father. I sometimes go swimming with my sister. My mother always goes shopping with my grandmother.1Family information2 Personal information3 Hobbies and interests4School information55 . _56 . _57 . _58 . _59 . Read Tims introduction again and answer the questions. (根据上文内容回答问题)(1)How old is Tim?_(2)Which grade is Tim in?_(3)How many people are there in Tims family?_(4)How many sisters does Tim have?_(5) How many children do Tims parents have?_(6) What does Tim usually do with his father?_(7) What does Tim sometimes do with his sister?_(8)What does Tims mother always do with his grandmother?_The picture on my desk in my bedroom is my favourite. When I have trouble studying, or Im worried about an exam, I always have a look at it. It is a picture of my best friends taken three years ago when we were in middle school. Today our lives have gone in different directions, but our friendship has kept us close.Every week I get a message from one of them, or a letter with the latest news or vacation photos跟其他年相比,今年我收到了更多的照片。 I often get an email with a joke for the day or words of comfort about some problems in my life. My friends often show up for surprise birthday parties. And one of them even travelled two hours from the other end of a town just to watch my first English speech.60 . 将文中画线的汉语句子译成英语。_61 . 回答问题:When was the picture taken?_62 . 将文中画线的英语句子译成汉语。_63 . What does the underlined word them refer to (指的是)?_64 . 从文中找出与下面所给句子意思相同的句子。My favourite picture is on my desk in my bedroom._九、材料作文65 . 书面表达我们都知道美国登山运动员Aron Ralston, 他的故事令人感动,激励人心。在我们身边,一定也有那么一些人和事,鼓舞我们。请以“The Person Encouraging Me” 为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。基本情况年龄、职业、外貌品质特征勇敢、善良、勤奋(任选其一)具体事例第 9 页 共 9 页

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