英语七年级上册Unit 4 基础训练

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英语七年级上册Unit 4 基础训练姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Is there _ todays newspaper?Asomething else new onBsomething new else onCanything new else inDanything else new in2 . SunYang is a very _ swimmer and he swims very _.Agood; goodBgood; wellCwell; goodDwell; well3 . I think eating morefood can help you keep.Ahealthy,healthyBhealth,healthChealthy,healthDhealth,healthy4 . Cartoons are very _, so I am very _ in them.Ainterested, interestingBinteresting, interestedCinterested, interestedDinteresting, interesting5 . If you want to be healthier, you should eatjunk food and takeexercise.Amore; fewerBmore; lessCless; more6 . How do you learn English? I learn it by _to the radio.AlistensBlisteningClisten7 . Does your sister play basketball _ Saturday afternoon?AinBonCatD/8 . There _ a football match on TV this evening.Awill haveB. will beC. has D. is going to have二、完型填空Five frogs (青蛙) were sitting on a stone.Four of the frogs decided to jump off.How many frogs were _ on the stone?The answer was_.The fourdecidedto jump off.That did not mean they _ did it. This is a typical _ we have heard before. It is also true for _.Have you ever made a _ like the jumping off?I have done that many times.It might be when I was lying in bed.I decided to get up, _ 30 minutes later, I was still lying there.It might also be when I decided to lose weight.In my mind, I was already _ less. However, my actions _ reflected that decision.I still ate lots of snacks.Giving ourselves time to _ can prevent us from taking action.So dont think too much. We should count down for five seconds and take action right away.9 . AnoticedBleftCfound10 . AoneBfourCfive11 . AslowlyBfirstlyCactually12 . AstoryBreasonCresult13 . AusBhimCher14 . AchoiceBmistakeCdecision15 . AifBbutCor16 . AworkingBsmokingCeating17 . AsometimesBneverCoften18 . AthinkBdiscussCrelax三、阅读单选Last week was Road Safety Week at Trudys school. All the students had to attend a talk on road safety which was given by a police officer. This is what the police officer said.“Most traffic accidents shouldnt happen. They happened because people are careless. A frequent cause of traffic accidents is speed. Some people drive too quickly. This means that if they have to stop suddenly, they cannot stop quickly enough to avoid(避免) hitting other cars or people. You need to remember this when you are crossing the street or walking along the side walk.”Its not only drivers who cause accidents, however, people of footpedestrians(行人) and bicycle riders often cause accidents. Pedestrians sometimes walk out onto the street without looking. You should always look in both directions before stepping onto street.Bicycle riders can cause accidents by changing direction suddenly or without warning other road users. Before you turn left, for example, you should check behind you to make sure there arent any cars, trucks or buses coming. You should signal(示意) with your left hand to show that you want to turn left. You should not turn until the street is clear.The rules of the road are very simple. If we learn them and obey them, we should not have accidents.19 . What is a frequent cause of traffic accidents?APeople stopping suddenly.BPeople driving too quicklyCPeople hitting other cars.DPeople crossing the street.20 . Who causes accidents?AOnly drivers.BOnly pedestrians.CDrivers and bicycle riders.DDrivers, pedestrians and bicycle riders.21 . How can bicycle riders cause accidents?ABy walking out onto the street without looking.BBy stopping suddenly.CBy turning suddenly or without warning other road users.DBy signaling suddenly or without warning other road users.Last Sunday, our English club had a trip to the zoo. The zoo is far from our club. The bus ride took us about two hours to get there. The zoo is big and beautiful. There are lots of animals in it. I took many photos of the animals. Now let me show you my photos. Look at this tiger. It is eleven years old. It was sleeping when we got there. Look! The elephants are so lovely. Theyre from South Africa. Theyre eating food. What are the monkeys doing? Oh, theyre climbing the tree. There are many apples on the tree. Look at these photos. They are all about my favorite animals- pandas. Theyre really cute and beautiful, right? Where is the photo of the giraffe? Oh, its under the chair. The giraffe is taking a walk. The photos are so interesting. Do you like them?22 . The writer is in the _ club.AEnglishBartCswimmingDscience23 . They went to the zoo _.Aby bikeBby busCby carDby train24 . The tiger was _ when they arrived.AeatingBplaying gamesCsleepingDtaking a walk25 . The writer likes _ best.AtigersBelephantsCmonkeysDpandas26 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThey went to the zoo last Saturday.BThe elephants are from Australia.CThere are many pears on the tree.DThe writer found the photo of the giraffe under the chair.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。27 . September is the n _(九)month of the year.28 . When they arrived,they found the bottle was e_ (空的).29 . To tell you the t_(实话),I dont know the old man,either.30 . How many p_(页)of the novel have you read,by the way?31 . You can make the juice sweeter by a_(加)some sugar into it.五、完成句子.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。32 . 这些都是制作火鸡的好方法。These are good _ turkey.33 . 简,帮我把这些肉切成薄片。Jane, help me _ the meat _.34 . 米勒太太打算用中餐招待她的客人。Mrs. Miller plans to _ Chinese food _ her guests.35 . 这是一个彼此了解的好时刻。_ good _ know each other.36 . 你们通常如何表达对老师的感谢呢?How do you usually _ to your teachers?六、语法填空阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。Spring, summer, autumn and winter make a year. We clearly know each season is important. If I 37 . (ask) which season is the most beautiful, Id like to say all of them are beautiful.Spring 38 . (show) a wonderful picture with the blue sky and white clouds, green trees and clear air, shining sun and warm wind. Nature has woken up. Where is spring? It shines 39 . the eyes of children, it dances among peoples gestures(姿态)and expressions. The sunshine is making everything wake up. People will have a new40 . (begin) in spring which is the 41 . (good) time to start the whole years work.Summer is 42 . active season. We can go boating and have fun in the water. What I like best in this season is the lotus(莲花).Whenever I am sad, it encourages me to try my best to make my dream come true.I was born in autumn. It has seen my growth, happiness and sadness. 43 . the past months are sometimes bad, I own a new beginning. It brings love, hope and enjoyment into 44 . life.I love winter because I have fun with friends 45 . (play) in the snow, making a snowman, enjoying the white world with the song Edelweiss(雪绒花). Winter is a season with hope. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? I love 46 . (season). All seasons are great.第 6 页 共 6 页

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