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沈阳市2019年八年级上学期期末英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5Shankar was from a poor family. 1 . One day , when Shankar was collecting wood in the forest , he saw a sick deer(鹿) that needed food and water.2 . so he stayed with the deer for a while and then went on his way home. Later, he saw a man who was making a bed. The man didnt have enough wood.3 . Inreturn, the man gave Shankar some food and water. Shankar was very happy. He went back and gave them to the deer.Last month, Shankar fell down from the hill when he was cutting wood.4 . No one was there to help him. Luckily, the deer he once helped saw him. It took Shankar back home.Remember to help others. 5 . AHe hurt his leg and couldnt move.BHe made a living by selling wood which he collected in the forest.CYou never know when you may need the helping hand.DShankar was so kind that he gave his wood to the man.EShankar didnt have any with himself.二、完型填空The Internet has become part of teenage lifeA new report on 3,375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities found that 38% of them think they use the Internet oftenWhile most of them get_ information and use the Internet to help themselves in their studies,but some are not using it in a good wayMany play online games too muchA few_ visit websites they should not look atHong Ying,a teacher from Beijing Yinghua Middle School warns that bad things can happen if young people spend_time on the InternetShe had a student who _ be good at studyBut then he started visiting erotic (色情的) websitesHe went mad,cheated a girl and was taken by _In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way,a_on good Internet behavior has started to be used in some Shanghai middle schools this termThe book uses real examples to teach students all about good ways of using the InternetThe book gives useful _,such as its good to read news or to find helpful information to studySome students also make online friends But if you are meeting a friend offline,_your parents know Teachers and parents all think the book is a very good oneHong said the book would be a guide for teens using the InternetShe believes it will keep students_bad sitesMany students are using the Internet without guidance (指导) from their parents she saidThe book will_students how to be a good person in the online world6 . AbadBinterestingCusefulDexciting7 . AevenBneverCmuchDreally8 . AlittleBa littleCmuch tooDtoo much9 . Ais used toBare used toCused toDuses to10 . Ahis teacherBthe headmasterChis parentsDthe police11 . ACDBbookCTV playDmovie12 . AlanguagesBpicturesCsongsDadvice13 . AaskBpreventCmake sureDfind14 . Aaway fromBwithCinDinto15 . AmakeBtalkCteachDlearn from三、阅读单选I am a schoolboyI have a twin brother whose name is ChangchangWe are both(两个都)at schoolWe both like our schoolMy parents are both teachers,and they work hardWe study at No8 Primary SchoolIn our class there are eighteen boys and twenty-two girlsWe go to school on foot from Monday to FridayOn Saturday and Sunday we have no classesI usually get up at 6:30,but my twin brother gets up thirty minutes earlier(更早的)than(比)meAfter breakfast,we have three lessons in the morningOn Tuesday morning,we have Chinese,math and EnglishIn the afternoon,we have art and PE1essonsAt about five past eleven we have lunchAfter lunch,well do some exerciseThis term we study Chinese,math,English,music,PE,science,art and moral course(思想品德)I like English,but my brother is good at ChineseSometimes he helps me with my ChineseAfter school,we always play tennis on the playgroundThen at half past four,we go home by busAfter supper,we do our homework and go to bed at a bout half past nine16 . Changchang isAmy nameBmy twin sisters nameCmy twin brothers nameDmy fathers name17 . My father and motherAare both studentsBare both doctorsCare both in No8 Primary SchoolDboth work very hard18 . We go to schoolevery dayAby busBon footCby carDby taxi19 . I get upmy twin brotherAas early asBthirty minutes later(更晚的)thanCtwenty minutes later thanDthirty minutes earlier than20 . We haveon Tuesday morningAmath,Chinese and musicBEnglish,math and artCChinese,math and EnglishDChinese,English and P. E.“Homestay (寄宿家庭) is a kind of go-abroad program (出国项目). You can stay with a local family to better know their life. It also helps with your language ability (语言能力). If you wish to learn more about foreign cultures (外国文学), you can join this kind of holiday. I am sure you will like it a lot”, says a teacher in a school meeting this term.After this meeting, I always think about this kind of holiday (假日). At last, I go on such a holiday with some of my classmates. We go to London, a place where I always want to go.After we get to London, we stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family was a white couple (夫妇) who have a daughter about my age. They are like patents to me. I learn a lot from them, too.There are many activities in the holiday every day. After breakfast, a teacher comes to take us in his car. Then we have classes or go on a trip to different places like Big Ben. London Bridge, and Buckingham Palace. We go back to our own homes after the activities.I enjoy myself in the holiday. Time really flies quickly. Three weeks later, we have to leave London for Hong Kong.21 . The underlined word “local” means _.A不同的B当地的C优秀的22 . If you join a homestay, you can _.Ameet a nice coupleBhave a school meetingCimprove (提高) your language ability and know more about a foreign culture23 . On his trip to London, the writer(作者)does NOT _.Ago to Big BenBstay with a white coupleCgo to the London Zoo24 . What does the writer think of his trip to London _.AIt is a busy trip.BIt is an interesting and meaningful trip.CHe misses his family in Hong Kong25 . Whats the best title for the passage _?AA nice white coupleBHomestay makes a good holidayCCome and improve your language ability四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)26 . One cannot live without love from _.(social)27 . _ knocked on the wall and he knocked back.(anyone)28 . But when he took his first steps it was a _ night.(specially)29 . If you can _ a rabbit, you are not going to be hungry.(hunter)30 . We should also notice the _ of diseases.(prevent)31 . Two of the puppies are both hungry and _.(thirst)五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词32 . 我将会随时帮助你。I will help you _.33 . 如果你喜欢,可以试穿一下。If you like it, you can _.34 . 你会在两天后收到这件产品。You will receive the product _ /_.35 . 托尼想在母亲节为母亲做一顿饭。Tony wants to cook a meal for his mother on _.36 . 不要拿我和其他孩子相比较。Dont _ me _ other children.六、单词填空学校经常开展各种各样的体育活动,篮球、足球、跑步等。这些活动不仅放松了我们紧张的学习,而且给我们带来了健康。请你根据提示,完成短文,每空次数不限。There are many kinds of sports at school, 37 . basketball, soccer, running and so on. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. I often play it with my friends after class. 38 . basketball is fun. We usually play it happily. My father often says playing basketball39 . my health.I enjoy playing basketball 40 . it can make me strong and healthy. It can also bring me a lot of happiness. I hope I will become a good basketball player41 . .七、话题作文42 . 书面表达请以My Day为题,用英语描述一下你一天的活动安排。词数:60左右。_第 6 页 共 6 页


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