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广州市2020年九年级中考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He has a collection of. He can not only enjoy them but also use them to mail letters.AstampsBnovelsCinstrumentsDmagazines2 . I saw a man _ on the ground on my way _ home.Alie;toBlies;/Clying;toDlying;/3 . Excuse me, you cant take photos here. Look at the sign “NO PHOTOS”!Sorry, I _ it.Adont seeBwont seeCdidnt seeDwasnt see4 . Its _ unusual thing for an eight-year-old girl to find _ UFO.Aa; a;Ban; an;Can; a;Da; an5 . He is sitting _ the classroom.Aat the frontBin the front ofCin frontDin front of6 . Would you like to go for a bike ride on Sunday afternoon? _. I havent been outdoors these days. I cant wait!ASorry, I cantBSure, Id love toCNot at allDForget it7 . Lets watch TV._.ASorry, I dontBThats a good ideaCYes, I do8 . We wont put off our plan _ it snows heavily tomorrow.AwhetherBunlessCbecauseDWhile9 . - What a new computer! Can you tell me _?- Just the day before yesterday.Awhen you bought itB how much you paid for itCwhen did you buy itD how much did you pay for it10 . Can you catch what I said?Sorry,I can _understand it because you speak very quicklyAalmostBprobablyCmostlyDhardly11 . Peter, whose CD is this?Let me _ it. Oh, its Pauls. His name is on itAthink aboutBask forClisten toDlook at12 . Miss Zhang _ by all of us because her classes are always_ and interesting.Aloves; lovelyBloves; livelyCis loved; livelyDis loved; lovely13 . You know great changes _ in Yancheng in the past ten years.Ahave been taken placeBtook placeChave taken placeDwere taken place14 . Where is your brother?He isnt at home. Heback in three days.Awill comeBcomesCcomingDcome15 . Just search the internet, you can get almost all the _ you need.AinformationsBinformationCpictureDstory二、补全短文7选5E)补全短文。(其中有两项多余,)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。To wash yourself, you take a bath (洗澡) or a shower.16 . But how do animals clean themselves? Cats lick (舔) themselves to keep their fur clean. Have you ever watched a pet cat clean itself? Elephants take baths much as you do. But instead of jumping into the tub (浴缸), they walk into a river or lake. Pigs also like to roll(打滚) around in water.17 . If there is no clean water, they will roll in mud (泥) on a hot day. They do this to cool off.Guess how polar bears (北极熊)clean themselves. They use snow, of course! Some animals take baths in dust instead of water! The wombat (毛鼻袋熊) is an Australian animal with lots of fur.18 . Birds clean themselves in many ways.19 . Thats why some people put birdbaths(水盆)in their yard. Sometimes birds also use their beaks (喙) to keep their feathers clean.20 . Some birds even take smoke baths. They sit on chimneys.(烟囱) They wave their wings in the smoke!AThey usually look a little dirty.BThis keeps them clean and cool.CAnimals need to keep clean, too.DThey use their beaks the way you use a comb. EIt is different from other animals.FSometimes they wash in water.GTo get clean, it lies down. Then it covers itself with sand!三、完型填空Kangaroos are one of the most famous symbols of Australia. Most Australians love the lovely animals very much. Two Australians are _ them. They had their pet kangaroo as a bridesmaid(伴娘) on their wedding _ not long ago.The Australian couple are Gilly Richardson and John Hughes, and _ kangaroo is called Zoe. Last year, Zoe _ her mom in the Black Saturday bushfire(林区大火). Many people _ in the bushfire. A lot of Australian _ such as kangaroos and koalas lost their lives, too._, Zoe was found by Gilly and John near their house in the countryside. Knowing that the little kangaroo might die within days _ no one took care of her, they decided to take Zoe home. The couple tried their best to look after Zoe and soon she became their beloved daughter.Zoe took part in her _ wedding on their family farm and two-year-old Zoe was the focus at the wedding. It was fun to see little Zoe _ happily here and there.21 . AbetweenBamongCofDfrom22 . AhourBdayCweekDmonth23 . AhisBherCitsDtheir24 . AmetBfoundClostDleft25 . AdiedBworkedClivedDslept26 . AanimalsBvolunteersCfiremenDkids27 . AUnhappilyBCarelesslyCLuckilyDQuickly28 . AbutBandCsoDif29 . AfriendsBdaughtersCteachersDparents30 . AsingBdanceCjumpDfly四、阅读单选Xuanwu LakePrice: Adults¥30 Children¥20Open: 6:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. every dayHongshan Forest ZooPrice:¥25Open: 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. every dayZijin Mountain ObservatoryPrice: Adults ¥15 Children¥10Open: 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. every day31 . You have 15 yuan ,where can you go?Athe Zijin Mountain ObservatoryBthe Xuanwu LakeCthe Hongshan Forest ZooDA and B32 . If your parents and you go to the Xuanwu Lake, you should spend _ yuan on tickets(票).A50.B60.C70.D80.33 . You can go to the Zijin Mountain Observatory at _.A5:00 a.m.B6:00 p.m.C1:00 p.m.D7:30 a.m.34 . Jack wants to see the monkey, he can go to_.Athe Hongshan Forest ZooBthe Xuanwu LakeCthe Zijin Mountain ObservatoryDA, B and C35 . Its fine today, Jack and his friends want to go boating. You can go to _ to look for them.Athe Zijin Mountain ObservatoryBthe Xuanwu LakeCthe Hongshan Forest ZooDA and BFour years ago when I was a boy of 11, I got into the biggest trouble as a kid. It was a Saturday morning. Both my parents were out, leaving me and my 10monthold sister home alone. Anyway,my sister was still asleep in her room. In fact I had the house to myself. I decided to do some drawing. Soon I gave up. Nothing was on TV, so I felt bored and touched the candles on the shelfI had an idea! What would happen if I set fire to some kitchen paper? Well, of course it went on fire, but it wasnt the tiny flame(火苗) Id expected, and I couldnt blow it out. I threw it on the floor, and then I got my dads boots(靴子) and stamped it out(踩灭)But there was a huge hole left on the floor. When my mum came home later, she smelt the smoke immediately. She dropped the shopping bag, luckily for me, over the hole. I thought this meant she would never see it. However, after running round the house checking for a fire, she of course picked up the bag and saw the hole. Next I was grounded(关禁闭) for months. Even worse though, the hole was still there, reminding me of what I did.36 . How old was the writer when he wrote the passage?A11 years old.B13 years old.C15 years old.D17 years old.37 . Put the sentences in the right order according to the passage.The writer set fire to some kitchen paper.The writer did some drawing.The writer was grounded.The writer stamped the fire out.The writers mother checked for a fire.ABCD38 . Who put out the fire at last?AThe writer.BThe writer and his sister.CThe writers mother.DThe writers father.39 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AIts difficult to put out a fire.BThe boy didnt look after his sister.CThe boy made a big trouble when he was 11.DDont leave children home alone while shopping.五、阅读判断Have you seen the videos on TV? Do you wear large T-shirts and baggy(宽松的) jeans? Or have you heard someone rap (说唱)? Hip-Hop is very hot now.Hip-Hop music was started in the middle of the 1970s by African Americans in New York. break-dancing (霹雳舞)and graffiti(涂鸦)are the two main kinds of music in Western Hip-Hop culture. Most of the Hip-Hop songs are about love, jobs or even games.Usually in rap, singers speak words very quickly to a certain beat. Most of the words are fun. Singers play off words to make fun of themselves or others. Hip-Hop music has few rules. Singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way. The freedom makes a lot of teenagers fall in love with the music. Many of them like wearing large T-shirts and baggy jeans. Famous rap(说唱) and Hip-Hop stars include Eminem in the U. S. and Jay Chou from China.Today Hip-Hop is more and more popular across most of the world.根据短文判断下列句子的正确的(T)与错误( F)。40 . African Americans started Hip-Hop music in the middle of the 1970s .41 . There are three main kinds of music in Western Hip- Hop culture.42 . Hip-Hop music is very popular, but it has a lot of rules to follow.43 . From the passage(文章) we know Jay Chou is a famous rap and Hip-Hop star.44 . Many teenagers dont like wearing large T-shirts or baggy jeans.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空45 . I like writing and want to be a _(write) when I grow up.46 . The girl bought two _ (copy) of Morning Paper just now.47 . Alice Munro is a famous _ (Canada) writer.48 . After a short rest, Helen found herself _ (able) to keep on walking. She was too tired.49 . You should be careful with the _ (hide) danger around you.七、英汉互译:单词/短语英汉互译50 . 沿着这条街道走_51 . 向右转_52 . on the left_53 . at the first crossing_54 . enjoy reading_八、话题作文55 . 今天英语课上你班同学就“课间是否该放音乐”这一话题进行了讨论。请你就该讨论结果(见下表)以“Should music be played between classes?”为题目写一篇英语短文张贴在你班的“英语习作园地”上。有人赞同音乐使他们觉得快乐、轻松;音乐使他们的课间生活丰富多彩。有人反对吵闹的音乐使他们更兴奋,不利于课间休息。你的看法参考词汇: good idea, relax, colorful,noisy,excited.,too.to,soft要求:1.词数80左右,开头已给出,但不计入总词数;2.可适当增加一些细节,以使行文连贯。Should music be played between classes?This morning the students in my class had a discussion about whether music should be played between classes._第 9 页 共 9 页

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