英语七年级上册Unit 7 单元检测题 (青岛专版)

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英语七年级上册Unit 7 单元检测题 (青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Lets _.Ato go schoolBgoing to schoolCgo schoolDgo to school2 . Dont forget _ your history and politics books tomorrow morning. Thanks. I wont.AbringBto bringCbringing3 . We have T-shirts all colors.AinBatCofDfor4 . John bought_ for himself yesterday.Atwo pairs of shoesBtwo pair of shoeCtwo pair of shoesDtwo pairs shoes5 . Tina went to the park yesterday.In the park she felt hungry and bought _.Asome pizzaBsome giftsCsome sharksDsome ice cream6 . -Whats _ name, please? -Jane.AhisBherCsheDhe7 . Tom is aman and he likes telling jokes(笑话).And he isin stories.Afun;interestingBfunny;interestedCfunny;interestingDfun;interested8 . As for_students from Grade 9, the biggest _ is learning how to take care of ourselves as well as improve our grades.Aus , challengeBOur, chanceCwe , choice9 . How old is your daughter?_. We had a special party for her _ birthday last week.ANinth; ninthBNine; nineCNinth; nineDNine; ninth10 . Whats this? It is _.Aan ID cardBa orangeCrulerDan UFO二、补全短文6选5请仔细阅读小题中有关五个人的情况介绍,从A-F中选出相应的信息,其中一项为多余选项。11 . Linda is visiting her friend Alice who had a baby three days ago. She wants to buy something for her baby.12 . Mr. Black has just retired. He doesnt have anything to do and feels a little lonely. So he wants to keep a pet.13 . Jack will take part in the High School Entrance Examination, but he doesnt do well in English. 14 . The vacation is coming tomorrow. The Blacks want to go on a field trip for a week. But they wonder if the weather will be fine. 15 . Helen just graduated. She majored in Chinese medicine in the university. She wants to find a job.AHello, everyone! Here is the weather report for the next week. It will be fine. The temperature will be between 1225. BWelcome to our EnglishTraining School. We have teachers who come from England. They can help you with your English. CDoctors wanted. Chinese medicine doctors are needed in our hospital. Young people that graduated from the university are preferred.DWelcome to join our art club. You can learn drawing and painting here. We have some great art teachers. EI will move to America. But I cant take my pet dog with me. So I want someone to look after it. If you are interested, please call me at 13802172928.FThings for new babies are on sale. In order to celebrate the Childrens Day. Things are much cheaper than usual.三、完型填空Do you like dessert(甜点)?Do you enjoy _ with your friends?I have a good place to _ you.Dessert House is not big, _ it is a great place for you to eat.There are six _ in it.Theyre friendly.The chairs and tables there are all green.The color makes people _. You can _ music when youre _ in Dessert House. _ you dont like to eat dessert,you can eat some other _ like dumplings,noodles,soup and so on(等等)There is a great _ every day at Dessert House:sometimes fruit icecreams _ apples or _;sometimes other dessert.Special fruit icecream is only 1.00 yuan _ two.Also,they usually put a small dumpling in some icecreams.If you have this _ icecream,you can _ a free icecream.Its very interesting.16 . AeatBto eatCeatingDto eating17 . AtellBaskCteachDcall18 . AandBforCbutDbecause19 . AteachersBdoctorsCdriversDwaiters20 . AsadBhungryCrelaxedDfunny21 . AlistenBto listenClisten toDlistening22 . AlivingBeatingCsingingDshopping23 . AIfBSoCOrDBecause24 . AclothesBmoviesCmoneyDfoods25 . AcameraBspecialCsaleDhouse26 . AwithBhaveChasDthere is27 . AbeefBstrawberriesCtomatoesDcabbage28 . AforBofCinDas29 . AkindBkindsCkinds ofDkind of30 . AtakeBpayCwatchDget四、阅读单选Secretary neededShenzhen Computer Sales Company is looking for a full-time secretary(a lady aged 22-30).Must have excellent typing, telephone, and computer skills.60,000yuan a year.Send your resume(简历) to:Shenzhen Computer Corner, 518000Or email us: Shenzhenppp163.comDelivery Person Wanted (A man aged 18 to 40)Part-time.Drivers license required.Must be able to work in evenings and on weekends.10.00yuan per hour.Call 5780505 to tell your information to Miss Zhang , or come to visit us(No.2906, LP Road, KFC, Shenzhen) at business hour(518112).Looking for a Japanese TeacherShenzhen Foreign language School is looking for a full-time female Japanese teacher. Must have at least two years experience (under 35 years old).Call Mr. Smith for an appointment.Tel:6790393E-mail: MKSD126.comWeb: http:/SZFS.com.cn31 . How much can a secretary make one month?A60,000yuan.B6,000yuanC50,000yuanD5,000yuan32 . Who can apply(申请) for the job as a secretary?AMiss Li, 25 years old, having a drivers licenseBMr. Wang, 24 years old, having typing, telephone and computer skillsCMiss Zhang, 20 years old, having typing, telephone, and computer skillsDMrs. Lin, 29 years old, having typing, telephone, and computer skills.33 . What number should you call to be a delivery person for KFC?A5780505B518000C6790393D51811234 . Which of the following is NOT true?AAs a delivery man in KFC, you can get 10.00yuan per hour.BMrs Zhao can work in evenings and on weekends, so she can work as a delivery person.CShenzhen Foreign Language School is looking for a Japanese teacher.DYou cant apply for the teaching job if you have just graduated this year.35 . Where can we find these advertisements?AIn a book on traveling.BIn a newspaper in Shenzhen.CIn Mrs Smiths QQ zone(空间)DOn Shenzhen Computer Sales Companys website.五、阅读判断A)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,判断正误。正确填 “A”, 错误填 “B” Molly is a tennis player and she is from England. And she is also my good friend. She is always busy. Today she doesnt exercise, she goes shopping with her mother. She likes shorts but she doesnt like skirts so she buys a pair of shorts for 20 dollars. She needs a pair of shoes because she often exercises. She pays 30 dollars for a pair of blue shoes. Yes, blue is her favorite color. She wants to buy a blue and yellow jacket. But there are only green ones. So she takes a green one. Her mother is a teacher. She wants to buy a skirt. She likes red best. So she takes a red one. Mollys father is a doctor. She buys a pair of blue trousers for him.36 . Molly always goes shopping with her mother.37 . Molly buys a pair of blue shoes for 30 dollars.38 . Molly is a tennis player and she always exercises.39 . Molly takes a blue and yellow jacket.40 . Mollys father buys a pair of blue trousers in the store.六、句型转换按要求完成句子41 . The panda is from China. (同义句转换)The panda _ China.42 . My mother makes some dumplings for me on my birthday. (改为否定句)My mother _ make _ dumplings for me on my birthday.43 . Ben is having a picnic with his friends in the park. (针对划线部分提问)_ is Ben _ with his friends in the park?44 . 莉莉有许多朋友。(根据汉语意思完成句子)Lily _ many friends45 . Are the children playing football on the playground?(做肯定回答)Yes, _.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空46 . Green, yellow, black and red are all c_.47 . A_ the boys like sports.48 . Come and see for y_ at Xingfu Clothes Store.49 . Whats the p_ of this bird? Its 100 yuan.50 . The white pants are too s _ for Jim, but the black pants are too long for him.八、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子。what,purple,fine,my,spell51 . How are you?Im _,thanks.52 . _ is that?Its a quilt.53 . Can you _ it?Yes,MAP.54 . What color is it?Its _55 . This is _ ruler.That is Bobs.九、多任务混合问题Shows at the Palace MuseumThe Palace Museum is a wonderful place to visit. There are lots of fun and interesting things to see . Come to visit the Palace Museum.TimePlaceThings to seeTickets(票)Opening time10:00 a.m.Taihe PalaceGolden throneGrow-ups: ¥15.00Children over 12:¥10.00Under 12 FreeDiscount(折扣) 20% on Saturday9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.weekday10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on SaturdayNot open onSunday10:30 a.m.Zhonghe PalaceWorks of art11:00 a.m.Baohe PalaceWorks of art1:00 p.m.Jingren PalaceBronzes1:40 p.m.Yonghe PalacePotteries2:30 p.m.Huangji PalaceChinese paintings4:00 p.m.Fengxian PalaceClocks and watchesNotices: Keep quiet.Keep the museum clean.Dont forget to buy some souvenirs(纪念品) for your friends and families.Do not take any photos.Do not touch anything.56 . The Palace Museum opens _ days a week.AfiveBtwoCsevenDsix57 . Mr Wu wants to visit the Palace Museum with his two students this Saturday. The two students are both 14. How much are the tickets together?A¥ 31.00B¥ 28.00C¥ 15.00D¥ 7.0058 . Which of the following can you do at the shows?ADont keep museum clean.BTo take a few nice photos.CTo buy some souvenirs.DTo touch the golden throne.59 . How many kinds of things can you see at the shows?_.60 . When and where can you see the clocks and watches on Saturday?_.阅读下列短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。Have you ever been to Taiwan? Chinas biggest island? (1)你想到那里参观一下吗?Well show you the best of Taiwan island.A five-day tour.(2)_Only 5,000IncludingRound- trip plane tickets between Beijing and Taiwan.Bus service around Taiwan.Great tour guide service.PlacesSun Moon LakeA beautiful lake. A small island. On one side of the island, the lake looks like the sun, and on the other side it looks like the moon. (3)_.Ali MountainThe nearest mountain around Sun Moon Lake. A nice experience to have a party withGaoshan people. A wonderful place to see a very beautiful sunrise.Penghu LakeA great place for swimming, fishing, boating and eating delicious fruit and fresh fish.Gao XiongA great place to spend a full day shopping.Book (预定) NowOffice hours:Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m-7:00p.mSaturday: 9:00a.m-4:00p.mTel: 64599561Book by phone now for next month.61 . 将文中划线部分(1)的汉语句子译成英语。62 . 在文中划线部分(2)的空白处填入一个英语单词以说明所谈论的话题。63 . How many places can tourists visit in Taiwan seconding to this passage?64 . 将文中划线部分(3)的英语句子译成汉语。65 . How long is the office hour on Saturday?十、材料作文66 . 题目学校学生会将举办一次社团招新见面会(new recruits meeting),假如你是李华,是你们学校英语社团的负责人,请用英文完成一份招聘广告,内容包括:招新见面会的时间和地点,社团活动内容,以及招聘新社团的要求。提示词语: spoken English, sing, speech, interested, improve提示问题:When and where will the new recruits meeting be held?What activities do you have in your club?What are required for the new members?New Recruits WantedThe new recruits meeting for our English club will be held_If you want to join us, please come on time.第 11 页 共 11 页


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