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济南市2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The naughty boy deniedthe expensive vase when his parents asked him.AbreakingBbrokenCto breakDbreak2 . The singer often_on TV. We know her very well.AhappensBbecomesCappearsDtakes3 . My coat is very old, _my mother gets me a new one.AsoBbutCand4 . special class we had today! We learned about kung fu.AHowBWhatCHow aDWhat a5 . Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound( )Afool noonBton nodCchemistrychopsticks6 . Jim,can you _ your model car to school and show it to us?Sure.AbringBsellCcleanDfollow7 . Can you /ns/ _this question?AauntBcardCnumberDanswer8 . I wont tell him about it by phone _ he comes here by himself.Aas soon asBsinceCunlessDthough9 . Environment(环境) is very_,but you dont understand the_ of it,you always drop litter everywhereAimportant,importantBimportant,importanceCimportance,importanceDimportance,important10 . He didnt answer the phone immediately as he was_ on a difficult math problem.Abusy to workBbusy with workCbusy workingDbusying11 . Why not join us in the game, Millie?_, but I have to do my homework first.ALets goBId love toCYes, pleaseDIts a pleasure12 . My aunt to my house when my mother the housework yesterday.Acame, was doingBwas coming; didCwas coming, was doingDcame, did13 . go out for a picnic this weekend? Good idea!AHow aboutBWhy dont weCWould you like14 . -What does Jim look like?-He is the second_ student in our class. But Im_ than him.Ataller; tallestBthe tallest ;the tallerCtallest ;tallerDtallest ;the taller15 . We will raise some money for the SPCA _the end of March.AatBinCtoDof16 . Are you going to apply for(申请) the position by letter or_?AbyhandBin handCin publicDin person17 . Many volunteers will help to _ the city parks next Friday.Agive upBpick upCclean up18 . do you take the dancing class ? Once a week.AHow longBHow muchCHow oftenDHow soon19 . _ important computers are to everybody in a modern city!AWhatBHowCWhat anDHow an20 . 一The final exam is over. Will you stay at home or visit your grandparents?一, I miss them very much.AYes, I willBIll stay at homeCNo, I wontDIll visit my grandparents二、完型填空Do you often see snow? Many people in the world seldom see snow. Some countries even _ have snow. Some have only_ on the tops of very high mountains. In the north of England, there is quite a lot of snow every winter, _ in the south of England, there is usually little.When a student from a warm country goes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels _ at first. There are often dark_ grey sky and cold rains in England in this season. Most students from warm countries dont like this. But _ they can wait, they can enjoy the beauty of snow in one or two months. _are uncomfortable and few people like them. Snow is_though it is cold, it is also beautiful. Perhaps,after several dark mornings, the student _one day, and there is a lot of light in his room. He thinks Is it so late? and jumps out of bed. But no, it is not very late. He looks out of the window and there is snow on the ground and on the houses and_The light of his room comes from clean, beautiful snow.21 . AalwaysBneverCsometimesDoften22 . Aa littleBlittleCa fewDfew23 . AsoBorCbecauseDbut24 . AcomfortableBwarmChotDcold25 . ArainsBcloudsCwindsDfogs26 . AwhenBifCbecauseDwhile27 . ACold rainsBDark cloudsCBlue skiesDHot mornings28 . Athe sameBcommonCdifferentDterrible29 . Awakes upBputs upCgives upDputs off30 . AsomewhereBnowhereCeverywhereDsome where三、阅读单选Alfredo Moser is a Brazilian worker who is skilled at repairing machines. His wife says her husband has always been handy (手巧的) at home and made tables and chairs. Alfredo has invented a way of lighting his house during the day without electricity.He has been using plastic bottles filled up with water and a little bleach (漂白剂) to provide dark rooms with light for many years. And the idea has now spread across the world. It is predicted that his lighting system, which works using refraction (折射) of sunlight, will be fitted in over a million homes by the end of this year.Alfredo used normal plastic drink bottles that are often thrown away. The secret of the liquid in the bottles is the bleach added to water, which stops it turning green in the sunlight. Mr. Moser drills a hole in a roof tile (瓦片) and then pushes the bottle in from below, keeping the bottle in place with polyester resin (聚酯树脂). Depending on the strength of sunlight, the light fills his home, and the bottles are just like electric bulbs (灯泡) of between 40 and 60 watts (瓦).Alfredo came up with the idea for his “Moser light” during one of the blackouts in Brazil in 2002. He said only factories had power in his home city, in southern Brazil during the energy shortage.The local supermarket and his neighbours houses are using Moser lights. He earned a few dollars, but his invention has not made him a rich man. Now a great number of people admire what he is doing!31 . What did Alfredos wife think of him?AAlfredo was always busy repairing machines.BAlfredo couldnt do any housework.CAlfredo was clever with his hands.DAlfredo is a helpful man to save our world.32 . Why does Alfredo put a little bleach into the bottle?ABecause the bottle can give more light.BBecause the bleach can keep the bottle in a roof tile.CBecause the bleach can protect water from turning green.DBecause the bleach can reflect the sunlight.33 . Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?APeople can use Mosers lights only at night.BMosers light gives too poor light.CMosers bottles use electricity to light the room.DMosers bottle light is a green idea.34 . The underlined word “blackouts” in the passage probably means.A地震B停电C旱灾D洪涝35 . We can infer from the passage that _.AAlfredos lights will be more and more popularBnobody will buy Moser lights in the futureCAlfredo wont repair machines any moreDAlfredos invention will bring him a lot of money四、句型转换按要求改写句子36 . Chinese people often attend a family get-together on New Years Eve. (对画线部分提问)_Chinese people often _ on New Years Eve?37 . He hopes that he will be an astronaut in the future. (改为同义句)He _ be an astronaut in the future.38 . We had fun at the party yesterday. (改为同义句)We _ at the party yesterday.39 . We didnt visit the museum yesterday. We stayed at home. (合并为一句)We stayed at home _ the museum yesterday.40 . There are some special things about this festival. (改为一般疑问句)_special things about this festival?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. ( 用括号中所给单词的适当形式,完成下列句子)41 . Shanghai has _ a lot in the past 30 years. (change)42 . You look much _ than before. (health)43 . Do not see that film. Its_ . (frighten)44 . Why dont we go shopping instead of _ at home. (stay)45 . He must be very _(please) to meet us at the airport.46 . Im glad to know that he is still in good_ (healthy).47 . If you want to be good at English, you should practice_ (regular).48 . I havent seen my cousin for many years. He is no_ (long) a child.49 . If we are careful enough, there will be_ (few) car accidents.50 . Im still hungry. I want to eat_ (much) rice.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框所给的词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置,每个词限用一次。(每小题1分;共10分)influence between foreign who difficult complete spending different such learnNow more than 40 million 51 . around the world are learning Chinese, according to a report. The relationship 52 . the United States and China is becoming more and more important in the world. This has really 53 . the growth of Chinese language learning in U.S.I am Chris from the United States. I am one of the many people54 . are learning Chinese. I am studying at a Confucius Institute(孔子学院)in New York. There are 10 students in our class. Some are over thirty years old. Some are middle school students. Our teacher comes from Beijing. He is fun and often tells us interesting things in China. I think Chinese is55 . to learn. The biggest challenge for American learners is the writing. Chinese is 56 . different from any other language in the world. It will take me a lot of time to learn enough Chinese characters(汉字). But I think there are many benefits (益处) of57 . time in learning Chinese. One important benefit is that it makes me see things from a58 . point of view, because Chinese is 59 . a different language from English. I think for American the students most important benefit is that 60 . a challenging language can open up their eyes.“They are young farm horses and havent learned how to behave,” my mother told me. “You are different. Your father is well-known, and your grandfather 61 . won the most important race at Newmarket. Your grandfather was quiet and kind, and you have never seen me kick or bite, have you? I hope you will grow up to be 62 . and a willing worker and never bite or sick.”I have never forgotten my mothers advice. She was a clever and sensible old horse. Her name was Duchess, but our master often called her Pet. He was a good, kind man, and my mother loved him very much. Whenever she saw him at the gate, she trotted (小跑) across. He 63 . pat her and say. “Well, old Pet, and how is your little Darkie?” I was a dull black colour, so he called me Darkie. He sometimes brought 64 . bread for me, or a carrot for my mother, and I think we were his favorites.七、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词):Having a penpal is a great way to connect with others because a penpal is a connection between two persons, usually from d65 . countries.People of all ages can take part in this activity. Even though we have so many other w66 . of communicating today, for example, we can chat with others online. There is no doubt that receiving a letter in the post is something to look forward to.Many people also keep the letters they receive from their penpals for years and n67 . throw them away. As such they can provide a wonderful look into the past.Some people would like to find a pen pal in another country. For e68 . , if you are learning to speak and write in German, you might want to find a German pen pal. Through letters you will not only find out more about each other, but you will also be learning about each others languages.People have their own ideas about how a friendship between pen pals should develop. Some people dont do more than simply write to each other. O69 . prefer to make regular phone calls, while still more actually meet up at some point.八、回答问题阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Every month we look at a different artist. We think Haroshi is super coolhe makes sculptures from skateboards.Haroshi is in his late 30s. Hes a skateboarder but he also makes things from wood. He began skateboarding when he was 15 years old and he loved it. He used to skate every day. Now, if you know anything about skateboarding, youll know that skateboards dont last forever because they break. Haroshi didnt throw his out but he collected them. Over time he built up a big collection and at the same time he learnt about all the different types of skateboards. Surprisingly, not all skateboards are of the same shape and actually they are often built in different ways. By the time he was 25, he had a lot of collections of old skateboards.He decided he had to do something with them so he started to cut them up. As he was doing that, he noticed some interesting patterns(图案)in the wood. He then cut more and fixed them on top of each other. The first thing he created from the wood was a piece of jewelry. He created something new from something old.Today, however, he is known for his large 3D wooden sculptures. His ideas generally come from skateboarding culture, from skateboarding cats to cool trainers, but also everyday topics such as hurting yourself, getting better, being crazy about something and growing up. All skateboarders will understand these. Haroshi has made over 40 pieces and each piece takes a very long time. There is no doubt that he is very talented. But he had no formal art training. He taught himself.Haroshi held an exhibition(展览)in London last month. As we entered the rst room, we saw a huge bird that covered one wall. There was also a sculpture called Ordinary Life. It looked like a broken lega very common problem, of course. Its unbelievable to think that these sculptures are all made from broken skateboards. But theres something else that is really interesting about Haroshis works. In the twelfth century, Unkei, a sculptor, placed a glass ball in each of his works to show the heart of the piece. Haroshi also places something inside his sculpturesa piece of broken skateboard. In this way, he gives his sculptures life. We think that is just amazing!70 . When did Haroshi begin skateboarding?71 . What was the rst thing Haroshi created from the wood?72 . How many pieces of sculptures has Haroshi made?73 . What kind of person is Haroshi according to the passage?74 . What is the last paragraph mainly about?九、话题作文75 . 在初中两年多的英语学习中,同学们从课本中学习了有关“Family”、“Be polite to sb.”、“Protecting the environment”、“Volunteering”等话题和短语、词组。假定你是李磊,请参考这些话题和短语、词组,依据以下内容要点,写一篇题为“Im Proud of My Family”的英语短文,向校报投稿,讲述你的家庭故事。内容要点:1.全家人相亲相爱,努力学习、工作;2.邻里和睦,礼貌待人;3.爱护环境,从我做起;4.积极参加志愿活动,帮助贫困儿童。参考词汇:(仅供参考)1. work hard2 be friendly to each other3 get on well with4. protect the environment 5. be volunteers要求:1.包括所有内容要点,不要逐句翻译,可以适当发挥。2.80词左右,语法正确。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。3.文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、地点和所在的学校名称。Im Proud of My FamilyMy name is Li Lei. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family: my parents, my sister and I_第 12 页 共 12 页


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