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广州市2020年七年级上学期期末英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空完形填空,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择能填入空白处的正确答案,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。When I was seven, my mother gave me a small bag to keep my money in. I was_and I put it happily in my schoolbag.One day, I found my money bag was lost. All my money was in the bag. If I couldnt find it, I could buy_I looked for it everywhere but couldnt find it. I was very sad. It was not only_the money. I was afraid that my parents_be angry(生气的) with me. I kept thinking about how I lost my bag and_my parents would say to me. After school, I got on the school bus. Luckily, I didnt have no to pay for the bus. My parents_paid for it on the first day of every month.When I got home, I told my mother what_. She was very angry and gave me a long lecture (训斥). When my father came home and heard about my story, he just_He told me not to worry and he would buy me_small bag. I appreciated (感激) my father and I kept my money more_from then on.1 . AhappyBsadCtiredDbusy2 . AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing3 . Aup toBbecause ofCless thanDmore than4 . AmightBneedCwillDshould5 . AwhyBwhenCwhatDwhere6 . AneverBhardlyCeverDalways7 . AwaitedBtriedChappenedDforgot8 . AcaredBlaughedCworriedDshouted9 . AmoreBotherCothersDanother10 . AcarefullyBquicklyCloudlyDcheaply二、阅读单选ADear Sonia,I am having a party for my 13th birthday. Can you come to my birthday party? It will be a wonderful party. You can listen to some pop music and you can see a big birthday cake. I think its much bigger than your backpack. It is as big as a desk. Did you see such a cake? It will be a special party, too. Its also a ball. You can dance to the nice music. But you have to take a partner (伙伴). The party begins at 7:00 p.m. on Friday. Welcome to my house. You will enjoy yourself! Dont forget to take a boy!Lily11 . This is an invitation _.Ato a boyBfrom SoniaCto SoniaDto Lily12 . There is a very _ at the party.Abig backpackBsmall deskCbig cakeDbig desk13 . The underlined word “ball” means _.AbasketballBfootballCdancing partyDmatch14 . The party will be held (举行) _.Ain the eveningBnext FridayCon the weekendsDin the morning15 . If Bob goes to the party, he may need to take a _ with him.AboyBgirlCdogDballOn February 9th, 2013, Sarah Darling was walking along the street when she met a homeless man named Billy Ray Harris. She reached into her change purse, emptied out all the coins she had and gave them to the homeless man. Neither of them realized that this small generous act would change their lives.Sarah didnt realize that she had given Billy not only all her change but also her diamond ring that she had put in her change purse earlier until the following morning. She and her husband, Bill Krejci, rushed to see if they could find Billy. The homeless man was not only in the same place, he also immediately returned the ring. The grateful couple paid him back for his honesty by emptying out their pockets of all the money they had.Bill Krejci, a web designer, felt that he needed to do something more for this amazingly honest man. So on February 18th, he set up a special page to raise money for him. In just four days, Billy received over $85,000 and there seems to be no end yet.That is not enough. Billy is living with a person who is generous instead of living in the streets. And thats not all thanks to the news report, he got together again with his older brother, Edwin Harris, who he had been unable to find for 27 years.All the good luck is just because Billy did the right thing returning something that did not belong to him.16 . When did Sarah realize that she had also given Billy the diamond ring?AOn February 9th, 2013.BOn February 10th, 2013.COn February 18th, 2013.DOn February 22nd, 2013.17 . Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?ABilly is living with a generous person.BBilly has found his brother.CBilly bought a diamond ring.DBilly appeared in the news report.18 . The underlined word That in Paragraph 4 refers to(指代) _.Areturning the ringBsetting up a pageCliving in the streetsDreceiving money19 . Who did the diamond ring belong to?ASarah Darling.BBilly Ray Harris.CBill Krejci.DEdwin Harris.20 . Whats the best title of the passage?AGenerous Woman Changed Her Own LifeBKind Man Set Up Special PageCHomeless Man Returned Diamond RingDMany People Donated Much MoneyJack:Sue! You wear a new coat! Its nice!Sue:Thank you, Jack. This is my birthday present(礼物)Jack:Oh! When is your birthday?Sue:Its October 1st.Its National Day, too.Jack:Its great! Who gave this great present to you?Sue:My mother. I received (收) a lot of presents from my family.Jack:I think you must be(一定) happy.Sue:Of course, I enjoy my birthday party very much.21 . Whats Sues birthday present?AA new coat.BA new watch.CA new bike.DA new T-shirt.22 . When is Sues birthday?ATeachers Day.BNew Years Day.CNational Day.DChildrens Day.23 . Who gave this present to Sue?AHer father.BHer brother.CHer mother.DHer uncle.24 . Is Sue happy on the birthday?ANo, she isnt.BYes, she is.CShe is happy.DShe isnt happy.25 . Whats it about?AJacks birthday.BSues friend.CNational Day.DSues birthday present.(A)Name: Bob SmithCountry: the USALive in China: 3 yearsFavourite food: potatoesFamily: I live with my wife and a 3-year-old daughter.Job: Im an English teacher in a university.Name: JennyCountry: EnglandLive in China: 5 yearsFavourite food: noodlesFamily: I have two daughters. They are studying here. My husband works in a hotel.Job: Im a doctor.Name: GeorgeCountry: AmericaLive in China: 2 yearsFavourite food: potatoes and chickenFamily: My grandfather, my parents and my sister live in America.Job: Im a factory worker.26 . Bob Smith lives in China for _ years.AthreeBoneCtwoDfive27 . Jenny has got _ daughters.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive28 . Jenny works in a _.AfactoryBuniversityChospitalDfarm29 . George comes from _.AChinaBAmericaCEnglandDJapan30 . Which of the following is NOT true(不正确)?ABob isnt an English teacher.BJennys husband works in a hotel.CGeorges parents live in America.DBoth(都)Bob and George like potatoes.三、句型转换句型转换31 . Hurry up, or well be late for the bus. (改为复合句)_ we _ hurry, well be late for the bus.32 . I think. It wont get colder the day after tomorrow. (合并为一句)I _ think it _ get colder the day after tomorrow.33 . Can you come to my birthday party? (作肯定回答)_, Id _ to.34 . I wont go to her birthday party unless she invites me. (同义句转换)I wont go to her birthday party _ she _ me.35 . I am going to do_my_homework tonight. (对画线部分提问)_ you going to do tonight?四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词36 . Are there any _(奶牛)on the farm?37 . My grandparents are _(农民)They live in a village.38 . Did you see any chickens?Yes, I saw _(相当)a lot.39 . Mike learnt to ride a _(马)last week.40 . How was your school _(旅游)?41 . My uncle always _ (种植) some vegetables in his garden.42 . Tom usually _(骑)his bike to school.43 . Carol _(采;摘)some strawberries on the farm last weekend.44 . Henry went to the _(乡村)to visit his grandparents yesterday.45 . The basketball game was _(极好的)Everyone was excited.五、选用适当的单词补全对话B. 据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。magazine deal return advise throughAnn: You look sad, Tom. Whats wrong?Tom: Well, I found my sister looking46 . my things yesterday. She took some of my new47 . and CDs.Ann: Hmmthats not very nice. Did she48 . them to you? Tom: Yes, but Im still angry with her. What should I do?Ann: Well, I guess you could tell her to say sorry. But why dont you forget about it so that you can be friends again? Although shes wrong, its not a big 49 . .Tom: Youre right. Thanks for your50 . . Ann: No problem. Hope things work out.六、信息匹配阅读下面5小题的人物介绍,从A-F中选择相对应的卡片(有一项多余)。A. My room FT3452B. Frank Smith Class Four, Grade FiveC. My QQ 12859083D. My telephone 6348129E. My phone number 5033982F. My telephone 674812951 . Im a girl. My telephone number is six seven four, eight one two, nine.52 . Im a boy. My family name is Black. My telephone number is five zero three, three nine eight, two.53 . Im Frank Smith. Im in Class Four, Grade Five.54 . Im from England, I dont have a telephone. My QQ number is 12859083.55 . Jessica Miller lives in Newston Hotel. Her room number is FT3452.七、材料作文56 . 书面表达。假如你最好的朋友叫Mary, 她学习很好,因为她有非常好的生活习惯。请从以下几个方面向大家做一下介绍。提示:(1)早睡早起,从不熬夜(stay up late);(2)饮食习惯好,每天吃很多蔬菜和水果,从不吃垃圾食品;(3)身体健康,每周锻炼三、四次,每天步行上学;(4)在学校学习努力,课堂上认真听讲,按时完成作业;(5)闲时在家经常看书,有时上网,每周打扫两次房间,喜欢帮妈妈做家务。提示词: healthy lifestyle健康的生活习惯; get good grades取得好成绩;_第 9 页 共 9 页


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