英语七年级上册STARTER UNIT 3课时练习

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英语七年级上册STARTER UNIT 3课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . This is Alan Brown. Alan is his _ .Afirst nameBmiddle nameClast name2 . 下面的四组字母中不含有相同的元音音素的是:Ak h aBc d gCx s mDf g h3 . How do you spell “box”? _.AIts a boxBB-O-XCA boxDb-o-x4 . Driving in the mountains can be very _. You must be more careful.AinterestingBboringCsafeDdangerous5 . Its_orange. Its_ yellow orange.Aa;aBan; anCa;anDan;a6 . 与单词“tea”同音的字母是_。ARrBIiCTtDAa7 . HB的意思是“”。A不明飞行物B激光唱片C英国广播公司D硬黑8 . I cant find my bag, Dad.Go and _ your sister _ one.Athank; forBask; forClook; forDask; to9 . 找出含有相同元音音素的一组字母。Aj , pBg ,pCd , rDb , i10 . Thats _ orange. _ orange is_ orange.Aan;An;theBan;The;/CThe;the;The;Dan;An;/二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。AIm fine, too. BIts a ruler. CWhat color is your ruler?DR-U-L-E-R. EIts yellow. FHow are you?GGood morning.A: Hello, Frank!B: Hi, Cindy!A: 11 . B: Im OK, thanks. And you?A: 12 . Oh, whats this in English?B: 13 . A: Please spell it. B: 14 . And its a white ruler. A:Oh. 15 . B: It is yellow.三、完型填空I like to be near water-sea, lake or river. That is probablybecauseI was born in a village _ the sea, and have lived most of my life close to water ofsome _. When I am in some place _ isfar from the lake, river and sea, I amrestlessand always _ that there is something missingthough it is sometimes hard to _ what it is.Of course, the sports I like are _ whichneedwater-sailing, rowing and swimming, It is_to swim in small swimming-pools, _rowing and sailing are impossiblewithouta lot of water. Rowing is the best on a river,andsailing on the sea or a big lake, butonecan _ some sailing on a river, and one cancertainlyrow on a lake or the sea when the weather is good.Of the three sports-swimming, rowing and sailing, I likerowing_, because it is the_ tocontinueduring the winter when the water is too cold forswimming and the sea is often too rough for sailing._on the coldest days one can row: only iceon the water, or thick fog stops one. Sometimes it is so cold when I go _ thatdropsof water _. In suchweather, it is not very _ to swim: one cant stay in the water long;however, when one is rowing, one gets warmer soon.16 . AbyBonCinDfar from17 . AgoodBkindCplaceDland18 . AthereBwhichCwhereDwhen19 . AknowBfindCfeelDwant20 . AmakeBseeCdoDsay21 . AfewBsomeCmanyDthose22 . AableBeasyCpossibleDimpossible23 . AbutBandChoweverDor24 . AhaveBgetCmakeDdo25 . AbetterBmoreCbestDleast26 . Amost interestingBcoldestChardestDeasiest27 . AEvenBEverCButDOnly28 . Ato rowingBon rowingCout rowingDon to row29 . AfreezeBwindCturn warmDget cool30 . AgladBpleasedCpleasureDpleasant四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)31 . -Whats your h_?-I like fishing.32 . Dont tell anyone about my plan. Keep it a s_.33 . Tom is interested in stamps. He likes c_ stamps very much.34 . -Lily is a l_ girl.-Yeah! She never cleans her room at home.35 . I dont like lions because theyre u_.36 . Im going to the post office. Will you l_ me your bike?37 . Would you please write down your name, home a_, and mobile phone number?38 . Its a u_ book. You can learn a lot from it.39 . If something happens d_, it happens every day.40 . Spring is the best time for p_ trees.五、看图识词根据图片写出其对应字母的大小写41 . bl _42 . wh _ e43 . gr _ n44 . y _ ll_45 . r _ d46 . p _ ple47 . br _ n48 . _ r _ nge六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子49 . 我现在明白了。_ I _ .50 . 我会用英语说它。I can say it _ .51 . 那把尺子是白色的。_ is _ .52 . 它是一件黑色的夹克衫。Its a _ .53 . 我的被子是紫色的。_ quit is _ .七、完成句子54 . 由于下雨了,上周末我们没有去迪士尼公园We didnt go to the Disneyland_the rain55 . 当我离开时,他正在做家庭作业He_his homework when I left56 . 孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好_kids learn to be independent,_it is for their future57 . I have already put my book in my backpack(否定句)I_ put my book in my backpack_58 . I have studied English for four years(对画线部分提问)_have you studied English?七、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词或词组的适当形式填空,每词限用1次。play it be good child59 . _your friend from England, Tom?No, he is from the USA60 . This is my sisters cat. _name is Kitty.61 . Tom is good at sports. He can play basketball very_.62 . Look! Many_ are playing football on the playground.63 . What a fine day! How about_ basketball together?八、汉译英:单词/短语64 . 月饼_65 . 灯笼_66 . 陌生人_67 . 亲戚_68 . 磅_69 . 增加_第 7 页 共 7 页


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